Current Discussion

Letters from Visitors, 2001
Letters from Visitors, 2000
Letters from Visitors, 1999
Letters from Visitors, 1998
Letters from Visitors, 1997

Archive of 1997-98 disucssion list


Hegel & Postmodernism, Geoff Boucher 2000
Dialectics after Derrida, Geoff Boucher 2000
Hegel & Political Economy - excerpt from discussion
Hegelian Marxists - excerpt from discussion
The Influence of Hegel on Western Marxism, talk by Davie MacLean at "Legacy of Hegel" Seminar, 20 Nov 1998
Logic of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, talk by Andy Blunden at Hegel Seminar, 18 June 1999
History and Desire in Kojève, talk by Geoff Boucher at Hegel Seminar, 20 Nov 1998
History and Class Consciousness" as an Unfinished Project, talk by Geoff Boucher at Hegel Seminar, 18 June 1999
Social relations of bourgeois production - excerpt from discussion
Critique of Political economy or Marxist political economy - excerpt from discussion
Hegel & Workers' Control - excerpt from discussion
Listing of whole archive