The Workers' Advocate



P.O. BOX 11942, CHICAGO, ILL. 60611

Vol. 8, No. 6, June 19,1978 SPECIAL ISSUE 25 cents

[Front page:


Proceedings of the Historic Internationalist Rally]


WELCOMING REMARKS BY COMRADE HARDIAL BAINS................................. 3

MESSAGE FROM THE PARTY OF LABOR OF ALBANIA....................................... 3


Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist)..................................................................... 4
Workers' and Peasants' Communist Party of Iran................................................................ 4
Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile............................................................................ 5
The Tunisian Worker............................................................................................................. 5
Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists................................................................... 6
Communist Party of Portugal (Reconstructed)..................................................................... 7
Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)...................................................................... 8
National Liberation Movement of Trinago (Trinidad and Tobago)...................................... 9
Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)................................................................... 9
Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of France (ORCPF)............. 10
Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)................................................................. 13


Communist Party of Germany (Marxist-Leninist)............................................................... 10
Communist Party of Italy (Marxist-Leninist)....................................................................... 10
Communist Party of Japan (Left)......................................................................................... 11
Partido Bandera Roja of Venezuela........................................................................ 11


Eritrean People's Liberation Front....................................................................................... 11
Zimbabwe African National Union..................................................................................... 11

HISTORIC MAY DAY INTERNATIONALIST FEAST............................................... 13
CONCLUDING REMARKS BY COMRADE BAINS................................................. 12 & 20


Proceedings of the Historic Internationalist Rally

Comrade Hardial Bains Warmly Welcomes Fraternal Comrades of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations and National Liberation Movements

Message of the Central Committee of the Party of Labor of Albania to the Internationalist Rally Received with Tumultuous Applause

Representative of the Communist Party of Spain (M-L) Addresses the Internationalist Rally

Representative of the Workers' and Peasants' Communist Party of Iran Addresses the Internationalist Rally

Representative of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile Addresses the Internationalist Rally

Representative of the Marxist-Leninist Organization, the Tunisian Worker, Addresses the Internationalist Rally

Representative of the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists Addresses the Internationalist Rally

Representative of the Communist Party of Portugal (Reconstructed) Addresses the Internationalist Rally

Representative of the Communist Party of India (M-L) Addresses the Internationalist Rally

Representative of the National Liberation Movement of Trinago (Trinidad and Tobago) Addresses the Internationalist Rally

Representative of the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist) Addresses the Internationalist Rally

Representative of the Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of France (ORCPF) Addresses the Internationalist Rally

Message of Greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the Communist Party of Germany (Marxist-Leninist)

Message of Greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the Communist Party of Italy (Marxist-Leninist)

Message of Greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the Communist Party of Japan (Left)

Message of Greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the Partido Bandera Roja

Representative of the Association of Eritrean Women in North America Addresses the Internationalist Rally on Behalf of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front

Representative of the Zimbabwe African National Union Addresses the Internationalist Rally

Revolutionary Cultural Program of the Internationalist Rally

Concluding Remarks Delivered to the Internationalist Rally by Comrade Hardial Bains, Chairman of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

Revolutionary Cultural Carnival of the Internationalist Rally


Report to the Internationalist Rally- Speech Delivered by Comrade Bains on May First 1978, on Behalf of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

Toast Proposed by the Representative of the Communist Party of Portugal (Reconstructed)

Revolutionary Cultural Program

Closing Remarks Delivered to the Internationalist Feast by Comrade Hardial Bains


This issue ofThe Workers' Advocatecontains the proceedings of the historic Internationalist Rally of Marxist-Leninist Parties held in Montreal, Canada, April 30th, 1978. This great Rally is a component part of the inspiring wave of communist unity since the holding of the Seventh Congress of the Party of Labor of Albania, a part of the trend of the Joint Statements of the Latin American Parties and of the five European Parties, of the Internationalist Rallies held in Rome, Lisbon, Ludwigshaven (Federal Germany) and Athens. Comrade Enver Hoxha's historicReport to the Seventh Congress of the Party ofLabor of Albaniahas proven to be a great unifying factor for the international communist movement. The Internationalist Rally in Montreal is a vivid manifestation, right here in North America, of the noble proletarian internationalist spirit and invincible revolutionary work of the international communist movement. Not since the days of the First International has such an international meeting been held in North America. Today, as ever since Comrades Marx and Engels gave the immortalcall,"Workers of All Countries, Unite!",the international communist movement is not an abstraction, not a nice phrase, but a great reality inspiring and leading the world proletariat and the whole world of labor in great class battles against the world of capital and slavery.

This Rally was organized and sponsored by the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), our glorious fraternal comrades who are leading the proletariat of Canada in the struggle againstU.S. imperialism, the reactionary bourgeoisie, and the capitalist system and for independence, democracy and socialism. This outstanding Party is the first Party to be reconstituted on the Marxist-Leninist basis in North America since the great betrayal of the modern Khrushchovite revisionists. CPC(M-L) has been a pathfinder for all North America, restoring the Marxist-Leninist teachings in the conditions of North America, rescuing these teachings from the distortions and negations of the modern revisionists, social-democrats, Trotskyites, dogmatists, "three-worlders" and the opportunists of all hues, and giving the Marxist-Leninist truths their full strength in the course of the practice of the revolution. Sponsoring this Rally is a continuation of the consistent work of this militant Party, which has always conducted itself as part and parcel of an international movement, as but one contingent of the world Marxist-Leninist movement, and as a loyal disciple of the great leaders of the international proletariat.

This Internationalist Rally has been a hammer blow against revisionism and opportunism of all hues. It showed concretely how the Marxist-Leninist s all over the world are uniting, overcoming the divisions in the proletariat caused by the opportunists and the labor lieutenants of the capitalists. The Rally shows the determination of the Marxist-Leninist Parties to carry the struggle against modern Khrushchovite revisionism through to the end, to continue to brand modern revisionism as the main danger to the international communist and workers' movement. The Rally resolutely ripped the mask off that sinister new variety of opportunism, the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds", and exposed it as a new form of modern revisionism and as a cowardly and shameless capitulation to world imperialism.. The "three worlds" theorists have replaced Marxism by the theory of the "lesser evil", and they deny the very existence of the world camp of labor and socialism in order to induce the proletariat to give up its revolutionary mission and the socialist revolution, the peoples to give up the national liberation movement, and everyone to cower under the imperialist war psychosis. A great unity of all genuine revolutionaries the world over is being built in the course of fierce class battles against the imperialists and the opportunists, and it is this great unity that is sending the "three worlders" and other modern revisionists into deep dejection and utter panic.

The Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists wholeheartedly supports this historic Internationalist Rally. All across the U.S., we organized meetings, study sessions and preparatory committees to prepare for the Rally. The COUSML had the honor to address the Rally on behalf of the U.S. proletariat. We pointed out that, just as elsewhere around the world, so too in the U.S. the struggle against "three worlds-ism" and all revisionism is tempering the revolutionary organization of the proletariat. The proletarian party in the U.S. can only be built in fierce opposition to the tattered yellow social-chauvinist thesis of "directing the main blow at the Soviet social-imperialists" and in irreconcilable conflict with those Pentagon-socialists who are cheering on U.S. imperialism to build more B-l bombers, Trident submarines and neutron bombs to massacre the world's people. The COUSML boldly stressed that the struggle against social-chauvinism and "three worlds-ism" is irresistibly leading to the re-constitution of the Marxist-Leninist Party in the U.S. After the Rally, we produced a special issue of The Workers' Advocateentitled "TRIUMPHANT MARCH OF THE INTERNATIONAL MARXIST-LENINIST COMMUNIST MOVEMENT" to bring to the masses the good news of the victory of the Rally. This news has brought great joy to the proletariat, and the fighting unity of will and action of the Marxist-Leninist Parties recalled to a number of workers the days of the Comintern of Comrades Lenin and Stalin. In order to further feed the great fire of revolt swelling up in the American proletariat and oppressed masses generally, we are now reproducing the proceedings of the Rally. Let everyone read and hear for themselves the ardent words of the Marxist-Leninist Parties and national liberation movements! Let the U.S. imperialists, Soviet social-imperialists and all reactionaries tremble! Let the world of labor shine forth in all its glory!






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Proceedings of the Historic Internationalist Rally

The following account of the historic Internationalist Rally is taken from the People's Canada Daily News, Organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), May 16-June 15, 1978.

Nineteen fraternal Marxist-Leninist communist parties and organizations and national liberation movements from all five continents of the globe participated in the Rally, either by sending a representative to the Rally or by sending messages of greetings. Over 3,500 Marxist-Leninist communists and progressive and democratic forces from all provinces and major cities of Canada and from all the major cities and states of the United States participated in the day-long proceedings.

The Internationalist Rally began at exactly 11:35 a.m. with the singing of the Song of the Internationalist Rally, composed for the occasion in honour of the militant unity of the international proletariat and the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement. The Song of the Internationalist Rally, entitled Workers of All Countries, Unite!, was performed for the first time and inaugurated the proceedings of the Internationalist Rally. We are providing below the words of the Song of the Internationalist Rally, performed by the Canadian Cultural Workers' Committee:

Workers of All Countries, Unite!

Song of the Internationalist Rally

The proletariat is the gravedigger

Of the old society,

And all the anti-Marxist trends

Won't save the bourgeoisie.

Workers of all countries, unite!

This struggle is the final fight!

With nothing to lose but chains

And the whole wide world to gain,

Workers of all countries, unite!

The Marxist-Leninist parties

Have gathered in Montreal

To hoist the glorious banner,

Our battle call:

Workers of all countries, unite!

The light of Marxism burns bright!

Defending Marxism's purity,

'Gainst distortions by the enemy,

Workers of all countries, unite!

The unity of Marxist-Leninists

Is an irresistible trend,

Heralding the unity

Of all working men.

Workers of all countries, unite!

Bolshevize the parties for the fight!

With Marxism-Leninism

We'll usher in communism,

Workers of all countries, unite!

The presentation of this song was enthusiastically received by all the participants with lengthy applause. Following the singing of the Song of the Internationalist Rally, the Canadian Cultural Workers' Committee led the audience in singing various songs of the international proletariat. The entire audience vigorously participated in singing these songs and enthusiastically applauded as one song ended and the other was about to begin. We are providing the lyrics of the songs of the international proletariat sung to inaugurate the Internationalist Rally:

L'appel du Komintern

Quittez les machines!

Dehors proletaires!

Marchez et marchez,

Formez-vous pour la lutte.

Drapeaux deployes et les armes chargees

Au pas cadence, polir I'assaut, avancez.

II faut gagner le monde

Proletaires, debout! (twice)

Le sang de nos freres

Reclame vengeance.

Plus rien n'arretera la colere des masses.

A Londres, a Paris,

Budapest et Berlin,

Prenez le pouvoir, bataillons ouvriers,

Prenez votre revanche,

Bataillons ouvriers. (twice)

Les meilleurs des notres

Sont morts dans la lutte

Frappes, assommes, enchaines dans les bagnes

Nous ne craignons pas

Les tortures et la mort

En avant, proletaires

Soyons prets, soyons forts.


La Varsovienne

En rangs serres!

L'ennemi nous attaque.

Autour de notre drapeau groupons-nous!

Que nous importe la mort menaqante.

Pour notre cause soyons prets a souffrir.

Mais le genre humain, courbe sous la honte,

Ne doit avoir qu'un se.ul etendard

Un seul mot d'ordre: travail et justice,.

Fraternite de tous les ouvriers.


O freres! Aux armes! Pour notre lutte,

Pour la victoire de tous les travailleurs (twice)

Les profiteurs vautres dans la richesse

Privent de pain I'ouvrier affame

Ceux qu'i sont morts pour nos grandes idees,

N'ont pas en vain combattu et peri;

Contre les richards et les plutocrates,

Contre les rois, contre les trones pourris,

Nous lancerons la vengeance puissante

Et nous serons a tout jamais victorie'ux! (Refrain)

El Pas del Ebro

El Ejercito del Ebro

rumba-la rum-ba-la

Una noche el rio pasa

Ay Carmela, Ay Carmela

Y a las tropas invasoras

rumba-la rumba-la

Buena paliza les dio

Ay Carmela, Ay Carmela

El furor de los traidores

rumba-la rum-ba-la

lo descarga su aviacion

Ay Carmela, Ay Carmela

Pero nada pueden bombas

rumba-la rum-ba-la

donde sobra corazon

Ay Carmela, Ay Carmela

Contraataque muy rabiosos

rumba-la rum-ba-la

deberemos resistir

Ay Carmela, Ay Carmela

Pero igual que combatimos

rumba-la rum-ba-la

Prometemos cambatir

Ay Carmela, Ay Carmela.

* * *

Bandiera Rossa

Avanti o popolo, alia riscossa

Bandiera rossa, bandiera rossa

Avanti o popolo, alia riscossa

Bandiera rossa triunfera

Bandiera rossa deve trionfa, (3x)

E viva el communismo e la liberta!

Non piu nemici, non piu frontiere

Sono i confini, orsse bandiere

O proletari, alia riscossa,

Bandiera rossa, triunfera

Bandiera rossa deve trionfa, (3x)

E viva el communismo e la liberta!

