Works of Mao Zedong by Date
Early | 1920 | 1930 | 1940 | 1950 | 1960 | 1970
Early Works
A Study of Physical Education (April 1917)
An Explanation of Physical Education
The Place of Physical Education in our Life
Previous Abuses of Physical Education and My Method for Remedying them
The Utility of Physical Education
The Reasons for Disliking Exercise
The Methods of Exercise Should be Few
The Points to Which we must Pay Attention When we ExerciseTo Hakuro Toten (Miyazaki Toten) (Apri1 1917)
To the Glory of the Hans (July & August 1919)
Toward A New Golden Age
The Great Union of the Popular Masses
Miss Chao's Suicide (1919)
The First Revolutionary Civil War Period
Communism and Dictatorship (November 1920. January 1921)
The Role of the Merchants in the National Revolution (July 11, 1923)
The Chinese Government and the Foreigners (August 29, 1923)
Analysis of the Classes in Chinese Society (March 1926)
The Bitter Sufferings of the Peasants in Kiangsu and Chekiang, and Their Movements of Resistance (November 25, 1926)
Report on an Investigation of the Peasant Movement In Hunan (March 1927)
The Second Revolutionary Civil War Period
Why is it that Red Political Power can Exist in China? (October 5, 1928)
The Struggle in the Chingkang Mountains (November 25, 1928)
The Second Anniversary of An Wu-ching's Martyrdom (1929)
On Correcting Mistaken Ideas in the Party (December 1929)
A Single Spark Can Start a Prairie Fire (January 5, 1930)
Oppose Book Worship (May 1930)
I. No Investigation no Right to Speak
II. To Investigate A Problem is to Solve it
III. Oppose Book Worship
IV. Without Investigating the Actual Situation, there is Bound to be an Idealist Appraisal of Class Forces and an Idealist Guidance in Work, Resulting Either in opportunism or in Putschism
V. The Aim of Social and Economic Investigation is to Arrive at a Correct Appraisal of Class Forces and Then to Formulate Correct Tactics for The Struggle
VI. Victory in China's Revolutionary Struggle will Depend on the Chinese Comrades Understanding of Chinese Conditions
VII. The Technique of InvestigationDecree Regarding Marriage (January 28, 1931)
A Letter from the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army to Our Brothers the Soldiers of the White Army on the Subject of the Forced Occupation of Manchuria by Japanese Imperialism (September 25, 1931)
Red Army to Our Brothers the Soldiers of the White Army on the Subject of the Forced Occupation of Manchuria by Japanese Imperialism (October 6, 1932)
The League of Nations is a League of Robbers! (October 6, 1932)
Preliminary Conclusions of the Land Investigation Campaign (August 29, 1933)
The Great Victory
Some Places Have Given up the Leadership of the Land Investigation Campaign
In Certain Place the Party has Surrendered to the Landlords and Rich Peasants
The Tendency to Encroach upon the Middle Peasants is The Most Serious Danger
Closed-Door-Ism of the Poor Peasant Corps and its Negligence of the Leadership Role of the Hired Hands are Wrong
The Incorrect Idea About the Question of Rich Peasants
The Department of the Workers and Peasants Inspection has not Assumed it's Own Responsibility and Committed some Mistakes
On the Art of Leadership in the Land Investigation Struggle
Develop A Two-Front Struggle to Overcome The Mistakes and win a Thorough Victory in the Land Investigation CampaignThe Land Investigation Campaign is the Central Important Task in the Vast (Soviet) Areas (August 31, 1933)
Report to the 2nd National Congress of Workers and Peasants Representatives (January 23, 1934)
The Present Situation and Development of Soviet Movement
The Anti-Imperialist Movement
The Imperialist-Kuomintang Offensive Repulsed
Fundamental Policies of the SovietPay Attention to Economic Work (August 20, 1933)
How to Differentiate the Classes in the Rural Areas (October 1933)
Our Economic Policy (January 23, 1934)
Be Concerned With the Well-Being of the Masses, Pay Attention to Methods of Work (January 27, 1934)
Proclamation on the Northward March of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army to Fight Japan (July, 15 1934)
On Tactics Against Japanese Imperialism (December 27, 1935)
To Lin Piao (1936)
We Are Not Going to Turn the Country over to Moscow! (July 23, 1936)
Letter to Chang Nai-chi and Others (10 August 1936)
Interviews With Mao Tse-tung (by Edgar Snow) (June to November 1936)
Problems of Strategy in China's Revolutionary War (December 1936)
A Statement of Chiang Kai-shek's Statement (December 28, 1936)
On Guerilla Warfare (1937)
To Hsu T'eh-li (February 1937)
