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[New York]



Vol. 8 No. 1, 3 January 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Nationalize the Railroads and Steel!

An Editorial

Rail and Steel Workers Drive for Higher Wages, by Carl Davis

Roosevelt Joins the Chorus; “New Deal” is Outmoded, by Susan Green

The Strike at Point Breeze: Company Incites Race Bias, by V. Jensen

Michigan CIO Leaders Move for Labor Party, by Martin Harvey

American Ship Workers Strike in Defense of Union Leader, by James Shea

No Shortage of Profits for Canning Firms Either

Next Week

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Your Sub’s Expired? Renew It! You Haven’t a Sub? Get One!

Labor Action Bound Volume for 1943

A Lesson in Workers’ Solidarity, by Stanley Grey

The Story of Harriet Tubman and the American Civil War, by W.F. Carlton

Bishop Spellman Speaks for Franco, by Chris Sikokis

The Meaning of the New Yugoslavian Provisional Government, by Max Shachtman

“Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All Men,” with Weapons, by Gertrude Shaw

Workers Party School Ends; New Term Begins in February

Montgomery Ward’s Boss Avery Seeks to Suppress Union Paper

The Struggle for an Independent Labor Party in the U.S., Resolution of the Workers Party

Vol. 8 No. 2, 10 January 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Supreme Court Rejects Appeal of the Eighteen

In 1944 Labor Needs an Independent Party, by David Coolidge

General Marshall Smears American Labor

Klan Elements in Detroit Again Whitewashed, by Ben Hall

Bosses’ Anti-Labor Propaganda Among Soldiers Has a Reason – Not a Good One, by Gertrude Shaw

Super-Heroic Profits for the Airlines – $168,421 per Plane

News and Views from the World of Labor

World Events, by Europacus

Minority Resolution on Question of Forming Labor Party, by Paul Temple

‘Look Here, Mr. Striker ―’, by Kenneth Walsh

Now YOU Look HERE, Seaman Walsh ..., by Max Shachtman

Iran Oil – Another Chapter of the Same Old Story, by Paul Ullman

Line to Nut House Forms Here

No Fooling!

Workers Still Getting the Run-Around, by Walter Weiss

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Robber Barons – A Saga of the Railroads, by William A. Stokes


Vol. 8 No. 3, 17 January 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Browder “Dissolves” Party; Backs Capitalism

FDR for Slave Law! by David Coolidge

The New Convert! (cartoon), by Carlo

An Editorial

Cramp Strike Answers Company Anti-Union Acts

How Steel Monopolies Split the Booty

A Report on Rail Profits

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Levy Case and Army Jim Crow Put Up to President Roosevelt

Ceylon Trotskyist Leaders Imprisoned

Next Week

General Marshall Overlooked Something: Merchants of Death and Soldiers, by Gertrude Shaw

Somervell’s Evasions Protect Standard Oil Canol Grab, by V. Jensen

Sparks in the News, by John Berne

Polish Government in Exile Loaded with Anti-Semites, by J. Kaaren

Minority Resolution on Question of Forming Labor Party, by Paul Temple

The Drive on the Labor Movement: FDR Administration Leads the Attack, by Walter Weiss

The Politics Behind the Indian Famine, an editorial from India Today

Labor Must Organize the Fight Against Anti-Semitism, by Susan Green

British-American Rivalry in Asia

Next Week

Vol. 8 No. 4, 24 January 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

CIO-AFL Assail Labor Draft Bill; Fight Efforts to Cripple Unions, by Susan Green

Nine Men Named ‘Wilson’ ―

Negro Manpower Not Utilized

‘Scrap the Union’ Is GM Response to UAW Demands, by Mike Wylie

Food Stamps No Substitute for Jobs and Good Wages, by Nancy Nathan

FDR’s Message to Congress, by David Coolidge

Pravda ‘Peace’ Story Stalin Maneuver

A Case of Faulty Arithmetic

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Note to G.C., Berkeley, Calif.

Who Helped Hitler Rearm?

Herlands Reports on Anti-Semitism in New York City

Tresca Murder Still Unsolved

Stalinist “Liberation” of Poland an Imperialist Grab, by Max Shachtman


Take Politics Out of Relief, by Harry Allen

WLB has “Principles” – Witness Its Garment Workers Decision, by Walter Weiss

Big Business Hangs Onto War Profits, by V. Jensen

Vol. 8 No. 5, 31 January 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Stop the Political Sell-Out to FDR! Organize Labor’s Own Party in ’44, by John Berne

URWA Ranks Fight Union-Wrecking by Dalrymple, by Bill Ford

Problem of Post-War Jobs Ties In with Labor Party, by Gertrude Shaw

Dalrymple Makes Big Mistake, by John C. Green

More Profits in 1944

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Great Britain Holds Up Trial of Noted French Fascists

New International Features Timely Articles, Reviews

Rockefeller Bank Indicted for ‘Trading with the Enemy’

Why Shipyard Workers Strike – Case History of a ‘Wildcat’, by Victor H. Johnson, from The Nation

Labor Must Ditch War Labor Board to Save Its Skin, by Susan Green

Labor Resumes Poll-Tax Battle, by Jessie Kaaren

Preparations for World War III

A Post-War ‘Prosperity’ Note – Peace Rumor Panics Wall Street, by Dan Berger

Strikes in Wartime Japan! by Nancy Nathan

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Refugees Ask Exit FROM Russia

Vol. 8 No. 6, 7 February 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

Sequel to the Miners’ Strike, by Gertrude Shaw

Cost of Living Up 45.5%, Wages Are Frozen at 15%, by Susan Green

Break the Chain! (cartoon), by Carlo

Here’s a Laugh, But a Sales Tax Is Nothing to Laugh At

Casualties at War Plants, by Hildy Johnson

Another “Dissolution”

Can You Top This?

NAACP Joins with Labor Group in Defense of Negro Unionist

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

The Virtue of Frankness

... Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

India Paying Billions for England’s War, by Stanley Grey

No Let-Up in Nazi Torture of the Jews

Roosevelt’s Anti-Labor Plans Are Real, by Walter Weiss

Growing Unity Between Jews and Moslems in North Africa

Maintenance of Membership Attacked, by John Berne

New Course Recommended to Our Readers, by Paul Ullman


Shadow of Unemployment, by V. Jensen

One Engine or Three, by Nancy Nathan

From England: Unbelievable Statement

“Join Hands with German Workers!”

Workers Party Meeting Explains “Dissolution” of Communist Party, by R. Craine

Vol. 8 No. 7, 14 February 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

FDR for Any Anti-Labor Bill, by Max Shachtman

Soldiers Against Labor Draft

Disgusting Antics – Including Anti-Semitic Jabs – As Congress Stalls on Soldier Vote

No “Enemies” in Business Deals, by V. Jensen

What’s Stalin Up to Now?

