France History Archive
Paris May-June 1968

Communiqué of the CGT
Paris, June 5, 1968, 5:00 p.m.

Source: page 1 l'Humanité, 6 June 1968;
Translated: for by Mitchell Abidor.

The National Bureau has examined the state of negotiations and consultations currently in progress on the basis of the concessions imposed on the bosses and the State-boss.

It notes that for many categories of employees substantial results have already been obtained. Demands that had been rejected for years have been met under the pressure of the powerful strike movement.

The National Bureau considers that wherever essential demands have been met, it is in the interests of the employees to call en masse for the return to work in unity.

On the other hand, it denounces the intransigence of the representatives of the large employers in metallurgy, construction, chemicals, and especially rubber, who are dragging out negotiations and, because of this, are responsible for the prolongation of the strikes in these sectors.

It protests against the inadmissible attitude of the government, which refuses the serious negotiations proposed by all the unions of the ORTF,[1] and pits armed force against the personnel they represent.

Certain that it translates the feeling of solidarity of all workers, the Bureau of the CGT declares that it will oppose any discriminatory attempts that will exclude entire categories of workers from the benefits of the positive results obtained by the action of all. It is in this spirit that it has appealed for popular solidarity with the workers forced to continue the struggle.

It approves those militants of the CGT who oppose the bosses’ interference in the consultations in progress, and who inform the workers concretely and with a spirit of responsibility of the results obtained, making clear that which is positive and that which is insufficient. In this way they permit the workers to democratically decide while in possession of all the facts.

Under these circumstances, the workers should make their decision as a function of reality, and appreciate at their true value the retreats imposed upon the government and the bosses. Aside from the important concessions they've had to consent to in response to the demands made upon them, the government was forced to dissolve the assembly and to call for elections. These elections must permit the workers to express their desire for change, to extend and complete their victory.

The National Bureau salutes the hundreds of thousands of women and men workers, most of them young, who have joined the ranks of the CGT in the heat of action. It calls for the development and multiplication of all the initiatives for the reinforcement of the CGT, and for the implanting of these unions in all the enterprises, workshops, and offices not yet organized.

1. National radio and television network