The Tasks of the Chinese Communist Party in the Period of Resistance to Japan (May 3, 1937)
Win the Masses in their Millions for the Anti-Japanese National United Front (May 7, 1937)
Letter to the Spanish People (May 15, 1937)
The People of China Express Solidarity With Spain (complete text)Inscription for the Founding of the North Shensi Public School (1937)
On Lu Hsun (1937)
Basic Tactics (1937)
Chapter I Introductory Remarks
Chapter II Tactics
Chapter III The Aim of The War
Chapter IV Organisation
Chapter V Tasks
Chapter VI Operations
Chapter VII Surprise Attacks
Chapter VIII Espionage
Chapter IX Ambushes
Chapter X Surprise Attacks on The Enemy's Foraging Units
Chapter XI Surprise Attacks on the Enemy's Transport Units
Chapter XII The Correspondence Network of a Guerrilla Unit and the Destruction of Communications Facilities in the Rear
Chapter XIII Regular Hiding Places and Precautions to be Taken When we Halt
Chapter XIV Training
Chapter XV Political WorkOn Practice (July 1937)
On Contradiction (August 1937)
The Period of the War of Resistance Against Japan
Policies, Measures and Perspectives for Resisting the Japanese Invasion (July 23, 1937)
For the Mobilization of All the Nation's Forces for Victory in the War of Resistance (August 25, 1937)
Combat Liberalism (September 7, 1937)
Urgent Tasks Following the Establishment of Kuomintang-Communist Cooperation (September 29, 1937)
Interview with the British Journalist James Bertram
The Situation and Tasks in the Anti-Japanese War After the Fall of Shanghai and Taiyuan (November 12, 1937)
Dialectical Materialism (April - June, 1938)
Chapter I Idealism and Materialism
Chapter II Dialectical MaterialismProclamation by the Government of the Shensi-Kansu ningsia Border Region and the Rear Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army (May 15, 1938)
Problems of Strategy in Guerilla War Against Japan (May 1938)
On Protracted War (May 1938)
The Role of the Chinese Communist Party in the National War (October 1938)
The Question of Independence and Initiative Within (November 5, 1938)
We Are for Roosevelt and Against Chamberlain (January 20, 1939)
The May 4th Movement (May 1939)
The Orientation of the Youth Movement (May 4, 1939)
To Be Attacked by the Enemy is Not a Bad Thing but a Good Thing (May 26, 1939)
On the Third Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese Military and Political College
Oppose Capitulationist Activity (June 30, 1939)
The Reactionaries Must Be Punished (August 1, 1939)
Interview With a New China Daily Correspondent on the New International Situation (September 1, 1939)
The Second Imperialist War (September 14, 1939)
Interview with Three Correspondents from the Central News Agency, the Sao Tang Pao and the Hsin Min Pao (September 16, 1939)
The Identity of Interests Between the Soviet Union and All Mankind (September 28, 1939)
Introducing The Communist (October 4, 1939)
Youth Needs Experience (October 5, 1939)
The Current Situation and the Party's Tasks (October 10, 1939)
Recruit Large Numbers of Intellectuals (December 1, 1939)
The Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Communist Party (December 1939)
Stalin, Friend of the Chinese People (December 20, 1939)
In Memory of Norman Bethune (December 21, 1939)
On New Democracy (January 1940)
Overcome the Danger of Capitulation and Strive for a turn for the Better (January 28, 1940)
Unite all Anti-Japanese Forces and Combat the Anti-Communist Die Hards (February 1, 1940)
Ten Demands on the Kuomintang (February 1, 1940)
Introducing The Chinese Worker (February 7, 1940)
We Must Stress Unity and Progress (February 10, 1940)
New-Democratic Constitutional Government (February 20, 1940)
On the Question of Political Power in the Anti-Japanese Base Areas (March 6, 1940)
Current Problems of Tactics in the Anti-Japanese United Front (March 11, 1940)
Freely Expand the Anti-Japanese Forces and Resist the Onslaughts of the Anti-Communist Die-Hards (May 4, 1940)
Unity to the Very End (July 1940)
On Policy (December 25, 1940)
Order and Statement on the Southern Anhwei Incident (January 1941)
Order of the Revolutionary Military Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
Statement by the Spokesman of the Revolutionary Military Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to a Correspondent of the Hsinhua News Agency
The Situation After the Repulse of the Second Anti-Communist Onslaught (March 18, 1941)
Conclusions on the Repulse of the Second Anti-Communist Onslaught (May 8, 1941)
Preface and Postscript to Rural Surveys (March and April 1941)
Reform our Study (May 1941)
Expose the Plot for a Far Eastern Munich (May 25, 1941)
