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[New York]



Vol. 9 No. 1, 1 January 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

It Almost takes a Revolution Just to Get a Mere 55¢ an Hour, by Walter Weiss

For Socialist Freedom!

Anti-“Pledge” Group Has Logic on Its Side, by W. White

Beware! Churchill, Eden Bear Christmas Gifts to Greeks, by Jim Tanakos

Bravo, Maestro!

UAW Ranks, Some Leaders Back Ward Strike, by Jack Miller

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Mesabi Workers Join Drive; 97% of Goal Reached


New Times, New Methods – Or, a Fourth at Bridge(s), by Robert Sherman

The War Front: What Is the Meaning of the German Offensive? by Walter Jason

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Power Bloc Within Power Bloc

A Socialist Review of 1944, by Mary Bell

Justice: Two Kinds

Next Week

Vol. 9 No. 2, 8 January 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Atlantic Charter Operate! (cartoon), by H.

UAW Breaks Pledge – Supports Strike of Ward Workers, by Susan Green

Pirates in Profits: Ship Companies

New York Holds Tresca Memorial Meeting

“Full Employment” Bill Guarantees Nothing, by Walter Weiss

New York Puts LA Drive Over; Quota Passed

A Dictionary for Workers, by Stanley Grey

News and Views fron the Labor Front

Out of the Past: The Fight Against the Injunction

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

Platform of the Workers Party

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Full Employment: The Capitalist Class Doesn’t Want It

The UAW’s Fuller Brush Salesman

Frisco Protest Meeting on Greece

Government Treats Avery Differently from Way It Did the Miners, from W. White

Strikebreaking Charges on Bridges Union Before CIO

Greek People Force Regency on Churchill, But – They’re Still Battling for Democracy, by Reva Craine

Detroit Mayor and Council Pass the Buck on Housing, by Martin Harvey

In Next Week’s Issue of Labor Action

Cartels: The Profit Organizations of Big Business, by V.F. Jensen

Vol. 9 No. 3, 15 January 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Oppose Labor Draft Act!

UAW Local 365 Out to Rescind No-Strike Pledge

UAW Negro Organizer Wins Suit Against Jim-Crow Hotel

Next Week

Giant Companies Enriched by War, by T.R. Cobb

Chicago United Front Meeting Protests British Role in Greece

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: The Triangle Fire, by Ruth Philips

Readers Take the Floor ...

To All Readers

Surprise Note!

Subscribers’ Note!


Study in Political Arrogance

World Politics

Poland: How “Big Three” Differ on “Liberation”, by Mary Bell

The Principles Labor Action Stands For

Greece: War of Liberation Still Being Fought, by Jim Tanakos

Fascism Still Exists in Allied Italy, by Jesse Kaaren

WLB Employer Bias Matter of Record, by Walter Weiss

Flash on Labor Action Sub Drive!

Vol. 9 No. 4, 22 January 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Every Worker Knows FDR’s Labor Draft = Serfdom!

You Don’t Talk of These Things, Mr.Dalrymple!

“Bill of Rights” Aims to Split Vets and Labor

Memorial Service Held for Carlos Tresca

Minneapolis Defendants to Speak in N.Y.

Suppress OPA Report on Steel Profits, by W. White

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

How U.S. Rubber Profiteers Operate


Kerenksy Makes a Lawyer’s Defense of Russia and Atlantic Charter, by Albert Gates

World Politics, by Reva Craine


One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Conscription Guarantees a New World War, by Mary Bell

A Study in Imperialism – Three News Items and Their Meaning, by Susan Green

U.S. Has Its Home-Grown Fascists, by Jessie Kaaren

The Russian Version of Horatio Alger

Hearing Denied on Negro Quotas

Renew Effort to Free Davis

Vol. 9 No. 5, 29 January 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Labor Draft Is Anti-Union

Intense Fight Against ‘Pledge’ as Vote Nears, by Martin Harvey

Churchill Defends Greek Atrocities, by M. Bell

Cletrac Workers Face Oliver Corp.

“Poor” $10-an-Hour Congressmen

Shachtman Talks on Mesabi Range

Next Week

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: Unionism Hits Lumber Trust, by Ruth Philips

Labor Action Institute in Philly gets Good Start


One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

World Politics, by Reva Craine

Behind the Drive Against Petrillo and Musicians’ Union, by Walter Weiss

The Incentive Pay Trap, by W. White

A Post-War Locked-Out Generation, by William Gorman

CIO White Collar Workers Program, by Susan Green

Stalin’s Lackey Aids De Gaulle Disarm Militia, by Carl Davis

Lenin’s Famous Letter to American Workers, by V.I. Lenin

Vol. 9 No. 6, 5 February 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Defeat “Work-or-Jail” Bill!

Shadow Boxing over Mont’y Ward Dispute, by Albert Gates

Ceilings on Livestock Hike Meat Prices for Consumers, by Susan Green

Allentown: Guineapig for Labor Draft, by Walter Weiss

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: Joe Hill, Labor Martyr, by Ruth Philips

Greek “Unions” That Support the British, by Jim Sikokis


Greece: Golden Goose for Britain, by Jim Sikokis

World Politics, by Reva Craine

Furlough: A Picture of Life in Nazi Germany, by Sylvia Merrill

GE Cartel Plots Show Need to Draft Capital, Not Labor, by V.P. Jensen

Detroit Workers Hear Shachtman on Imperialism

Behind Jones-Wallace Fight: I. Issues in the Fight over Wallace and Jones, by Max Shachtman

N.Y. Anniversary Meeting for V.I. Lenin

Vol. 9 No. 7, 12 February 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Post-War Full Employment – FDR’s Plan vs. Workers Party Plan, by Sam Adams

On with the Fight Against May Bill

UAW Leadership Call on CIO to Leave WLB

The Big Three Meet to Decide Who Gets What

CRDC Welcomes Minneapolis Defendants

No Little Steel Formula for Big Business!