Progressives Win Brewster Election

Funds for the 18

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

A Reader Likes Our Ideas, from M.A.

Plenty of Paper for Anti-Semitic Lies

‘Common Man’ Wallace Can’ Fight Fascism, by Ralph Marvin

A Pipeline to Carry Oil and Profits, by Stanley Grey

A “Lasting Peace” Based on Exploitation, by Leon Gordon

Ickes Ought to Know

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Roosevelt Whitewashed at FEPC Meeting But Audience Senses Need for More Effective Action, by F. Forest

Willkie’s Plan Would Mean 40% Withholding or 15% Sales Tax, by Gertrude Shaw

Respect for the Nazi Mind

Lynn Case Decision

Atrocity Posters for Speed-Up

Hillman and Stalinists Bring ALP to Verge of Crack-Up, by Albert Gates

Vol. 8 No. 8, 21 February 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

Congress Votes Price Rise

Roosevelt Planned Smear-Labor Campaign, by Walter Weiss

The “Big Steal” Formula (cartoon), by Carlo

No Ballots for Soldiers

“Seaman” Walsh Is a Phony!

Labor Action Subscriptions Hit New High

Stalin ‘Finds’ Vatican Pro-Fascist, by Chris Sikokis

Next Week

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

New Protest to Knox on Seabee Discharges

Labor Draft No Surprise, Says Writer, from W.W.

Navy Yard, Army Camp, Red Cross – All Discriminate, by Ruth Leonard

Why U.S. Does Not Recognize Bolivia, by Paul Ullman

Rail Profits Come Before Safety and Progress, by Eugene Vaughn

Italy’s Fascists Hop AMG Bandwagon, by Jessie Kaaren

New International for February Features Review of American Labor Party

Negro Children Manhandled by Cops, by C.W.

Time Out – To Bury the Dead


Nazis Study AMG Rule in Italy – To Prevent a German Revolt, by Sara Klein

Teaches Tolerance – Gets Fired, by Julian Stern

Restless British Workers Breaking Political Ties with Churchill Tories, by Nancy Nathan

Cropper Fights Illegal Entry

Not the Truth – Just Advertising

Capt. Rick Knows His Unions

Vol. 8 No. 9, 28 February 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

Rail Union Votes Resolution for Labor Party

FDR’s Veto of Tax Bill Leaves Issue Unsettled

In the Next Issue of Labor Action: First Detailed Report on Italy to Appear in This Country

“States’ Rights” Is a Phony Block to Soldier Vote, by Walter Weiss

Juggling Living Cost Figures, by W. White

News and Views from the Labor Front

Shachtman Tours Midwest

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

A Reader Discovers an Error; We Agree and Explain, from M.M.

Only Socialism Can Bring Peace and Freedom (speech), by Max Shachtman

United Mine Workers Journal Tells Truth About the Cost of Living, from United Mine Workers Journal

The Baruch Plan: For Monopoly and Profits, by Eugene Vaughn

Jews of Europe Face Doom, by Jessie Kaaren

On Fascism: What Some Liberals and Educators Say

A Southern Gentleman on Capital Punishment

A Scoundrel Takes His Life

Quality and Prices of Goods Show Workers Getting Gyped

Vol. 8 No. 10, 6 March 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

Read First-Hand Report from Italy on this Page!

Some Whys and Wherefores on the Subsidy Question, by Gertrude Shaw

Destroy the Black Market! by Susan Green

Brewster Local Must Get Fired Stewards Back on Their Jobs

Roosevelt-Barkley Tax Fight, by John Berne

Conditions of Labor in “Liberated” Italy

News and Views from the Labor Front

What Soldier Vote?

A Correction, But No Change

I’ll Have One, Too

A Reader Wrote In on Subject of Congress, by Ruth Philips

United States Employment Service: How It Serves the Boss – Not the Worker, by Joe Leonard

International Finagling by the Capitalists, by Eugene Vaughn

No Freedom of Expression in the Army, by Stan Lepetit

Bilbo’s ‘Plan’ for Negro ‘Freedom’

Shachtman in Buffalo

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green


Tribute to Austrian Workers Who Fought Fascism in 1934, by Sylvia Merrill

Vol. 8 No. 11, 13 March 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

Riot Sticks and Black-Jacks for Use Against Labor, by N. Nathan

General Strike in Italy – Workers Rebel Against Invaders

Your Future in the Hands of a Cotton Broker and a Director of Sperry’s

America Firsters Meet in Philadelphia

ALP Backs Tammany Choice, by T.R. Cobb

News and Views from the Labor Front

Shachtman in Chicago

Press Action

Rankin Joins List of Stalin’s Admirers, by J. Jacoby

An Editorial

Militarism for Post-War Use Being Planned, by Stanley Lepetit

Butter Wasted, by Jessie Kaaren

Child Labor, by Ruth Philips

Army Air Force Discrimination

Negro Children Abused

Division in Palestine Labor

Discrimination on Increase Says Regional Director


In March We Celebrate

Parade of Milkmen, by Ernest Lund

Advertising Pays

Vol. 8 No. 12, March 20, 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

Stalin Recognizes the Fascist Badoglio, by Susan Green

Welsh Miners Out in Mass Strikes, by Mike Stevens

Steelworkers Must Get Their Wage Increase

Shake Them Down (cartoon), by Carlo

Situation in Ford Motor Co. Reaches Crisis

Our Brothers in Arms Being Disfranchised by Congress, by John Berne

Michigan Meeting Fumbles in Forming New Party, by Ben Hall

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Perhaps the Matter Isn’t Closed

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Lawmakers at Work – A Day in the House, by Tom Tanakos

San Pedro Local 9 – How Pollard Was Supported by Communists

News and Views from the Labor Front

How the System of Checks and Balances Works, by Walter Weiss


Change of Policy on Palestine, by Jessie Kaaren

Debunking a Fable, by Nancy Nathan

Little Difference

Vol. 8 No. 13, 27 March 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

Workers Party Platform

Food Stock in Storage; Release It for Our Use!