On the International United Front Against Fascism (June 23, 1941)
Speech at the Assembly of Representatives of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region (November 21, 1941)
Rectify the Party's Style of Work (February 1, 1942)
Oppose Stereotyped Party Writing (February 8, 1942)
Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art (May 1942)
A Most Important Policy (September 7, 1942)
The Turning Point in World War II (October 12, 1942)
In Celebration of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the October Revolution (November 6, 1942)
Economic and Financial Problems in the Anti-Japanese War (December 1942)
Economic and Financial Problems in the Anti-Japanese War (December 1942)
A Basic Summary of our Past Work
On the Development of Agriculture
On the Development of Animal Husbandry
On the Development of Handicrafts
On the Development of Cooperatives
On the Development of the Salt Industry
On the Development of Self-Supporting Industry
On the Development of the Productive Under-Takings of the Troops
On the Development of the Productive Under-Takings of Official Organisations and Schools
On Grain WorkThe Comintern has Long Ceased to Meddle in Our Internal Affairs (May 26, 1943)
Some Questions Concerning Methods of Leadership (June 1, 1943)
Some Pointed Questions for the Kuomintang (July 12, 1943)
Spread the Campaigns to Reduce Rent, Increase Production and "Support the Government and Cherish the People" In the Base Areas (October 1, 1943)
A Comment on the Sessions of the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee and the People's Political Council (October 5, 1943)
Get Organized! (November 29, 1943)
Letter to the Yenan Peking Opera Theatre After Seeing "Driven to Join the Lianshan Mountain Rebels" (January 9, 1944)
Mao's Interview with an American Journalist, Gunther Stien (1944)
Our Study and the Current Situation (April 12, 1944)
Serve the People (September 8,1944)
On Chiang Kai-shek's Speech on the Double Tenth Festival (October 11, 1944)
The United Front in Cultural Work (October 30, 1944)
We Must Learn to Do Economic Work (January 10, 1945)
Production is Also Possible in the Guerilla Zone (January 31, 1945)
China's Two Possible Destinies (April 23, 1945)
On Coalition Government (April 24, 1945)
The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountains (June 11, 1945)
On Production by the Army for Its Own Support and On the Importance of the Great Movements for Rectification and for Production (April 27, 1945)
The Hurley-Chiang Duet is a Flop (July 10, 1945)
On the Danger of the Hurley Policy (July 12, 1945)
Telegram to Comrade William Z. Foster (July 29, 1945)
The Last Round with the Japanese Invaders (August 9, 1945)
The Third Revolutionary Civil War Period
The Situation and Our Policy After the Victory in the War of Resistance against Japan (August 13, 1945)
Chiang Kai-Shek is Provoking Civil War (August 13, 1945)
Two Telegrams from the Commander-in-Chief of the Eighteenth Group to Chiang Kai-Shek (August 1945)
On a Statement by Chiang Kai-Shek's Spokesman (August 16, 1945)
On Peace Negotiations with the Kuomintang — Circular of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (August 26, 1945)
On the Chungking Negotiations (October 17, 1945)
The Truth About the Kuomintang Attacks (November 5, 1945)
Rent Reduction and Production Are Two Important Matters for the Defence of the Liberated Areas (November 7, 1945)
Policy for Work in the Liberated Areas for 1946 (December 15, 1945)
Build Stable base Areas in the Northeast (December 28,1945)
Salute the April 8th Martyrs (1946)
Some Points in Appraisal of the present International Situation (April 1946)
Smash Chiang Kai-Shek's Offensive by a War of Self-Defence (July 20, 1946)
Talk With the American Correspondent Anna Louise Strong (August 1946)
Concentrate a Superior Force to Destroy the Enemy Forces One by One (September 16, 1946)
The Truth About U.S. "volume-4/mediation" and the Future of the Civil War in China (September 29, 1946)
A Three Months' Summary (October 1, 1946)
Greet the New High Tide of the Chinese Revolution (February 1, 1947)
On the Temporary Abandonment of Yenan and the Defence of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region — Two Documents Issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (November 1946 and April 1947)
The Concept of Operations for the Northwest War Theatre (April 15, 1947)
The Chiang Kai-Shek Government is Besieged by the Whole People (May 30, 1947)
Strategy for the Second Year of the War of Liberation (September 1, 1947)
