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SOCIALIST WORKER masthead (1977)




1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981

NUMBER 1, April 1977
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

Labor’s Big Year: What a Fraud!

FLOC: Fighting for Farm Workers, by Jean Walbridge

UPS’ Believe It or Not! by Anne Mackie

Feds Frame Union Organizers

Nursing Homes: Rotten Conditions for All, by Ben Blake

Rats and Roaches – A Rent Strike

Egyptian Workers in Revolt: “We Will Not Starve”, by Ahmed Shawki

Southern Africa–U.S.A.: Their Struggle is Our Struggle


Nigel Harris to Speak on “World Crisis”

Teamster Rebels Expelled, by Patricia Gilman

No Comment

Coke Strike: It’s the Real Thing

In Black and White

Why My Husband Is Being Deported, by Angela Agee

Another Broken Promise: Organize the South

Cleveland Plant Closes, by Dan Pearson

Shoulder to Shoulder

The Unions

Book Review

Fannie Lou Hamer: Sharecropper, Organizer, Leader

Defend the Left Press in Britain: North American Appeal

We Need Money Too!

Where We Stand

Socialist Worker Exclusive: Russian Workers – The Unknown Dissidents, by Cal Winslow

Ashley Leach Takes the Stand: “I broke the law, but the law ain’t right”

‘Don’t Drink the Water, Don’t Breathe the Air’

Boston – 1,000 Say No to the Cuts

All the Bucks Stop Here (cartoon), by R. Cobb

Busses Don’t Roll in Indy

Gay Teacher Fired

Scabs on Teachers

Imperial Wizard Says: “There is going to have to be a violent struggle, and we’re getting ready”

Women: Last Hired, First Fired

Louisville Women Support Prisoners

“It’s Like a War Here”

NUMBER 2, May 1977
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

Carter Says Sacrifice, But ...
The Rich Won’t Suffer

South Africa: Soweto Rises Again!

UPS—Pity the Poor Stupidvisor, by Anne Mackie

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

What Does a Teamster Bureaucrat Do When He is Voted Out of a Job? by G.E.

National Secretaries Week: Office Workers Picket for Higher Wages (photo)

“Hijacked Again”, by Milton Fisk

TDU Case Locked in Court

Behind Closed Doors: Steel Contract Settled, by Tom Freeman

20,000 Cincinnati Teachers: “It’s up to us to force a change”, by Bill Reed

Markley and Suares Sentenced, by Randall Howarth

The Plan That Broke Local 6, by Cal Winslow

Violence Continues at Stearns Strike

The Battle Inside Zaire, by A.S.

In Black and White


All of Michigan Poisoned – PBB: The Cancer Timebomb

Shoulder to Shoulder

The Unions

The Working Class in the People’s China, An Interview with Nigel Harris

Five Young African-American Men Face Execution in Georgia (photo)

Dues Cheater


ISO Members Attend International Rally, by P.G.

Where We Stand

Book Review

The Hundred Points, An underground song sung by the Plastic Peoples Band in Czechoslovakia

General Meat Divers Strike, by Jack Pallet

Ashby Leach Jailed

Our Norman (cartoon), [by Evans]

Students Demonstrate

Militant Framed, by Wayne Standley

Seattle Bus Drivers Face Cuts

Gay Rights, by Amy Tyson & Robin Latta

Bedinghaus Strike In Third Month, by Ellen Donnelly

“Lousy as Hell”

Dayton Power and Light: Lean Years Are Setting in, by Bruce de Voze & Ellis Jacobs

Oilworker Report, by Melody Lacy

Atlanta: It’s Up Against the Wall Now! by Todd Jefferson

NUMBER 3, June 1977
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

Prices Going Up, Up, Up

Supreme Court Rulings Attack Workers; OK Racism

Malcolm X on Africa

Cinci Black Caucus Charges: Racism at United Parcel

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

Farmworkers Picket Pageant, by Sue Daniels

Tenants Fight City And Win a Victory, by Kent Worcester

Andrew Young Plays the Fool

This Company Sells Guns That Help Keep White Power in South Africa, by Amy Tyson

Building the ISO

FLOC: “We’ve Been Spit at, Sworn at ...”, by Carla A. Moody


Economic Summit: Mr. Peanut Goes to London, by Milton Fisk


The Phoney General Strike in Ireland, by James O’Donnnell

Gary Tyler Appeal Denied

N.Y. Curbs Sterilization Abuse: It’s a Woman’s Right, by Karen Woods

Success at Milton Bradley: First Strike in 36 Years, by D.M.

A Report on “Illegal” Workers; Their Only Crime Is Wanting to Work, by Patricia Gilman

L.A. Immigration Bust: “Tell my husband not to worryv...”, by Mary Deaton

1933: A Massive Strike of Migrants, by Babara Winslow

The Unions

In Russia, They Jail the Socialists, Interview with Leonid Pliouchtch

Polish Student Murdered


May Day in Indiana (photo)

British Socialist Worker Appeal Hits Target

Where We Stand

Book Review

Remember Kent State! (photo)

In Brief

Apathy in UMWA Elections, but Wildcats Rage On

State Workers Want Strike, by S.W.

Another Trial for Yvonne Wanrow

Rank and File Report

Hood River Nurses Strike: ‘Company’s Union’ Beaten, by Karen Woods

Israel: A Murderer in Power

Wilmington 10 Appeal Denied: Political Prisoners U.S.A.

NUMBER 4, July 1977
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

Our Rights Are Under Attack ... Workers, Blacks, Gays, Women
We’d Better Fight Back

Detroit, July 1967, by Babara Winslow

Former CIA Agent Phil Agee Forced to Leave Britain (photo)

Socialist Worker: What We Think

The Killer Are The Courts and Congress

No Return To The Back Street Butchers! (photo)

The Anti-Gay Movement: Advance Guard Of Reaction, by D. Roberts

Profit Margins Lag: Economic Troubles Worry Big Business, by Milton Fisk

Bloomington, Indiana: The Anatomy of a Scab Town

Workers Fighting Back

Westinghouse: Two Strikes in Two Months

Louisville General Hospital: Abortions Banned, by Christina Bergmark

Grafitti, by Patricia Gilmore

A “Crime” in South Africa

“Silent No More”, by Sue Daniels

International News

South Africa

The Unions

The Murder of Fred Hampton, Interview with Bill Hampton by Ben Blake


Where We Stand

Book Review

Children’s Books

New Struggle in Holyoke

Union In-Fighting Spoils Seattle Clerk’ Strike

Eight Months Out, by Kevin Murphy

“The Unions are Feeble, the Wages are Low”

Connecticut Cuts Comp Costs, by Robin Latta

My Fight to Keep my Kids, Bitzy Gomez interviewed by Mary Deaton

Spying on Postal Carriers

Join In, Boycott Coors

Profits While People Starve: The Grain Hoarders

On Death Row: Gary Hawes, Age 16 (photo)

NUMBER 5, August 1977
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

They Shoot Strikers

Did Someone Mention Looting?