* * *

Les Partisans

Par le froid et la famine,

Dans les villes et dans les champs,

A I'appel du grand Lenine.

Se levaient les Partisans (twice)

Pourreprendre le rivage,

Le dernier rempart de blancs,

Par les monts et par les plaines

S'avangaient les Partisans (twice)

Ecrasant les armees blanches

Et chassant les atamans, l

ls finirent leurs campagnes

Sur les bords de I'ocean (twice)

Notre paix c'est leur conquete,

Car en mil neuf cent dix-sept,

Sous les neiges et les tempetes,

lls sauverent les Soviets. (twice)

Le Drapeau Rouge

Les revoltes du Moyen-Age

Lont arbore sur maintes deffrois

Embleme eclatant du courage

Toujours il fit palir les rois (twice)


Le voila, le voila, regardez!

II flotte et fierement il bouge

Ses longs plis au combat prepares

Osez, osez le defier

Notre superbe drapeau rouge

Rouge du sang de I'ouvrier (twice)

Mais plante sur les barricades

Par les heros de fevrier

Il devint pour les camarades

Le drapeau du peuple ouvrier (twice)

Sous la Commune il flotte encore

A la tete des bataillons

Et chaque barricade arbore

Ses longs plis tailles en baillohs (twice)

Noble etendard du proletaire

Des opprimes sois I'eclaireur

A tous les peuples de la terre

Porte la paix et le bonheur (twice)

Following the singing of Le drapeau rouge, the Canadian Cultural Workers' Committee led the entire audience in singing the song of the international proletariat, the Internationale. We are providing the first and last verses of the Internationale, sung by the audience with clenched fists raised:

The Internationale

Debout les damnes de la terre

Debout les formats de la faim!

La raison tonne en son cratere

C'est I'eruption de la fin!

Du passe faisons table rase

Foule esclave, debout! debout!

Le monde va changer de base

Nous ne sommes rien, soyons tout!


C'est la lutte finale

Groupons-nous et demain


Sera le genre humain!


Ouvriers, paysans, nous sommes

Le grand parti des travailleurs

La terre n'appartient qu'aux hommes

L'oisif ira loger ailleurs!

Combien de nos chairs se repaissent

Mais si les corbeaux, les vautours

Un de ces matins disparaissent

Le soleil brillera toujours!


The mighty rendition of the Internationale was greeted by the entire audience with lengthy applause, cheers and more applause. The same applause greeted the fifty comrades who next mounted the rostrum, representing the two CPC(M-L) Party Activists' Delegations which visited the People's Socialist Republic of Albania in September of 1977 and April of 1978 respectively. At exactly twelve noon, these comrades led the audience in singing a beautiful rendition in the Albanian language of the song of the Seventh Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania, entitled Hold High the Banners of the Congress. The members of the Party Activists' Delegations learned this song while visiting Albania and returned to Canada to teach it to the Canadian proletariat. The song is provided below in both the Albanian and the English languages:

Hold High the Banners of the Congress

With two hundred eagles

Communist flowers

Albania opened

Its red history (Repeat twice)

The years went by

We climbed high,

From the first Party call

To the Seventh Congress (Repeat twice)

The congresses bring to us

Light and prosperity

Keeping the eye on the gunsight

Mother Albania

Higher and higher, comrades

Raise the banners of the Congress

Battles and victories

Are in store for us (Repeat twice)


Facing every storm

Throughout the world like lightning

Is the light of the Party

Full of fire and gunpowder

Through the seven congresses

We rose up like mountains

Our red light

Became a great light.


Lart Flamujt e Kongresit

Me dyqint petrita

Komunista, lule

Hapi Shqiperia

Historin' e kuqe (Repeat twice)

Vitet iken tutje

Ne u ngjitem lart

Nga thirrja e pare

Ne kongres te shtat (Repeat twice)

Na sjellin kongreset

Drit' e begati

Syrin ne shinjester

Nena Shqiperi

Lart me lart, o shoke

Flamujt e kongresit

Beteja, fitore P

erpara na presin (Repeat twice)


Para cdo stuhie

Vetetin ne bote

Drita e Partise

Zjarr edhe barot

Neper shtat kongrese

Ne u bem' si male

Drita jon' e kuqe

U be drit' e madhe

Thunderous and sustained applause and cheers met the singing of this song by the Party Activists' Delegations, highlighting the militant unity which has developed between the peoples of Canada and Albania and in particular between the Canadian communists and the Albanian communists.

Following this, the Party Activists' Delegations to the PSRA led the audience in singing the Song of the Third Congress of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), held in Montreal in March 1977. The song, entitled No Antagonism, No Progress, was also met with sustained and thunderous applause, The singing of the Song of the Seventh Congress of the PLA and the Song of the Third Congress of CPC(M-L), together, was enthusiastically greeted by the audience. Printed below are the lyrics of the Song of the Third Congress of CPC(M-L):

No Antagonism, No Progress

Song of the Third Congress of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

"No antagonism, no progress!"

Is the banner of the Third Congress!

CPC(M-L) swimming 'gainst the tide

Has made the Third Congress the proletariat's pride!

The bourgeois state is our enemy,

And our weapon is the Party.

Like a mighty fist raised against the foe,

The Third Congress strikes a deadly blow.

Combat or death, bloody struggle or extinction,

Thus ever placed the relentless question.

Like a mighty storm sweeping 'cross the land,

The Third Congress hails the birth of the New Man.

Like the spring sun makes the flowers grow,

The Third Co'ngress has given us the rose --

"No antagonism, no progress!"

A red salute to the Third Congress!

A member of the Party Activists' Delegations to the PSRA then announced: "Following, we will sing a song learned by the Delegations of Party Activists to Albania, in the Albanian language. I will first give a translation of the song:"

Enver Hoxha, Enver Hoxha

(English translation provided by the members of the Party Activists' Delegations to Albania)

Enver Hoxha again sharpened his sword

Again for the situation

This is the sword that stands over the heads

Of all the enemies of the world today.


Enver Hoxha, we wish you a long life

As long as the mountains, as long as the rocks

And you have raised the voice of the eagle

Higher and higher

And you brought light to the Albanian people

The people of the world are saying

That there is a star full of light in Europe

This is the star of Albania

Lucky is he who is warmed by its rays

Enver Hoxha, Enver Hoxha

Enver Hoxha empp shpten

Edhe nje here

O per situaten kjo esht' shpata qe u rri te koka

Gjithe armigve o qe ka bota (twice)


Enver Hoxha o tungjatjeta

Sa Keto male, o sa keto shkrepa

Zanin shaipes ma lart ia ngrite

Gjith kte popull ne drit'e gite (twice)

Po thojn popujt o neper bote

Nje yll drite o ka ne Europe

Ky esht ylli qe ka Shqiperia

Lum kuj i bjen o rrezet e tija (twice)

The singing of the song was met with thunderous applause and the shouting of the slogan "Parti, Enver... Parti, Enver" over and over again in the Albanian language.