Manifesto of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (October 1947)
On the Reissue of the Three Main Rules of Discipline and the Eight Points for Attention — Instruction of the general Headquarters of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (October 10, 1947)
The Present Situation and Our Tasks (December 25, 1947)
On Setting Up a System of Reports (January7, 1948)
On Some Important Problems of the Party's Present Policy (January 18, 1948)
The Democratic Movement in the Army (January 30, 1948)
Different Tactics for Carrying Out the land Law in Different Areas (February 3, 1948)
Correct the "Left" Errors in Land Reform Propaganda (February 11, 1948)
Essential Points in Land Reform in the New Liberated Areas (February 15, 1948)
On the Policy Concerning Industry and Commerce (February 27, 1948)
On the Question of the National Bourgeoisie and the Enlightened Gentry (March 1, 1948)
On the Great Victory in the Northwest and on the New Type of Ideological Education Movement in the Liberation Army (March 7, 1948)
A Circular on the Situation (March 20, 1948)
Speech at a Conference of Cadres in the Shansi-Suiyuan Liberated Area (April 1, 1948)
A Talk to the Editorial Staff of the Shansi-Suiyuan Daily (April 2, 1948)
Telegram to the Headquarters of the Loyang Front After the Recapture of the City (April 8, 1948)
Tactical Problems of Rural Work in the New Liberated Areas (May 24, 1948)
The Work of Land Reform and of party Consolidation in 1948 (May 25, 1948)
The Concept of Operations for the Liaoshi-Shenyang Campaign (September and October 1948)
On Strengthening the Party Committee System (September 20, 1948)
On the September Meeting — Circular of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (October 10, 1948)
The Concept of Operations for the Huai-hai Campaign (October 11, 1948)
Revolutionary Forces of the World Unite, Fight Against Imperialist Aggression! (November 1948)
The Momentous Change in China's Military Situation (November 14, 1948)
The Concept of Operations for the Peiping-Tientsin Campaign (December 11, 1948)
Message Urging Tu Yu-ming and Others to Surrender (December 17, 1948)
Carry the Revolution Through to the End (December 30, 1948)
On the War Criminal's Suing for Peace (January 5, 1949)
Statement on the Present Situation by Mao Tse-tung, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (January 14, 1949)
Comment by the Spokesman for the Communist Party of China on the Resolution of the Nanking Executive Yuan (January 21, 1949)
Peace Terms Must Include the Punishment of Japanese War Criminals and Kuomintang War Criminals — Statement by the Spokesman for the Communist Party of China (February 5, 1949)
Turn the Army into a Working Force (February 8, 1949)
Why do the Badly Split Reactionaries Still Idly Clamour for "Total Peace"? (February 15, 1949)
The Kuomintang reactionaries Turn from an "Appeal for Peace" to an Appeal for War (February 16, 1949)
On the Kuomintang's Different Answers to the Question of Responsibility for the War (February 18, 1949)
Report to the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the ommunist Party of China (March 5, 1949)
Methods of Work Committtees (March 13, 1949)
Whither the Nanking Govenment? (April 4, 1949)
Order to the Army for the Country-Wide Advance (April 21, 1949)
Proclamation of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (April 25, 1949)
On the Outrages by British Warships — Statement by the Spokesman of the general Headquarters of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (April 30, 1949)
Address to the Prepatory Meeting of the New Political Consultive Conference (June 15, 1949)
On the People's Democratic Dictatorship (June 30, 1949)
Cast Away Illusions, Prepare for Struggle (August 14, 1949)
Farewell, Leighton Stuart! (August 18, 1949)
Why it is Necessary to Discuss the White Paper (August 28, 1949)
"Friendship" or Aggression? (August 30, 1949)
The Bankruptcy of the Idealist Conception of History (September 16, 1949)
The Period of the Socialist Revolution and Socialist Reconstruction (1)
The Chinese People Have Stood Up! (September 21, 1949)
Speech at Banquet Celebrating Insurrection of KMT Troops (September 23, 1949)
Telegram to Xinjiang Political and Military Authorities (September 28, 1949)
Long Live the Great Unity of the Chinese People! (September 30, 1949)
Eternal Glory to the Heroes of the People! (September 30, 1949)
Proclamation of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China (October 1, 1949)
Reply to the Provisional People's Government of Xinjiang (October 21, 1949)