And ‘Animals’ in the Night?

The Klan: Deadly and Growing, by Patricia Gilman

Socialist Worker: What We Think

Why Volkswagen Came to the U.S.A., by Joe White

Grafitti, by Patricia Gilmore

International News/World in Struggle

No Strike at Inland Steel, by Tom Fahey

Sacco and Vanzetti: Working Class Martyrs, by Barbara Winslow

  • to Judge Thayer
  • to His Son


Where We Stand


The Unions

Tent City at Kent State

Strike Ma Bell! “This is the Year to Win”, by Harold Kincaid

Rhodesia’s Deepest Crisis, by Alex Callinicos

Soweto Students Score a Victory

NUMBER 6, September 1977
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

They Stole Our Jobs, by Duncan West

Women: The Attacks Continue

New York City:A Socialist Analysis

“King Carter”: The Fortune Was Made by Slaves

The International Anti-Nuclear Movement, by Bill Reed

What We Think: Socialist Worker

The Coors Strikers Must Win, by Mary Deaton

Shoulder to Shoulder

Trident Base Protest

The Dayton Firefighter: Why We Struck, A Socialist Worker Interview

“Remember the Past” (photo)

Snooper Supes at UPS, by Anne Mackie

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

International News/World In Struggle

Phone Contract: Sold Out Again, by Harold Kincaid

Northern Ireland: Rule by Naked Force, A Report by Bernadette Devlin


Africa In Struggle


ISO Summer Schools

Duncan Hallas to Speak

Where We Stand


Essex Wire: It’s One Struggle

The Miners Fight On

500 March for Striking Mechanics

A New Anti-busing Rampage

US Hosts Pinochet: The Butcher of Chile Comes to Washington

Support the Farmworkers

Victory for Dawson 5: But the Frame-Up Continues

[Execution] (cartoon), by Feiffer

Campus Custodians Refuse Cuts: Philadelphia Teamsters Fired

1,000 March for Abortion Rights

Racist Arsenal Uncovered in Louisville, by Christina Bergmark

Nazis Are Killers

NUMBER 7, October 1977
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

New Crisis in Steel: The Death of Two Ohio Towns, by Pat Morgan

The Crisis in the Steel Industry: 96,000 Jobs Will Be Lost Before Steel Is “Rational”, by Pat Morgan

Meanwhile ... The United States is Becoming a Scab Country

The Issue Is Not ‘Qualification,’ It is Racism and Sexism, by Patricia Gilman

What We Think: Socialist Worker

Support the L.A. Alltrans Workers! by Duncan West

Talking about socialism …
Marxism Made Easy

“Essex Will Stop At Nothing”, by Kathy Whalen

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

International News/World In Struggle

Red October: Sixty Years Ago, by Babara Winslow

Seattle 1917: The Year American Workers Welcomed Revolution, by Harvey O’Connor


Allende’s Chile: The “Peaceful” Road to Socialism, by Geoff Ellen

Militant Students Win: Racist Stocks Sold, by Mike Egan

Seattle Women’s Conference is Step Forward

Bill Hampton Speaks in New England

Where We Stand


Franklin Teachers: The Union is at Stake, by Peter Lowber

Stop the Gym! (photos)

Congress Hits Abortion Again

Gilcrest’s Picketed, by Kent Worcester

State Employees Fight “Discipline”, by Wayne Standley

TDU Holds 2nd Convention, by Anne Mackie and Cal Winslow

Kent State: The Spirit Lives On

Steve Biko: “He Was One of Our Greatest Leaders”, Interview with Majakathata Mokoena

NUMBER 8, November 1977
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow]

Get the U.S. Out of South Africa

Essex Striker Beaten: “Next time, I’ll be prepared”

“The court’s message is clear: don’t be honest, don’t be open”, Interview with Jim Gaylord by Diane Eggleston

Carter, Young and the “Arms Embargo”: It's Hypocrisy – South Africa Will Get the Guns, by Michael Letwin

What We Think: Socialist Worker

300 Rally for Essex Strikers

New England GM Workers Fight Over-time

Talking about Socialism ...

Boeing: 17,00 on Strike, by Michelle Celarier

Giant Tax Breaks: Carter's Made a Promise to the Steel Barons, by Pat Morgan

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

International News/World In Struggle

The Mineworkers Today: The Rank and File is Militant, but the Union is in Trouble, by Cal Winslow

1,000’s Protest Bakke Decision


L.A. truckers as strike sanction, by Duncan West


Duncan Hallas Speaks for ISO

Portland Anti-Bakke Demo Draws 200

Socialist Worker Fund Appeal

Anita in Indy, by Cathy Cesnik

Where We Stand

Two Years Ago in Portugal: The Workers Were Not Far from Power, by Barbara Winslow

Why They Want to Close Cleveland’s Schools, by Betsy Lewis

Hispanic Council Reports: No American Dream Here

Virginia Teamsters Invest in Non-Union Trucking

Women Workers Sterilized in Pennsylvania Zinc Plant

Abortion Amendment Delays Wage Increase, by Wayne Standley

Students Support Strikers: Here’s Your Garbage, Yale, by Amy Tyson

Showdown in the Coalfields

NUMBER 9, December 1977
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

Why The Miners Deserve Your Support

Racist Murder: New York to South Africa – It’s All The Same

Cleveland Teachers Out: Banks, Racists Cause School Crisis

Two Miners Talk About Why They Are Striking

A Euro Scab Is a Scab, by Amy Tyson

Socialist Worker: What We Think

Support the miners! – Forms: “It’s Not Just the UMW ...”

Talking About Socialism ...