Hard Peace Means It’s Hard on Workers, by Walter Weiss

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Press Action, by Sol Rayo

Report of Greek Events

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

World Politics, by Reva Craine

UNRRA: Imperialist Weapon, by Jessie Kaaren

The Story of the “Liberation” of Poland, by Jonathan Stone

Belgian Workers Force Pierlot Out

They’re Against Even 65 Cents an Hour

Behind the Jones-Wallace Fight: II. The Wallace Program, by Max Shachtman

Vol. 9 No. 8, 19 February 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Big Three Partition Europe

Reactionaries Attack Briggs Local 212

It Can Certainly Happen Here, by Carl Davis

  1. Thunder in the Senate
  2. Why Does FDR Insist?
  3. PAC IS Still Silent

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: Leaders of American Labor I: Eugene V. Debs

Readers Take the Floor ...

Labor Action Book Service

First-Hand Account of Britain’s War on Greeks

Only Guarantee of Lasting Peace: Let the People Decide! by Joe Leonard

World Politics, by Reva Craine

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Labor “Shortage” Exposed

In Next Week’s Issue

Daily Worker Whooping Up Conscription, by Mary Bell

The Army Want to Hang Him: The Case of Pvt. Henry Weber, by John Stewart

War Crimes: No Punishment for the Guilty, by Jessie Kaaren

Latest Moves in Tresca Case

Note to Subscribers

Behind Jones-Wallace Fight: III. The Program of the Workers Party for the Post-War Period, by Max Shachtman

Vol. 9 No. 9, 26 February 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Textile Workers Union Scraps No-Strike Pledge

UAW Fights Communist-Led Farm Equipment

A Partition of Europe

Local Fights for Contract, by James Shea

Remember the Madison Square Demonstration? by Sol Rayo

Vinson Vetoes Raises, But Profits Climb, by Walter Weiss

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: Big Bill Haywood: American Labor Titan

Detroit Negro Housing Situation, by Martin Harvey

[Rickenbacker on Labor Draft]

Let ‘Freedom’ Ring!

Readers Take the Floor ...

Press Action, by Sol Rayo

LA Reader on Nat’l Slavery, from Joe

Power Politics = Hard Peace, by Joe Leonard

World Politics, by Reva Craine

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Nat’l Service Act Means a New Slavery, by Mary Bell

Review of The First Round Points to Need of Labor Party for Fight to Finish! by Albert Gates

French CP Now Critical of de Gaulle, by Carl Davis

How the German Workers Befriended British Labor

Behind Jones-Wallace Fight: IV. Conclusion: Workers Party Program, by Max Shachtman

Vol. 9 No. 10, 5 March 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Labor: Follow Textile Workers, Quit WLB, by Sam Adams

WLB: Backs FDR Wage Freeze Again! by Walter Weiss

They’re Kidding About “War Criminal” Trials, by Jesse Kaaren

Irregular Balloting in UAW No-Strike Voting

Metropolitan Life Acts to Evict 3,000 Families, by Leah Tracy

You Don’t Say! Dept.

Dodge Strikers Still Stand Firm, by Martin Harvey

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Helen Judd (obituary)

Out of the Past: Samuel Gompers, Labor Lieutenant of Capital, by Ruth Philips

Press Action, by Sol Rayo


Power Politics = Hard Peace, by Joe Leonard

World Politics, by Reva Craine

One-Tenth of the Nation

Next Week’s Features

Jacques Doriot, a Communist Turned Fascist, by Carl Davis

Old Lies in a New Pamphlet, by Mary Bell

World War II Prepares a New Barbarism, by Sylvia Merrill

PAC’s Hillman Repudiates Need of the Hour – A Labor Party, by W.F. Carlton

Vol. 9 No. 11, 12 March 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

The Militants at Chrysler and Briggs Show the Way

Lewis Under Fire as He Moves to Get Miners Raise, by Walter Weiss

Murray Meets Wage Freeze with Post Cards, by Mary Bell

Stuyvesant Tenants League Speaks, But Doesn’t Act, by Michael Wylie

Six Fat Years of Profits – For U.S. Business (diagram)

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: William Sylvis and National Labor Union, by Ruth Philips

Press Action, by Sol Rayo


Dino Grandi’s Whitewash, by V.P. Jensen

World Politics, by Reva Craine

Economics of Miners’ Fight, by J.R. Johnson

UNNRA [sic]: Club Over Staring [sic] Europeans, by Jessie Kaaren

ELAS Leaders Throw in the Towel, by R.C.

Pan America: What It Means, by Sally Gorman

More on Daily Worker Liar, Morris ―

Note to Subscribers

What’s On

Vol. 9 No. 12, 19 March 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

This Is How Equality of Sacrifice Works!

105,000 UAM [sic] Workers Vote – Against No-Strike Pledge, by Martin Harvey

An Editorial

The Enemy Is Trying to Enslave You (cartoon), by Carlo

Detroit Strikers Back; Issues Still Unsettled, by Arnold Cranmer

“Voluntary” Slave Bill Already in Effect, by Walter Weiss

Anti-Labor Offensive on the Legislative Front

News and Views on the Labor Front

Press Action, by Sol Rayo

No-Fraternization Ban Fails, by V. Jensen

World Politics, by Reva Craine

From the Program of the Workers Party

Akron Rubber Workers Report, by Bill Ford


What Labor Draft Really Means!

CP Thuggery in Farm Equip’t

How the Communists Betrayed in Greece, by Jim Tanakos

The Upper 1% Lives Well, by Sylvia Merrill

A Little Product of War

Hopkins Forgot to Tell the Pope

Cyprus: A British Colony, by Chris Sikokis

Conditions of the European Jews, by J. Kaaren

CP Lines Up with Detroit Companies

Block That Lie!

Small Wonder, from New York Times

Cleveland Transit Men Win Concessions

Vol. 9 No. 13, 26 March 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Draft Capital – Not Labor

What Causes the WLB to Act Fast

Yalta Divided Up the Planet, by Albert Gates

He’s Not Lying

Here Are the Winners in the War

Missouri Farm Laborers Act to Fight Eviction

“No Wage Increases Granted Here”, by M. Howard

U.S. Rubber Workers Act over Discharge of Committeeman

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Engels Was Right!

Out of the Past: Mother Jones – Crusader for Labor, by Ruth Philips

An Editorial

Press Action, by Sol Rayo

Architects of the New World (cartoon), by Carlo

World Politics, by Reva Craine

From the Program of the Workers Party


Friedrich Engels’ Karl Marx Commemoration, by Friedrich Engels

Efforts Persist to Track Down Tresca Killer

New Bedford: “Voluntary” Enslavement, by Walter Weiss

Middle East: Meaning of Pan-Arabia, by William Gorman

A Scottsboro Case in Reverse, by Jessie Kaaren

Telephone Girls Take Strike Vote, by Mary Bell

War Is Hell!