Reply to the Xinjiang League for the Defence of Peace and Democracy and to People of the Tacheng-Ili-Ashan Regions (October 21, 1949)
Preface to The Victory of New Democracy in China (October 14, 1949)
Telegram to the Insurrectionists on the "Hailiao" (October 24, 1949)
Inscription for the Inaugural Issue of Renmin Wenxue [People's Literature] (October 25, 1949)
Telegram to Secretary of the World Federation of Trade Unions (October 26, 1949)
Always Keep to the Style of Plain Living and Hard Struggle (October 26, 1949)
Telegram to Stalin (December 19, 1949)
Address at Birthday Celebration Meeting Held for Stalin (December 21, 1949)
Telegram to President Prasad of the Republic of India (January 28, 1950)
Speech on Departure from Moscow (February 17, 1950)
Request for Opinions on the Tactics for Dealing With Rich Peasants (March 12, 1950)
Fight for a Fundamental Turn for the Better in the Nation's Financial and Economic Situation (June 6, 1950)
Don't Hit Out in All Directions (June 6, 1950)
Be a True Revolitionary (June 23, 1950)
Reply to Ambassador of the Republic of India
You Are Models for the Whole Nation (September 25, 1950)
Order to the Chinese People's Volunteers (October 8, 1950)
Comment on Hearing of Mao Anying's Death (November 1950)
Letter to Huang Niantian (December 2, 1950)
The Chinese People's Volunteers Should Cherish Every Hill, Every River, Every Tree and Every Blade of Grass in Korea (January 19, 1951)
Main Points of the Resolution Adopted at the Enlarged Meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (February 18, 1951)
The Party's Mass Line Must Be Followed in Supressing Counter-Revolutionaries (May 1951)
Strike Surely, Accurately and Relentlessly in Supressing Counter-Revolutionaries (December 1950-- September 1951)
Pay Serious Attention to the Discussion of the Film The Life Wu Hsun (May 20, 1951)
Great Victories in Three Mass Movements (October 23, 1951)
On the Struggle Against the "Three Evils" and the "Five Evils" (November 1951--March 1952)
Take Mutual Aid and Co-Operation in Agriculture as a Major Task (December 15, 1951)
Letter to Li Shuqing (October 16, 1952)
New Year's Day Message (January 1, 1952)
On the Policies for Our Work in Tibet -- Directive of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (April 6, 1952)
The Contradiction Between the Working Class and the Bourgeoisie is the Principal Contradiction in China (June 6, 1952)
Let Us Unite and Clearly Distinguish Between Ourselves and the Enemy (August 4, 1952)
Inscription on the Arts (September 26, 1952)
Reply to Ambassador of the Republic of India (September 26, 1952)
Inscription for Inauguration of the Tianshui-Lanzhou Railway (September 28, 1952)
Toast on Third Anniversary of Founding of the PRC (September 30, 1952)
Telegram to the Peace Conference of the Asian and Pacific Region (October 2, 1952)
Letter to Qi Baishi (October 5, 1952)
Telegram to the German Democratic Republic (October 5, 1952)
Talk with Tibetan Delegates (Excerpts) (October 8, 1952)
Letter to Song Qingling (October 10, 1952)
Letter to Tan Zhenlin (October 15, 1952)
Hail the Signal Victory of the Chinese People's Volunteers! (October 24, 1952)
Combat Bureaucracy, Commandism and Violations of the Law and Discipline (January 5, 1953)
Inscription Awarded to Soviet Troops in Lushun (February 23, 1953)
Telegram to Inquire after Stalin's Illness (March 4, 1953)
Telegram to the USSR on Stalin's Death (March 6, 1953)
The Greatest Friendship (March 9, 1953)
Criticize Han Chaunvinism (March 16, 1953)
Solve the Problem of the "Five Excesses" (March 19, 1953)
Refute Right Deviationist Views that Depart from the General Line (June 15, 1953)
The Youth League in Its Work Must Take the Characteristics of Youth Into Consideration (June 30, 1953)
On State Capitalism (July 9, 1953)
The Party's General Line for the Transition Period (August 1953)
Combat Bourgeois Ideas in the Party (August 12, 1953)
The Only Road for the Transformation of Capitalist Industry and Comme (September 7, 1953)
Our Great Victory in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea and Our Future Tasks (September 12, 1953)
Criticism of Liang Shu-ming's Reactionary Ideas (September 16-18, 1953)
Two Talks on Mutual Aid and Co-Operation in Agriculture (October and November 1953)
On the Draft Constitutionon of the People's Republic of China (June 14, 1954)
Strive to Build a Great Socialist Country (September 15, 1954)
Letter Concerning the Study of The Dream of the Red Chamber (October 16, 1954)
The Chinese People Cannot be Cowed by the Atom Bomb (January 28, 1955)
Speeches at the National Conference of the Communist Party of China (March 1955)
