Leo Trotskij arkivet
1967 gavs antologin "Bolsjevikrevolutionen 1917" ut med flera utdrag ur verk av Trotskij. De verk som ingår är namngivna "Klassens förstfödslorätt" - vilket är ett utdrag ur Våra politiska uppgifter (1904) - se denna sida, "Den permanenta revolutionen" - vilket består av två utdrag; Resultat och framtidsutsikter (1906) och Våra meningsskiljaktigheter (1909), "Manifestet från Zimmerwald" (1915), samt utdrag ur "Kommunism och terror" (1920), "Om arbetraroppositionen" (1921), "Oktoberrevolutionens lärdomar" (1924) och "Den förrådda revolutionen. (1936). Översättningen och sättet att göra utdrag ur verken
är stundom djärv. Som referens lämnas den engelska översättningen
(där den gått att hitta) parallelt med den svenska. Digitaliseringen
har gjorts av Patrik Olofsson. |
Klassens förstfödslorätt ... Vi hoppas, att våra kamrater inte skall undgå att se vilken väsentlig skillnad som föreligger mellan dessa båda metoder ... Om vi tar grundprincipen i betraktande, har denna skillnad avgörande
betydelse, när det gäller att bestämma karaktären
av vårt partis arbete. Å ena sidan är det fråga
om att producera tankar för proletariatet och att etablera sig som
ett politiskt substitut för arbetarklassen. Å andra sidan är
det fråga om den politiska utbildningen av proletariatet, klassens
politiska mobilisering ... |
(De översatta delarna i fet kursiv) DOWN WITH POLITICAL SUBSTITUTIONALISM! By giving a detailed exposition of different examples it has been my intention to draw attention to the difference in principle which separates two opposing methods of work. And this difference, in essence, is decisive, if we are to define the character of all work carried out by our Party. In the one case we have a party which thinks for the proletariat, which substitutes itself politically for it, and in the other we have a party which politically educatesand mobilises the proletariat to exercise rational pressure on the will of all political groups and parties. These two systems give objectively quite different results. |
Liksom hos 'ekonomisterna' (fackföreningsfolket) är också det politiska substitutet eller ersättningssystemet medvetet eller omedvetet ett resultat av en felaktig och förvrängd uppfattning om sambandet mellan proletariatets objektiva intressen och dess medvetenhet. |
The system of political substitutionism, exactly like the system of simplification of the “Economists,” proceeds—consciously or not—from a false and “sophistical” understanding of the relationship between the objective interests of the proletariat and its consciousness. Marxism teaches that the interests of the proletariat are determined by the objective conditions of its existence. These interests are so powerful and so inescapable that they finally oblige the proletariat to allow them into the realm of its consciousness, that is, to make the attainment of its objective interests and its subjective concern. Between these two factors—the objective fact of its class interest and its subjective consciousness—lies the realm inherent in life, that of clashes and blows, mistakes and disillusionment, vicissitudes and defeats. The tactical farsightedness of the Party of the proletariat is located entirely between these two factors and consists of shortening and easing the road from one to the other. |
I motsats till 'ekonomisterna' utgår 'politikerna' från proletariatets objektiva klassintressen, som bygger på marxismen. Men i likhet med 'ekonomisterna' ser inte 'politikerna' de objektiva och subjektiva intressena hos den klass de i princip 'representerar' . . . Om 'ekonomisterna' å sin sida inte leder proletariatet, därför att de hänger efter, så blir proletariatet inte heller styrt av 'politikerna', därför att dessa själva vill utföra alla dess förpliktelser. Om 'ekonomisterna' har räddat sig från denna överväldigande uppgift genom att tilldela sig den beskedliga rollen att passivt hänga historien i rockskörten, så har 'politikerna' försökt lösa problemet genom att göra historien till sin hantlangare. |
By contrast with the “Economists,” the “political” elements took at their starting point the objective class interests of the proletariat, established by the Marxist method. But they too, with the same apprehension as the “Economists,” drew back before the “gap” separating the objective from the subjective interests of the class which they are supposed to “represent.” And for them, questions of political tactics—in the true sense of the term—exist as little as for the “Economists.” Once one has at one”s disposal an histoico-philosophical analysis revealing the tendencies of social development, when the results of it are made “our” chief patrimony, and we think substitutionally, then there is nothing to do but to cash in at the bank of history, as one cashes a cheque, the conclusions we have reached. So, if the “Economists” do not lead the proletariat, because they are merely tail-ending it, the “political” elements do no better for the good reason that they themselves are carrying out duties in its place.If the “Economists” are disarmed in the face of the enormity of their task, contenting themselves with the humble role of marching at the tail-end of history, the “politicians” on the other hand, have resolved the problem by trying to transform history into their own tail. |
Vi gör massorna mer eller mindre revolutionära (helst inte mindre) genom att väcka de enklaste politiska instinkter hos dem. Men så snart det blir tal om mer komplicerade uppgifter - t. ex. att omvandla dessa 'instinkter' till en medveten strävan efter politisk självbestämmanderätt hos arbetarklassen - tar vi tillflykt till 'förenklingens' påhitt och 'substitut'.
