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Fourth International, November 1942


Manager’s Column


From Fourth International, vol.3 No.11, November 1942, p.322.
Transcribed, Edited & Formatted by Ted Crawford & David Walters in 2008 for the ETOL.


The articles on India in Fourth International have evoked keen interest:

Our agent in Boston writes: “Will you please send us five more copies of the current FI. We have some Indian contacts here to whom we are sending both last and this month’s issues. Incidentally, we have started pushing the FIs again and just a slight amount of talk resulted in a shortage of copies this month instead of the old surplus. Hope it keeps up so we can increase our bundle.”

Our agent in Harlem reports that a number of copies of Fourth International were sold to a progressive Negro youth group which expressed particular interest in the articles and editorials on India and other colonial countries.

An editorial on India in the October 10 Pittsburgh Courier, a leading Negro newspaper, calls attention to “the brilliant analysis by Felix Morrow in Fourth International for September” which

“revealed the full infamy of the conspiracy on the part of the press and propaganda agencies against the movement for Indian freedom.

“Mr. Morrow makes clear that the Cripps’ account of what caused the rejection of his proposals was a complete fabrication prepared after the conferences with Indian leaders had been concluded and disseminated to build up American opinion favorable to British repressions.”

An Indian came to our office in order to buy the September issue of Fourth International, for its articles on India.

Salesmen of The Militant at the seamen’s unions, who have taken along with them the October issue of Fourth International, report good sales because of the maritime article by Lang. A seaman who came to our office expressed the hope that this article would fall into the hands of many seamen, “especially NMUers.”

*  *  *  *

From a subscriber in Connecticut: “As a farmer by occupation I would like if you could carry more articles on the subject of agriculture and agricultural problems. I’m sure it would be of much interest to other readers. The series of articles on agriculture by C. Charles were very much appreciated. Also articles on agriculture in The Militant would be appreciated.”

The educational director of a Trade union local in Michigan subscribed to the FI with the request: “Recently the Fourth International carried a series of articles on the state of American agricultural economy. Would it be possible for me to obtain the copies containing those articles?”

C.H., agent in Portland, Oregon, sends in a one-year combination subscription to Fourth International and The Militant, remarking: “He is an ex-SLP member, who dropped out because of their obvious isolation and sterility, When I showed him our press he was immediately interested.”

R.Q., an agent in Pennsylvania, writes that instead of delivering the magazine and paper in person to two of her contacts, she has gotten from each a one year combination sub.

*  *  *  *

A subscriber from abroad writes: “Enclosed is money order for $4.50 for renewal of year’s sub to your paper and also Fourth International, plus something for mailing charges. I would not like to miss a number and you can be sure that others here feel the same about it. I feel that I owe a great deal to Felix Morrow for his penetrating analysis and also to Albert Parker, to mention a couple of your contributors. Your spotlight on India shows facts which we do not otherwise get. Good luck and more power to you.”

From Scotland: “Could you send us a regular supply of Fourth Internationals. There is also a crying need for any and all of Leon Trotsky’s works which are quite unobtainable here ... Young people are approaching us daily and this material would prove invaluable as a training field.”

From Argentina comes a note asking us to send the FI and paper regularly.

From Ireland: “The papers you send are invaluable to me and others. Please keep on sending them ... I saw a copy of Cannon’s evidence printed in England, and thought it a very useful introduction to socialism. The sort of thing that I would like to have several copies of to give away?’

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Last updated on 22.8.2008