Next, the representative of the Party Activists' Delegations to Albania announced: "The following song was written by the members of the Second Party Activists' Delegation which visited the People's Socialist Republic of Albania in April of this year. The song is entitled: Oh Albania, Red Star that Burns Bright!"

Oh Albania, Red Star that Burns Bright!


Oh Albania, red star that burns bright

The world's illuminated by your light

Socialism is mankind's destiny

We swear to fight till final victory

We swear to fight till final victory.

Workers and peasants of Albania,

And the people's intelligentsia,

The PLA makes them conscious of the task:

Build socialism! The Party leads the class!

The chains are broken, new forces are released.

Workers and peasants have seized their destiny.

Transforming mountains, the seacoast and the fields

Under the control the working class wields.


Resisting every invasion of her land,

National traitors crushed by her hand,

It's socialism Albania defends;

Marxist principles will guide her to the end.

The mighty eagle from the battlement

Surveys the enemy encirclement.

Life and death struggle requires vigilance;

The Party arms two million soldiers for defence. (Chorus)

The Seventh Congress cuts through all the lies

That the opportunists in a frenzy have devised.

The Marxist-Leninists grow stronger every day

Inspired by the glorious PLA.

We must defend the socialist homeland.

It's the proletarian internationalist stand.

Led by our Marxist-Leninist communist party,

We'll end the rule of the bourgeoisie.

The singing of this song was met with lengthy applause as the audience continued clapping in rhythmn for a long time.

Following this, a Canadian proletarian led the singing of two songs in the Punjabi language, both of which have become very popular with the Canadian and U.S. Marxist-Leninists and progressive forces who joined in the singing of these songs. The words of the two songs are provided below in Punjabi:

Sameyan Noo Hai Charuan Di Lor


Hunda jad julm kaum te

Uthde pher Charu warge

Jande oh janjiran taian tor

Sameyan noo hai Charuan di lor (three times)

Tur gya si parn skooley

Jinan de bholey larke

Mawan noo pushdian bhainan

Aye nain vire parke

Ki hoya je mare puls ne

Aethe surmian di pandi naan hi thor

Sameyan noo hai Charuan di lor (three times)

Mundian dian lothian wekho

Miti de witch rulaian

Ban ban ke nal drakhtan

Hikhan de witch golian laian

Merde ne put jian de

Lagda hai sek uhan nooan

Lothan ditian pani de witch ror

Sameyan noo hai Charuan di lor (three times)

Sade hun more jaro

Arega kihra dalla

Hathian hathiar pakarke

Mariae apann halla

Jian ne julm makai

Mawan de mare jaae

Rat jalman di deya nichor

Sameyan noo hai Charuan di lor(three times)

(Chorus: final line four times)

Deiae Jabar Janjiran Taian Tor


Asian Hind de jawan jodhe kirti kisan

Deiae jabar janjiran taian tor, jabar janjiran taian tor

Asian Hind de jawan jodhe kirti kisan

Deiae jabar janjiran taian tor, jabar janjiran taian tor

Bann ke BhagaT Singh, rase chumey phansian de

Asian tann Sarabhey de bhra hann

Bann ke Bhagat Singh, rase chumey phansian de

Hakan dian jangan witch, dulda ae khoon sada

Weri lai khooni driaa haan

Chahe howe koi khabi-kaan

Ghat deiae asian witch rol

Deiae asian peran witch rol


Hind cha stahat di basant mhan aai

Jhandey chukey lokian Marxwad de

Sathi Charu jahe sadey desh de mahan put

Rah dase nawean Inuilab de

Daya te Saroj aesi rasm chlai

Dite sir Keian Jabran de ror


Naxalbari wale mukti de rah te tur

Bhukhian bandook asann chuk lai

Naxalbari wale mukti de rah te tur

Bhukhian bandook asann chuk lai

Nwean te puraney srey-sukey sodwadian di

Sari hi drameybaji muk gaie

Shanti da jug kahin, shant hoke gal karo

Sir naion wadney di lor

Sir naion wadney di lor


Dekhio! Cambodia te Vietnam wang

Sadian jitt dian aonian ne khabran

Dekhio! Cambodia te Vietnam wang

Sadian jitt dian aonian ne khabran

Samraji kutian noo sang wangoon chiran ae

Hind 'cha banaonian ne kabran

Kite jamne na pher, aehp kagjan de sher

Dene phar ke samundran 'cha ror

Phar ke samundran 'cha ror


At 12:25 p.m. a representative of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) mounted the rostrum and called on the participants to join together to pay silent tribute to a young comrade who a few days prior to the Internationalist Rally had met a tragic death. The remarks of the representative of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) follow:

On the Death of Our Young Comrade

Fraternal comrades of the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations;

Guests from the national liberation movements;

Comrades and friends;

Please stand with me to mourn the death of our young comrade who died in the course of carrying out revolutionary propaganda work for the Internationalist Rally. This young comrade was a member of the Hindustani Ghadar Party -- Organization of Indian Marxist-Leninists Abroad, and had been active in the United States for over two years. He died at a very young age for the cause of the international proletariat and world revolution. We deeply mourn his death and send our most heartfelt condolences to the members of the bereaved family and to his beloved wife who is also our comrade. The revolutionary spirit with which our young comrade took up the work for the emancipation of the people of India and the people of the world will live forever. His loss will always be felt by the revolutionary forces of India and his comrades and we consider it a loss to the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement.


In unison, the audience Shouted the slogan Long Live the Revolutionary Spirit of Our Young Comrade! and at 12:29 p.m. observed one minute's silence in tribute to our young comrade.

At 12:30 p.m., the statement from the Preparatory Committee for the Internationalist Rally was read.

Invited comrades of the fraternal Marxist-Leninist parties, organizations and national liberation movements;

Comrades and friends;

April 30th is an historic date for the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement in North America. Today is the first time since the offices of the International Workingmen's Association of Marx and Engels were moved to New York that the representatives of the communist parties are gathering in North America. This is a great testimony to the fact that the proletariat of Canada and the proletariat of the United States constitutes a revolutionary class and is part of the international proletariat. This Internationalist Rally also testifies to the revolutionary will, determination and strength of the proletariat of our country to carry through to victory the struggle against imperialism, led by U.S. imperialism and Soviet social-imperialism, and revisionism and opportunism of all hues. The Internationalist Rally is the victory of Marxism-Leninism over the attacks by imperialism, revisionism and opportunism of all hues.