Seattle Metro Drivers Get the Flu, by Diane Eggleston

Who’s Side Are You On? An Open Letter to UAW President Doug Fraser, from John W. Anderson

Essex Strikers Get Support at Detroit Meeting

Gary Tyler: Political Prisoner

Notes on the Economic Crisis, by Milt Fisk

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

International News/World In Struggle

Stearns Miners Vow to Fight On, by Christina Bergmark

Houston Women: Out of the Streets and into the Mainstream, by Barbara Winslow


Workers’ Power Is the Only Road to Socialism in Africa, by Ahmed Shawki

Smith starts negotiations with a massacre

Socialist Worker Subscription Drive

New Members in New England

Where We Stand


Vote Supports Coke Strike

Grocery Strike Over: We Were Sold Out, But Not Defeated, by Gloria Park

Boston Boycotts J.P. Stevens

Portland demo: “Ban the Kruggerrand”, by Karen Woods

Crabshell meet

Alltrans Strike in 4th Month, by Duncan West

Framed and Fired: “I don’t accept the B.S. UPS hands Down”, by Anne Mackie

Ford: Where Killing Is the ‘Better Idea’, by Patricia Gilman

Sadat: The Arch Appeaser


NUMBER 10, January 1978
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

The Bitter Fight in the Mines

A Bitter Defeat for the Elwood Strikers: Interview with Georgia Ellis, by Celia Petty

Socialist Worker: What We Think

Stearns Report

Two Explosions Rock Millstone Nuclear Power Plant, by John Baxter

Why You Should Be a Socialist

Seattle Metro: Bus Drivers Fight to Keep Full-time Jobs

Cincinnati: The Newspaper Monopolies, by Bill Roberts

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

A Search for the Perfect Soldier, by Bertolt Brecht

World in Struggle

Class War in Colorado, by Barbara Winslow

The Monster That is Killing Lark


Why Socialists Support the Struggle of the Palestinian Resistance

Where We Stand


The Unions

Political Prisoners USA

AFL-CIO Convention: George Meany Declares War on Japan, Surrenders at Home, by Pat Morgan

“Kroger’s” – A New Name for Union Busting in Louisville

Back UPS Down – Defend Ed Walker

Israel’s Plan to Keep the West Bank

NUMBER 11, February 1978
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

New Attack on Abortion

Welder Shot: Another Murder on the Picket Line

We Want Puerto Rico to be Free

Our Town, by Anne Mackie

Editorials: What We Think

[Supreme Court Gives Nazis the Right to March in Skokie]

Longest National Strike

Notes on the Economic Crisis, by Milt Fiske

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

The State of the Union – Nothing for Blacks, Women, The Working Poor, The Unemployed, by Pat Morgan

Hubert Humphrey, by Barbara Winslow

1977: It was a Good Year for Business

Why You Should Be a Socialist

Wisconsin Newspaper Strikers Have Their Own Paper, by Sharon Petersons

International News

How a Beautiful Clear Lake-like Stream Was Turned into a Cesspool, by Harold Kincaid


Impressions of a Trip to People’s China

A Socialist Worker Analysis

Australian Socialist in Seattle

Bloomington Holds Meeting with Feminist Historian

Where We Stand


The Unions

Political Prisoners USA

The Security Business: $2.50 an hour and a gun ... but it’s a job, by Patricia Goldsmith

Alltrans Pickets Still Fighting

Hundreds Jailed in Canton Teacher’s Strike

Stop South Africa Investments: You Can Help These Children

Indiana Students Plan Demonstration

NUMBER 12, March 1978
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

Victory to the Miners’ Strike

South Africa Movement Builds, by Tim Kingston

What U.S. Rule means in Panama (photos), by Phil McGowen

Yvonne Wanrow Needs Your Support, by Gretchen Engle

Editorials: What We Think

Indiana Rally

Stearns Children Support Strike, by Christina Bergmark

Now It’s Son of S-1, A Deadly Bill, by Ellis Jacobs

Why You Should be a Socialist

“You Can’t Stop a Civil War” – Interview with Banned South African Editor Donald Woods, by Amy Tyson

Demonstrators Greet Puerto Rican Governor, by Peter Court

Taft-Hartley: The Slave Labor Law, by Pat Morgan

Where Do You Stand? by John Anderson

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

International News/World in Struggle

Seventy Years of Struggle – International Women’s Day, by Deborah Roberts and Kathy Stewart


Women and Socialism, by Kathy Ennis

Cincinnati Women’s Conference

Where We Stand

Malcom X: Assassinated February 21, 1965

The Unions

Political Prisoners USA

Framed by UPS: Ed Walker Wins in Court

[Bad Attitude Workers] (photo & comment)

L.A. Teamster Strike Over, by Mary Deaton

[For a Woman’s Right to Choose] (photo & comment)

Cleveland Abortion Outrage – Clinic Fire Bombed, by Barbara Winslow

NUMBER 13, April 1978
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

No Peace for the Middle East: The Rape of Lebanon

Two Pictures from California ... and a Song by Stevie Wonder

Editorials: What We Think

South African Tennis – 3,000 Protest Davis Cup, by Dan Petty

Fighting Sexism in an Auto Plant – “We Demand Respect”

Skokie Demonstration – Why We Are Marching Against the Nazis, by Peter Moore

[Yvonne Wanrow Speaks Out at Rally], by Gretchen Engle

Government Attacks Health Clinic, by Gloria Park

Why You Should Be a Socialist

International News

New Setbacks for Women’s Rights, by Christian Bergmark

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

Socialist Worker Special Supplement


Taft Hartley: The Law Democrats and Labor Bureaucrats Learned to Love, by John Anderson

ISO News

Where We Stand


The Unions

Political Prisoners USA

Boycott Packard’s, by Ben Blake and Wayne Standley

Dracula Comes to the BMC – Comic from “Postal Strife”

South Africa Demo

Stop the Shut-offs! By Gary Staiger

Thanks from the Miners

NUMBER 14, May 1978
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

(Front page only)

Schools: The Crisis That Never Ends

NUMBER 15, June 1978
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

Behind Carter’s Hysteria about Zaire: One Billion Dollars in Investments

The Longest Firefighters Strike in History: “We Persevered and We Won”

What the Nazis Really Want in Chicago

Wildcat Strikes Hit Mines


“We had to Take a Stand”

Why You Should Be a Socialist

A System Gone Mad

Notes on the Economic Crisis, by Milt Fisk

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

International News/World in Struggle

The Tragedy at Willow Island, by Phil Keeling

Workers’ Power Not Nuclear Power, by Ben Blake


Iranian Students Arrested: Face Deportation

The Moro Killing Paved the Way for Repression, by Simone Rossi and Paolo Pasquino

Where We Stand

The International Film Festival, Cannes, France [photo]

Recommended Reading

The Unions

Political Prisoners USA

Protest Banda Award

South Africa Solidarity: We Support the Struggle, by Amy Tyson and Blair Sandler

Miners’ News

Believe It or Not (comic)

No Nukes! by Gretchen Engle

The Deadliest Thing Known

NUMBER 16, July 1978
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

These Men Made Racism Legal – Say No to Bakke!