Vol. 9 No. 15, 2 April 1945 [Should be No. 14]
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

The Miners’ Cause Is Just! by Mike Stevens

From $1 an Hour to $1 a Day, by Roy Gould

Roosevelt’s Production Awards (cartoon), by Carlo

Strike Vote at Cramp’s Ship

Coal Companies Can Pay Miners Royalties – Easily

Negroes Lead California Rent Strike over Discrimination

Senator Taft Represents His “Constituents”, by M. Howard

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

“Workers of the World, Unite!” (cartoon), by Carlo

World Politics, by Reva Craine

From the Program of the Workers Party

Some Dangerous Lies About the German Working People, by Albert Gates

One-Tenth of the Nation

UNRRA: How Polish People Were Cheated, by Ray Mantlev

Peacetime Military Training, by Mary Bell

Labor and Management in the Post-War, by Frank Snyder

An Open Letter from the Workers Party to the Y.P.S.L., by Max Shachtman

Vol. 9 No. 15, 9 April 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Big 3 Clash for Power!

Cat Out of Bag on Labor Draft

Miners Fight On, by Mike Stevens

Industry-Labor “Atlantic Charter”, by W. White

Guaranteed Annual Wage, by Walter Weiss

A Labor Action-Workers Party Anniversary

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: John Reed, an American Revolutionist, by Ruth Philips

What Is a Fair Day’s Wage, by Frederick Engels

World Politics, by Reva Craine

Bretton Woods and Labor, by John Stewart

The State Anti-Labor Laws, by Walter Weiss

One-Tenth of the Nation

British Send Indian Agents to ’Frisco, by George Dixon

Meat Profiteers Get OPA Go-Sign, by M. Howard

Native Fascism: How Can It Happen Here, by Shirley Lawrence

Vol. 9 No. 16, 16 April 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Miners Win First Round! by Mike Stevens

Russo-Japanese Treaty Suddeenly “Impossible”

WLB Holds Wage Line; OPA Holds Price Line ―

Advisors and Sponsors of Nazis Now Advise Allied Military Gov’t, by Mary Bell

Little Steel Formula to Stand After “V-E”, by Walter Weiss

A Lesson in Arbitration

Greet May Day – Workers Party-L.A. Anniversary

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Communist Leaders of #1227 Expel UE Union Defenders

World Politics, by Reva Craine

From the Program of the Workers Party


UAW Local 365 Wins Election at General Bronze Company

A&P Tea Co.: The Story of a Food Trust, by M. Howard

57 Years of Complete Monopoly, by V.P. Jensen

White Collar Workers Need Organization, by Ray Mantler

How GM Profits Gave Aid to Duponts, by Hildy Jensen

Missouri Tenants Fight Sale of Homes

What Goes On Here?

The Ordeal Depicts Slavery of Russian Workers, by Susan Green

Vol. 9 No. 17, 23 April 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

U.S. Capitalism Lost Its Ablest Statesman, by Max Shachtman

San Francisco Points to Big 3 World Domination

Gov’t Evicting Missouri Tenant Farmers

Why the London Dockers Struck, by Douglas Rogers

Two Citizens: One in 2B; One “To Be”

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Out of the Past: Ira Stewart, Champion of the Eight-Hour Day

The Visionary

German Workers & Stalinism (cartoon), by Carlo

F.E.P.C.: Negro Rights Struggle, by Jessie Kaaren


One-Tenth of the Nation

Business Wants MORE Post-War Profits, by Ray Mantler

Behind the Attack on W.L. White’s Book on Russia, by Susan Green

Socialist Thoughts: What Are Trade Unions? by Frederick Engels

Alcoa – Story of a Complete Trust, by V.P. Jensen

Vol. 9 No. 18, 30 April 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Dedicate May Day 1945 to a New World of Socialism! Manifesto of the Workers Party

Goodrich Rubber Strike

Who Are the War Real Criminals? [sic], by Mary Bell

How the Third Camp of Labor Fought Oppression in War, by Reva Craine

What the WLB Has Meant to U.S. Labor, by Walter Weiss

Out of the Past: May Day Originated in Eight-Hour-Day Struggle, by Ruth Philips

Shipyard Workers on West Coast Face Cutback Unemployment Now

A May Day Message on Socialism for Working Class Women, by Susan Green

5 Years of the Workers Party, by Max Shachtman

Reports from the Nation ...

In Labor’s Fighting Ranks ...

The War Theories – After Six Years of Fighting, by Walter Jason

James T. Farrell Greets Labor Action

Four Champions of Working Class Freedom, by J.P. Jensen

Labor Action in Review, by Albert Gates

Vol. 9 No. 19, 7 May 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Hitler Is Gone; Fight for Freedom Begins, by Albert Gates

Il Duce Is Dead! Bravo! Italian Partisans, by Sam Adams

Cutbacks Have Begun; Unemployment Rises, by Walter Weiss

Employment in Detroit Area Decreased by 107,000 Workers, by Martin Harvey

Frisco Parley Opens Big Three Power Fight

Next Week’s Features

Labor Notes from Buffalo, by John Barnes

News and Views from the Labor Front

New York May Day Meeting

Why Plastiras Was Ousted, by Jim Tanakos

World Politics, by Reva Craine


One-Tenth of the Nation

Two Aspects of Anti-Negro Discrimination, by Jessie Kaaren

The German Workers Are Not Guilty, by Susan Green

Casting Light on the Supply Shortage Story, by Shirley Lawrence

What Do You Say, Project Dwellers?