Who is Sabotaging the Soldiers? by John Berne

30-Hr. Week Is a Cinch – You Bet! by Nancy Nathan

Fight in ALP Subject of Talk by Shachtman

Landlord Gets 30% Raise

Not Advertised

Mailing Rights Restored to The Militant

New Crop of Star-Spangled Millionaires is Being Born, by David Coolidge

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Baruch Plan Is for Monopoly Capitalism – Not for Free Economy, by Eugene Vaughn

Setting the Stage for a National Slave Labor Law, by Walter Weiss

Hamburg Workers Want New Party

Loyal to His Class

Workers Party Convention Discussed Important Issues

Bruce Bliven, by William Gorman

Platform of Workers Party

‘Equal Rights’, by V. Jensen

Not So Dumb

Air Control – A Bone of Contention, by Julian Stern

Vol. 8 No. 14, 3 April 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

Henry “Houdini” Kaiser

Support the Demands of the Steel Workers

The Washingston Run-Around, by Walter Weiss

Coughlin Tries to Influence Labor, by V. Jensen

Hillman-Communist Bloc Wins over Dubinsky in ALP Primaries

Who Is Getting Rich out of the War?

News and Views from the Labor Front

French Labor Struck Against the Nazis, by Europacus

Press Action

New International for March ―

Stettinius Goes to Placate Great Britain, by Eugene Vaughn

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Motives Behind the Arabian Oil Scandal, by Jessie Kaaren

“Uncle Toms”

Lynn Case

Public Education Was Won by Labor, by Ruth Philips


Platform of the Workers Party

Oil on Troubled Waters, by Nancy Nathan

Vol. 8 No. 15, 10 April 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

An Editorial Statement

AFL Blasts Wage Freeze at Hearings Before WLB

Italian Trotskyists Call for Workers’ Councils

500% Profit Not Enough for Big Food Corporations

News and Views from the Labor Front

No Gold Pavements

March New International

... Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

News and Views from the Labor Front

When Capitalists “Educate” Workers

Smoke Them Out

Review of the News

C.P. Leaders Sponsor New Party: Communist Party Is Cracking

Will Capitalism Provide Jobs for All Workers? by Susan Green

Life Imprisonment for Negro Soldiers – ‘Scottsboro’ Method, by Jessie Kaaren

Peasants Rebel in China, by L.K. Low

Vol. 8 No. 16, 17 April 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

Workers Party Platform – Why Does Labor Need a Program of Action? by Max Shachtman

FDR Deaf to Wage Claim of CIO-AFL! by Walter Weiss

Shoes and Capitalist Profits

Lord Londonderry of THE Londonderrys: Typical British Mine Owner, by Mike Stevens

News and Views from the Labor Front

Platform of the Workers Party

World Events, by Europacus

17¢ versus $17,000

Portrait of a Government Official – Showing Powers That Pull the Political Strings

The Antics of the Communist Party – Browder Glad NAM Talks Like Him, by Albert Gates

More Than Year Since Tresca Murder – Case Still Unsolved Mystery – Why?


Break It! (cartoon), by Carlo

Weirton Teaches a Lesson, by Nancy Nathan

Farrell on Radio

More on DeGaulle and the Communists

Vol. 8 No. 17, 24 April 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

Post-War Plans of AFL Are a Farce, by David Coolidge

NLRB Sides with Bosses Against Striking Workers

Let Him Have It! (cartoon)

Poll Tax Hits Black and White Labor, by John Berne

“Big Three” to Join in Armed Dictatorship over Germany

Italian Events

AKRON CIO Backs URWA Rank and File, by Bill Ford

News and Views from the Labor Front

Politicians Wrangle for Political Domination in New York Negro Congressional District


Gates on Tour

“New Era” by Johnston Is a Droll Affair, by Walter Weiss

A Professor Says Facts Are Not “Scientific”, by Sam Adams

A Seabee and a C.B., by Earl Wilson, from New York Post

Fear Inflated Stomachs

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Comment on Articles on Zionism, by Ben Hall

An Editorial Statement

Wallace’s Job in China, by L.K. Low

The Cost of Living on the Carpet Again

Japanese Workers Defy Government

A Filthy Labor-Hater

Vol. 8 No. 18, 1 May 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

Problems Before Convention of Steel Workers ―
1. Rescind No-Strike Pledge
2. Build Real Labor Party
, by David Coolidge

For a Labor Party and a Workers Government, by Max Shachtman

What are YOU Doing About Subs for Labor Action? by T.R. Cobb

The Struggle for Independent Labor Political Action, by Sam Adams

Sitting on the Lid (cartoon), by J. Reilly

Events in Italy and Germany

A May Day Tribute to the Glorious Russian Revolution of 1917, by Reva Craine

New International – A Magazine of Revolutionary Marxism, by Henry Coleman

A May Day Review of Labor and Its Problems

Strength in Unity (cartoon), by J. Reilly

Where Does Poletti Take His Walks

A May Day Review of Labor and Its Problems

The Present Stage of the Italian Revolution, by Max Shachtman

Fourth Anniversary of the Workers Party, by Albert Gates

Labor Action – The Paper Every Worker Should Read, by Gertrude Shaw

War and the Working Class: Meet Mrs. Neame – Working Woman, by Susan Green

It Can Be Done (cartoon), by Carlo

Novelist James T. Farrell Appeals for Support for Victims of the Gag Act

Vol. 8 No. 19, 8 May 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

FDR Action at Ward’s No Solution for Workers

Detroit PAC Hogties Labor to FDR, by Ben Hall

Tenants in Government Houses Stage Rent Strike

Plan of Action for URWA, by Bill Ford

Gates on Tour

Workers Party Platform, by Max Shachtman

“Wages” That Are Not Frozen

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Just What Is a “Hero”?

News and Views from the Labor Front

April New International Out

Platform of Workers Party

How Fascism Comes About, by Reva Craine

A Liberal Shows His Hand, by Gertrude Shaw

Vol. 8 No. 20, 15 May 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

Billions for Big Business – Nothing for Labor in Senate Bill, by Susan Green

How About Me? (cartoon), by J. Reilly

A Reader Blitzes Labor Action with 60 Subs! by T.R. Cobb

Missouri Farm Laborers Face Eviction

Union Comes Out Strong in Montgomery Ward Election

Sell-Out of Tenants by False Leader

News and Views from the Labor Front

Gates Meetings a Success

Steel Companies Pay Out 1600% More Dividends – Can’t “Afford” 17¢ Wage Increase

Labor Action Gets Report from Naples

Good Neighbors

World Events, by Europacus

Prepare to Resist Attacks, by Jimmie Little


AFL Post-War Proposals, by David Coolidge

Charity by the Baruchs or Social Planning by a Workers’ Government, by Nancy Nathan

Two Excellent Points

We Like this Kind of Appreciation, from S.H.

Montgomery Ward Duplicity: Legality, Capitalist Style, by Walter Weiss

Vol. 8 No. 21, 22 May 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

Foremen’s Strike Highlights Detroit Labor Unrest

Anti-Poll-Tax Bill Ditched

Stiff Fight on Renewal of No-Strike Pledge, by David Coolidge

Comments on Important News

Sperry Local Still Without Contract

News and Views from the Labor Front

Gates Meetings on Tour

Baths Are Becoming a Luxury

A Reader Joins Up, from H.C.S.