The Slave (poem), by Georgia Ellis

1200 Indiana Coal Miners Protest Contempt Charges

Socialist Worker: What We Think

450,000 California Workers May Lose Their Jobs, But It’s a Bonanza for the Bosses, by Mary Deaten

Labor Reform Act Dies in Senate, by Pat Morgan

Why You Should Be a Socialist

Forget About Dr. Strangelove, Now It’s All Done with Computers, by John van Raalte

Blacks Humiliate Klan: Victory in Tupelo

Fight for Women’s Rights

Washington, D.C. Demonstration Called: “State of Emergency” for E.R.A.

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

International News/World in Struggle

Chicago Nazis Humiliated, by Jean Maunder, Ed Moor & Tim Kosnoff

Coast to Coast: No Nuclear Power, by Ben Blake and Steve Leigh

What We Think

250,000 in San Francisco: Lesbian and Gay Pride Week


Yugoslavia: “I Found Patriarchal Attitudes Toward Women and the Family” by JoAnn Underwood Fisk

ISO News

Where We Stand


The Unions

Political Prisoners USA

11,000 Working Women Found Illegally Underpaid

Two Years on the Picket Line; “I’d Do It Again” Says Coke Striker

Rank and File Miners Meet in Charleston

Boston Soweto Rally

Postal Workers Prepare to Strike, by Steve McFadden

Indiana Bus Body Strike: “We’ve Turned Back the Scabs” by Bob Morris

NUMBER 17, September 1978
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

The Real Crime Against Women: Victim of Desperation Abortion Arrested, by Christina Bergmark

OSHA: “It’s All in the Head”

August 6, 1945: We Will Never Forget – “This Was No Ordinary Bomb”

Socialist Worker: What We Think

Douglas Fraser Uncovers “A Class War Against Labor”, by John Anderson

Cleveland’s Kucinich Hangs On

Hawaii: Agricultural Workers Fight Back, by Neil Smith

By Any Means Necessary: Black Politics in America

City Workers Fight Back

California Teamsters Fight Safeway, by Tom Freeman

Chapters from The Meaning of Marxism, by Duncan Hallas

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

Chicago 1968, by Todd Jefferson

International News/World in Struggle

New Anti-Gay Drive, by Donna Burgess

“We Have Company Doctors in a Sexist Society” interview by Jean Maunder

What We Think

Millions of Women Suffer, Thousands Die, But Attacks Continue, by Deborah Roberts

Pope Paul: Another in a Very Long Line of Tyrants, by Paul Foot


“No Power Greater” – A Page from Working Class History

More Letters

Miners’: The Next Step – Rank and File Plan Challenge to Miller

Where We Stand

ISO News


An Opinion, by John Anderson

On the Picketline

VW Workers Fight for Jobs

Poorest Families Pushed from Homes, by Bill Roberts

“Star Wars” for Detroit Mechanics

NUMBER 18, October 1978
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

The Revolt of the Teachers

“My Freedom is at Stake” by Diane Eggleston

Well, It’s Only Natural ..., by Judith Condon

Socialist Worker: What We Think

$184,813 in Fines Hit Indiana Miners

Wurf Strives for “Statesmanship”, by Wayne Standley

Police Murder in Seattle, by Steve Leigh

By Any Means Necessary – Black Politics in America

The Campaign to Stop Frank Rizzo: “Hey Rizzo, Have You Heard, Philly Ain’t Johannesburg” by Sandy Meredith

Notes on the Economic Crisis, by Milt Fisk

Railroad Workers Defy Carter

Chapters from The Meaning of Marxism, by Duncan Hallas

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

International News/World in Struggle

Iran/Nicaragua: The Struggle Will Continue

Terror in a West Virginia Factory, Interview with Lois Blake, by Pat Goldsmith

South African Freedom Fighters on Trial, by Tom Freeman

Student Committee Formed: Job Action Planned at U-Mass Boston, by Kent Worcester and Paul D’Amato

15,000 March in Northern Ireland


800 in Akron Pro-Abortion March

No Power Greater” – A Page from Working Class History

Where We Stand

Cleveland Upsets Cincinnati


The Beat Goes On ...


Keith Moon: “He Sang About the Young and Oppressed”

An Opinion, by John Anderson

On the Picket Line

Boston Women “Take Back the Night”

The “Peace” of Hypocrisy

South Africa: More Terror

UPSurge Calls National Meeting, by Anne Mackie

NUMBER 19, November 1978
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

(Front page only)

Carter’s Plan: Cuts

The Battle of the Jericol Mines

NUMBER 19, December 1978 (actually No. 20)
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

Iran: The Fire This Time

Economic Forecast: Recession, by Pat Morgan

Northeast South Africa Solidarity Conference Bombs ..., by Ahmed Shawki

Socialist Worker

Supreme Court Stops Cleveland Abortion Clinic

By Any Means Necessary – Black Politics in America

Causes of the Economic Crisis

Government Says Set the “10” Free

Chapters from The Meaning of Marxism, by Duncan Hallas

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

Iran: The Fire This Time

Seattle Gay Activists Speak Out: How We Defeated [Initiative] 13, by Jan Darger and Tom Richards

Rizzo: The “Tough Cop” Loses, by Jim Creegan

International News/World in Struggle

Cancer and Capitalism, by Bob Goldman


No Power Greater” – A Page from Working Class History

The Revolt in Iran

Where We Stand


Boycott Coors Beer, by Scott Winslow

Machinists on Strike, by Ben Blake

Our Norman (cartoon)

Big “Take Back Night” Demonstration, by Brad Whiteman

An Opinion, by John Anderson

Michigan Office Workers Dump UAW

UPSurge: Ready for the National Contract, by Anne Mackie

Coal Miners Meet

Why I’m Still Fighting, by Bernadette Devlin McAlisky


NUMBER 20, January 1979 (actually No. 21)
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

Iran Explodes!