A Soldier Speaks Out on the Post-War World, by George Taber

Vol. 9 No. 20, 14 May 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

The War Ends in Europe! by Albert Gates

Truman Upholds Little Steel Wage, by Walter Weiss

OPA Creates Chaos on the Price Front, by M. Howard

Ranks of Ford Local 600 Take Action on Cutbacks, by Martin Harvey

Goodyear Tire Union to Vote on Strike, by Bill Ford

No-Strike Pledge Is Company Weapon, by Arnold Cramer

Labor Notes from Buffalo, by John Barnes

News and Views from the Labor Front

Read and Reap

Workers Party Holds May Day Affairs in Detroit and Buffalo

They’re Preparing for the Third World Slaughter Now, by Britannicus

World Politics, by Reva Craine


It’s President Truman’s Turn

A Soldier Speaks Out on the Post-War World – II, by George Taber

20 Years of European Fascism

Next Week

Vol. 9 No. 21, 21 May 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

It’s Time for Labor to Act ―

Strike over Firings at Bethlehem Co., by John Barnes

Firings and Strike at Continental

Frankensteen Candidate for Mayor of Detroit

Capitalists Receive Their “Unemployment Benefits”

World Labor Leaders Begging for Admission to San Francisco Conference

Russia Bids for Colonial Trusteeship, Too, by Stephen Parker

Out of the Past: “He Died for His Class”, by Ruth Philips

News and Views from the Labor Front

The War in the Far East, by Walter Jason

Leon de Lee (obituary), by Brink


New York’s Mayoralty Race Is On!

Russian Control of Poland Behind Arrest of 16 Poles

UNRRA: Club Over Heads of Hungry People, by Shirley Lawrence

The German Workers Are Not Guilty, by M. Howard

Sinarquistas: Fascist Party in Mexico, by John MacDonald

Reaction in Greece Grows

Jack Pierce (obituary), by Members of Philadelphia Branch, Workers Party

Vol. 9 No. 22, 28 May 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

N.Y. Workers Party Runs Shachtman for Mayor

San Francisco ‘Peace Planners’ Won’t Stop Wars, by Mary Bell

“Work or Fight” Ending; Fight to Work Begins! by David Coolidge

Yipsels Join Workers Party, by Ann Moore et al.

Price Rise Given to Steel Barons

Continental Workers Win Partial Victory

Out of the Past: Sacramento “Silent Defense” Under the Espionage Act, by Ruth Philips

News and Views from the Labor Front

A Reader’s Observations on Wright’s Black Boy, from Jack

World Politics, by Reva Craine

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Socialist Thoughts: The Evil of the Wages System, by Frederick Engels

Bob Pierce (Seymour Silberfarb) (obituary)

The Mainsprings of Russian Imperialist Policy, by Albert Gates

Frisco Conference Turns Deaf Ear on Negroes, Minorities, by Jessie Kaaren

[German Anti-Nazis Dispersed by American Troops]

“Such Are the Facts ...”, by Stalin in Pravda, November 1939

Vol. 9 No. 23, 4 June 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

SEC Shows War Is Not Hell for Corporations

N.Y. Elections Issue: Jobs, by V.P. Jensen

Slap at Browder Signal for CP Change of Line, by Albert Gates

Is $25 a Week Adequate Benefit? by Mary Bell

British Labor Party Faces Election Fight

Chicago Truckemen Back to Work

News and Views from the Labor Front

Sharecroppers Fight Eviction

World Politics, by Reva Craine


One-Tenth of the Nation

Don’t Crowd the $2 Window, Boys, Or, “The Class Will Be Served”

But Isn’ It a Bit Inflationary

Even Pro-Russian Germans Are “Bad”

Big Business to “Educate” Germans, by Stephen Parker

No Frozen Wages for Politicians

The General Doth Protest Too Much

Vol. 9 No. 24, 11 June 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

How to Get Full Employment? by Martin Harvey

Socialist Planning, Not Profits, by Mary Bell

National Independence Issue in Syria Fight

Capitalist Reconversion to Unemployment, by Susan Green

Labor! Beware the Latest Communist “Turn”, by Albert Gates

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front


One-Tenth of the Nation


Power Politics in Trieste, by M. Howard

The Capitalist Master’s Voice

San Francisco and Freedom of Colonies, by Shirley Lawrence

German Workers Will Pay for Defeat, by Stephen Parker

Portrait: A “Friend of the Negroes”, by W.F. Carlton

New York Election Notes

Imperialist Double Standard

Bell Aircraft Sit-In

Vol. 9 No. 25, 18 June 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

War Costs: One Trillion Dollars, Sixty Million Men, by Shirley Lawrence

Cutbacks, Layoffs, But No Raise in Pay Yet! by Susan Green

A Mask for Every Season (cartoon), by Carlo

UAW #719 Stops Work on Cutbacks

Price Control Defeat by Business Near, by M. Howard

The Foster-Browder Debate and the “New Turn” in the CPA, by David Coolidge

Buffalo CIO Attacks Communist Leaflet

Republocrats, Demicans in N.Y. Elections

News and Views from the Labor Front

One-Tenth of the Nation


Big 4 Smell of Oil in Syria-Lebanon Dispute, by Sam Adams

Shachtman Tour

Vol. 9 No. 26, 25 June 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Workers Party Plan for Reconversion and Post-War, by Mary Bell

Shachtman on New York Bus Slowdown

Detroit UAW Asks National Strike Vote! by Martin Harvey

Trial of Sixteen Poles Shows Moscow Domination of Poland, by Albert Gates

Big 5 Veto Overrules Small Nations, by Stephen Parker

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Politics, by Reva Craine

China: The Struggle Between Chiang and the Communists, by Susan Green


One-Tenth of the Nation

The Future of Women Labor, by Ray Mantler

Grand Illusion: Labor-Boss Cooperation, by Pearl Prentiss

Socialism and Post-War Housing – I. Kitchens and Ladies’ Magazines, by Marian Gould

Reactionaries Terrorize Greek Masses, by Jim Tanakos

Picket Lines Enforce Goodyear Rubber Strike for Wages and Union Conditions

Bell Aircraft Firings

New York Election Campaign

Vol. 9 No. 27, July 2, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Workers Party Pickets Gerald Smith Meeting

Congress Plans a New Slave Law! by Walter Weiss

Goodyear Out; Big 3 Rubber Strike Impends, by Bill Ford

Stalin’s “New” Poland, by Albert Gates

Bell Sit-In Caused by Massive Layoffs

Pigeonhole FEPC; Stall Anti-Poll Tax, by Chris Warren

Mickey Mouse’s Publicity Agent Works for Tammany

U.S. Using Bavarian Fascists, by Jessie Kaaren

News and Views from the Labor Front

One-Tenth of the Nation

Conscription: For a New World War – For Anti-Labor Use, by Susan Green


Next Week

Native Fascism: Smith and McWilliams, by Shirley Lawrence

Socialism and Post-War Housing – II. The Housing Shortage, by Marian Gould

Who’s Going to Own Gov’t War Property? by V.P. Jensen

“New Turn” of Communists – II, by David Coolidge

New York Election Campaign

Vol. 9 No. 28, July 9, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Defeat the “Ball and Chain” Bill!

