Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

New Communist Movement: Major Issues and Debates

Index of topics covered in this section (by alphabetical order)
Afro-American National Question and Racism
Capitalist Restoration in the USSR?
Chicano Liberation
Communist Party USA and Revisionism
Homosexuality and Gay Liberation
Labor and the Trade Union Question
A Marxist-Leninist Communist Party – Its Theory and Practice
Study Guides
Women’s Liberation
Youth and Students

Afro-American National Question and Racism

Amilcar Cabral/Paul Robeson Collective

Organizing for Afro-American Liberation and Socialism

In Defense of the Right of Political Succession for the Afro-American Nation. Papers and Resolutions from the School on the Afro-American National Question, September 1982 by the Revolutionary Political Organization (M-L), Amilcar Cabral/Paul Robeson Collective and with the participation of the Red Dawn Collective

Black Workers Congress

Struggle In The RU: In Opposition to the Consolidation of the Revisionist Line on the Black National Question

The Black Liberation Struggle, the Black Workers Congress, and Proletarian Revolution

Bolshevik League of the U.S.

Black Liberation and Proletarian Revolution

The Importance of the Black National Question and the Struggle Against National Chauvinism

Harry Chang et al

Critique of the Black Nation Thesis by Harry Chang et al

Communist League

Negro National Colonial Question

Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)

Black Power and the fight for socialism by Harry Haywood

White Workers Speak Out: How to fight for unity on the national question

Self-determination: Where does the CPUSA Stand? by Harry Wells

Communist Workers Group (Marxist-Leninist)

Our Tasks on the National Question

Congress of Afrikan People

Revolutionary Review: The Black Nation Thesis

Bill Epton

Black Self-Determination

The Black Liberation Struggle (within the current world struggle)

Guardian Debate: Irwin Silber and Carl Davidson on the Afro-American National Question and the Right to Self Determination

On the National Question by Irwin Silber

In Defense of the Right to Self-Determination by Carl Davidson

’...fan the flames’ [reply to Carl Davidson] by Irwin Silber

League of Revolutionary Struggle (Marxist-Leninist)

Revolution and Black Liberation in the 1980’s by Pili Michael L. Humphrey, Chairman of the Afro-American Commission Central Committee of the League of Revolutionary Struggle (M-L)

RWH on the Black Liberation Movement: Wrong Again! by Amiri Baraka (Including “Notes on Baraka's ’RWH on the BLM: Wrong Again’ From a White Communist“ By Jim Woods)

Nationalism, Self-Determination and Socialist Revolution by Amiri Baraka

Marxist-Leninist Party

Why the liquidationists champion the black nation theory

Speech: On the Black National Question and the Right to Self-determination

Resolution on the black national question

On the history of the CPUSA and the CI on the Right to Self-Determination

The New Voice

Defeat the “National Question” Line in the U.S. and Unite to Fight Racism

A Brief History: The Issue of Racism and the Student Movement

October League (Marxist-Leninist)

For Working Class Unity and Black Liberation

The Struggle for Black Liberation and Socialist Revolution

Organizing Committee for an Ideological Center

Racism in the Communist Movement

Philadelphia Workers Organizing Committee

Black Liberation Today. Against Dogmatism on the National Question

Racism and the Workers’ Movement

Potomac Socialist Organization

Black Liberation: A Preliminary Perspective

Progressive Labor Movement/Progressive Labor Party

Racism – The Achilles Heel Of U.S. Imperialism

Program for Black Liberation

Black Workers: Key Revolutionary Force

Proletarian Cause

A Critique of “White Blindspot”: A Contribution to the Struggle against a Petty-Bourgeois Line on the Question of Working Class Unity by Alan Sawyer

Revolutionary Communist League (Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought)

Revolutionary Communist League on the Afro American National Question

Revolutionary Communist Party

King Legacy: Reformism and Capitulation

Harry Haywood – “My Life as a Bundist”

Summing Up the Black Panther Party by Bob Avakian

Revolutionary Union

Red Papers 5: National Liberation and Proletarian Revolution in the U.S.