Invited comrades of the fraternal Marxist-Leninist parties, organizations and national liberation movements;

Comrades and friends;

We invite you to rise to hail the memory of the martyrs of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement, who gloriously laid down their lives in the battle against imperialism and all reaction, against revisionism and opportunism of all hues and for the triumph of the revolution and socialism. At this time we pay our profound respects to the memory of Comrade Pedro Pmar and the other comrades of the leadership of the Communist Party of Brazil, Comrade Charu Mazumdar, General Secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), Comrade Pedro Leon Arboleda, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Colombia (Marxist-Leninist), Comrade Guillermo Arevalo respected young comrade and member of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile, the courageous members of the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist) who heroically faced the hangmen of the Franco regime in September of 1975 and all the other comrades who have fallen in the struggle for social emancipation and the defeat of imperialism and all reaction.

Dear fraternal comrades;

Comrades and friends;

Please observe one minute of silence in tribute to our heroic comrades who have fallen in battle while performing their sacred duty to the international proletariat.


Comrades and friends,

"Communism is the doctrine of the conditions of the liberation of the proletariat." The proletarians the world over are taking up this doctrine and are creating the conditions for their liberation. The first condition for the liberation of the proletariat is the seizure of political power. The struggle for political power is raging all over the globe. On one side are the imperialists and reactionaries led by the two superpowers, the U.S. imperialists and the Soviet social- imperialists. They are opposed to the freedom and independence of nations, they oppose progress and are reactionary through and through. They make up the backward and the dying forces. On the other side are the proletarians of all lands and the progressive and democratic forces. They fight for the freedom and independence of nations, work for progress and the advancement of society from capitalism to communism, the condition for the liberation of the proletariat. The proletariat is at the centre of our epoch and the proletarian revolution is vigorously surging forward. The national liberation movement is the reserve of the proletarian revolution.

The proletariat is led by its genuine Marxist-Leninist parties. These genuine Marxist-Leninist parties are taking up for solution the question of seizure of political power. All-sided crisis of imperialism with the economic crisis as the base is deepening and broadening. Once again, it is shown that crisis and capitalism are fellow-travellers and that capitalism cannot continue without crisis. Inflation, unemployment, the militarization of the economy and fascization of the state and the shifting of the burden of the economic crisis onto the backs of the labouring masses are the features of life under capitalism. It is the basic contradiction between private ownership of the means of production and the social character of production which is tearing the moribund capitalist system apart. The bourgeoisie has no solutions to the problems facing the capitalist countries.

There are four major contradictions on the world scale, and the class struggle is the motive force and the content of our epoch is the transition from capitalism to communism. The four basic contradictions on the world scale are: the contradiction between the oppressed nations on the one hand and imperialism and social-imperialism on the other; the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie in the capitalist and revisionist countries; the contradiction between imperialist and social-imperialist countries and among the imperialist countries; and the contradiction between socialist countries on the one hand and imperialism and social-imperialism on the other.

All the four major contradictions are sharpening on the world scale. The revolutionary working class movement is developing vigorously and a wide front against imperialism led by the two superpowers is emerging in vast areas of Asia, Africa and Latin America. The proletariat is facing imperialism, all moribund reactionary ruling classes, revisionism and opportunism of all hues and colonialism and neo-colonialism with courage and determination. The People's Socialist Republic of Albania with the Party of Labour at its head and the working class movement led by the genuinely Marxist-Leninist communist parties and the national liberation movement constitute an invincible anti-imperialist socialist and democratic front against the reactionary front led by U.S. imperialism and Soviet social-imperialism. The theory of Marxism-Leninism is an immortal guide to the revolutionary proletariat in its epoch-making triumphant march to overthrow imperialism and bring about the transition from capitalism to communism. The proletariat is the gravedigger of the capitalist system and the builder of socialism.

The Internationalist Rally is being organized at a time when the international situation is extremely complicated and there is a serious danger to revolution and the lives of the people all over the world. The two superpowers are contending for world hegemony and are preparing for war. The revisionists and opportunists of all hues are sowing harmful illusions about "detente" and about "anti- hegemonic" struggle, directing their main blow against the revolutionary forces led by the genuine Marxist-Leninist communist parties. They are not only opposed to the leading role of the proletariat but they are also opposed to the correct Marxist thesis that the class struggle is the motive force and that the proletariat is at the centre of our epoch, and that the class struggle necessarily leads to the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat. They are opposed to the correct Marxist thesis that the main content of our epoch is the transition from capitalism to communism and that socialism, and the dictatorship of the proletariat, are the necessary transit point and comprise an entire historical epoch. The proletariat and its genuine Marxist-Leninist communist parties are firmly repulsing all the attacks of the class enemy and are marching forward on the road of social revolution. The proletariat in Asia, Africa and Latin America is fighting for socialism through new democratic revolution which is the immediate and first stages of the proletariat's quest for emancipation, while socialism is the immediate task of the proletariat in the major capitalist countries. Revolution is the main trend, and the objective conditions are ripe for revolution all over the globe. The main task of all genuine Marxist-Leninist communist parties is to defend the purity of Marxism-Leninism, uphold proletarian internationalism, proletarianize and bolshevize their parties, improve combativeness in the course of revolutionary class struggle against the class enemy, and unite the proletariat by establishing closest links with the proletariat and by opposing all shades and forms of bourgeois, revisionist and opportunist splittist and counter-revolutionary ideologies.

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) is organizing the first Internationalist Rally in Montreal on April 30, 1978. Our fraternal Marxist-Leninist parties are invited to attend. This is the first time when a significant number of genuine Marxist-Leninist parties and groups from all continents of the globe are gathering in North America.

The holding of the Internationalist Rally is an historic event in the life of the proletariat in Canada. This event signifies the developing unity of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement and the maturing of the struggle against revisionism and opportunism of all hues. The Internationalist Rally will mark the further development of bilateral and multilateral discussions which are taking place between fraternal parties which assists the unity of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement.

The Internationalists were organized in Montreal in May of 1968 on the basis of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism. This was the first time in Canada, since the revisionist betrayal of the Communist Party in the early fifties, that the Marxist-Leninists took up the task of dissemination of works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao Tsetung on a large scale and started the revolutionary movement against imperialism and revisionism and against all forms of bourgeois ideology. The Internationalists were founded in March 1963, but it was only in 1968, when the Internationalists had defeated all kinds of revisionist and opportunist trends which had emerged from within, that they earnestly took up the task of reestablishing the Communist Party on the basis of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism.

The reorganization of the Internationalists in 1968 also signaled the development of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement in Canada on the national basis. It was the first time in the history of Canada that a Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement surged forward from coast to coast and the conditions were created which led to the founding of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) in March 1970.