Industrial Powder-Keg in Detroit

Firestone Out, Goodyear Strike in Third Week, “Pledge” Scuttled, by Bill Ford

Russia Goes After Bases in Turkey, by Sam Adams

Harlem and the Mayoralty Election, by Susan Green

“Talking” the FEPC to Death

L.A. Workers Party Pickets G.L.K. Smith

News and Views from the Labor Front

Shachtman Election Meetings

One Turn Too Many! (cartoon), by Carlo

New York Election: Hooverism – New Deal – War Deal, by Walter Weiss

Workers Party Program for Organized Workers

Communist “New Turn” – III, by David Coolidge


World Politics, by Reva Craine

Next Week

CP Leaders “Confess” Their Mistakes, by John Stewart

Socialism and Post-War Housing – III. America’s Permanent Housing Shortage, by Marian Gould

Simla: Move to Stop Indian Independence, by P. Prentiss

Socialist Call Caught in a Lie

New York Election Campaign

Vol. 9 No. 29, July 16, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

A Real Program for Minnesota Iron Rangers

Vinson Report Proves Labor Needs Own Plan, by Walter Weiss

Workers Party Gains New Youth Affiliate

Navy Ends Rubber Strike, by Bill Ford

German Communist Party Against Soviets, by Mary Bell

N.Y. News Strike

News and Views from the Labor Front

What They Say ―, by Walter Weiss

Left Parties Spurn United Action Against G.L.K. Smith, by Jack Brent

New York Election: Profits – Government – Unemployment, by Walter Weiss

Workers Party Program for Organized Workers


Next Week

Post War Draft: Labor’s Case Against It, by Stephen Parker

Socialism and Post War Housing – IV. Our Cities, by Marian Gould

ALP: Lacks Real Plan for Reconversion, by V.J. Jensen

Communist New Turn – IV, by David Coolidge

Morris Kent (obituary)

Robert Amsbaugh (obituary), by L. Campbell

Vol. 9 No. 30, July 23, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Stop Stalling on Wages, by Walter Weiss

An Editorial

Plenty for All (cartoon), by Carlo

The Militant New York News Strike

Program of the Workers Party for the New York City Elections

Rubber Unionists Learn the WLB Lesson, by Bill Ford

The Big Three Divide Spoils of War at Potsdam, by Mary Bell

News and Views from the Labor Front

They Say – And We Say

Why the Greek Communists Confess Their Errors, Too, by Jim Tanakos

New York Election: Guaranteed Annual Wage

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor


“Suffering” Due to News Strike

Railroad Workers Strike in So. Chicago

India: No Solution Made at Simla, by Kenneth Masters

Socialism and Post War Housing – V. Slums, Congestion and Blight, by Marian Gould

Reason for Hate Campaign Against Nisei, by P. Prentiss

Communist New Turn – V, by David Coolidge

“Fascism Is a Matter of Taste” ...

Special Bulletin

Vol. 9 No. 31, July 30, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

War Is Not Hell on $10 to $180 an Hour!

Congress Going Home – No Plan on Jobs for All, by Stephen Parker

Big Three Plan a Super Versailles, by John Stewart

The Layoff Is the Payoff! (cartoon), by Carlo

New Leadership Is Needed in URWA

L.A. Anti-Fascist Meeting; Workers Party Showed the Way

Belgians Repudiate King, by J. Prentiss

Statement of Workers Party Candidate on Ben Davis Case, [by Max Shachtman]

Rankin’s Union-Busting Bill, by Susan Green

News and Views from the Labor Front

Socialism and World Peace, by Ernest Lund

New York Election: The Workers Party Fights for Socialism, by Walter Weiss

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor


Vet Insurance: How Soldiers Are Swindled, by Mary Bell

More Confessions by CP Misleaders, by Albert Gates

Home-Grown Fascism at Work in U.S., by Shirley Lawrence

Socialism and Post War Housing – VI. Capitalism and City Planning, by Marian Gould

How Social Security Works in Out [sic] Life

New York Election Note

Vol. 9 No. 32, August 6, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

An Editorial

British Labor Goes Left! by Max Shachtman

Strike Bound U.S. Rubber Taken Over by the Army

OPA Aids Big Business Profits, by T.R. Cobb

News and Views from the Labor Front

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

The Labor Party Victory, by Ernest Lund

Gerald L.K. Smith: America’s No. 1 Fascist, by Hal Draper

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor


Ill-Fed, Ill-Housed, Ill-Clothed Remain That Way on 65 an Hour, by M. Wilson

Admiral Leahy, Marshal Petain

A “Hard or Soft” Peace for Japan? by P. Prentiss

A Living Johnny Got His Gun, by A. Stein

Home-Grown Fascism at Work in U.S., by Shirley Lawrence

Socialism and Housing – VII. Politicians and City Planning, by Marian Gould

Vol. 9 No. 33, August 13, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Russia Enters War Against Japan!

Atomic Bomb Shows Why Socialism Is Necessary, by Albert Gates

“Thieves Fall Out” in Trial of Henri Petain, by V.P. Jensen

Potsdam Decisions Guarantee New Wars, by Carl Davis

“Nazi” Bilbo; Product of Poll Tax, by Chris Warren

A Nisei Veteran Fights VFW Prejudice

Who Caused the Detroit Rubber Strike?