Red Papers 6: Build the Leadership of the Proletariat and its Party

Narrow Nationalism: Main Deviation in the Movement on the National Question

Revolutionary Workers Headquarters

Build the Black Liberation Movement

Sojourner Truth Organization

White Blindspot by Noel Ignatin and Ted Allen

White Supremacy and the Afro-American National Question

Theoretical Review

The Communist Movement and the Struggle Against Racism by Scott Robinson

Workers Viewpoint Organization

Periods and Types of National Questions

Racism, Nationalism and Race Theory: Relations Between Material Base and Ideology

Liquidationism on the Afro-American Nation: CPUSA, 1919-1940

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Capitalist Restoration in the USSR?

Chinese and Albanian Background Materials


How the Soviet Revisionists Carry Out All-Around Restoration of Capitalism in the USSR

The Soviet Union under the New Tsars by Wei Chi

The Soviet Economy – A Completely and Definitely Capitalist Economy

The Capitalist Character of the Relations of Production in the Soviet Union

The Capitalist Degeneration of the Collective Farms in the Soviet Union Today

Some Characteristics of State Monopoly Capitalism in the Soviet Union

On the Mechanism of the Extraction and Appropriation of Surplus Value in the Soviet Society

U.S. Primary Documents and Polemics

The International Significance of the Restoration of Capitalism in the USSR by the League for Proletarian Revolution

The International Significance of the Restoration of Capitalism in the USSR, Part II by the League for Proletarian Revolution

Red Papers 7: How Capitalism has been Restored in the Soviet Union and What This Means for the World Struggle by the Revolutionary Union

Restoration of Capitalism in the USSR by Martin Nicolaus


Critique of Red Papers 7: Metaphysics Cannot Defeat Revisionism by Martin Nicolaus

Soviet-Imperialism and Social-Democracy, Cover-Up of Capitalism in the USSR (or How Martin Nicolaus and the October League Have “Restored” Socialism in the Soviet Union) by C.R. [from the RCP's The Communist, Vol. 1, No. 1, October 1976]

The Question of Which Class Rules Decides Everything. A review of Martin Nicolaus’ sham criticism and real defense of Soviet revisionism by Carl Davidson

Once more on Red Papers 7: How the RCP Has Restored Social-Democracy by M. Nicolaus

On the “Effectiveness” of the Capitalist Restoration Thesis: A Reply to the Workers Congress by the Proletarian Unity League

Socialism in the Soviet Union by Jonathan Aurthur [of the Communist Labor Party]

Is the Red Flag Flying? The Political Economy of the Soviet Union by Albert Szymanski

The “Tarnished Socialism” Thesis. Some Recent Publications in Defense of Soviet Capitalism by C.R. [from the RCP's The Communist, Vol. 2, No. 2, Summer/Fall 1978]

The Myth of Capitalism Reborn: A Marxist Critique of Theories of Capitalist Restoration in the USSR by Michael Goldfield and Melvin Rothenberg

Capitalism in the USSR? An Opportunist Theory in Disarray by Bruce Occeña and Irwin Silber

Lessons of Capitalist Restoration in the U.S.S.R. by Mark Evans [of the Revolutionary Political Organization (Marxist-Leninist)]

Capitalist Restoration or Transition to Socialism? A Review of Goldfield and Rothenberg, The Myth of Capitalism Reborn By Ira Gerstein

The Socialist Road. Character of Revolution in the U.S. and Problems of Socialism in the Soviet Union and China by Jerry Tung

USSR: Capitalist or Socialist? by Ben Phillips [of the Proletarian Unity League] [published in The Call]

The Nature of Soviet Society: Joint Presentation by the Committee for a Proletarian Party and the Communist Organization, Bay Area given June 10, 1982 in the Debate with the Line of March on Whether the USSR is Capitalist or Socialist

