Eurocommunism was a current among the Communist Parties, mainly in Europe, from 1968 up to the early 1980s, which sought autonomy of their own national parties relative to the leadership claims of the Soviet and Chinese parties or each other, being particularly critical of the lack of internal democracy in the Communist movement.
The failure of the Communist Parties to win the leadership of the Student Protest Movement and the Women's Movement caused many in the Communist Parties, especially in Europe, to argue that the Party should orient to these movements and broaden their base outside of the organised working class, and give less emphasis to defence of the Soviet Union.
Encyclopedia of Marxism on Eurocommunism
In the words of its advocates ...
Palmiro Togliatti Internet Archive (1893-1964)
What Is Eurocommunism? by Manuel Azcárate and Altiero Spinelli
How European are the Italian Eurocommunists? by Altiero Spinelli
Eurocommunism and the New Party, by Branko Pribicevic 1981
...and from its opponents ...
Interview with Paul Matick, 1977
"Eurocommunism: The State and Revolution", by Chris Harman, September 1977
"Gramsci versus Eurocommunism", by Chris Harman; International Socialism, 1977
The 'left' face of Eurocommunism, by Philip Spencer; International Socialism , 1979
Eurocommunism is anticommunism, by Enver Hoxha, 1980
The death of Eurocommunism, by Tim Potter; International Socialism , 1981
Review of Roy Medvedev’s Let History Judge, by Paul Flewers; Revolutionary History, 1990