News and Views of the Labor Front

Next Week

Churchill, Tory Imperialist, by Susan Green

Gerald L.K. Smith: America’s No. 1 Fascist, by Hal Draper

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor


One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Lindbergh, Fascist Hope, Has New Line, by Shirley Lawrence

What Is Happening in the Phillipines [sic]? by John Berne

Franco Tries to Keep Power Thru Monarchy, by M. Howard

As If You Didn’t Know

Socialism and Housing – VIII. The Labor Movement and Mass Housing, by Marian Gould

Vol. 9 No. 34, August 20, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

The War Is Over! by Albert Gates

News and Views from the Labor Front

They Say – And We Say

Shachtman Talks on British Labor Victory

Workers Party Files Shachtman Petitions for New York Mayoralty

In Memory of Leon Trotsky, by Ernest Lund

Gerald L.K. Smith: America’s No. 1 Fascist, by Hal Draper

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor


Why Russia Joined the War on Japan, by Sam Adams

Atomic Power: What Is the Future of Man? by Ernest Lund

What Labor Must Do for the Veterans, by Stephen Parker

Akron Anti-Fascist Committee Pickets Rev. Winrod’s Meetings, by Bill Ford

Who Is Hirohito? by P. Prentiss

Next Week

Vol. 9 No. 35, August 27, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

The Layoff Is the Payoff! by Ernest Lund

Peace, Ain’t It Wonderful! (cartoon), by Carlo

Tammany Challenges Shachtman Petitions

45,000 Are Now Jobless in Buffalo, by John Barnes

SWP-WP Unity in Question

Cramp Ship Local No. 2 Works for 30-Hr. Week, by the Philadelphia Reporter

AFL Union in Fight with Jack and Heintz, by James Shea

Steel Workers Strike Against Union Busting

Rubber Workers Fight for 6-Hr. Day, by Bill Ford

News and Views from the Labor Front

Socialism and Housing – IX. Housing and Full Employment Planning, by Marian Gould

Legislator Backs Race Violence

Get Your August New International

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Gerald L.K. Smith: America’s No. 1 Fascist, by Hal Draper

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor


Civil Life in Wartime Germany, A Book Review, by Susan Green

Some Results of the War

New York Election Campaign Meetings

The Unity Question in the Socialist Workers Party, A Statement of the Minority Group

The New Negro Problem Created by the War, by Jessie Kaaren

A Ford Worker Writes on the Willow Run Shutdown, from Ex-Willow Run Worker

Vol. 9 No. 36, September 3, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Cessation of Hostilities! (cartoon), by Carlo

Quit Stalling and Provide the Jobs! by Susan Green

The Road Ahead for British Labor, by Mary Bell

Seattle Boilermakers End No-Strike Pledge

For a Guaranteed Annual Wage and Jobs for All! Workers Party Program for Organized Labor

Workers Party Goes on Mayoralty Ballot

Lifting “Little Steal”, by V.P. Jensen

Ship Union Takes Lead in Job Fight

Gates Tours for Workers Party

News and Views from the Labor Front

Shachtman, Gates, Lund, Speak at W.P. Meetings

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

Gerald L.K. Smith: America’s No. 1 Fascist, by Hal Draper


Chicago’s Unemployed, by Roy Gould

Whistling in the Dark

German Communists Out to Break 8-Hour Day

Unravelling the Balkan Riddle, by Sam Adams

The SWP and the New York Elections

Winrod: America’s Jayhawk Nazi, by Shirley Lawrence

Army Trains Strikebreakers

Vol. 9 No. 37, September 10, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

For a Guaranteeed Annual Wage and Jobs for All! Workers Party Program for Organized Labor

For a Labor V-Day: Jobs for All, by Shirley Lawrence

Stalin Levies an Imperialist Peace on China, by Sam Adams

“All Manpower Controls Lifted” – News Item (cartoon), by Carlo

Leaders Flop on Buffalo Joblessness, by John Barnes

Philadelphia Ship Local 42 Campaigns for Labor Party

How They Lied About Pearl Harbor, by Ernest Lund

Workers Party Tour

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Scientific Progress Under Capitalism! (cartoon), by Carlo

Gerald L.K. Smith: America’s No. 1 Fascist, [by Hal Draper]


Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Detroit Active Workers Conference of Workers Party, by Albert Gates

Myth of “Overpopulation”, by Paul Seward

Capitalist Barbarism at Work

Youth Action Ready Soon

Atlantic Charterism

Vol. 9 No. 38, September 17, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Help Put Shachtman on the Radio!

Truman’s Plan – Or Ours, by Susan Green

What They Fought For: U.S. and British Imperialism at Work in Asia, by Sam Adams

The Victors! (cartoon), by Carlo

Longshore Fight for Wage Raise

Atomic Energy – For Chaos or New Future for Mankind? by Stanley Parker

‘Superseniority’ Bar to Labor-Vet Unity, by Mike Stevens

The $5,000 Workers Party Building Fund

Gates on Tour

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Stalin and the Kurile Islands, by Albert Gates

Gerald L.K. Smith: America’s No. 1 Fascist, by Hal Draper

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor

Some Background History of British Labor Party, by Britannicus

Old Misleaders Await the Fall of Franco, by R. and M. Gould

Bevin Aids Greek Reactionaries, by Jim Tanakos

Allied Victory No Help to Europe’s Jews, by Jessie Kaaren

The Low Art of High Diplomacy

Vol. 9 No. 39, September 24, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

A 30% Increase Is Easy for General Motors

Back UAW 30% Demand! by Mary Bell

Socialist Youth League Forms

How to Reconvert! (cartoon), by Carlo

CP Drive On in IUMSWA

Frankensteen Differs Little from Jeffries, by Martin Harvey

U.S. Maintains Japan’s Gestapo, Hirohito, by Jessie Kaaren

Note to Workers Party Branches

News and Views from the Labor Front

From Left to Right

Workers Party Fund Report

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

British Labor Party: The Housing Problem, by Britannicus


Stalin and the Kurile Islands, by Albert Gates

[Space Limitations Prevented Publication ...]

Workers Party Candidate for Mayor Tackles the Main Issue – Jobs! by Ruth Philips

Vol. 9 No. 40, October 1, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

UAW Moves on Companies for 30% Increase, by Martin Harvey

Business Gets Profits; Labor the Run-Around! by Walter Weiss

Strike Still Continues at Kelsey Co., by Martin Harvey

Effective New York Lift Strike, by M. Gordon

Chicago Realty Group Incites Race Hatred

Some Facts About the Role of the U.S. Army, by Jack Dixon

U.S., Russia Main Contenders for War Booty, by Mary Bell

Harlem Cops Arrest W.P. Distributor

News and Views from the Labor Front

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Nationalist Cells in New York, by Shirley Lawrence

World Politics, by Ernest Lund

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor


The Editor’s Midwest Tour

Workers Party-Socialist Workers Party Letters on Unity

Shachtman Statement on N.Y. Elevator Strike

“Let Us Prey”

Vol. 9 No. 41, October 8, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

An Editorial

Labor Is on the March to Make Up War Losses! by Susan Green

Police Club Anti-Fascist Workers (photo)