They Put the Victim on Trial, by Jackie Segal

Fight-Back at UPS, by Anne Mackie

Socialist Worker: What We think

China: The End of the Road

Yvonne Wanrow Faces New Trial

By Any Means Necessary: Black Politics in America

Cleveland: The Rob the Poor to Pay the Rich, by Ben Blake

Chapters from The Meaning of Marxism, by Duncan Hallas

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

Socialism & the Fight for Independence in Puerto Rico

Bloomington Demonstration

Rhodesia Gets U.S. Choppers

Chinese Protest: Woman Shot

The Form – Religious; the Spirit – Revolution

What We Think


Days of Glory, from New York Post

Katherine Hyndeman: A Working Class Fighter, by Cathy Crosson (obituary)

A Page from Working Class History: “No Power Greater”, by Barbara Winslow

Where We Stand

What’s On


On the Picket Line

An Opinion, by John Anderson

General Motors in South Africa, by Ben Blake

NUMBER 22, February 1979
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

Carter Attacks Poor and Aged

How to Fight Low Pay

Fight for Women’s Rights

Rocekfeller: Remember Him for Attica (obituary)

‘Education’ in Uniform

Socialist Worker: What We think

Tragedy in Indo-China, by Nigel Harris

Women and Minorities: It’s Still 1900

“It’s Economics”: Workers Evicted

By Any Means Necessary: Black Politics in America

Northeast Solidarity Coalition Reforms

Boston Coalition Formed: Fighting the KKK, interview with Louis Sheppard

Notes on the Economic Crisis, by Milt Fisk

Chapters from The Meaning of Marxism, by Duncan Hallas

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

International News

The Seattle General Strike


The Boat People

Where We Stand

What’s On

Marxism and the Party, by Sharon Smith (book review)

The Angry Man of Jazz, by Christina Bergmark (obituary)

Top Longshore Official, Anthony Scotto, Indicted, by Sandy Meredith

Cambridge: 600 Jobs Lost, by Kent Worcester

Farmworkers Strike Lettuce

An Opinion, by John Anderson

Go-It-Alone Strategy Fails: Fash Strike Ends

Big Shipyard Strike, by Pat Morgan

Miners Stage Protest Strikes

Georgetown Students Demonstrate Against CIA: For Freedom in Iran, by Avery Gordon

Iran: The Workers Hold the Key

NUMBER 23, March 1979
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

Women’s Rights: Join the Fight

14 Year Old gets 48 Years in Mississippi

Bitter Lettuce Strike Continues

Forced Sterilization a Crime Against the Poor, by Jean Maunder

Pro-Choice Actions Called

Schools: No Change for the Oppressed

Socialist Worker: What We Think

Cleveland: People Get Taxes


Deng on Iran: Solidarity Forever

Students Oppose Tuition Hike, by Kent Worcester

Southern Africa Solidarity Actions Planned

By Any Means Necessary: Black Politics in America

Sacrificed for Profit, by Coleen Thompson

UPSurge: Contract Countdown Begins

Armed Guards Threaten Cleveland Strikers

Chapters from The Meaning of Marxism, by Duncan Hallas

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

A Letter from London

National Contract Expires March 31

Socialist Worker: What We Think

Where We Stand

What’s On

A Page from Working Class History: “No Power Greater”, by Barbara Winslow


With Babies and Banners, by Celia Petty

A New Weapon for Women (review)

Unionists March for Shipbuilders

8,000 Lose Jobs

Paper Strikes Down, by Dave Moore

An Opinion, by John Anderson

Cabbies Fight Back

Miners’ Families Protest Lay-offs

Public Workers March


The Unfinished Revolution

NUMBER 24, April 1979
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

Get It While You Can

Yes, It’s China Syndrome

160 Arrested

“If He’d Been Black, He Would Be in Jail Now̵

Socialist Worker: What We think

The Solidarity Movement We Need

Keep Seattle a Union Town

Fighting Words

No White Wash Here!

By Any Means Necessary: Black Politics in America

Berkeley Liberals “Hip” But Still Dems, by Steve Diamond

Solidarity – That’s the Thing, interview with Dennis Brutus, by Peter Moore & Jean Maunder

U. of Chicago: $74 Million Is at Stake, by Peter Moore

Chapters from The Meaning of Marxism, by Duncan Hallas

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

Iran: Still Fighting

Street Battles in France

Workers Shut Dublin Down

How Long will this Go On? by Lon Henderson, photos by Sid Scales


The Einstein They Forgot, by Milt Fisk

A Page from Working Class History: “No Power Greater”


[page missing]

Newport News Strike: Eighty-Eight, Eighty-Eight, Close the Gate, by Pat Morgan

“I Hope They Hear Our Voice”

Remember Deir Yassin

Women Charge Harassment

An Opinion, by John Anderson

Ready to Strike UPSurge

Let Women Decide!

[Hog’s Breath Strike] (photo)

When ‘Peace’ Is War, by Peter Lowber

NUMBER 25, May 1979
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

Before Next Accident Stop Nukes Now!

Ohio Dissident Mine Leader Shot

Jercop Coal Miners Seek Support

Steelhaulers Show How to Beat Guidelines, by P.M.

‘Who Needs Jobs? We Do!’

Cabbies Make Strike a Cause, by Barry Gordon

Stearns Election: “It’s a Farce”

Socialist Worker: What We Think

Guidelines: The Result Is Wage Cuts, by Pat Morgan

Fighting Words, by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Solidarity Round-Up

The Sky Is the Limit, by Milt Fisk

Cambridge Cabbies Win, by Peter Lowber

Women Unite: Take Back the Night, by Celia Emerson

299 People Killed Illegally by Police in Philadelphia (photos)

Fighting Racism at Amherst, by Brian O'Ceallaigh

By Any Means Necessary: Black Politics in America

[page missing ?]