In Refutation of "Uniformity of Public Opinion" (May 24, 1955)
Preface and Editor's Notes to Material on the Counter-Revolutionary Hu Feng Clique (May and June 1955)
On the Co-Operative Transformation of Agriculture (July 31, 1955)
Rely on Party and League Members and Poor and Lower-Middle Peasants in the Co-Operative Transformation of Agriculture (September 7, 1955)
Editor's Notes from Socialist Upsurge in China's Countryside (September and December 1955)
Request for Opinions on the Seventeen-Article Document Concerning Agriculture (December 21, 1955)
Talk at the Conference on Intellectuals Called by the Centre (January 20, 1956)
Speed up the Socialist Transformation of Handicrafts (March 5, 1956)
Contradictions Under Socialism (April 5, 1956)
Stalin's Place in History (April 5, 1956)
Speech at Expanded Meeting of CPC Political Bureau (April 25, 1956)
On the Ten Major Relationships (April 25, 1956)
U.S. Imperialism is a Paper Tiger (July 14, 1956)
Chairman Mao's Talk to Music Workers (August 24 1956)
Strengthen Party Unity and Carry Forward Party Traditions (August 30, 1956)
Some Experiences in Our Party's History (September 25, 1956)
In Commemoration of Dr. Sun Yat-sen (November 12, 1956)
Speech at the Second Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (November 15, 1956)
Talks at a Conference of Secretaries of Provincial, Municipal and Autonomous Region Party Committees (January 1957)
On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People (February 27, 1957)
Speech at the Chinese Communist Party's National Conference on Propaganda Work (March 12, 1957)
Persevere in Plain Living and Hard Struggle, Maintain Close Ties with the Masses (March 1957)
Things Are Beginning to Change (May 15, 1957)
The Chinese Communist Party is the Core of Leadership of the While Chinese Party (May 25, 1957)
Muster Our Forces to Repulse the Rightists' Wild Attacks (June 8, 1957)
Letter to Zhou Enlai (July 7, 1957)
Comment on Class Education with Leaders from Shanghai Motor Power Institute (July, 1957)
Comment to the Loatian Patriotic (Liberation) Front Representative on Education (1957)
Wen Hui Pao's Bourgeois Orientation Should Be Criticized (July 1, 1957)
Beat Back the Attacks of the Bourgeois Rightists (July 9, 1957)
The Situation in the Summer of 1957 (July 1957)
Talk at the Enlarged Third Plenary Session of the 8th Central Committee of the CCP (October 7, 1957)
Be Activists in Promoting the Revolution (October 9, 1957)
Have Firm Faith in the Majority of the People (October 13, 1957)
No Power on Earth Can Separate Us (November 2, 1957)
Speech at Moscow Celebration Meeting (November 6, 1957)
The East Wind Prevails Over the West Wind! (November 17, 1957)
A Dialectical Approach to Inner Party Unity (November 18, 1957)
All Reactionaries Are Paper Tigers (November 18, 1957)
Talks at the Nanning Conference (January 11, 12, 1958)
To the Kwangsi Regional Party Committee on Newspapers (January 12, 1958)
Speech at the Supreme State Conference [excerpts] (28 January 1958)
Sixty Points on Working Methods - A Draft Resolution from the Office of the Centre of the CPC (February 2, 1958)
Talks at the Chengtu Conference (March 1958)
National Minorities (March 1958)
Speech at the Hankow Conference (April 6, 1958)
Introducing a Co-Operative (April 15, 1958)
Speeches at the Second Session of the Eighth Party Congress (May 8-23, 1958)
Speech at the Conference of Heads of Delegations to the Second Session of the 8th Party Congress (May 18 1958)
Speech at the Group Leaders Forum of the Enlarged Meeting of the Military Affairs Committee [excerpts] (28 June 1958)
Instructions (June-September 1958)
Communes Are Better (August 9, 1958)
Speech at the Supreme State Conference (September 8, 1958)
Interview with a Hsinhua news Agency Correspondent (September 29, 1958)
The Masses Can Do Anything (September 29, 1958)
On Huan Hsiang's Comment on the Disintegration of the Western World (November 25, 1958)
A Letter to Chou Shih-chou (November 25, 1958)
Speech at the First Chingchow Conference (November 1958)
On the Question of Whether Imperialism and all Reactionaries are Real Tigers (December 1, 1958)
Talks with the Directors of Various Cooperative Areas (November, December 1958)
Speech at the Sixth Plenum of the Eighth Central Committee (December 19, 1958)
Reply to Article "Tsinghua University Physics Teaching and Research Group Inclines Toward the 'Left' Rather Than Right in Handling Teachers" (December 22, 1958)
Speech At Conference Of Provincial And Municipal Committee Secretaries (February 2, 1959)
Talk At Symposium Of Hsin, Lo, Hsu And Hsin Local Committees (February 21, 1959)