Democracy for Brazil – After the War

Oil in the Far and Near East

War and Imperialism Ruining Puerto Rico, by Ruth Philips

C.P. in Italy – A Comparison with Spain, by M. & R. Gould

An Exposé of Gerald K. Smith and the America First Party, by Reva Craine

Smith Committee Out to Boost Living Costs, by Eugene Vaughn

The Solution for the Housing Muddle, by Jessie Kaaren

MCF to Convene

Vol. 8 No. 22, 29 May 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

An Appeal to Communist Workers: On with the Struggle for Socialist Freedom, by Max Shachtman

CIO Top Leaders Scuttle Labor’s Political Power

How the Capitalists Figure Their Profits, by John Berne

Liberal Party Repeats ALP Errors

Addes: ‘Break Thru Picket Line’

Brewster Plants Shut Down

Straight Talk, by Ernest Lund

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Reading Incident Poses Soldier-Worker Problem

Three Dollars for One, from United Mine Workers Journal

Gates Meetings on Tour

The Militant and Our Italian Comrades, by Max Shachtman

Platform of Workers Party

A Strange Pair


Deal with Franco, by Julian Stern

More Ships – Less Time (diagram)

For a New World

Some Don’t Play the Horses

Vol. 8 No. 23, 5 June 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

An Editorial Statement

Brewster Workers Sit-In Scores Partial Victory, by David Coolidge

Bridges – Labor Traitor, by T.R. Cobb

The SP – A Party of Confusion, by E. Lund

Straight Talk, by Ernest Lund

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Box Score, by T.R. Cobb

News and Views from the Labor Front

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

May New International Contains the Following ―


Worker by Brain and Brawn (photo)

For a New World

Allies Ignore Critical Refugee Question, by Jessie Kaaren

Vol. 8 No. 24, 12 June 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Gertrude Shaw

Cut-Backs Threaten Mass Layoffs

Invasion: New Stage in War, by Albert Gates

Brewster Workers Showed the Way (photo)

Layoffs Start at Houdi Buffalo Plant, by Steve Kent

Chrysler Strike a Fight for Auto Union, by Martin Harvey

Will Ship Workers Accept Green’s Bankrupt Report, by David Coolidge

Fighting Spirit Marks Brewster Union Mass Meeting, by Sam Adams

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Our Greek Martyrs

Father Coughlin, Anti-Labor Apostle of American Fascism, by Reva Craine

Sewell Avery Battles Ward Union as Government Agencies Rest Their Case, by Walter Weiss

Sumner Welles’ New World No Bettter Than the Old, by Julian Stern

The ‘Dummy’ Party (cartoon), by Carlo

Tories and Labor Skates Join Witch-Hunt of British Trotskyists

CP Expels Darcy

May New International Contains the Following ―


Churchill Praises Franco as He Once Did Adolph and Benito, by W. White

A Letter to the Workers Party from the Italian Left Communists, from Zadra

Capitalist Comments on Unemployment

Vol. 8 No. 25, 19 June 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
T.R. Cobb

Congress Rips Up Price Act!

Ward Union Faces New Avery Fight, by T.R. Cobb

Why Labor Needs a Party of Its Own (cartoon), by Carlo

High Court Frees Fascists; Refuses to Review Labor Case

Longshoreman Sends an Open Letter on Harry Bridges’ New Scab Policy, from A Longshoreman

Mass Meeting Supports Minneapolis Appeal

Straight Talk, by Ernest Lund

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

The Box-Score

Out of the Past, by Ruth Philips

No Mystery in Communist Flip-Flops – Party Serves Stalin, by David Coolidge

The British Empire’s Little Helpers, by J.R. Johnson

Labor Defense Committee Aids British Trotskyists


Apostle of American Fascism, by Reva Craine

The Question Is: Who Is Really the Bureaucratic Monkey on a Stick, by Walter Weiss

Discrimination in the U.S. Army Upheld by Supreme Court

Right Up Pegler’s ... Alley

A Capitalist Comment on Unemployment, from Forbes Magazine

New York Readers!

Vol. 8 No. 26, 26 June 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
T.R. Cobb

$41½ Billions in Profits, Dividends, Disbursements to Big Business, Says SEC Report

Congress Puts Skids Under Price Controls!

Allied Invasion of European Continent Faces Snags – They Fear Revolts

Frozen Pay Check (cartoon), by Carlo

10th Year of New International

Badoglio Smell Still in Italian Cabinet, by T.R. Cobb

The Same in All Capitalist Countries

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Platform of Workers Party

Naming the War, by Walter Weiss

A Phony Negro “Bill of Rights”, by David Coolidge

Straight Talk, by Ernest Lund

Home-Grown Fascism in Tory-Bevin Defense Regulations, Laborites Charge

Paying for Their Own Way!

NAM Man Weeps over ‘Labor Coercion’

Society Note of the Week


Who Will Govern France? by J.R. Johnson

Famed Philosopher Dozes in the Middle of World-Shaking Events, by V. Jensen

We’ll Do Our Part, from C.C.

Isn’t This Where We Came In? (cartoon), by Carlo

Vol. 8 No. 27, July 3, 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
T.R. Cobb

Living Costs Up 45.3%, CIO Says

Big Business Staged GOP Convention!

It’s More Than Time to Cut the Ropes! (cartoon), by Carlo

Tresca Case Still “Mystery” to DA’s Office

Here’s How Your Costs Rose

500 Laid Off at Bell, More to Go; Company Hits Seniority

Rubber Workers Face Convention: Want No Synthetic Programs or Leaders, by Bill Ford

News and Views from the Labor Front

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor

The AP Incites Servicemen Against Labor, by T.R. Cobb

Race Haters Attack Negroes and Jews as Senators Sit in Cowardly Silence, by Leon Gordon

Straight Talk – Reading That Really Mattters, by Ernest Lund

Umberto – A Chip Off the Old Moron, from The Countercurrent

N.Y. Times Credo: Smear Labor on the Front Page

Platform of the Workers Party

The Invasion Reveals – Labor’s Apathy to the War, by J.R. Johnson

C.P. Councilmen in New York Apologize and Vote for Sales Tax, by Mike Wylie

Vol. 8 No. 28, July 10, 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
T.R. Cobb

Eighth Army Boys Speak Out

Danish Workers Strike at Nazis!

