M.I.A.: Subject Section: Yugoslavia: The Praxis Group
Praxis: A Marxist-humanist journal which stressed the significance of the early humanists writings of Marx and pleaded for a creative adaptation of Marxism in the context of Yugoslav self-management. They clashed with the orthodox Marxist-Leninist interpretation of the Communist Party. Praxis and its contributors were subjected to continuous criticism by the party ideologues, which included serious attacks by the Zagreb party organization and the Croatian Parliament in May and June 1966.
The program of Praxis was defined (in French) in the first issue of the International edition of Praxis: A quoi bon Praxis (Why praxis). Predrag Vranicki (On the problem of Practice) and Danko Grlić (Practice and Dogma) worked out this program (in English) in the same Issue (Praxis, 1965, 1, p. 41-48 and p. 49-58)
From 1964 to 1974 the Praxis Group organized the Korčula Summer School, attended by a lot of well-known Western Marxist theoreticians.
Ultimately in the spring of 1975, the printing and distribution of the journal was made impossible.
From 1981 a journal named Praxis International was published abroad, in attempt to revive the Praxis journal, and publication continued until 1991.
The main writers who were part of the Praxis Group include:
- Danko Grlić
- Mihailo Marković – see Marković Archive
- Rudi Supek – see Supek Archive
- Milan Kangrga
- Gajo Petrović – see Petrović Archive
- Predrag Vranicki
Praxis Issue No. 1, 1965
Why Praxis? – Editorial by Gajo Petrović
On the problem of Practice by Pedrag Vranicki
Practice and Dogma by Danko Grlić
Review “Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx”, by Gajo Petrović.Praxis International Issue No. 1, 1981
Thanks to Robert Stallaerts for this collection and to Stevan Gostojic
for further assistance in verifying and expanding information.
Contact Zdravko Saveski for further information.