Speech At Cheng-chow (February 27, 1959)
Intra Party Correspondence (March 1959)
Comment On T’ao Lu-Ch’ieh’s Report On The Five-Level Cadre Conference (March 30, 1959)
Intra Party Correspondence (April 29, 1959)
Talk At Seventh Plenum Of The Eighth Central Committee (April 1959)
Sixteen Articles Concerning Work Methods (May 1959)
The People Of Asia, Africa And Latin America Should Unite And Drive American Imperialism Back To Where It Came From (May 7, 1959)
Several Important Instructions (June 29, July 2, 1959)
Speech at the Lushan Conference (23 July 1959)
Talk At The 8th Plenary Session Of The CPC 8th Central Committee (August 2, 1959)
Letter To Chang Wen-tien [excerpt] (August 2, 1959)
Comment On A Report On Secretary Chang Kai-fan Of Secretariat Of CPC Anhwei Provincial Committee Giving Order To Abolish Mess-Halls In Wu-Wei County (August 10, 1959)
Comment On The Report On Liaoning Province Carrying Out CPC Central Committee’s Directive To Oppose Right-Deviation [excerpt] (August 12, 1959)
Concerning Mei Sheng's "Chi Fa" (August 16, 1959)
Why Do Right Opportunists Now Launch An Offensive? (August 16, 1959)
Comment On Chang Wen-tien's Letter (August 18, 1959)
Comment on Peng Te-huai's Letter of 9 September (September 9, 1959)
Speech at the Enlarged Session of the Military Affairs Committee and the External Affaris Conference (11 September 1959)
Intra-Party Correspondence (11 October 1959)
Comment on Reply to Comrades A.V. Sanina and V.G. Vinshire (Circa 1959)
Evamples of Dialectics (Abstracted Compilation) (1959)
Note On The "Charter Of The Anshan Iron And Steel Company" (March 22, 1960)
On The Anti-China Question (March 22, 1960)
Comments On Vice Premier Nieh Jung-chen’s Report On The Technical Revolution (March 25, 1960)
Summing Up Ten Years (June 18, 1960)
Dissemination Of The CC, CPC’s Criticism Of The Shansi Provincial Party Committee’s Report On The Rural Labor Force Problem (October 27, 1960)
Opinion On The Free Supply System (1960)
Classical Works Recommended To High-Ranking Cadres (1960)
Principles Of Educating Youth (1960)
Directive On The Question Of Class Distinction
Speech At The Ninth Plenum Of The Eighth CPC Central Committee (January 18, 1961)
Preface To “Oppose Book Worship” (March 11, 1961)
To The Communist Labour University In Kiangsi (August 1, 1961)
Talk At An Enlarged Working Conference Convened By The Central Committee Of The Communist Party Of China (30 January 1962)
Speech At The Tenth Plenum Of The Eighth Central Committee (24 September 1962)
Reading Notes on the Soviet Text ‘Political Economy’ (1961-1962)
Concerning ‘Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR’ (November 1958)
Critique of Stalin’s ‘Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR’
Where Do Correct Ideas Come From? (May 1963)
Instruction on the Commune Education Movement (May 1963)
Speech at the Hangchow Conference (May 1963)
Oppose Racial Discrimination by U.S. Imperialism (August 8, 1963)
Statement Opposing Aggression Against Southern Vietnam and Slaughter of its People by the U.S.-NGO Dinh Diem Clique (August, 1963)
The Racial Question is a Class Question (August 9, 1963)
Operas (September 1963)
Comments on Comrade Ko Ching-shih's Report (December 12, 1963)
The Centre's Instruction on Learning from Each Other and Overcoming Complacency and Conceit (December 13, 1963)
Strive to Learn from Each Other and Don't Stick to the Beaten Track and Be Complacent (December 13, 1963)
U.S. Imperialism is the Most Ferocious Enemy of the World's People (January 12, 1964)
Statement Expressing the Chinese People's Support for the Japanese People's Great Patriotic Struggle (January, 1964)
Talk on Health Services (January 24, 1964)
Remarks at the Spring Festival (13 February 1964)
Talk at the Hantan Forum on Four Clean-Ups Work (March 28, 1964)
Remarks at a Briefing (March 1964)
Directive on Labor Reform (April 28, 1964)
Some Interjections at a Briefing of the State Planning Commission Leading Group (May 11, 1964)
Interjection at a Briefing by Four Vice-Premiers (May 1964)
Talk on the Third Five-Year Plan (June 6, 1964)
Talk on Putting Military Affairs Work Into Full Effect and Cultivating Successors to the Revolution (June 16, 1964)
Conversation with Zanzibar Expert M.M. Ali and His Wife (June 18, 1964)
On Khrushchov's Phoney Communism and Its Historical Lessons for the World (July 1964)
Talk with Mao Yuan-hsin (July 5, 1964)
We Must Prevent China from Changing Colour (July 14, 1964)
Comment on Report by Comrade Wang Tung-hsing (July, 1964)
Interview with the Japanese Socialists on the Theory of the Intermediate Zone (August 11, 1964)