The Soviet Union: Socialist or Social Imperialist? Essays Toward the Debate on the Nature of Soviet Society

The Soviet Union: Socialist or Social Imperialist? Part II: Raymond Lotta vs. Albert Szymanski (Full Text of New York City Debate, May 1983)

Notes Toward an Analysis of the Soviet Bourgeoisie by Lenny Wolff and Aaron Davis

Marxist-Lenininst Party Debate With Swedish ’Red Dawn’ on Capitalist Restoration in the USSR

Two articles from Swedish ’Red Dawn’ on the degeneration of the Soviet Union

A comment on the Swedish comrades’ articles: How to approach the study of capitalist restoration in the Soviet Union

Swedish comrades reply on the question of Soviet history: What is state capitalism and why has it arisen?

We need facts and communist theory, not phrases: Our views on the Swedish article on the method for studying Soviet history

We need facts and communist theory, not phrases: Our views on the Swedish article on the method for studying Soviet history (conclusion)

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Chicano Liberation


They Wanted to Serve the People: Chicanos and the Fight against National Oppression in the New Communist Movement by Bill Gallegos

Primary Documents and Polemics

August 29th Movement

Chicano Liberation and Proletarian Revolution

Fan the Flames. A Revolutionary Position on the Chicano National Question

ATM (M-L) Forums on Chicano National Question: Communists Must Lead Fight Against National Oppression!

The Betrayal of the “Communist” Party U.S.A. on the Chicano National Question

Colorado Organization for Revolutionary Struggle (M-L-M)

The Reactionary Crusade for Justice... A Preliminary Study. How Their Politics Betrays the Chicano People & Sustains U.S. Capitalism

Communist Collective of the Chicano Nation

Fascist Attack on Spanish Speaking Peoples

Report to the Communist Collective of the Chicano Nation on the Chicano National-Colonial Question

Communist League

Regional Autonomy for the Southwest

League of Revolutionary Struggle (Marxist-Leninist)

The Struggle for Chicano Liberation

The 1970’s – A decade of struggle for the Chicano Liberation Movement

Unite everyone who can be united: Building the Chicano united front

Marxist-Leninists and the right of self-determination for the Chicano nation

Interview with a Chicano communist: ’Chicanos must unify to meet the challenges of the 80’s’

Part of our revolutionary history: Los Siete de la Raza

Interview with the U.S. League of Revolutionary Struggle (M-L): Chicano students – an important revolutionary force

Chicano liberation and 1984 by Bill Flores and Bill Gallegos

A program for Chicano Liberation

A personal history of the Chicano student movement by Bill Flores

The “Sunbelt Strategy” and Chicano Liberation by William Gallegos

Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

Toward a Position on the Chicano National Question

National Continuations Committee

Regional Autonomy for the Southwest

October League (Marxist-Leninist)/Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)

Chicano Liberation

ATM Peddles Reformism on Chicano Question by the October League (M-L)

Nationalist Reformism Disguised as Marxism. A polemic against the political line of the August 29th Movement by Barry Litt

Chicano identity and revolution by J. Espinoza

From the Second CPML Congress: The Chicano question by Babu, For the Afro-American commission

Revolutionary Communist Party

The Chicano Struggle and the Struggle for Socialism

The Chicano Struggle and Proletarian Revolution in the U.S.: A Paper for Discussion

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Communist Party USA and Revisionism

Primary Documents

August 29th Movement

The Betrayal of the “Communist” Party U.S.A. on the Chicano National Question

Bay Area Study Group

On the Roots of Revisionism. A Political Analysis of the International Communist Movement and the CPUSA 1919-1945

Communist League/Communist Labor Party

The CPUSA’s Views on the State; or, Right-wing ’Communism’, a Senile Disorder by C.J. [Proletariat, Vol. 1, No. 1]

A Veteran Communist Speaks... On the Struggle Against Revisionism by Admiral Kilpatrick

