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International Socialism, Spring 2003


The Cairo Declaration

Against US hegemony and war on Iraq and in solidarity with Palestine


From International Socialism 2:98, Spring 2003.
Copyright © International Socialism.
Copied with thanks from the International Socialism Archive.
Marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.


The international meeting organised by the Egyptian Popular Campaign to Confront US Aggression was convened in Cairo on 18 and 19 December to launch the International Campaign.

We, the participants, reaffirm our resolve to stand in solidarity with the people of Iraq and Palestine, recognising that war and aggression against them is but part of a US project of global domination and subjugation. Solidarity with Iraq and Palestine is integral to the internationalist struggle against neo-liberal globalisation. The Cairo meeting is not an isolated event, but an extension of a protracted international struggle against imperialism, from Seattle and Genoa to Lisbon and Florence, to Cordoba and Cairo.

The US provides unlimited support, and even justification, to the Zionist perpetrators of genocidal crimes against the Palestinian people. The suffering of the Iraqi people under a regime of genocidal sanctions lasting over a decade, and the aggressive militarism which they face today is but a logical outcome of the structures of power asymmetry of the existing world order:

Attention to this global context helps explain current world developments:

First: Capitalist globalisation and US hegemony:

Second: In the absence of democracy, and with widespread corruption and oppression constituting significant obstacles along the path of the Arab peoples’ movement towards economic, social, and intellectual progress, adverse consequences are further aggravated within the framework of the existing world order of neo-liberal globalisation.

Third: For all these reasons we declare our total opposition to war on Iraq and our resolve to continue the struggle against US policies of global domination. We strongly believe in the urgency of mobilising against these policies. All democratic forces in the world that are for genuine peace and justice must join together within the framework of an international campaign against neo-liberal, US-centric globalisation and promote an alternate globalism based on equity and justice. This would mean better utilisation of the world’s resources and protection of the environment. Together the people of the world are quite able to combat aggression and all forms of injustice, prejudice and racism, and make a better world possible.

The Cairo conference against war on Iraq and in solidarity with Palestine represents the launching of an international popular movement that creates effective mechanisms for confronting policies of aggression. The participation of international activists who are prominent for their struggles for human dignity, rights and justice, as well as intellectuals, authors, unionists, human rights workers, journalists and artists – from Egypt and the rest of the Arab world, Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe, and the United States – will no doubt accelerate this noble endeavour in spite of the numerous obstacles that we have to confront.

Fourth: It is important that this international popular initiative of solidarity with Iraq and Palestine proceed according to an action plan which includes clearly defined priorities:

  1. Condemnation of US military presence on Arab land along with pressuring the Arab governments that allow US military bases on their territory to close them down, and not to provide air, naval or land facilities.
  2. Develop co-operation among popular organisations of the South to reinforce solidarity in confronting the policies and practices of neo-liberal globalisation and US hegemony.
  3. Work towards co-operation with the international anti-globalisation movement of the North and South, and participation in activities and meetings organised by this movement.
  4. Promote the unity of democratic forces and popular organisations in different parts of the world, and form solidarity committees which oppose war on Iraq, and the genocidal crimes faced by Palestinians, supporting their right to resistance and struggle for liberation.
  5. Under the banner ‘Together against globalisation and US hegemony’ add Iraq and Palestine to the agendas of international progressive meetings, particularly the next Social Forum at Porto Alegre.
  6. Invite Arab and international human rights organisations to evaluate humanitarian conditions in Iraq and disseminate their findings worldwide.
  7. Prepare to send human shields to Iraq.
  8. Introduce the boycott of US and Israeli commodities in solidarity campaigns in support of Iraq and Palestine, with emphasis on the right of return for Palestinians.
  9. Elect a steering committee to follow up on the implementation of the Cairo Declaration, and co-ordination among organisations which commit to its principles, and enhance awareness through appropriate actions ranging from the preparation of posters to organising marches and demonstrations in solidarity with Iraq and Palestine.

Signatories to the Cairo Declaration include: Jeremy Corbyn MP; George Galloway MP; Tony Benn, former MP and cabinet minister; Susan George, writer and ATTAC activist; Bob Crow, general secretary RMT; Mick Rix, general secretary ASLEF; Julie Christie, actor; George Monbiot, journalist; Harold Pinter, playwright; Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, leader Muslim Parliament of Great Britain; Ken Loach, film director; Mark Serwotka, general secretary PCS; Shahedah Vawda, Muslims for Just Peace; Tommy Sheridan MSP, Scottish Socialist Party; Brian Reade, columnist Daily Mirror; Jane Loftus, national executive member CWU; Paul Mackney, general secretary NATFHE; Dr Ghada Karmi, research fellow Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter; Tariq Ali, writer and broadcaster; Stop the War Coalition, Britain; Petros Constantinou, Campaign Genoa 2001-ESF, Greece; Nader Fergany, lead author Arab Human Development Report, director Almishkat Research Centre, Cairo; Paul Foot, Campaigning Journalist of the Decade, Britain; Emerita Professor Hilary Rose, University of Bradford; China Miéville, author; Lindsey German, convenor Stop the War Coalition; Andrew Murray, chair Stop the War Coalition; Sabah Al-Mukhtar, president Arab Lawyers Association, Britain; RMT London region executive; Helen Salmon, national executive member NUS; Hilary Wainwright, editor Red Pepper; Dave Hutchinson, AMICUS national executive member for Yorkshire and Humberside; Ali Mallah, president Toronto Canadian Arab Federation, vice-president Ontario New Democratic Party; Sabby Sagall, Committee to Free Vanunu, Britain; Professor Alex Callinicos, York University; Lesley Lababidi, author, director of MENA Youth Leadership Initiative, Giza, Cairo; Boris Kagarlitsky, writer and activist, Moscow; Associate Professor Ji Giles Ungpakorn, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok; Peter Dwyer, post-doctoral fellow, Centre for Civil Society, Durban; Mike Davis, author, San Diego (all individuals in a personal capacity).

To add your name phone +4420 7053 2155 or e-mail [Note by ETOL: This address has not been checked.]

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