Rhodesian elections: No Change

London: A Comrade Killed

Chapters from The Meaning of Marxism, by Duncan Hallas

Grafitti, by Patricia Gilman

Socialist Worker Supplement

Say No to Nuclear Lunacy: Shut ’Em Down!

It’s the Same the World Over

Why We Are Marching

Extract from Masters of War, by Bob Dylan

Who Makes the Money

Who Makes the Decisions

What to Read

In Orbit

The Trail of Tears

The No-Nukes Directory

The Socialist Alternative

“Well, Win a Few, Lose a Few ...” (cartoon), by R. Cobb

A Page from Working Class History: “No Power Greater”, by Barbara Winslow

“Prepare for the Future”, interview with Tony Cliff, by Cal Winslow


Clerical Workers Strike at Daily Californian, by Steve Diamond

Profs Win in Boston

Solidarity in Boston: UMPS Call a Strike, by Peter Lowber

An Opinion, by John Anderson

Union Sends Strikers Back, by Pat Morgan

Harvard Boycott: “Only the Beginning”, by Charling Tao

“Who Can Live on $90 a Month?” by Tom Freeman

Black Students Occupy Amherst

UPS Contract: Stop the Fall, by Anne Mackie (?)

NUMBER 26, June 1979
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

There’s No shortage of Profits: How Industry Created This Crisis, by Milt Fisk

A Steelworker Speaks Out: “There Was and There Is Discrimination”, by Cynthia Hawkins

Stearns Strike Over: UMW Sells Out

Women Fight for Freedom: “New Determination”, by S.D.

Socialist Worker: What We Think

United Parcel: Union Says Contract Near

Fighting Words, by Joe Hill

Chicago Protest: Sixties Style, by Peter Moore & Bob Goldman

No Nukes Pack Seattle Council, by Steve Leigh

By Any Means Necessary: Black Politics in America

Will California’s Governor Jerry Brown Lead the Fight Against Nuclear Power? Don’t Count on It, by Patricia Goldsmith

S.F. Cops: “We’ll Kill the Queers” – But Gays Fight Back

Chapters from The Meaning of Marxism, by Duncan Hallas

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

A Special Report from Tehran in Iran

Nuclear Workers: On the Line

Socialist Worker: What We Think

Goodyear: Any Way to Make a Profit

1961: Lead Coffins

A Miner Talks About Nuclear Power


A Page from Working Class History: “No Power Greater”, by Barbara Winslow

Where We Stand

What’s On


Boston Racism, by Louis Sheppard

Cops in Conflict: Black Polics Lead “A Walk for Justice” by Bill Roberts

Regular Bulletins Can Be of Vital Importance (cartoon), [by Phil Evans]

An Opinion, by John Anderson

Rubber Contract: Union Is on Wrong Track

City Workers Shake Worcester, by Wayne Standley

‘We Can’t Live on 7 Percent’

Coal Giant Declares War

Court Upholds Abortion Ban

Stop “Right to Life” – Stop the Bombers! – Defend Abortion Rights

NUMBER 27, July 1979
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

Weber Buried, by Christina Bergmark

Abortion: Our Right


Alaskan Rank and File: “Ruled Out of Order”

Massachusetts: Fighting King’s Cuts, by Kent Worcester

[Setback for “Master Race] (photo)

“We’re Out for Everyone”, by Wayne Standley

Socialist Worker: What We Think

Massive Marches for Gay Rights


Chapters from The Meaning of Marxism, by Duncan Hallas

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

Nicaragua: “Beginning of a New Era”, interview with Roberto Cajina, by Milton Fisk

A Horror That Rivals Auschwitz

SALT Agreement: The Deadly International Numbers Game

We Demand the Right to Choose

Where We Stand

What’s On



Worcester: A Hot Summer’s Just Starting, by Patrick Connolly

Health Workers Rally Against Anti-Abortion Bill, by Paul D’Amato

An Opinion, by John Anderson

Guidelines: Carter Still on Top, by Pat Morgan

Australia: A Massive Strike to Defend the Unions, from The Battler

Coors Caught

Goodyear Strike in Third Month

Keep the Fight Going, by Kevin Murphy

UPSurge Says “Vot It Down!”

NUMBER 28, August 1979
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

Boat 0105

We Pay More ... As Gas Profits Soar

Chrysler to Close Dodge Main, by John Anderson

UMWA: Bill Lamb Loses, Miller Fades

[Farm Labor Organizing Committee]

“It Made My Blood Run Cold”, by Connie Coker

Socialist Worker: What We Think

Ohio Abortion Defeat

And They Say This System Isn’t Crazy

Fighting Words, by Sojourner Truth

Nuke Protests Mark Bombing

“Let’s Stop the Nukes Ourselves”, by Kent Worcester

By Any Means Necessary: Black Politics in America

Jimmy Carter Cracks, by Pat Morgan

UPS, Teamsters Fire Stewards

Notes on the Economic Crisis, by Milt Fisk

Chapters from The Meaning of Marxism, by Duncan Hallas

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

World in Struggle

1919: The Red Summer


Vietnam: the Agony Continues

Where We Stand

ISO News

What’s On


On the Picket Line

An Opinion, by John Anderson

“Nothing But Suspensions, Firings and Headaches”

Here’s One Way to Make Your Point

NUMBER 29, September 1979
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

The Biggest Spill Ever, by Steve Leigh

Cops Attack Bailey Strikers (photo)

Our President, The Oil Companies’ Best Friend, by Joe Allen

FLOC Strike: Tomatoes Rotting in the Fields

[Lesbian and Gay Activists in NY Protest Cruisin’] (photo)

Socialist Worker: What We Think

Chrysler Workers to Pay Big Price, by John Anderson

Andrew Young: No Loss to Palestinians or Blacks

Fighting Words, by Rosa Luxemburg

The Boat People II: Haitians

By Any Means Necessary: Black Politics in America

We Have to Rely on Ourselves, interview with Vicki Denton, by Dan Petty

Chapters from The Meaning of Marxism, by Duncan Hallas

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

World in Struggle

Workers Against the Gulag, by Sharon Smith


A Page From Working Class History: “No Power Greater”, by Barbara Winslow

Where We Stand

What’s On


On the Picket Line

An Opinion, by John Anderson

Why Kurds Must Fight

Boston U. Workers Strike for a Decent Contract

NUMBER 30, October 1979
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Cal Winslow

(Front page only)

Nukes: Let’s Stop Them Now

[FLOC on Strike in Ohio]

NUMBER 31, November 1979
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Boston: Racist Mobs on teh rampage – We Say Fight Back

Illinois Miners Wildcat, by B.B.