A Veteran Communist Speaks by Joe Dougher

Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)

The CPUSA Is a Reactionary Force for War. An Exposure of Revisionism on ’Detente’ by Eileen Klehr

CPUSA switches on ERA to sabotage women’s fight

Self-determination: Where does the CPUSA Stand? by Harry Wells

The CPUSA and Black Workers in the 1950s by Paul Elitzik

The Fight for a Single Party. Lessons for Today from the Struggle for Communist Unity after World War I by Barry Litt

Communist Party, USA (Marxist-Leninist)

No to the CPUSA Revisionist Ticket by Barry Weisberg

League of Revolutionary Struggle (Marxist-Leninist)

Building the UAW: How the CPUSA won the battle and lost the war by Peter Shapiro

Book Review: What Can We Learn from the CPUSA’s History? by Peter Shapiro

Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

Marxist Study Guide on the CPUSA

Two Opposing Lines in the C.P.U.S.A.

Marxist-Leninist Party

The CPUSA’s Liberal-Labor Approach to the Critique of Browder

Why the CPUSA didn’t resist Khrushchovite revisionism

Revisionist CPUSA holds fast to the mistakes of the 7th Congress of the CI

Revisionist CPUSA holds to the mistakes of the 7th Congress of the CI. Abandoning the struggle against the trade union bureaucrats

On the history of the CPUSA and the CI on the Right to Self-Determination

The CPUSA and the unemployed movement of the 1930’s

The CPUSA’s work in auto and the change in line of the mid-1930’s

Gus Hall supports coup. CPUSA in crisis

A split among reformists: CPUSA breaks apart

Philadelphia Workers Organizing Committee

Modern Revisionism: You Can Fool Some of the People Some of the Time... The Anti-Monopoly Coalition

Modern Revisionism: U.S.-Soviet Detente....

Progressive Labor Party

New Program of the Communist Party U.S.A. (A Draft): “Pretty Pictures of Singing Tomorrows” by Alice Jerome and Mort Scheer

Communists Try to Organize “Factories in the Fields”: Organizing California Migrant Workers in the Great Depression by Jin Dann (Progressive Labor, February 1969]

Theoretical Review

Toward a Contemporary Strategy: Lessons of the 1930s by Paul Costello

Communist Party Theory and Practice Among the Unemployed, 1930-1938 by Irene North

The Communist Party and the CIO by Ben Rose

Anti-Revisionist Communism in the U.S., 1945-1950 by Paul Costello

Peaceful Transition and the Communist Party, USA, 1949-1958 by Bert Lewis

Workers Congress (Marxist-Leninist)

Errors of CPUSA: Plant Organizing in the 1940’s

Workers Viewpoint Organization

Liquidationism on the Afro-American Nation: CPUSA, 1919-1940

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Homosexuality and Gay Liberation

Kasama Project

Out of the Red Closet: Gay and Lesbian Experiences in the Previous Communist Movement

Los Angeles Research Group

Toward A Scientific Analysis of the Gay Question

Motor City Labor League/National Continuations Committee

Motor City Labor League Central Committee Meeting Notes, 1974

October League (Marxist-Leninist)

NAM OL, and Gay Liberation from The Rag, September 8, 1975

Burning Issues: Gays and Sexism on the Left from The Great Speckled Bird, October 23, 1975

OL on Gays from The Great Speckled Bird, November 13, 1975

Organizing Committee for an Ideological Center

Proposal for Study of Gay Liberation and Party Building

Red Women’s Detachment

The Red Women’s Detachment: Revolting Rhetoric & Revolutionary Questions from Ain’t I A Woman, Vol. 1, No. 4, August 21, 1970

Revolutionary Communist Party

Historical Materials and Polemics

Revolutionary Union On Homosexuals: Malicious Maoist Bigotry

RCP: Hit for antigay-rights line by the Guardian

Bible Belt Maoists Rant at “Deviant Sexual Behavior”