The international proletariat today is split into various sections by various forms of bourgeois ideology. It is the split of the international proletariat which favours the continuation of imperialism and revisionism and opportunism of all hues on the world scale. The material conditions are ripe for revolution but the subjective conditions are lagging behind and the split in the proletariat is the reflection of the deep and generalized confusion the bourgeoisie has created in the international proletariat. This confusion and the split can be ended only by the building of a genuine Marxist-Leninist party. The rise of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement since the Seventh Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania is a gigantic step forward in eliminating bourgeois confusion and ending splits in the proletariat. The Internationalist rallies held since the Seventh Congress have tremendously contributed to the elimination of confusion and the ending of the splits in the proletariat. It is a long-term struggle but a bold step has been taken by the genuine Marxist-Leninist parties to eliminate confusion and end the splits in the proletariat as part of the revolutionary class struggle against imperialism and all reaction.

Modern revisionism and all its variants and all forms of bourgeois ideology are the cause of splits in the international proletariat. The working-class and communist movement was split by the Khrushchovite revisionists after they seized control of the Party and state in the Soviet Union and adopted the revisionist line at the twentieth congress of the CPSU(B). Even though the Khrushchovite revisionists paid lip-service to the unity of the international working-class and communist movement, they feverishly carried out splits and disruption in the movement. They participated in the historic decisions of the twelve ruling parties in 1957 and the Moscow declaration of the eighty-one parties, but this participation was merely for the purposes of organizing splits and disruptions m the international working-class and communist movement. It was the glorious work of the genuine Marxist-Leninist parties of China and Albania headed by the great Marxist-Leninists, Mao Tsetung and Enver Hoxha, which postponed the splits for several years but the Khrushchovite revisionists carried on their reckless traitorous path leading to the open split in the working-class and communist movement. Since the time of this split the genuine Marxist-Leninist parties have been working vigorously to re-establish the unity of the international working-class and communist movement on the basis of firmly opposing revisionism and opportunism of all hues and on the basis of defending the purity of Marxism-Leninism and upholding proletarian internationalism. This struggle for unity of the international working-class and communist movement has been courageously led by the genuinely Marxist-Leninist parties for over two decades and today this struggle is irresistibly surging forward with Comrade Enver Hoxha at the head.

The latest splitters of the international working-class and communist movement are the proponents of the new international opportunist trend based on the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds". The antics of these opportunists are basically no different from those of the Khrushchovite revisionists. These opportunists hatched their peculiar anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds" and tried to shove this counter-revolutionary theory down the throats of the international working-class and communist movement through the most vile intrigue and conspiracy. They simply declared this anti-Leninist theory to the world and pontificated that everyone must build their strategies on it without any consultation whatsoever with the fraternal Marxist-Leninist parties and with the ulterior motive of revising the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism. They started grooming opportunists of all hues and other agents-provocateurs and started issuing statements that these counter-revolutionaries were actually the real "revolutionaries". Through this method they began floating their henchmen and interfered in the internal affairs of many Marxist-Leninist parties. They gave themselves the reactionary right, to interfere and hegemonize everywhere and they used the great revolutionary prestige of China and Comrade Mao Tsetung in order to launch this vicious attack on the international working-class and communist movement. But the genuine Marxist-Leninist parties are not cowed down by the reactionary bluster and intrigues of the revisionists and opportunists of all hues. The genuine Marxist-Leninist parties stood up to these splitters and started a big campaign against these splitters as well.

Modern revisionism with Khrushchovite revisionism at the centre is the main danger to the international working-class and communist movement. There are several variants and offshoots of revisionism. There is the revisionism of "Eurocommunists" and the revisionism of the Titoites. The new international opportunist trend based on the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds" is also a form of revisionism. The unity of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement can be established only by firmly opposing modern revisionism and all its currents and offshoots and by opposing opportunism of all hues. The Internationalist Rally is being organized to oppose modern revisionism and opportunism of all hues and to contribute to the building of the unity of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement which is surging forward today. We have invited our fraternal Marxist-Leninist parties for the purposes of exchanging views with them and to provide them with an international platform through which they can put forward their Marxist-Leninist positions to the international proletariat.

Our Party is extremely honoured to have among us the representatives of the Marxist-Leninist communist parties of the five continents and we will do everything possible to fulfil our proletarian internationalist duty.

On this occasion, our Party has received messages of greetings and representatives of nineteen Marxist-Leninist communist parties and organizations and of the national liberation movements. We are also deeply moved by the revolutionary enthusiasm and determination displayed by all the revolutionary forces in North America in carrying out mass work for the Internationalist Rally and fulfilling their responsibilities. We have today among us comrades and friends from all over North America. Marxist-Leninist communists are present from all the provinces and major cities of Canada and from many states and major cities in the United States. We welcome all our comrades to this historic Internationalist Rally.

Fraternal Comrades;

Comrades and friends;

With these words we are proud to declare this Internationalist Rally officially open!





Tumultuous applause greeted the statement of the Preparatory as the participants jumped to their feet and shouted the slogans put forward in the statement.

At 12:55, following the statement of the Preparatory Committee, the text of the telegramme was read which was being sent by the Internationalist Rally to Comrade Enver Hoxha, First Secretary of the glorious Party of Labour of Albania and dear and respected Comrade of all Marxist-Leninist communists the world over. The telegramme read as follows:

Comrade Enver Hoxha,

First Secretary

Party of Labour of Albania


Dearest esteemed Comrade,

The Marxist-Leninists gathered at the Internationalist Rally organized by the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) send you their militant revolutionary greetings and express to you sincere gratitude for the tremendous contribution being made by the glorious Party of Labour of Albania and by the Albanian working class and people under the leadership of the Party of Labour of Albania to the struggle of the workers and people of the world against imperialism led by U.S. imperialism and Soviet social- imperialism and all reaction and against revisionism and opportunism of all hues, and in defence of the purity of Marxism-Leninism. It is the great merit of the PLA that it was the first to recognize Khrushchov revisionism and identify its features and wage a courageous battle against it, which it still carries without let-up. We hail this great work of the PLA. We pledge to learn from your glorious example and that of the entire PLA and remain ever loyal to and resolute pupils of the immortal teachings of the great leaders of the international proletariat, Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin. Sincere revolutionary salutations to Comrade Enver Hoxha!