Solidarity Wins Seamen’s Strike

On Inside Pages of This Issue

Self-Rule Near, Local 9 Trains Guns on Pollard

CP Stooge Heads Local 101; Militants Lack Program

Capitalist Reconversion Plan Means: Back to Apple-Selling Days, by Albert Gates

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

American Exploitation: Out of the Past

FDR’s Payoff: A Kick in the Pants to Labor, by Mike Wylie

Could Willkie Do What Roosevelt Failed to Do? His Unsolicited Program for the GOP, by V. Jensen

Winnie Wants Less Ideology – More Empire, by Sam Adams

A Five Foot Shelf for Workers, by Ernest Lund (reading list)


Servicemen Fight Greek King, by Jim Tanakos

Subway Mystery: LaGuardia Joins Gang-up on People, by Carl Davis

Recommending a New Song to Communists

June New International Features Invasion Articles

Vol. 8 No. 29, July 17, 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
T.R. Cobb

Business Control of Reconversion Guarantees Mass Unemployment

Sales Tax Plan Soaks the Poor, by Mary Bell

A Twist of the Wrist Would Put Them to Rout! (cartoon), by Carlo

Houdi Workers Rap No-Strike Pledge, WLB

R.J. Thomas Warns on Contract Cancellations – 1,645,000 Workers to Lose Jobs in 1944

Greek Masses Nix the King, by Jim Tanakos

Nazis Slaughter European Refugees

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

The Box Score

Out of the Past: Workers Won Free Education

Ode to the War Labor Board, by Jess Ferrazza

An Obituary to an Anti-Labor Cardinal, by Mike Stevens

Angling for Labor – The Hitler Way, by Reva Craine

Hillman and the Corruption in U.S. Politics, by J.R. Johnson

Anti-Negro ‘Incidents’ Undiminished, by Jesse Kaaren

GOP Platform: The Corn’s as High as an Elephant’s Eye, by V. Jensen


Great Britain: People Revolted by U.S. Race Prejudice, by W.F. Clayton


Vol. 8 No. 30, July 24, 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
T.R. Cobb

Bosses in Wartime Salary Grab

CIO Plays Bad Politics at FDR’s Convention

Wage Cuts Cause U.S. Rubber Strike

Hold the Bag Again! (cartoon), by Carlo

Supreme Court Receives Lynn “Segregation” Case

Michigan CIO Retreats from Its 1943 Militancy, by Martin Harvey

War Cost at 200 Billion Dollars, by T.R. Cobb

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Last Call to Send Greetings to 10th Anniversary of New International

Out of the Past: Winning the Right to Vote, by Ruth Philips

Little Fiorello Is a Four-Alarm Fraud to New York City Firemen, by Walter Weiss

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

Four Million Army Rejections Reveal: U.S. Workers’ Health Shattered, by V. Jensen

Labor Lookout, by Sam Adams

Stalinism Gets Free Help Again – The Militant Is at It Again

What Russia Wants in Germany, by J.R. Johnson

Negroes Need a Labor Party, by W.F. Carlton

Allied-Bonomi Government in Italy Holds Out on Democracy, Independence, by Mary Bell

Jugged for Investigating Forced Labor

Vol. 8 No. 31, 31 July 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
T.R. Cobb

Rift in German Ruling Class Shakes Nazis

CIO-PAC Alliance with Democrats Hits Labor, by Michael Wylie

Don’t Be a Sucker – Build Your Own Party! (cartoon), by Carlo

Salaries Boiling Over – Wages Packed on Ice

Wall Street Banks Tighten Grip on U.S. Economy, by T.R. Cobb

Lewis in the Dark on the Real Significance of the Miners’ Strikes, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

City Bosses and Southern Bourbons Rule the Democratic Party, by V. Jensen

Why Negroes Should Give G.O.P. and Democrats the Brushoff

More Pap from the NACCP [sic]

[United Mine Workers Journal on Dewey-Bricker Bandwagon]


Churchill Threatens Bloodbath in ‘No Freedom for India’ Edict, by Reva Craine

China ... U.S. Conscripts Coolies; Political Rivalry Tense, by L.K. Low

Phantom Buckley

Vol. 8 No. 32, 7 August 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
T.R. Cobb

Smash the Wage Freeze! by T.R. Cobb

How Can Labor Tolerate This!

A Program with Plenty of Sock! (cartoon), by Carlo

300 Unions Demand FDR “Free the 18!”

Blood Money and the Fortunes of War

We Reply to Buffalo CIO Council, by Albert Gates

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

The Box-Score

John L. Lewis Chooses the Pro-Big-Business, Anti-Labor Republicans, by David Coolidge

Ads Offer Quack Cure for ̴Little Steel” Headache, by Walter Weiss


No Alternative for Negroes But to Fight for a Labor Party, by W.F. Carlton

Palestine ... Political Divisions; The Coming Elections, by William Gorman

Akron CIO Sec’y Railroaded into Army!

Vol. 8 No. 33, 14 August 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
T.R. Cobb

UAW Chiefs Doublecross Militant Chevvy Union, by Martin Harvey

Congress Talks Dole – Says Nothing on Jobs

Bust CIO Union, Aim in Philly Race Strike

WLB Stalls; 2,500 Strike at Houde’s

The Michigan Commonwealth Federation Is Founded! by Mary Scott

News and Views from the Labor Front

$100 Billions – Leftovers for Profit Feast, by Mary Bell

Albert Joseph Liebik (Ted Lyons) (obituary)

Jobless Future for Women After the War, by John Stuart

Saving the Jews – Allied Style, by V. Kaaren

$100 Billions Pork Barrel ―


Tweedledee and Tweedledum, from Labor Herald (Baltimore)

Negro Viewpoint ... Does Cheap Patronage Cancel Oppression? by W.F. Carlton

A Report from Lilbourn, USA

Vol. 8 No. 34, 21 August 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
T.R. Cobb

UAW Ford Local Joins Fight on No-Strike Policy

Big Business Senate Votes Meager Relief!

Who Betrayed the Polish Underground?

CP’ers Attack Labor Action Distributor

Hudson Men Stop Contract Chiselling

Transport Company Aided Philly Race-Hate Strike

Next Week

News and Views from the Labor Front

High Taxes Have Not Stopped High Incomes, by Walter Weiss

Out of the Past: How Labor Fought Jay Gould, by Ruth Philips

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

The “Big Steal” Formula

In Memory of Leon Trotsky, Murdered by Stalin’s Agent Four Years Ago

Capitalism Taboos ‘Equal Opportunity’ for Negro People, by W.F. Carlton


The Tragedy in Philadelphia, by Max Shachtman

Yellow Press ... “Pampering” the Jobless with Bare Necessities, by Mike Wylie

Why U.S. Workers Should Support National Liberation Struggles, by J.R. Johnson

Vol. 8 No. 35, 28 August 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
T.R. Cobb

Give Business All It Demands, Nothing to Labor – Congress

Convention of UAW Will Face Big Issues Soon, by Stanley Holland

Labor Must Fight for Post-War Security Now!