What’s the Meaning of Race Riots? by Steve Parker

Detroit Anti-Fascists Picket Gerald Smith

Chicago Diesel UAW Walks Out for 30%, by Robert Miller

Support Indonesian Independence! by Mary Bell

News and Views from the Labor Front

Workers Party Again Initiates Smith Picketing in Detroit, by Martin Harvey

World Politics, by Henry Thomas

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor

SWP Minority Resolution on Joint N.Y. Election Campaign

New York Municipal Merry-Go-Round, by Straphanger

Max Shachtman Only Candidate with Real Program for Labor, by Walter Weiss

Harlem and Bilbo’s Party, by Mary Bell

Cop to Mayoralty Candidate, by Oliver Vaughn

New York Workers Need a Real Labor Party, by Ruth Phillips

Vol. 9 No. 42, October 15, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Strike Wave Is Labor’s Fight for Full Employment and Security!
Nationalöize Industry Under control of Labor; Build a Labor Party! by The Editors

A Matter of Reparations Coming Up! (cartoon), by Carlo

Housing Crisis: Even Park Benches Denied New York Vets, by Walter Weiss

“Good Neighbors” in Labor Camps

Oil Plants Seized to Protect Profits, by M. Howard

Workers Party Election Radio Broadcasts

News and Views from the Labor Front

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Workers Party Fund Goes Over Top

Shachtman Speaks in Newark

One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

World Politics, by Britannicus

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor

Pegler Incites Vets to Form Hooligan Squads Against Labor

Workers Party Tour

How Would You Handle a Fascist Demagogue?

U.S. Fascists Cast Nets for Veterans, by Shirley Lawrence

Big Business Would Give Freee Speech for American Hitlers, by Ben Hall

Britain Stirs Arab-Jewish Conflicts, by Jessie Kaaren

Planned Economy, from Time

Brothers Under the Skin, or, What’s in a Name, by Leigh White, from Chicago Daily News

Vol. 9 No. 43, October 22, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

WP Again Leads in Fight Against G.L.K. Smith

Security and a Living Wage, A Statement on the Strike Wave by the Workers Party

News and Views from the Labor Front

Amvets of World War II Hold First Convention in Chicago, by R. Ferguson

World Politics, by Jessie Kaaren

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor

Lynch-Law and Lynch-Mind


One-Tenth of the Nation, by J.R. Johnson

News York Municipal Merry-Go-Round, by Straphanger

Workers Party Candidate Demands End to Discrimination in New York

Record of Max Shachtman

Workers Party Endorses Louise Simpson for City Council Post

We Support the Dockers’ Strike

Workers Party Election Radio Broadcasts

Our Candidate’s Stand on Election Issues, by Walter Weiss

Vol. 9 No. 44, October 29, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

UAW Leads in Labor’s Fight to Win Living Wage, by Mary Bell

Peacetime Youth Draft Prepares for New War

Thousands Picket Smith’s Meeting

$200-an-Hour Wilson Bucks 30% Increase

D.A.’s Office Stalling in Tresca Case

Indonesians Battle for Their Independence, by Stephen Parker

Lessons of New York Dockers’ Strike, by Walter Weiss

News and Views from the Labor Front

Left Jabs, by Shaw

Business Manager’s Corner

An Editorial Correction

Ben Davis, No Labor Candidate, by Albert Gates

Marshall Report: A Program for War, by Walter Jason

Workers Party Program for Organized Labor


How They Love Stalin’s “Socialist Fatherland”!

Letter from a Reader, from J.S.

How to Cast Your Vote for Shachtman

Cast Your Ballot for Shachtman for Mayor

Jim Crow and Mayoralty Election

WP Candidates’ Speech on Radio

Workers Party Stand on Amendments, Proposition

Vol. 9 No. 45, November 5, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Truman Opposes Labor’s Demand to Maintain War Take-Home Pay, by Albert Gates

President Waves “Big Stick” in Foreign Policy, by Mary Bell

The Fruits of Victory! (cartoon), by Carlo

SKF Picket Lines Hold Firm!

Behind the “Civil War” in China, by Sam Adams

Workers Party Leads Again in Oakland Picketing of Smith, by Larry O’Connor

New York Election Campaign Notes

Mesabi Miners Face Big Wage Cut

News and Views from the Labor Front

Business Manager’s Press Action, by Paul Bern

James T. Farrell Resigns as Chairman of Civil Rights Body, from James T. Farrell

A Socialist Analysis: GM and Wages Theory, by Ernest Lund

Marshall Report: What Kind of an Army Gen. Marshall Wants, by Walter Jason


Budenz Changes Faith

Socialist Party Leader Backs Free Speech for Fascists (letter), from Ben Hall

Full Employment? Only a Matter of Convenience

Joblessness: Prospects for Next Year, by Henry Barnes

What Russian Workers Did in 1917, by Steven Parker

Mixed Troops: Got Along OK in Infantry, by Eleanor Mason

Behind the Demobilization Slow-Down, by Joe Leonard

Gannett Foments Picket-Line Violence

Next Week

Vol. 9 No. 46, November 12, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Congress Cuts Corporate Taxes, Gives Profiteers a Boost, by Walter Weiss

Labor’s Demands Will Be Won on the Picket Line, by P. Prentiss

Los Angeles Labor Stops Smith Again

The Language of Capitalism (cartoon), by Carlo

For a People’s Referendum on Compulsory Military Training, by Susan Green

Negro Vet Segregated in Detroit, by Lee Roberts

Army Seizure Netted Ward Union Nothing, by Paul Newman

An Editorial

News and Views from the Labor Front

Left Jabs, by Shaw

Business Manager’s Press Action, by Paul Bern

How a Detention “Home” Hardens Young Inmates, by Youth Reporter

On the British Labor Party, by Britannicus

Marshall Report: What Kind of an Army Gen. Marshall Wants, by Walter Jason


SWP Evades Unity Proposal Made by Workers Party

How British Persecute Greeks

Next Week

Indonesians Struggle for Independence, by Jessie Kaaren

In Memory of Eugene V. Debs: America’s Great Socialist Leader, by Henry Salter

“A Monroe Doctrine for Russia” – Byrnes, by Mary Bell

Behind the Demobilization Slow-Down, by Joe Leonard

How “Practical” Is Capitalism? How “Utopian” Is Socialism?, by Max Shachtman

Vol. 9 No. 47, November 19, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Hands Off East Indies!