(signed) Hardial Bains Chairman, Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

The telegramme to Comrade Enver Hoxha from the Internationalist Rally was greeted with cheers and sustained applause. It was followed by the presentation of the text of the telegramme to be sent from the Internationalist Rally to the Central Committee of the fraternal Party of Labour of Albania. The telegramme was as follows:

Central Committee

Party of Labour of Albania


Dear comrades,

The Marxist-Leninist communists gathered in Montreal at the Internationalist Rally organized by the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) send you militant revolutionary greetings and through you to all Albanian communists and sincerely wish you ever greater victories in leading the working class and other working people of the People's Socialist Republic of Albania in socialist revolution and construction and in struggle against imperialism headed by the two superpowers and revisionism and opportunism of all hues. On this occasion, the Marxist-Leninist communists gathered here from all provinces and major cities of Canada and all major cities and states of the United States with renewed vigour, pledge to stand firmly on the side of the glorious Party of Labour of Albania and all fraternal Marxist-Leninist communist parties in the historic struggles of the workers and people of the world against imperialism, headed by U.S. imperialism and Soviet social-imperialism, and all reaction for the victory of the revolution and the triumph of socialism. We pledge to carry through to the end the struggle in defence of the purity of Marxism-Leninism, especially modern revisionism, the main danger to the workers' and communist movement, and in particular its present manifestation, the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds". The glorious PLA was the first to recognize Khrushchov revisionism and to identify its counter-revolutionary features, and it has tenaciously carried this fight to date. We take this occasion to sincerely thank the glorious PLA for its tremendous contribution to the building of the unity of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement and in opposition to revisionist and disruptive trends. We especially hail the Seventh Congress of the PLA and the Report delivered by Comrade Enver Hoxha and the great achievements of the Albanian people under the leadership of the PLA in socialist revolution and construction. With renewed vigour we Marxist-Leninist communists gathered here pledge to carry out our proletarian internationalist duty and lead to final victory the struggle of the working class and people of our own countries for the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, freedom, independence and socialism.

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Comrade Hardial Bains Warmly Welcomes Fraternal Comrades of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations and National Liberation Movements

Promptly at 4:00 p.m., the song Here is the Rose, Now Dance was sung once again with the audience vigorously participating in the singing of the song.

At 4:07 p.m., Comrade Hardial Bains, Chairman of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) mounted the rostrum. As he mounted the rostrum, and before he even reached his place in front of the audience, the entire audience had jumped At 4:07 p.m., Comrade Hardial Bains, Chairman of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) mounted the rostrum. As he mounted the rostrum, and before he even reached his place in front of the audience, the entire audience had jumped to its feet and greeted Comrade Bains with tumultuous applause, cheers and the shouting of slogans hailing CPC (M-L), the unity of all the Marxist-Leninist communist parties and the militant unity of the international proletariat. For nearly five minutes the audience expressed its deep love and respect for the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) and its revolutionary leadership and hailed the unity of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement. Following the standing ovation with which CPC (M-L) and its revolutionary leadership were greeted, Comrade Bains made the following remarks:

Fraternal comrades of the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations,

Invitedguests of the national liberation movements,

Comrades and friends,

On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) I warmly welcome all the fraternal comrades of the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations and representatives of the national liberation movements, all the comrades and friends from Canada and the United States, and thank them sincerely for coming here to participate in the historic Internationalist Rally which is a source of unlimited strength to us Canadian Marxist-Leninists as well as a source of unity and strength for the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement. I also sincerely thank all the Marxist-Leninist communist parties and organizationns.which have sent messages of greetings to the Internationalist Rally and have added their strong voice in support of the unity of all the Marxist-Leninist communist parties.

Comrades and friends,

For some time now, there has been speculation on the question of who is recognized by which Party. This speculation is speculation on Marxism-Leninism because we Marxist-Leninists believe that all the genuine, true Marxist-Leninists in the world recognize one another and that it is in the very essence of Marxism-Leninism that the proletarians of all countries are united. So, comrades and friends, I would like to begin this part of the programme of the Internationalist Rally by reading to you a message of greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the comrades who are most esteemed and respected by the revolutionary forces on the world scale. (tumultuous applause)

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Message of the Central Committee of the Party of Labor of Albania to the Internationalist Rally Received with Tumultuous Applause

Comrades and friends, we are extremely honored to receive the message of greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania.

Following this brief introduction, Comrade Bains read the message of greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania:

Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

Dear Comrades,

On the occasion of the Internationalist Rally of your Party, we convey to you, the participants to the Internationalist Rally and the Canadian Marxist-Leninists, our revolutionary greetings and those of the Albanian communists.

We wish that your Internationalist Rally will mark a new important step forward in the continuous consolidation of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), as a Party of new type, able and worthy of its mission as a vanguard of the Canadian proletariat in the struggle for the triumph of socialism and communism.

On this occasion, the Party of Labour of Albania expresses its support for the workers and the working people of the world in their revolutionary struggle against the imperialist superpowers -- U.S. imperialism and Soviet social-imperialism, as well as all the-reactionaries, for the victory of freedom, national independence and the triumph of socialism. It will always be beside the true Marxist-Leninists all over the world, in struggle against the enemies of Marxism-Leninism, especially against modern revisionism of all hues, in the struggle for the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the defence of the purity of Marxism-Leninism.




Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania

Tirana, April 7,1978

Even while the message of greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania was being read, the members of the audience rose to their feet and no sooner was it read than the audience started shouting slogans and applauded and cheered for a long, long time.

[Photo: Comrade Bains reading the telegramme from the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania to the Internationalist Rally.]

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Representative of the Communist Party of Spain (M-L) Addresses the Internationalist Rally

At exactly 4:17p.m., Comrade Bains introduced the representative of the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist).

As the representative of the Communist tarty of Spain (Marxist-Leninist) came up onto the rostrum, he was greeted with tumultuous applause, cheers and the shouting of the following slogans: Long Live the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist)!, Espafta, Manana, Sera Republicana!and FRAP FRAP FRAP, Guerra Popular! On and on the audience first shouted and then chanted these slogans until at the repeated insistence of the representative of the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist) the audience finally took their seats.

The representative of the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist) delivered the following speech to the Internationalist Rally:

Speech to the Internationalist Rally by the Representative of the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist)

Dear Comrades of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist),

Dear Comrades of the revolutionary parties and forces here today,

In the name of the Central Committee and all the militants of the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist), I bring you our militant and comradely greetings to all the militants of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) on the occasion of the Internationalist Rally.

The international ties and fraternal cooperation between us are well established and are continually strengthened, for they are based on the teachings of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin. It is for this reason that the ties of friendship and of proletarian solidarity between our parties constitute a solid foundation for international solidarity and are an important contribution to the unity of the international communist movement.