Anti-Dalrymple Forces Sweep URW Elections! by Bill Ford

Congress Hands Business 100 Billion War Surplus!

The “Big Three” – Hitler’s Aids, by Max Shachtman

Raises? That’s Inflation! Profits? That’s ‘Free Enterprise!’

Michigan Politics a Sewer, by Martin Harvey

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: Sacco, Vanzetti, Labor’s Martyrs, Will Be Remembered Forever, by Ruth Philips

Press Fight for Post-War Security Now! ―

Kilgore Bill Was “Not Urgent” – FDR

Cutback Tremors Shake Buffalo Labor Movement, by Eric Floyd

What Is Behind the N.Y. Times Account of Matteotti’s Murder

Mr. Minor, This War Is NOT Like the Civil War of 1861, by W.F. Carlton

C.P. Book-Burners Ply Trade on West Coast, from R.


Stalin Leads Wolf Pack in Shameful Lust for the Blood of German Workers, by J.R. Johnson

GM Workers Slugging It Out with Bosses and WLB! by Martin Harvey

The Bretton Woods Conference: The Plunderbund and Its Plunderfund, by Mary Bell

Vol. 8 No. 36, 4 September 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
T.R. Cobb

CIO-AFL: End Policy of Retreat, Open Labor Offensive! by David Coolidge

These Unions Have a Fighting Program!

  1. “Rescind the No-Strike Pledge” – Local 719, UAW-CIO, Chicago
  2. “Get Off the Bosses’ WLB” – Local 719, UAW-CIO, Chicago
  3. “Build Labor’s Own Party” – Local 42, IUMSA-CIO, Philadelphia

Seniority Hit, Ford Men Walk Out

Open Drive for 4,000 New Subs

Paris Masses Did It Themselves, by J.R. Johnson

That Very Old “Expert” on Italy ...

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Out of the Past: The “Riots” of 1877, by Ruth Philips

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

FDR’s “Hold the Line” Applies to Wages, Not Prices

Bretton Woods Conference – II: United States – The New Seat of Empire, by Mary Bell

Some People Write Letters to Keep Busy ..., by Walter Weiss

Ban on GI Jim Crow a Paper Edict Unless Negroes and Labor Enforce It, by W.F. Carlton

A Letter and a Short Comment, from D.A.

The Box-Score


What Labor Can Do About an Incorrigible Congress

“Make the World Safe for Muley,” GI War-Cry

19 Discharged Seabees in Test of GI Bill of Rights

Russia Blocks Plan to Feed Poland; Uses Political Black-Jack as Weapon

In the August Issue of New International

Vol. 8 No. 37, 11 September 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
T.R. Cobb

Greetings to the Conventions of UAW-CIO and UMWA – Labor, Take the Offensive!

6th Year of War Shows the Need for Socialism, by Carl Davis

Join the Drive for 4,000 New Subs for Labor Action

News and Views from the Labor Front

Readers Take the Floor ...

“We Did It Before ...” (photo)

The Real Score for 1944

A Strike Threat Won This – The Miners Retained the Habit (photo/collage)


S.W.P. Acted Coy on Negro Question at M.C.F., by Mary Scott

Defeat of Kilgore Bill Poses a $64 Question, by Walter Weiss

The “States Rights” Record

Vol. 8 No. 38, 18 September 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
T.R. Cobb

No-Strike Repeal Fight Brings Rumor FDR to Hike Wages

PAC Fakes FDR’s Labor Record

Rubber Workers for Fighting Union Policy

Navy Attacks Labor Standards

Great Britain Will Not Free India! by R. Craine

Drive for 4,000 Subs Opens with a Bang; Two Cities Jump the Gun

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: Fannie Sellins – Labor Heroine

Next Week

Look Who’s Complaining About High Taxes Now!

Chiang Kai-shek Rule Challenged, by L.K. Low

Big Boys Had a “Good Year”

C.P. Strong-Arms Union Militants


Dumbarton Oaks: Act 1 of the Third World War

Dollar Paytriotism: How U.S. Industry Armed Tojo’s Empire

France in Ferment as People Demand Sweeping Changes, by Sam Adams

Sen. Truman Miscast in “Friend of Labor” Role, by Walter Weiss

“No Human Rights for Defeated!” – Allied Plans, by Europacus

Company Fink in Union Ranks

Vol. 8 No. 39, 25 September 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
T.R. Cobb

UE Convention Issue: Restore Democracy, Militancy to Union – Communist Domination Paralyzes Union’s Progress

Fighting UAW Convention Votes – Referendum on No-Strike Pledge, by Max Shahtman [sic]

Opening Days at Rubberworkers Gathering, by John Berne

Autonomy Bid Loses in UMWA, by David Coolidge

How the UAW Ranks Organized for Victory, by Max Shachtman

Labor Action Makes a Hit with UAW Delegates; 60 Subscribe

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: The Homestead Strike – An Early Struggle Against the Steel Trust, by Ruth Philips

Dewey’s Daily Double-Talk, by W. White

The Cost of Living a Big Joke to FDR

Platform of the Workers Party

How the Workers Party Foretold the Struggle in Europe

An Editorial

World Events Are of Great Importance to U.S. Labor, by J.R. Johnson

Extermination of German People – Allied Plan, by Susan Green

Vol. 8 No. 40, 2 October 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
T.R. Cobb

What Labor Action Means to Shipyard Workers of America, by Ernest Lund

U.S. Workers: Aid Our Anti-Hitler German Brothers, by Albert Gates

IUMSWA: Forward to a Progressive Policy!

Militants Make Strong Bid at URW Convention, by Susan Green

Rumanian People Victims of Russian Imperialism, by T.R. Cobb

Detroit Leads Subs Drive; Two-Week Total Reaches 415 Mark

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: The Ludlow Massacre, by Ruth Philips

Shachtman Speaks on Auto Convention at Detroit Meeting

Next Week

California Employers Seek to Outlaw Closed Shop by the Ballot

WLB Holds to Wage Freeze While Profiteers Rake It In, by Walter Weiss

Sperry Union Needs Control by the Ranks

Italian Anti-Fascist Masses Act; N.Y. Times Deplores!

“The Gravedigers”: How French Rulers Sold Out to Hitler, by J.R. Johnson


Vol. 8 No. 41, 9 October 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Progressives in Stiff Fight at Ship Convention, by Ernest Lund

Wage Increase Hint = 4th Term Propaganda!

