Haiti 1932

U.S. Forced Loan on Haiti
Leger Bares Wall Street Scheme to Keep Hold of Island

Written: 1932;
Source: Workers Age, Vol. 1, No. 5, 1932, p.1;
Transcribed: by Amaury Rodriguez, 2014.
Grammar corrected for clarity.

WASHINGTON. – That the State Department forced the Republic of Haiti to float a loan of $16, 000,000 totally unnecessary from the point of view of the finances of the country, simply for the purpose of perpetuating United States control over the island was charged before the Senate Finance Committee by Georges Leger, bother of the Foreign Minister of Haiti.

The loan was floated in the Unites States by the National City Bank and runs for thirty years. Mr. Leger declared that the U.S. financial advisers had been [1] the absolute dictators of Haiti and that since 1915 Haiti has been “under the complete domination of the Unites States.” [2]


1. The word “been” appears as “geen” in the original text.

2. This refers to the first U.S. military occupation of Haiti from 1915 to 1934.