Talk on Questions of Philosophy (August 18, 1964)
Talk on Sakata's Article (August 24, 1964)
Interjections at an Anti-Revisionist Reports Meeting (September 4, 1964)
American Imperialism is Closely Surrounded by the Peoples of the World (November 28, 1964)
China Will Take a Great Stride Forward (December 13, 1964)
Highlights of Forum on Central Committee Work (December 20,1964)
Interjections at a Central Work Conference (December 27, 1964)
Speech at the Central Work Conference (December 28, 1964)
Why the "First Ten Articles" and "Sixty Articles" Can Mobilize Manpower (1964)
On Education - Conversation with the Nepalese Delegation of Educationists (1964)
Instructions (1964)
Talk on the Four Clean-Ups Movement (January 3, 1965)
South of the Mountains to North of the Seas — Interview with Edgar Snow (January 9, 1965)
Directives After Hearing the Reports of Ku Mu and Yu Chiu-li on Planning Work (January 1965)
You Fight Your Way and I'll Fight My Way: Conversation with the Palestine Liberation Organization Delegation (March 1965)
Appendix: South of the Mountains to North of the Seas — Interview with Edgar Snow January 9, 1965
Directive on Public Health (26 June 1965)
Notes on the Report of the Investigation of the Peking Teachers Training College (July 3, 1965)
Letter to Corade Chen Yi discussing Poetry (July 21, 1965)
Speech at Hangchow (December 21, 1965)
Talk at the National Work Conference of the Politburo (January 1965)
Comment on the Article - "How to Play Table Tennis" by Comrade Hsu Yin-sheng (January 1965)
Notes on Comrade Cheng-jen's Report on his "Squatting Point" (January 29, 1965)
Talk at a Work Conference of the Center (September 1965)
Broadcasting (December 9, 1965)
Interview with Andre Malraux (1965)
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung (1966)
Talk With Mao Yuan-hsin (February 18, 1966)
Down with the Prince of Hell, Liberate the Little Devil - A Talk with Such Comrades as Kang Sheng (February 28, 1966)
Talk at Enlarged Standing Commitee Meeting of the Political Bureau (March 17, 1966)
Talk at Enlarged Meeting of the Political Bureau (March 20, 1966)
Criticize P'eng Chen (April 28, 1966)
Speech at a Meeting with Regional Secretaries and Members of the Cultural Revolutionary Group of the Central Committee (22 July 1966)
A Letter to the Red Guards of Tsinghua University (August 1, 1966)
The Anti-Japanese Military and Political University (August 2, 1966)
Interjection at Enlarged Meeting of CCPCC Standing Committee (August 4, 1966)
Bombard the Headquarters - My First Big-Character Poster (August 5, 1966)
Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the Eleventh plenum of the Eighth Central Committee (August 12, 1966)
Talk at the Work Conference of the Centre (August 23, 1966)
Letter (September 7, 1966)
The Soviet Leading Clique is a Mere Dust Heap (October 15, 1966)
Talk at the General Report Conference of the Centre's Political Work (October 24, 1966)
Talk at the Report Meeting (October 24, 1966)
Talk at the Central Work Conference (25 October 1966)
Talk at a Meeting of the Central Cultural Revolution Group (January 9, 1967)
Talk at the Enlarged Meeting of the Military Commission (January 27, 1967)
Talk at Three Meetings with Comrades Chang Chun-chiao and Yao Wen-Yuan (February 1967)
Speech to the Albanian Military Delegation (May 1, 1967)
Directive on External Propaganda Work (June 1967)
Dialogues Buring Inspection of North, Central-South and East China (July - September 1967)
Letter to Lin, Chow, and Central Committee Cultural Revolution Group (December 7, 1967)
Conversation with Premier Chou on Power Struggle (1967)
A New Storm Against Imperialism (April 16, 1968)
Dialogues with Responsible Persosn of Capital Red guards Congress (July 28, 1968)
Address at the Opening Session of the Ninth National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (April 1, 1969)
Talk at the First Plenum of the Ninth Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (April 28, 1969)
Directives Regarding Cultural Revolution (1966-69)
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung (1966)
Twenty Manifestations of Bureaucracy (February, 1970)
People of the World, Unite and Defeat the U.S. Aggressors and All Their Running Dogs (May 23, 1970)
Conversations with Wang Hai-Jung (December 21, 1970)
Talks with Responsible Comrades at Various Places During Provincial Tour (From the middle of August to 12 September 1971)
The Days of the U.S. Aggressors in Vietnam are Numbered (December 19, 1970)
Conversations with Wang Hai-Jung (December 21, 1970)
Mao Zedong Reference Archive (MIA)