On the History of the Revolutionary Union (part two) by Steve Hamilton

Revolutionary Communist Party “On the Question of Homosexuality and the Emancipation of Women” [from the Maoist Internationalist Movement]

Letter to the RCP on its document On the Position on Homosexuality in the New Draft Program by Dennis O’Neil

Primary Documents

Position Paper of the Revolutionary Union on Homosexuality and Gay Liberation

On the Question of Homosexuality and the Emancipation of Women [from Revolution, #56, Spring 1988]

On the Position on Homosexuality in the New Draft Programme

San Diego Research Group

Homosexuality: A Political and Historical Analysis

Socialist Organizing Committee (Marxist-Leninist)

The Oppression of Homosexuals [from Notes from Orange, #1 (Fall 1977)]

Workers Viewpoint Organization

Degenerate Culture and the Women’s Question

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Labor and the Trade Union Question

August 29th Movement

The Tasks of Communists in the Trade Unions

Buffalo Workers’ Movement

Marxist-Leninists, Trade Unionists, & the Rank & File Movement

Communist League

Reformism vs. Revolutionary Struggle in the Labor Movement

Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)

Waging Class Struggle in the Trade Unions. A summary of the October League’s labor campaign by Ruth Gifford

Building the Factory Cell. A Party unit’s work sum-up by Mary Wexler

Questions and Answers: Why We Work in Reactionary Trade Unions

Communist organizing tactics in the labor movement. Part 1–Pay attention to concrete conditions

Communist organizing tactics the labor movement. Part 2–How to expose the union misleaders

Why unite with reformist union leaders? A debate on tactics

Taking Up the Woman Question. Work Summary of CPML factory organizers

Summing Up the CPML’s Experiences in Trade Union Work by Charles Costigan

Communist Workers Party

Don’t Drown In The Waterfall of Grievances, Prepare To Cut Off The Source – Capitalism

Steward Systems: Build a Network of Leaders, Not Grievance Processors

Committee for a Proletarian Party

Communist Work in the Trade Unions

Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Build a Fighting Workers Movement

I Wor Kuen

Critique of the RU Line on the Workers’ Movement

League of Revolutionary Struggle (Marxist-Leninist)

League of Revolutionary Struggle (M-L) sums up: 1978 Postal Workers’ Contract Struggle, Part 1

League of Revolutionary Struggle (M-L) sums up: 1978 Postal Workers’ Contract Struggle, Part 2

Defending minority workers caucuses: Lessons from a Chicago steelworkers local

Marxist-Leninist Collective

Proletarian Revolution and the Split in the Working Class

Marxist-Leninist League

COReS-LPR Joint Statement: Our work within the working class movement

Exchange with PUL on the Trade Union Question

Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

Lessons from the Shop Floor

Milwaukee Socialist Union

Our Unions: Where we’re at, Where we’re going

National Continuations Committee

Industrial Work: Make every factory our fortress

October League (Marxist-Leninist)

Communist Work in the Factories: A Report on the Atlanta Conference [The Call Special Supplement]

Communists and the Present Crisis [Special Call Supplement on OL’s second labor conference]

Communist Tasks in the Trade Unions [A critique of the Revolutionary Union]

Lessons Drawn from Building U.A.W. Caucus

A Communist View: Building Class Struggle Trade Unions [a series of articles from The Call]

Philadelphia Workers Organizing Committee

Trade Union Question. A Communist Approach to Strategy, Tactics, and Program

On Trade Unions and the Rank and File Movement [Reprints from The Organizer #2]

Racism and the Workers’ Movement

Potomac Socialist Organization

More Than Patches. A Study of the Trade Union Question

Progressive Labor Party

Progressive Labor Party Trade Union Program

Proletarian Cause

Lessons Learned in the Struggle to Give Communist Leadership in a New England Factory by Ed George and Jeff Paul

Proletarian Unity League

Labor’s Survival/Labor’s Revival. Working Papers on the Trade Unions Edited by Susan Cummings & Jonathan Hoffman for the Trade Union Commission of the Proletarian Unity League