Chrysler: the Workers Pay, by John Anderson

Support Pan-African Student

“Chances Are the Nuke Will Be on Indian Land”, interview with Bob Gustafson, by Kevin Murphy & Carol Sepkoski

Socialist Worker: What We Think

The Largest Lesbian and Gay Rights March Ever, by Neil Smith

Action and Democracy: the Lessons of Seabrook, by Peter Lowber

Fighting Words, by George Jackson

Vietnam Vets Launch New Drive, by Sandy Mered[ith]

Black Politics in America, by Tony Bogues

Racist Violence in Boston, by Peter Lowber

Notes on the Economic Crisis, by Milt Fisk

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

Meanwhile, High over the Pope’s Head ... (photo)

Talking About Socialism

World in Struggle

October 28 & 29: No Nuke Round-Up

“A Small Victory”, by Paul D’Amato & Matt Backer


A Page from Working Class History: “No Power Greater”, by Barbara Winslow

Where We Stand

What’s On


On the Picket Line

Talkin’ Union, by John Anderson

Teachers Want a Living Wage, by Christina Bergmark

Strikes Hit AG-IMP

NUMBER 32, December 1979
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Stop the War Threats

The 1970’s (photo spread)

Socialist Worker: What We Think

1979: The Year of Hypocrisy

Steelworkers: A Spark Is Needed

TMI: The Disaster Is Not Over, by Neil Smith

Black Politics in America, by Tony Bogues

Prisons: The New Plantations, by Colleen McGuire

Shelton Woodworkers Strike for Women’s Rights, by Scott Winslow

Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

Support Key in Profs’ Strike, by David Jagga[r]

Talking About Socialism

World in Struggle

Iran: Behind the Embassy Crisis

Socialist Worker: What We Think


Montana Readers Disagree

A Page from Working Class History: “No Greater Power”, by Barbara Winslow

Where We Stand

What’s On


On the Picket Line

Talkin’ Union, by John Anderson

Youngstown: 5,000 Jobs Stolen


NUMBER 33, January 1980
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Stop Imperialism: East and West

The Hostages at U.S. Steel

He’s Paid to Put People Out of Work, by Ben Blake

An Opinion

Flashback: Mashhad, January 1979 – Why they Want the Shah

Socialist Worker: What We Think

Rally for the E.R.A.

Iran: The Contradictions Sharpen

Fighting Words, by Eugene V. Debs


Graffiti, by Patricia Gilman

Anti-Klan March Called

Talking About Socialism ...

Rebellion in the Name of Religion, by Nigel Harris

Notes on the Economic Crisis, by Milt Fisk

Youngstown: A Tragedy for 5,000 Families, interview with Ken Doran, by Cal Winslow

Where We Stand

ISO News


On the Picket Line

Talkin’ Union, by John Anderson

On Strike at the Biltmore, by Vicki Lewis

UPS: Police Riot in Jersey, by Anne Mackie

Zimbabwe: The Ceasefire Changes Nothing

NUMBER 34, February 1980
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

ISO Fund Appeal: Will You Help?

Workers Occupy U.S. Steel

Battered Women: “We Are Your Mothers, Your Sisters ...”, by Beatrice Kern

“A Scab Is a Scab”, by Mary Deaton

Socialist Worker: What We Think

Abortion: A Victory in Court

In Defense of Democracy ...

David Howe, Friend and Comrade (obituary)

Fighting Words, by Rosa Luxemburg

Harvester Strike in Fourth Month

Black Politics in America, by Tony Bogues

Exporting Genocide, by Jean Maunder

Graffiti, by Patricia Goldsmith

White Hunters Kill Black Man

Talking About Socialism ...

World in Struggle

The Gold Medal for Hypocrisy, by B.W.

“ We Want the Jobs”

Where We Stand

What’s On

A Page from Working Class History: “No Power Greater”, by Barbara Winslow

Iran/Afghanistan: The Crisis of the World System

On the Picket Line

Talkin’ Union, by John Anderson

Stop the Draft! by Ahmed Shawki

Union Fights for Survival, by Bill Roberts

NUMBER 35, March 1980
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Stop the Draft!

Zimbabwe: The Struggle Must Continue, by Ahmed Shawki

Wildcat Strike Hits Pacific N.W. Bell, by Steve Leigh

7,000 in Anti-Klan March

Whirlpool Workers Win Fight for Safety, by Anne Mackie

New V.P. in UMWA

Socialist Worker: What We Think

Fighting Words, by Malcolm X

FBI Tied to Klan Murders

Black Politics in America, by Tony Bogues

World in Struggle

Graffiti, by Patricia Goldsmith

Harvester Workers Rally Support

Talking About Socialism

Special Supplement

The Draft and the New Cold War

“Sorry Jimmy, We’re Not Going”, by Maggie Levenstein

And What About the Russians

U.S. Policy and the Crisis of Imperialism

The Socialist Alternative

[page missing]

A Page from Working Class History: “No Power Greater”, by Barbara Winslow

Where We Stand

What’s On


On the Picket Line

Talkin’ Union, by John Anderson

Three Mile Island: One Year Later, by Kathy McCaughin

NUMBER 36, April 1980
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Harvester: U.A.W’s Longest Strike

April 26: “The Nukes Stop Here”, by Neil Smith

2,350 Seabrook Workers Shafted, by Vicki Lewis

30,000 March Against the Draft

[Important Victory for Firefighters in Kansas City]

Socialist Worker: What We Think

Carter#8217;s Budget: No Remedy for Inflation, by Milton Fisk

Fighting Words, by Lenin

West Virginia Miners’ Continue Strikes

Black Politics in America, by Tony Bogues

Lane Kirkland: Superhawk with Friends at the CIA, by Mitchell Miller

Chicago Fire Fighters: “They Won’t Ever Break Us Ever”, by Bob Goldman

Graffiti, by Patricia Goldsmith

Marxist Analysis of Month Award

Talking About Socialism

Harvester: “We’re Going to Win It”, interview with Mike Myers, by Milt Fisk

Zimbabwe! by Alex Callinicos

“Today’s Army”: No Place to Be, by Sandy Meredith


Women Workers Discuss Health, by Peter Lowber

A Page from Working Class Hiatory: “No Power Greater”, by Barbara Winslow

Where We Stand

What’s On


On the Picket Line

Talkin’ Union, by John Anderson

Akron Worker Perdicts: “A Nation of Minimum Wage Earner”, by Glenn Perusek

Court to Rule on Abortion

NUMBER 37, May 1980
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Hands Off Iran