Phil Murray, Fourth-Term Fantasy, and a Few Facts, by Walter Weiss

Forced Labor in New Deal State of Florida

Chevvy Local Elects Militant Leadership, by Martin Harvey

FDR Does It Again!

Boss Pew’s Court Upholds Libel, Would Curb Union Free Speech

Detroit Ups Its Own Quota; Drive Hits 646 Subs in 3rd Week

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: The Western Federation of Miners, by Ruth Philips

Readers Take the Floor ...

Slave Labor in the “Workers’ Fatherland”, by Arthur Perry

The Record in Italy Shows – AMG Will Not Purge Fascists, by Ernest Lund

Re-Heating an Old Dish at Dumbarton, by W.F. Carlton

Egad! Stalin Fears “Contamination” of Red Army by – Rumanian “Luxuries”! by J.R. Johnson


The Tragedy of “Freed” Italy, by George Taber

Holland – Big Business and Queen Plan Corporate State, by Jim Tanakos

British Socialist Victims of Tory Justice Win Freedom

U.S. Business “Morals” Alarms British Press

Note to Subscribers

Vol. 8 No. 42, 16 October 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

FDR Stands Pat on Wage Freeze! by V.F. Jensen

“The Voice” – And We Don’t Mean Frank Sinatra, by Mary Bell

New Shift in the CP Line, by Max Shachtman

WLB Rejects AFL Plea for Little Steel Change

The Shipbuilding Workers Convention – An Analysis, by Ernest Lund

WP Branches, Friends Obtain Over 1,000 LA Subs in Four Weeks of Drive!

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: “I’m an Undesirable Citizen”, by Ruth Philips

Max Shachtman Speaker at N.Y. Workers Party Mass Meet

Lerner, PM’s Advocate of Mass Annihilation, by William Gorman

Bargaining Away Poland’s Freedom, by Walter Weiss

Preparing a New League of Nations, by W.F. Carlton

Next Week


Jefferson Caffrey – Portrait of a U.S. “Career Diplomat”, by L. Ernst

American Fascism: Ford’s Flunkey Finances Gerald L.K. Smith, by Carl Davis

Current New International Features Articles by German Internationalists and Marxist Scholar

Vol. 8 No. 43, 23 October 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

WLB Refuses to Unfreeze Wages! by Mary Bell

Steel Profits Increase 390% – But Wages Remain Stationary, by V.F. Jensen

Workers and Elections, by David Coolidge

The Big Money Behind the Republican Candidate

Big Steel Corporation Supports Little Steel Formula

Readers – Get Your Friends to Subscribe to LA – Here’s How!

Last Minute Flash on UE Local 425

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: Debs, Gompers and the American Railway Union

Balance Sheet on the Ship Workers Convention

The Late Wendell Willkie: The Politician Who Came Too Late, by J.R. Johnson

Pardon Refused the Eighteen!

In Its Fight with SUP – NMU Plays Standard Oil Game, by Scott Byers

Note to Subscribers


Words, Words, Words – The Hoax of Dumbarton Woods, by W.F. Clayton

Greece: Liberation or Occupation by the British? by Jim Tanakos

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

U.S. Bankers: Hands Across the Sea

Vol. 8 No. 44, 30 October 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

UAW Members Can Defeat No-Strike Pledge, by Martin Harvey

Elections Show Need for a Labor Party! by David Coolidge

Canadian Labor Congress Rejects No-Strike Pledge, by Mike Stevens

District 30 Steel Convention Ho-Hum! by R. Harris

URW President Fines Workers over Walkout

Avery Formula Still Used by Ward’s

Low-Down on “Differences” Between GOP and Democrats! by Mary Bell

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: “An Injury to One Is an Injury to All”, by Ruth Philips

Labor Action Subs Drive Wings Its Way to Goal; 1,650 Subs Total So Far

Portrait of a WLB “Public” Member, by Walter Weiss

Hoax at Dumbarton Oaks – II, by W.F. Clayton

Paris Cardinal Sprinkled “Vichy” Water, Not Holy Water

Churchill, N.Y. Times, N.Y. Post, Sforza and the Roman “Mob”, by Edward Warner

English Trade Union Congress Swallows Lie; Links German Workers to Fascism, by Reva Craine

Russia and Iranian Oil, by Albert Gates

Poor, Oppressed Greeks Have a Word for British Occupation – It’s Imperialism! by Paul Ullman

Low Wages in Meat Packing and Textile Industries Show Up in High Profits

NAM Would Bar Closed Shop

Vol. 8 No. 45, 6 November 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

The Republocratic Candidate (cartoon), by H.

It’s Time for Labor to Get Off the WLB!

Detroit Strikes Show Need to End “Pledge”, by Martin Harvey

The Daily Worker Presents: The “Republican” Candidate, by T.R. Cobb

Pappy O’Daniel Passes the Biscuits – to Big Business, by Sam Adams

Florida Still Fighting for Peonage

Progressives Take First Steps to Fight Communist Control of FEMWU

Halfway Mark Reached in Subs Drive; Almost 2,000 New Labor Action Subs!

News and Views from the Labor Front

New York Workers Party School Opens with Two Classes

Spain: Maquis Fight Franco Dictatorship, by Jessie Kaaren

A Dictionary for Workers, by Stanley Grey

Japan: Not a Mysterious Land at All, by Carl Davis

Where are 4 Freedoms in Romania?

Churchill, N.Y. Times, N.Y. Post, Sforza and the Roman “Mob” – II, by Edward Warner


On the Anniversary of the Russian Revolution, by Mary Bell

Murals and Morals – Siquieros and Rivera: Triggerman and Turncoat, by John Stuart

Five Labor Conventions

Next Week

Vol. 8 No. 46, 13 November 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Cost of Living Is Only a Joke to the WLB, by Mary Bell

Vote Proves That Labor Can Build Its Own Party!

We Know this Isn’t News, But War Has Made Big Business Bigger!

WDL Tests Law Licensing Union Organizers

Navy Mutiny Convictions Due to Jim Crow

CIO Case for Putting the Heat to the Wage Freeze

How U.S. and Britain Helped Japan to Power, by Don Bateman, from British New Leader

Out of the Past: The Lawrence Strike, by Ruth Philips

State Anti-Union Laws, from WDL

Readers Take the Floor ...