Revolutionary Communist Party

Build the Revolutionary Worker’s Movement

A National Workers Organization: A Powerful Weapon for Our Class

“Center of Gravity” Repudiated: Economic Struggle & Revolutionary Tasks

Mensheviks in the Slag Heap: Forging Correct Line in Steel

Socialist Organizing Committee (Marxist-Leninist)

Trade Union Work

Sojourner Truth Organization

Mass Organization at the Workplace

Workers Congress (Marxist-Leninist)

Trade Union Democracy and Our Tasks

OL’s Trade Union Pamphlet: A Distortion of Our History

The Way Forward Collective

13 Week Study Guide on the Trade Union Question

Worker-Student Organizing Committee

The Trade Union Movement: A Marxist Analysis

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A Marxist-Leninist Communist Party – Its Theory and Practice

American Communist Workers Movement (Marxist-Leninist)

How we are building an Actual Struggle Unit of the American Communist Workers Movement (Marxist-Leninist) Part One

Ann Arbor Collective (Marxist-Leninist)

Against Dogmatism and Revisionism: Toward a Genuine Communist Party


What Are “Left” and Right Errors?

Committee for a Proletarian Party

Strategy and Tactics of the Proletariat in the Era of Imperialism

Communist Workers Party

The Role of Practice in the Marxist Theory of Knowledge by Cynthia Lai

East Wind Organization

Struggle For The Right To National Development As A Component Part off Making Proletarian Socialist Revolution In the U.S.

Bill Epton

Unite Theory with Practice To Build A Communist Party!

Kansas City Revolutionary Workers Collective and Witchita Communist Cell

The Building of the Vanguard Party of the U.S. Proletariat

League for Marxist-Leninist Unity

On Building the Party among the Masses

Gaining Clarity on our Communist Tasks. A self-criticism by the League for Marxist-Leninist Unity

League for Proletarian Revolution

Against Revisionism by Michael A. Miller

Charles Loren

The Struggle for the Party

Marxist-Leninist Collective

Party Building: Strategy and Tactics

Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

On the party program

Marxist-Leninist Party

United front tactics are an essential tool of the proletarian party. ’To the Masses!’–The Call of the Third Congress of the CI

United front tactics are an essential tool of the proletarian party. The Third Congress of the CI on the Relationship of the Party and the Masses

United front tactics are an essential tool of the proletarian party. The Third Congress of the CI on the Reformist Parties as Diehard Defenders of Capitalism

United front tactics are an essential tool of the proletarian party. The Third World Congress of the CI Opposed Rightist Interpretations of United Front Tactics

On Nationality Organization

Drawing the working class into the political movement

Movement for a Revolutionary Left

A Critique of Ultra-Leftism, Dogmatism and Sectarianism

The New Voice

Revolutionary Strategy in the U.S.

Three Key Points: A Powerful Tool for Party Building

What Do “Left” and Right Mean?

October League (Marxist-Leninist)

Building a New Communist Party in the U.S.

Breaking with ’Local-Circle Mentality’ in the Fight against Revisionism by Clay Claiborne

Pacific Collective (Marxist-Leninist)

From Circles to the Party: The Tasks of Communists Outside the Existing Parties

Characteristic Features of “Left” and Right Opportunism

Philadephia Workers Organizing Committee

On Party-Building, Against Revisionism and Dogmatism [Reprints from The Organizer #1]

Political Education and Action Collective

The Failure of the Left to Create a Mass Movement and a Way Forward

Progressive Labor Movement/Progressive Labor Party

On The Marxist-Leninist Method of Reaching Decisions by Lee Coe

U.S. Workers Require Revolutionary Theory: Statement of the National Coordinating Committee of the Progressive Labor Movement

Criticism and Self-Criticism

Build a Base in the Working Class

Strengths and Weaknesses in the line of the International Communist Movement

The 7th Comintern Congress and The United front Against Fascism

Organize On-the-Job Struggle

Reform and Revolution

Proletarian Unity League

2, 3, Many Parties of a New Type? Against the Ultra-Left Line by the Proletarian Unity League

Revolutionary Communist Party

Mass Line Is Key To Lead Masses In Making Revolution

Mass Line Is Key To Methods of Leading Struggle

The Day to Day Struggle and the Revolutionary Goal By Bob Avakian

On the Role of Agitation and Propaganda

Sojourner Truth Organization

Towards a Revolutionary Party

The United Front Against Imperialism?

