International Trotskyist Tendencies

1928 to the present

Links to Existing Trotskyist Tendencies and their Affiliated Organizations

CBCI — Bolshevik Current for the Fourth International (BCFI).

CRFI — Center for the Reconstruction of the Fourth International, associated with the Partido Obrero/Argentina and co-thinkers. They used to be called the Fourth Internationalist Tendency.

CLI — International Leninist Current, Voce Operaia (it) tendency.

COFI —Communist Organization for the Fourth International

CWI or CWI — Committe for a Workers International.

FI — Fourth International, founded in 1938 by Leon Trotsky

FI(p) — FI(posadist).

FI-IC — Fourth International — International Committee, one of two splits of the FI, 
             associated with James P. Cannon, Pierre Lambert

FI-IS — Fourth International — International Secretariat, one ofr two splits of the FI, 
            associated with M. Pablo, E. Mandel & Pierre Frank

FI (La Vérité) — formerly Fourth International (International of Center for 
                         Reconstruction) associated with Pierre Lambert

FI (USFI) — United Secretariat of the Fourth International

IBT — International Bolschevik Tendency.

ICFI based in Britain— part of ICFI led by Healy until his death.

ICFI based in USA—part of ICFI led by North.

ICL(FI) — International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist), the Spartacists

ICL International Communist League , international supporters of the SWP [us]

ICOT —International Center for Ortodox Trotskyism, in Spanish CITO,

ICU — Internationalist Communist Union, Lutte Ouvriere international

ILO — International Left Opposition, 1928, predecessor of the FI

IMT/CMI — International Marxist Tendency/Corriente Marxista Internacional (IMT/CMI)

iSt — International Spartacist Tendency, now the ICL(FI)

IST — International Socialism Tendency, SWP/Britain and others. 
          Associated with Tony Cliff. Click HERE for a subject index of writers and documents from the IST.

ITC — Intnernational Trotksyist Committee. International tendency lead by the RWL[us].

ITO — International Trotskyist Opposition, Grisolia tendency [it] and the Trotskyist League [us]

IWC — International Workers Committee, now defunct, formally associated with Workers Voice group [us]

IWL(FI) — International Workers’  League (Fourth International), in Spanish LIT, 
                Moreno founded organisation

LFI — League for the Fourth International
Internationalist Group tendency [Split from ICL(FI)]

LMRCI — Liason Committee of Militants for the Reconstruction of Commmunist International

LRCI — League for the Revolutionary Communist International.

LTT — Leninist-Trotskyist Tendency.

MT — Marxist Tendency, unofficial name, tendency associated 
         with Ted Grant and Alan Woods

TF — Trotskyst Fraction - Fourth International, split of LIT, PTS/Argentina and others.  [web site:]

WI(RFI) — Workers’ International, Slaughter-Nagy tendency

WIU (FI) — Workers’ International Unity (Fourth International), in Spanish UIT, 
                   Zamora-Ramos 1994 split form LIT. 

The Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line’s List of

Trotskyist Parties and Organizations of the World

Sorted according to their international affiliation/links are to their home pages

Bolshevik Current for the Fourth International (BCFI)

Committee for a Workers International (CWI)

Communist Organization for the Fourth International (COFI)

Coordination Committee for the Construction of the International Workers Party (KoorKom)
other page broader organization including the LIT(CI)

International Bolshevik Tendency (IBT)

International Center of Orthodox Trotskyism (Centro Internacional del Trotskismo Ortodoxo - IV Internacional, CITO)

International Committee of the Fourth International [1] (ICFI[1])

International Committee of the Fourth International [2] (ICFI[2])

International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist) (ICL(FI))

Fourth International (formally the OCRFI and ICR)

Fourth International (Formerly USFI)

International Marxist Tendency/Corriente Marxista Internacional (IMT/CMI)

International Socialist Forum (ISF)

International Socialist Tendency (IS)

International Trotskyist Committee for the Political Regeneration of the Fourth International (ITC)

International Trotskyist Opposition (ITO)

International Workers’ Committee (IWC)

International Workers League (Fourth International) (Liga Internacional de los Trabajadores (Quarta Internacional), LIT-CI)

International Workers’ Unity (Fourth International) (Unidad Internacional de los Trabajadores (Quarta Internacional), UIT)

Internationalist Communist Union (Union Communiste Internationaliste, UCI)

League for a Revolutionary Communist International (LRCI)

League for the Fourth International

Liaison Committee for the Reconstruction of the Fourth International (Comité de Enlace por la Reconstrución de la IV Internacional, CERCI)

Liaison Committee of Militants for a Revolutionary Communist International (LCMRCI)

Leninist-Trotskyist Tendency (LTT)

Partido Obrero Tendency
Tendency aound the Argentinian Workers Party (Partido Oberero, PO)

Revolutionary Workers Foment (Fomento Obrero Revolucionario, FOR)

Socialist Workers Party Tendency
Tendency around the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) of the USA
Periodical Militant

Trotskyist Faction – Fourth International (Fracción Trotskista (Estrategia Internacional), FT(EI))



International Leninist Current (ILC)
