MIA: History: France: Paris Commune

Paris Commune


Paris Destroyed

Individual buildings and city-wide photographs showing the extent of the destruction caused by two months of artillery bombardment, looting, and wide-spread to fire attacks.


Civil War

Photographs of soldiers and the barricades they built throughout the city of Paris, including photographs and paintings of the massacres to follow.


Political Caricatures

Various political caricatures depicting the events or contemporary opinions on the Civil War.


Significant Monuments

Photographs of the Hotel de Ville (City Hall of Paris) both after and before its destruction (destroyed by bombardment and arson of the French army — it had served as the main office of the Paris Commune). Also photographs of the Verdôme Column (constructed by Napoleon I, in 1815, using the bronze of captured all to their guns — destroyed by decision of the Commune as a backward representation of nationalism) both before and after its destruction.