Two Cities Beat Quota in Sub Campaign; Spurt Needed to Put Drive Over the Top

China: What’s Behind the Return of Gen. Stillwell, by L.K. Low

DeGaulle’s New “Order” in France, by V.F. Jensen

An Italian Noblewoman “Suffers” War, by Will Gorman

C.P. and the Fallacy of the “Hard Peace”, by Reva Craine


The Big 3 and Iranian Oil, by Albert Gates

Capitalist Justice – Minneapolis Case: Six Free; No Pardons Heard

A Magazine Every Union Militant Should Have ―

Vol. 8 No. 47, 20 November 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

FDR Has No Real Plan for Post-War Full Employment! by Walter Weiss

Allies Bolster French Rulers Against the Masses, by Mary Bell

PAC Can Pave Way for Genuine Labor Party, by David Coolidge

Didn’t You Promise No Excessive War Profits, Mr. President? by Ruth Philips

Two States for Union Shop Ban; One Defeats It

Bass Defeated in Goodrich Local, by Bill Ford

Incentive Pay Behind Continental Strike

Out of the Past: “Soviet” in Seattle, by Ruth Philips

Kentucky CIO Convention Overlooks Union Problems, by R. Harris

A Few Weeks Left in Sub Campaign – We’re Confident of Beating 4,000 Mark!

GI’s Pay for “Hard Peace” Propaganda, by Sol Rayo

What Should Be the Future of PAC? by J.R. Johnson

British Policy Reason for Moyne Murder, by Will Gorman

Civil Rights Defense Committee Asks Funds in Christmas Drive, signed by John Green, Julius Hochman, James T. Farrell, John Dewey, George Baldanzi, Roger Baldwin, Willard S. Townsend & Warren K. Billings

Stalin’s Hand of Empire Reaching into Iran’s Oil Fields, by Albert Gates


Break the Little Steel Formula! (cartoon), by Carlo

War Labor Board: AFL Right to Fight to Revise Little Steel, by Sam Adams

Daily Worker on Negroes and Elections – A Falsification of History, by W.F. Carlton

Vol. 8 No. 48, 27 November 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Still Stalling on Wages! by Albert Gates

High Wage Myth

Murray Rants, But WLB Is Hard of Hearing, by Mary Bell

FDR Plans New WPA for Post-War, by M.J. Marshall

Labor Action Gets 261 Subs for Week; Drive in Last Lap

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: General Strike in the Coal Fields, by Ruth Philips

They Did Business with Hitler!

Next Week

Why the American People Don’t Have Plenty for All, by Walter Weiss

Here’s How Four Freedoms Work for “Liberated” Italians

Cartels and Reconversion, by V. Jensen

Great Britain: Democracy at Work Under Churchill, by Mike Stevens

Getting Ready for Peacetime Militarism

Two Negroes: Labor Leader, Labor Traitor, by W.F. Carlton

What Should Be The Future of PAC? – II, by J.R. Johnson

War Surplus Properties Go to Capitalists, by Ruth Philips

Election of Roosevelt No Guarantee of Security for American Labor, by Susan Green

Vol. 8 No. 49, 4 December 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Rescinding the No-Strike Pledge and the Boys in the Foxholes! by Mary Bell

Atlantic Charter Just So Many Words on Paper

WLB Steel Decision Evades Wage Issue!

STOP Collective Begging, from Local 654, UAW, Flint Michigan

Fraudulent #101 Election Puts Communist In

Forgetful Phil – Then and Now, by Walter Weiss

The Telephone Operators Know How to Fight for Higher Wages

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Labor Action Drive Hits 70% of Goal; 299 This Week

MCF in Michigan Elections, by Grace Scott

Russia: Twenty-Seven Years of Foreign Policy, by Carl Davis

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Troops Protest ‘Foreign’ Draft in Canada, by Mike Stevens

A Dictionary for Workers, by Stanley Grey

No Place in Dearborn for Negro Housing, by Martin Harvey

Increase Reward in Tresca Murder Case

A Great Figure in American History, by J.R. Johnson

The A.T.&T.Empire, by Ruth Philips

Profits Rise only 10%, by Sally Howard

Vol. 8 No. 50, 11 December 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

What Is Behind the Stories About Shell Shortages?

Where Is Democracy in Greece, Belgium, Italy?

State Dept.: Millionaires’ New Club, by Mary Bell

Right Out of the Horse’s – Mouth

Liberals Swoon as FDR Fires Littell, by Walter Weiss

Bureaucrats Take Control of UAW Local 856

L.A. Campaign Extended for Two Weeks for Xmas Drive

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: The Monkey Strike in California, by Ruth Philips

“War Is Wasteful,” So Labor Must Accept Unemployment

Commies Give Ex-Sec’y Hull Pat on the Back, Too

Democracy and “Liberation”

One Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Belgium – Pierlot Government: Servant of Monopolists, by Sam Adams

A Letter from German Socialists, from Committee Abroad of the IKD

What Socialism Would Do with Labor-Saving Devices

Behind the Shake-Up in China’s Politics, by T.R. Cobb

A Dictionary for Workers, by Stanley Grey

Spain’s Fuehrer Says He’s Not Pro-Fascist, by Jessie Kaaren

Workers’ Control Means Plenty for All, by Susan Green

Hard Peace Line of British Union Leaders Only Aids the Nazis, by Ted Grant, from British Socialist Appeal

Vol. 8 No. 51, 18 December 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Hands Off Greece! by Max Shachtman

High Wage Myth; 40% Get Less Under 65¢ Hourly, by Susan Green

Union Printers Lick Scab Shop at Donnelly’s Plant in Chicago

What They Are Fighting For

Presto! No Shell Shortage Now ―, by Walter Weiss

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Workers Party Notes: New York Runs Lectures, School

No Space – L.A. Drive Will Return Next Week; Less Than 500 to Go!


One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

A Note on Morals: Stalin’s Spirit in Fourth International

Greek Events Testify: Workers Party Foresaw Events, by Reva Craine

Can This System Be Changed? by T.R. Cobb

Here’s What Will Happen to Wages When Cutbacks Come

Vol. 8 No. 52, 25 December 1944
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Hands Off Europe!

UAW Rank and Filers’ Leaflet on No-Strike

300 Workers Protest British Role in Greece

Workers Party “Hands Off Greece” Meeting

Ward Strike Proves the Injustice of the Pledge, by Jack Miller

Dalrymple Splits Local 101

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: The Red Special, by Ruth Philips

Carlo Tresca Memorial

“Liberating” Europe’s Masses

Bevin: Imperialist Labor Leader, by Reva Craine

Britain Won’t Get Out of Ethiopia

Unemployment Guaranteed by Capitalism, by M.J. Marshall

Socialism versus Free Enterprise, by J.R. Johnson

PM Laments, CP Lauds New State Dep’t, by Carl Davis

Common Men Risen in the World, from Time

Negro Sentenced for Defense of Home

This Will Make You See Red

Two Weeks Left in Labor Action Drive; 381 Subs to Go!

Publications Index | Encyclopedia of Trotskyism | Marxists’ Internet Archive

Last updated on 19 February 2016