Mass Organization at the Workplace

Theoretical Review

An Introduction to Theoretical Practice

Theoretical Aspects of Political Practice by Neil Eriksen-Schmidt

Leninist Politics and the Struggle Against Economism by Paul Costello

Workers Congress (Marxist-Leninst)

Open Letter on Criticism-Self-Criticism by the Workers Congress (Marxist-Leninist) and Friends from the East Coast

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Study Guides

Primary Documents

Ann Arbor Collective (Marxist-Leninist)

Six Week Internal Study Plan

Bay Area Communist Union

History of the U.S. Left [Study Class/Study Guide]

Communist League

An Outline for the Study of Marxism-Leninism Cover

Communist Workers Party

Study Notes on “Letter to a Comrade On Our Organizational Tasks”

Study Notes on Lenin’s New Tasks and New Forces Written for a Revolutionary Situation and Its Relevance To The 80’s

Study Marxist Philosophy: Penetrate the Appearance to Grasp the Essence

Study Marxism: The Dictatorship of The Working Class Is Necessary For The Period Of Transition From Socialism To Communism

League of Revolutionary Struggle (Marxist-Leninist)

Marxist-Leninist Study Series

Los Angeles Work Group

Annotated Bibliography on Agitation and Propaganda

Updated Outline of Study in the Worker’s Study Group [bibliography]

Sum-Up Study Outline – Worker’s Study Group [bibliography]

The Worker’s Study Group Outline of Study on the Woman Question

Study Guide for How to Learn Marxism-Leninism

Developing a Correct Attitude Towards Oneself [study guide]

Marxist-Leninist Education Committee (S.F. Bay Area)

Party Building Study Program

Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

Marxist Study Guide on the CPUSA

North Brunswick Group/American Workers Party

Study Guide to Basic Marxist-Leninist Theory

North Star Socialist Organization

Study Guide on the History of the International Communist Movement

Organizing Committee for an Ideological Center

Study Guide on Federationism by D.W. for the OCIC Steering Committee

The Russian Party Building Experience: A Guide for the “Struggle Against Federationism” by the Tucson Marxist-Leninist Collective, Bay Area Workers Organizing Committee “Minority” and Boston Political Collective (M-L)

Socialist Organizing Committee (Marxist-Leninist)

SOC Study [from Notes from Orange, #1 (Fall 1977)]

Tucson Marxist-Leninist Collective

Study Guide to the History of the World Communist Movement (21 Sessions)

Study Guide to the History of the Communist Party, USA (12 Sessions)

The Way Forward Collective

13 Week Study Guide on the Trade Union Question

Workers Congress – Series on Revolutionary Training

Revolutionary Training [series introduction]

The Chief Means of Revolutionary Training

The Path from Fragmentation to Party Unity

Revolutionary Training and the Iskra Tactic

Yenan Books

On Studying World History

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Women’s Liberation

Primary Documents and Polemics

Buffalo Workers’ Movement

Women’s Oppression: Our Analysis

Colorado Organization for Revolutionary Struggle (M-L-M)

Move Forward the Women’s Liberation Struggle! A Criticism of so-called Revolutionary Lines in the Women’s Movement

El Comite-MINP

Women in the Revolutionary Movement/The Children, and Women as Cadre [from Obreros en Marcha, Vol. 2, Nos. 3 & 4, March, April 1976]