U.S. Steel Falsifies Its War Profits, by M. Howard

British Again Foment Arab-Jewish Riots

Results of New York Elections

Windsor Ford Strike: A Fine Example of Union Solidarity, by Lee Roberts

How Frankensteen Was Defeated, by Martin Harvey

News and Views from the Labor Front

With the Workers Party

Business Manager’s Press Action, by Paul Bern

Long Hours Depress Wages, by Ernest Lund

Demobilization: The Servicemen as Hostages, by Joe Leonard


The Issue of Military Training

The Camera Eye (film review), by Libbie Coleman

Civilization, Capitalist Style, from Time

Where Does Argentine Labor Stand, by Susan Green

Oil versus Jewish Immigration, by J.K.

Ship Profits Come Before GI’s Return, by Ray Mantler

Why Every Reader of Labor Action Should Read The New International, by Emanuel Garrett

Ford Co. Rejects Women’s Seniority, by Larry Reynolds

Vol. 9 No. 48, November 26, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Workers Party Pickets Demand Indonesian Independence

All-Out Support to UAW Against the Auto Barons, by Susan Green

Communist Leadership Loses in #101

Truman, Attlee Meet in Diplomatic Secrecy, by E. Garrett

Progressives Win in Akron URW Goodrich, Firestone Elections

The Ministerial Crisis in France

News and Views from the Labor Front

Left Jabs, by Shaw

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Business Manager’s Press Action, by Paul Bern

Free Enterprise System at Work

Workers Party Activities

Strictly Impartial! (cartoon), by Carlo

Demobilization: Why Brass Hats Want a Big Army, by Joe Leonard


Workers Party Leads Second Smith Picket Line in Oakland, by Scott Byer

Atomic Energy: For Barbarism or Socialism? A Series by The Editors of Labor Action

Cartel Ties Between Nipon, U.S. Capital, by Chris Warren

Indochinese Continue to Fight for National Independence, by Eleanor Mason

Exposing a Stalinist Slur on Labor Action, from Labor Action, Chicago Office

Next Week

Vol. 9 No. 49, December 3, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Back the UAW to Victory!

Capitalist Values! (cartoon), by Carlo

McCormick Vote Raises Vital Issue

W.P. Cites Need to Fight Smith

U.S. Labor Swinging into Action, by Jack Wilson

News and Views from the Labor Front

Left Jabs, by Shaw

Business Manager’s Press Action, by Paul Bern

Next Week in Labor Action

Capitalist Barbarism in Europe, Part II, by Stephen Parker

Demobilization: Who Is Served by Occupation Army? by Joe Leonard


The Camera Eye (film review), by Libbie Coleman

New International for November

Take Note!

Atomic Energy: For Barbarism or Socialism? Part II, A Series by the Editors of Labor Action

On the Auto Assembly Line, by Bill

A Bank Solves Unemployment!

British Fourth Internationalists Protest Policy in Indonesia, from Jock Haston

Vol. 9 No. 50, December 10, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

CIO Breaks with Truman!
Need for Labor Party Posed by GM Strike

News and Views from the Labor Front

Business Manager’s Press Action, by Paul Bern

With the Workers Party

Don’t Look Now But You Have a Big Surprise Coming! (cartoon), by Carlo

American Legion: What Does It Offer the Enlisted Man? by Jack Wilson

The Truth About Pearl Harbor, by Walter Weiss

Troops Stranded While Ships Load Munitions Against Java

Next Week

Atomic Energy: For Barbarism or Socialism? Part III, A Series by the Editors of Labor Action

Labor Must Support Fight of Colonial Peoples for Freedom, by Mary Howard

British Unleash Terror Against Palestinian Jews, by Jessie Kaaren

Vol. 9 No. 51, December 17, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

UAW Strikers Stand Firm!
But Leaders Make Shameful Retreat at Ford

News and Views from the Labor Front

Business Manager’s Press Action, by Paul Bern

An Exchange Between WP and SWP Minority on Unity Issue

Off Limits, by James M. Fenwick

Tresca Murder Anniversary

Atomic Energy: For Barbarism or Socialism? Part IV, A Series by the Editors of Labor Action

Iran Revolt, Russia and Oil Imperialism, by J.K.

Wallace and Jobs for All, by Susan Green

Jersey Housing Crisis: Effects the Poor, by S. Berg

Self-Rule for Colonies; Bring the GI’s Home, by J.M.F.

Vol. 9 No. 52, December 24, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

Company “Security” Means Insecurity for Unions!

The URWA Convention, by Helen Scott

British Commit an Indonesian “Lidice”, by Jessie Kaaren

Prices Up; Ceilings in Jeopardy, by Susan Green

News and Views from the Labor Front

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

Left Jab, by Shaw

Business Manager’s Press Action

The Nuremberg Trials, by Steven Parker

Off Limits, Part I, by James M. Fenwick


French Communists Join Fourth Internat’l, from British Socialist Appeal

Atomic Energy: For Barbarism or Socialism, Part V, A Series by the Editors of Labor Action

The Tasks Before the Shipbuilders’ Union Convention

Vol. 9 No. 53, December 31, 1945
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interest of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates
Mary Bell

A New Year of New Struggles for an Old Ideal, Message of Labor Action and the Workers Party

Fight to Open the Books! by Mary Bell

The Myth of High Wartime Wages, by Walter Weiss

On the Line with GM Picketers, by Bill Miller

URWA Preserves Status Quo; Progressives Lack Program, by Helen Scott

Tug-of-War by Big 3 over Turkey, by Jessie Kaaren

Capitalism Can’t Make Jobs for All, by Eleanor Mason

News and Views from the Labor Front

Left Jabs, by Shaw

Business Manager’s Press Action, by Paul Bern

With the Workers Party

What’s Wrong with the Labor Party’s Nationalization, by Susan Green

Off Limits, Part II, by James M. Fenwick


From the Program of the Workers Party

Next Week

Atomic Energy: For Barbarism or Socialism? Conclusion, A Series by the Editors of Labor Action

Profit Interests Cause for Nationwide Housing Crisis, by P. Prentiss

Publications Index | Encyclopedia of Trotskyism | Marxists’ Internet Archive

Last updated on 13 June 2016