In the first case, it is more difficult to “cheat”: history, having placed a definite task on the agenda, is observing us sharply. For good or ill (more for ill), we are leading the masses to revolution, awakening in them the most elementary political instincts. But in so far as we have to deal with a more complex task—transforming these “instincts” into conscious aspirations of a working class which is determining itself politically—we tend to resort to the short-cuts and over-simplifications of “thinking-for-others” and “substitutionism.” In the internal politics of the Party these methods lead, as we shall see below, to the Party organisation “substituting” itself for the Party, the Central Committee substituting itself for the Party organisation, and finally the dictator substituting himself for the Central Committee; on the other hand, this leads the committees to supply an “orientation”—and to change it—while “the people keep silent”; in “external” politics these methods are manifested in attempts to bring pressure to bear on other social organisations, by using the abstract strength of the class interests of the proletariat, and not the real strength of the proletariat conscious of its class interests. These “methods,” as adopted by us and the content of our Party work. All in all, these “methods” lead to the complete disappearance of questions of political tactics in Social Democracy. |
Enligt Lenins nya filosofi är det tillräckligt för proletariatet att genomgå en 'fabriksskola' för att kunna ge lektioner i politisk disciplin till intelligentian, som under tiden har varit partiets ledare. Enligt denna nya filosofi kommer var och en som inte kan föreställa sig det ideala partiet som en 'oerhört stor fabrik', som tvärtom anser, att detta är något vidunderligt, och som inte tror på en dylik politisk utbildningsmaskins oinskränkta makt, 'ögonblickligen att avslöja sig som en borgerlig intellektuell' .. . Utan fruktan för att avslöja 'tänkesätten hos en borgerlig intellektuell' vill vi framför allt hävda, att de vil1kor, som leder proletariatet till kollektiv enighet om kampmetoderna inte ligger i fabriken utan i proletariatets allmänna sociala nivå..... |
According to Lenin’s new philosophy, which has barely had time to wear out its shoe-leather since What Is To Be Done? the proletariat only needs to have been through the ‘schooling of the factory’ in order to give the intelligentsia, which up till them had played the leading role in the Party, lessons in political discipline! According to this new philosophy, anyone who does not see the Party as a ‘huge factory,’ who finds the idea ‘monstrous,’ or does not believe in the immediately (politically) educative strength of the machine, ‘at once betrays the psychology of the bourgeois intellectual,’ incapable by nature of distinguishing between the negative side of the factory (’discipline based on the fear of dying of hunger’) and its positive side (’discipline based on common work resulting from highly developed technique’) Without fear of betraying my ‘bourgeois intellectual psychology,’ I affirm first-of-all that the conditions which impel the proletariat into concerted, collective struggle, are not to be found in the factory but in the general social conditions of its existence; and further, that the objective conditions and the conscious discipline of political action, there is a long road of struggle, errors, education—not the ‘school of the factory’ but the school of political life, in which the Russian proletariat penetrates only under the leadership—good or bad—of the social democratic intelligentsia; and reaffirm that the Russian proletariat, in which we have barely begun to develop political self-activity, is not yet able—unfortunately for it and fortunately for Messrs. candidates for ‘dictatorship’—to give lessons in discipline to its ‘intelligentsia,’ whatever the training the factory gives him in ‘common work resulting from highly developed technique.’ Without the least fear of giving away my ‘bourgeois intellectual psychology,’ I even declare my complete solidarity with the idea that ‘the technical submission of the worker to the uniform rhythm of the work tool (’discipline based on work in common resulting from highly developed technique’) and the particular composition of the collective worker as individuals of both sexes and ages, creates a barracks discipline (barracks, not politically conscious discipline!) perfectly in line with the factory regime.’ (Capital) |
’En högt utvecklad teknisk produktion' skapar naturligtvis grundvalen för proletariatets politiska utveckling och politiska disciplin, precis som kapitalismen i allmänhet skapar förutsättningarna för socialismen. Men det är lika tokigt att identifiera socialismen med kapitalismen som att identifiera fabriksdisciplinen med revolutionär och politisk disciplin.
Kasernregimen kan aldrig bli vårt partis ideal, liksom fabrikerna aldrig kan bli partiets förebild. |
If Lenin believes in the discipline of the Russian proletariat as a real entity, in fact, to use his own formula, he confuses a ‘philosophical’ question with a political one. Naturally, ‘highly technically developed production’ creates the material conditions for the political development and sense of discipline of the proletariat, just as in general capitalism, creates the premises of socialism. But factory discipline is as little identical with political, revolutionary discipline of the proletariat as capitalism is to socialism. The task of Social Democracy is precisely to rouse up the proletariat against this discipline, which replaces the work of human thought with the rhythm of physical movements; it consists of uniting it against this brutalising, mortal discipline in a single army linked hand to hand and shoulder to shoulder by community of political consciousness and revolutionary enthusiasm. Such discipline does not yet exist in the Russian proletariat; the factory and the machine give it this quality much less spontaneously than union disputes or conflicts. The barracks regime could never be the regime of our Party, no more than the factory could be its model. Poor Comrade ‘Practitioner’ who admitted thinking this ‘does not even suspect that the terrible word he cries out (the factory) at once gives away the psychology of the bourgeois intellectual,’ (One Step Forward...). Poor Comrade Lenin! Fate has decided to place him in an especially ridiculous position: he does not even suspect that the Comrade ‘Practitioner’ is not a ‘bourgeois intellectual,’ but a proletarian who has been through the saving school of the factory... The Russian proletariat, from whom Lenin’s supporters so often hide the problems of the internal crisis of the Party, will tomorrow, on Lenin’s orders, give a severe lesson in ‘anarchical individualism.’ |
Den revolutionära regimens uppgifter blir så komplicerade, att de inte kan lösas på annat sätt än genom konkurrens mellan olika ekonomiska och politiska metoder - inte bara genom metoderna i den socialistiska världen i kontrast till de kapitalistiska utan också mellan olika tendenser inom socialismen. Sådana tendenser kommer oundvikligen att uppstå, så snart som proletariatets diktatur kastar fram hundra nya, hittills olösta problem. Och inga 'starka, auktoritära organisationer' kan undertrycka dessa tendenser och motsättningar för att påskynda eller förenkla denna process. Ty det står helt klart, att proletariatet, som är i stånd att utöva diktatur över samhället, inte kommer att tåla en diktatur över sig självt. |