Guardian Forum 1973: ’Women and Class Struggle’

Unity, struggle at Guardian forum: ’Women and Class Struggle’

Speech by Karen Davidson of the Guardian

Speech by Mary Lou Greenberg of the Revolutionary Union

A feminist replies to the Revolutionary Union by Rosario Morales

Role of Women’s Movement Debated at Guardian Forum

Kansas City Marxist-Leninist Study Group

Capitalism Is Rape

Los Angeles Work Group

The Worker’s Study Group Outline of Study on the Woman Question

Maoist Internationalist Movement

Gender and Revolutionary Feminism [MIM Theory, Nos. 2-3, 1992]

Marxist-Leninist League

Joint Statement on the Woman Question

Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

Draft Theses: The Woman Question

Monday Night Circle

Socialist-Feminist: Why It Doesn’t Work

Movement for a Revolutionary Left

Feminism: A Marxist Critique

National Continuations Committee

Resolution on the Woman Question

October League (Marxist-Leninist)/Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)

Women Hold Up Half the Sky

Women and Party Building

Women’s Liberation: A Communist View

Taking Up the Woman Question. Work Summary of CPML factory organizers

A Party that fights for women’s freedom: Interview with CPML Vice-Chairman Eileen Klehr

Organization of Revolutionary Unity

Working Women and the Struggle for Women’s Liberation

Proletarian Cause

The Women’s Liberation Movement. The Need for a Marxist-Leninist Line by Irene Krull

Red Women’s Detachment

Monogamy, Prostitution, and the Family

Revolutionary Union/Revolutionary Communist Party

Red Papers 3: Women Fight for Liberation

Break the Chains! Unleash the Fury of Women as a Mighty Force for Revolution

Revolutionary Workers Collective

A Beginning Analysis of the Woman Question

Revolutionary Workers League

Party Building and the Woman Question by the Revolutionary Workers League

Socialist Organizing Committee (Marxist-Leninist)

Women’s Issues [from Notes from Orange, #1 (Fall 1977)]

Theoretical Review

Women’s Oppression in Capitalist Society: An Introduction

The Material Basis of Women’s Oppression in Capitalist Society by Jean Tepperman

Workers Congress (Marxist-Leninist)

Bolshevize the Ranks: Forward on the Woman Question

Women’s Liberation – A Revolutionary Struggle

Workers Viewpoint Organization

Degenerate Culture and the Women’s Question

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Youth and Students

Primary Documents and Polemics

American Communist Workers Movement (Marxist-Leninist)

Youth and Students Unite!

Communist Labor Party

Resolution on Youth

Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On the Student Movement in the U.S. by Josh Sykes

League of Revolutionary Struggle (Marxist-Leninist)

A Future to Win: The Student Movement and the 1980s

A personal history of the Chicano student movement by Bill Flores

National Continuations Committee

Youth: Strategy for a Y.C.L.

The New Voice

A Brief History: The Issue of Racism and the Student Movement by the New Voice

October League (Marxist-Leninist)/Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)

Building a Revolutionary Student Movement, Part 1–SNCC and the Early Period

Building a Revolutionary Student Movement, Part 2–Students Against Imperialism

Youth as a Revolutionary Force

Revolutionary Union/Revolutionary Communist Party

Build the Anti-Imperialist Student Movement

Attica Brigade

Revolutionary Student Brigade

Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade Founded!

Communism and Revolution Vs. Revisionism and Reformism in the Struggle to Build the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade

Communism – Road Forward for Youth

Revolutionary Wing

In the Fight for the Party Build the Young Bolshevik League

Revolutionary Workers Headquarters

Marxists on Campus: Shedding Ultra-leftism to Build Student Movement

Socialist Organizing Committee (Marxist-Leninist)

Campus Work [from Notes from Orange, #1 (Fall 1977)]

Workers Viewpoint Organization

Revolutionary Youth League Founded! WVO Unites Communist Youth to Build Communist Leadership of R.Y.L.

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