Paris Commune: Image Gallery


par00036 par00044 par00093 par00094 par00095 par00096
Hotel de Ville (destroyed) Verdôme Column (destroyed) Hotel de Ville (destroyed) Hotel de Ville (destroyed) Hotel de Ville (destroyed -- right side) Hotel de Ville (destroyed -- center)
par00097 par00098 par00101 par00153 par00242 par00315
Hotel de Ville (destroyed -- left side) Hotel de Ville (destroyed) Verdôme Column (destroyed) par00153.jpg Verdôme Column (destroyed) Hotel de Ville (intact)
par00330 par00333 par00334 par00341 par00787 par00788
Hotel de Ville (intact) Verdôme Column (intact) Verdôme Column (intact) Hotel de Ville (destroyed -- center) Verdôme Column (intact) Verdôme Column (destroyed)
par00865 par00899 par00915 par00916
Hotel de Ville (destroyed -- center) Hotel de Ville (intact) Verdôme Column (intact) par00916.jpg


No images linked in these galleries are used by the Marxists Internet Archive. This image gallery is a selection of images owned by the Northwestern University Library; all thumbnails are links to images on the Northwestern University Library server. If you would like to obtain permission to use their images, Mail Northwestern University or phone: (847) 491-3635