MIA: Subject: Natural Science


Marxism & Natural Science

“...the principle of relativism, the relativity of our knowledge, a principle which, in a period of breakdown of the old theories, is taking a firm hold upon the physicists, and which, if the latter are ignorant of dialectics, is bound to lead to idealism.”
[Lenin, Materialism and Empirio-criticism.]


Mathematical Manuscripts, 1881

Letters on Natural Science, Marx & Engels


Part Played by Labour in Transition from Ape to Man, 1876
Anti-Dühring, 1877: (Time and Space, Cosmogony, Physics, Chemistry, The Organic World and The Organic World. Conclusion)
Dialectics of Nature, 1883


Materialism and Empirio-criticism, 1908
On the Significance of Militant Materialism, 1922

Karl Kautsky

The Ethics Of Darwinism, 1906

Anton Pannekoek

Marxism And Darwinism, 1912

JBS Haldane

Human Biology and Politics, 1934
A Dialectical Account of Evolution, 1937
Preface to Engels' Dialectics of Nature, 1939
From The Marxist Philosophy and the Sciences, 1939
      other works by Haldane

JD Bernal

The World, the Flesh and the Devil, 1929
Dialectical Materialism and Modern Science, 1937


The Crisis in Psychology, Lev Vygotsky, 1927
Friedrich Engels And Mathematics, Jean van Heijenoort, 1948

From “Science at the Crossroads,” 1931

Theory and Practice From The Standpoint of Dialectical Materialism, Nikolai Bukharin
Physics and Technology, A. Joffe
Relations of Science, Technology, and Economics Under Capitalism, and in the Soviet Union, M. Rubinstein
The "Physical" and "Biological" in the Process of Organic Evolution, B. Zavadovsky
Dynamic and Statistical Regularity in Physics and Biology, E. Colman
The Problem of the Origin of the World's Agriculture in the Light of the Latest Investigations, N. I. Vavilov (1887-1943)
The Work of Faraday and Modern Developments in the Application of Electrical Energy, W. Th. Mitkewich
The Present Crisis in the Mathematical Sciences and General Outlines for Their Reconstruction, E. Colman
Short Communication on the Unpublished Writings of Karl Marx Dealing With Mathematics, The Natural Sciences and Technology and the History of these Subjects, E. Colman

“Marxism and Soviet Science”

Marxism and Natural Sciences, Y. M. Uranovsky, 1935
Soviet Science: Thirty Years, S. I. Vavilov (1891-1951), 1948
"The Subject Matter of Marxist Philosophy", O. Yakhot, first talk from What is Dialectical Materialism? (1965)
"What is Matter and in What Forms Does it Exist?", O. Yakhot, third talk from What is Dialectical Materialism? (1965)
"Matter and Consciousness", O. Yakhot, fourth talk from What is Dialectical Materialism? (1965)


On the Grain Front, Stalin, 1928
Answers to the Questions, I.V. Michurin, 1934
For the Journal: For the Marxist-Leninist Natural Science!
      Genetics in the Soviet Union
Three Speeches From the 1939 Conference on Genetics and Selection,
      Vavilov, Lysenko and Polyakov
Lysenko and Genetics, JBS Haldane, 1940
Soviet Biology: Report to the Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, T.D. Lysenko, 1948
New Developments in the Science of Biological Species, Lysenko, 1950
Preface to Michurin's Selected Works, P. N. Yakovlev, 1949
The Lysenko Muddle, George Bernard Shaw, 1949
Getting Started on Lysenkoism, Robert Young, 1978
Lysenko and Lysenkoism, Helena Sheehan, 1985

Marxism and the New Physics, Paul Mattick, 1960
Methodology of Present-day Science, Shoichi Sakata, 1968
The Ethic of Knowledge and the Socialist Ideal, Jacques Monod, 1970

Other MIA texts related to science

The Time Machine, H.G. Wells, 1895
Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution, Peter Kropotkin, 1902
Kropotkin Was No Crackpot, Stephen Jay Gould, 1997
Relativity: The Special and General Theory, Albert Einstein, 1916
Epistemology & Modern Physics
  (Schlick, Bridgman, Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg, Carnap, Quine)
Icarus, or The Future of Science, Bertrand Russell, 1924
Turning Night Into Day: The Story of Lighting, M. Ilin, 1936