Harvesters Strike Ends in Standoff, by Ben Blake

Klan Stopped in Kokomo

Seabrook: The Most Militant Demo Yet, by Kevin Murphy

Socialist Worker: What We Think

May Day 1980: ’Workers of the World Unite’

We’re Out for Rights and Wages

Black Politics in America, by Tony Bogues

Kent State 1980: Ten Years Since the Killings, by Glenn Perusek

Residents of Crestwood Apartments Stage Sit-in, by Ben Blake

Graffiti, by Patricia Goldsmith

Majority Supports Abortion Rights

Talking About Socialism

World in Struggle

The World Economy: Who Pays for the Slump? by Ken Kidd

“We’ll Fight Old Massa Till We Win, interview with Gloria Jordan

Boston Sit-in Students Defend Black Teachers, by Kent Worcester


A Page from Working Class History: “No Power Greater”, by Barbara Winslow

Where We Stand

What’s On

Jean-Paul Sartre: 1905–1980 – The Spirit of Revolt, by Kent Worcester (obituary)

Women in Russia: ‘No One Thinks About Women’, by Vera Gorbatov

On the Picket Line

Talkin’ Union, by John Anderson

Motown Hit by Crisis

NUMBER 38, June 1980
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Carter vs. Reagan: No Choice

Cops Protect Cincinnati Nazis, by Bill Roberts

Boston Rally Supports Iran, by Peter Lowber & Kevin Murphy

Carter Cuts Hospitals

[50,000 Marched in Chicago to Support ERA] (photo)

Socialist Worker: What We Think

[1,500 Gathered at Kent State to commemorate 1970 Killings] (photo)

Fighting Words, by John Brown

Reproductive Rights Coalition Plans Protests, by Patricia Goldsmith

Black Politics in America, by Tony Bogues

Banned at Kent State, by Christina Bergmark

Love Canal: “We Mean Business”, by Brian Erway

Graffiti, by Patricia Goldsmith

Seabrook: Training for the Future, by Paul D’Amato

Talking About Socialism

Insurrection in South Korea, by Nigel Harris

Israeli Terror on West Bank

Jimmy Carter, Castro and the Cuban Refugees, by Glenn Perusek

Gay Pride Week, by Allyson Smith & David McKay

“I Have a Vivid Memory of the 1930s” by John Anderson

Thirty Miles South of St. Helens, by Mary Deaton

S-1612: Groundwork for Repression, by George Axiotis & Brian Gibbons


A Page from Working Class History: “No Power Greater”, by Barbara Winslow

Where We Stand

What’s On

Slavery: Revolt to Revolution, by Calvin Williams

On the Picket Line

Talkin’ Union, by John Anderson

March for Dignity and Justice

NUMBER 39, July 1980
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

One Million More Jobless, by Neil Smith

Correction ... (cartoon), by Phil Evans

Socialist Worker: What We Think

Registration (cartoon), by Jim Borgman

Fighting Words, by Frederick Douglass

UAW Convention: No Answers, by John Anderson

7,000 Baltimore Jobs Gone, by Curtis Price & Neil Smith

Women Miners Can Dig Coal Too! by Cindy Senefeld

Racist Attacks in Detroit, by Retha Hill

Graffiti, by Patricia Goldsmith

Pay the Detroit City Workers!

Talking About Socialism

Hands Off Jamaica! by Tony Bogues

South Africa

100,000 Demonstrate – New York: Largest Gay Pride March, by Allyson Smith & Andy Rosso

Kent Students Win Appeal

The Crisis: Where the Blame Lies

A Page from Working Class History: “No Power Greater”, by Barbara Winslow

Where We Stand

What’s On

Painting the Picture of American Class Society (review)

War and an Irish Town, by Brian O’Ceallaigh (review)

On the Picket Line

Talkin’ Union, by John Anderson

June 30: Day of Infamy

NUMBER 40, August 1980
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

New York and London: Strike Together

Carter’s Recession: The ‘Cure’ That Kills

“He Was Blown Away in Cold Blood”, by Kevin Murphy

“Hell No, Our Fight Is at Home!”, by Nanci MacLean

Uniroyal Closes Plant

Socialist Worker: What We Think

1980: The Year of the Black Revolt

Jamaican CIA Agents Exposed

The Shah Is Dead: Good Riddance

Fighting Words, by Robert Williams

Graffiti, by Patricia Goldsmith

Poor Billy’s Brother

Dog Bites Police

Talking About Socialism

Auto Workers Lead Largest Russian Strike Ever Reported, by Claire Herschfeld

South Africa: Black Workers Shake the System, by Alex Callinicos

Notes on the Economic Crisis, by Milt Fisk

Never Again! by Christina Bergmark

Where We Stand

What’s On

A Page from Working Class History: “No Power Greater”, by Barbara Winslow

On the Picket Line

Talkin’ Union, by John Anderson

Iran Forum Meets, by Ladan-Razi

Pass Cards Coming: So Is Big Brother

Osborn: We’ll Make Them Talk

Iran: It’s Up to the Workers, by Phil Marfleet

Israel: Legal Terror!

NUMBER 41, September 1980
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

NUMBER 42, October 1980
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

NUMBER 43, November 1980
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

NUMBER 44, December 1980
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

NUMBER 45, January 1981
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

NUMBER 46, February 1981
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

NUMBER 47, March 1981
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

NUMBER 48, April 1981
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

NUMBER 49, May 1981
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

NUMBER 50, June 1981
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

NUMBER 51, July 1981
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

NUMBER 52, August 1981
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

NUMBER 53, September 1981
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

NUMBER 54, October 1981
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

NUMBER 55, November 1981
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

NUMBER 56, December 1981
Paper of the International Socialist Organization
Published monthly

Publications Index | Encyclopedia of Trotskyism | Marxists’ Internet Archive

Last updated on 23.2.2014