We, the Spanish communists and revolutionaries, will never forget the magnificent example of internationalism, which was shown by the Canadian volunteers who participated in the "Papineau" Battalion of the renowned and heroic International Brigade. They fought beside their Spanish brothers against fascism during our national revolutionary war -- the blood of these martyrs and the example they set are an honour for the Canadian people, represented by you here today. For this reason I would like to shout: Long Live the Friendship and Fighting Unity Between the Canadian and Spanish People!

The current period has a great significance for the revolutionary struggle of the Canadian proletariat and people -- the capitalist economic crisis means that the reactionary big bourgeoisie and Yankee imperialism are trying to saddle the masses of Canadian workers with their anti-national, anti-people policies of exploitation and oppression: one million unemployed workers, rapidly increasing prices, the lowering of the purchasing power of the working people, the worsening of the living conditions -- these are the consequences for the working class and people.

At the same time the big bourgeoisie (which is going more and more into debt to the imperialists) and the imperialists are trying to extinguish the just struggles of the workers and popular masses by a series of repressive measures which include the arrests and deportation of the fighting militants and in particular, those who are in the forefront of the struggle: the comrades of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist).

All this shows us, once again, the exploitive and oppressive character of the governments of Trudeau and Levesque, the government of the reactionary big bourgeoisie and of imperialism, and sets out the inescapable task for the Canadian workers of overthrowing this class and of responding to the anti-working class politics of the government, and to upset their plans as is already being done in the struggle, a struggle that can be summed up in the correct call to Make the Rich Pay for the Crisis!

On the other hand, the big capitalists and their government fool themselves into believing that they can stop the struggle through repression. No repression against the Canadian proletariat and its vanguard, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), can prevent the revolutionaries, the communists, from fulfilling their historic mission: to overthrow the capitalist government by revolutionary struggle and establish the dictatorship of the proletariat, build socialism and put an end to exploitation and oppression.

It must not be forgotten that where there is oppression, there is resistance and that the greater the repression, the greater the resistance; and the counter-attack by the workers will be powerful. The example of Spain, among others, proves this: even the hundreds of thousands of deaths during our national revolutionary war, the hundreds of thousands of executions or the deaths in the concentration camps after the war, the fierce repression during the forty years of fascist dictatorship, could not stop the struggle of our people. Never, never, will repression be able to extinguish the struggle of the proletariat and of the people!

We are certain that the attempts of the Canadian government will fail in the face of the determination of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) which, during the eight years of its history, has become strengthened and consolidated in the course of struggle against the reactionary big bourgeoisie, against the two superpowers, American imperialism and Soviet social-imperialism, and opportunism of all hues. Moreover, the Canadian communists, the revolutionaries, are not alone as can be seen at this Internationalist Rally.

You can be sure, Canadian comrades, that in the stubborn and resolute struggle for upholding Marxist-Leninist principles, the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist) will always be at your side! Your enemies are our enemies! Your struggle is our struggle!

In Spain, since the death of the assassin, Franco, we are witnessing a sinister farce, that of the so-called "democratization of the regime" -- all of world reaction, the two superpowers, the social democrats and the revisionists are helping out in this vile manoeuvre and proclaiming that there is no longer fascism in Spain.

But, who has educated and made this puppet Juan Carlos the "king of Spain"? Franco! Which class stays in power? The same oligarchy that was under Franco! Which police assassinate the demonstrators and arrest the republicans? Franco's police! And which imperialism is dominant in Spain on all fronts? Yankee imperialism that the assassin Franco installed in our country!

But the Spanish people are not deceived and from their own experience they can see that an evolution of the Spanish oligarchy into democracy is impossible, due to its total dependence in practical terms on American imperialism, due to its own fascist nature and because of its class nature. No class commits suicide, it has to be overthrown by force. It is certain that there are contradictions inside the oligarchy, but they are secondary ones over what kinds of concessions to give the people in order to deceive them.

The contradictions that exist in Spain are the same as those which led the oligarchy in 1939 to install a fascist dictatorship after three years of civil war -- and now they want us to believe that this same oligarchy is "democratizing" itself. Curious phenomenon! At a time when the so-called democratic bourgeoisie is tending towards fascism in other countries!

Faced with these manoeuvres, our Party and the other organizations united in FRAP, as well as left social democrats and other anti-fascist and anti-monarchy forces, formed the Republican Convention of the Spanish people in order to oppose by all means the monarchy and its institutions; for self-determination for the Spanish peoples, against Yankee imperialism and any other imperialism, no matter where it comes from, and for the people who, after the overthrow of the monarchy, will decide what type of Republic they want.

Our Party fights and will fight relentlessly for the People's Federative Republic, the first step towards socialism. We do not abandon or hide anything from our allies. But, faced with the fascist monarchy and its manoeuvres, we unite with all those who are republicans, even if they do not agree with our ideology -- it is a policy of tactical alliances. But we do not for a moment forget, even if the new opportunists do, that the motive force of history is the class struggle. It is for this reason that we make every effort to unite around the Party the popular masses and first and foremost, the proletariat, which is put at the head of these struggles, to lead them and to inspire them with the great goal of revolution, and that there is only one means of doing it: take up arms at the appropriate moment!

Today in Spain, there is a clear-cut example of the vigorous struggle against the fascist American ruling elite and its opportunist lackeys: it is the example that we give of the Association of Workers' Assemblies (AOA).

Faced with the yellow trade unions in the service of the bosses like the revisionist Workers' Commission, the UGT, the social democrats and other organizations manipulated by ) the opportunists of all hues, the CPS(M-L), which has always carried the banner of revolutionary class trade unionism, supports unconditionally the assemblyist movement which was born in the midst of the most intense class struggle that had been seen and consequently supports its most loyal representation, the Association of Workers' Assemblies (AOA).

The First Congress of the AOA, attended by a representative of the Canadian Workers' Association, has further confirmed its revolutionary class character, republicanism and, based on the assemblies, has confirmed categorically the correctness of its class positions on all fronts, facing the monarchical government and facing the yellow and class collaborationist "centrals".

In declaring its republicanism, the AOA carried a banner that our Party has carried since its reconstruction in 1964. It is for this reason that, as well as the hundreds of republicans, several dozen militants of the AOA were arrested last April 14, the anniversary of the proclamation of the Second Republic made in 1931, which the Spanish people celebrated with huge demonstrations, even when they were outlawed, and shouted "Tomorrow, Spain Will Be Republican!"

Comrades, we are using this occasion to pose certain questions regarding revisionism and opportunism and to denounce them. For some years now, the revisionist clique presently in power in China has been propagating the nefarious theory of "three worlds" and trying to present it as a Marxist-Leninist theory while it is actually an anti-Leninist, revisionist theory which betrays the interests of the international proletariat.

Our Party denounced this theory as it says in the report of the Central Committee approved during our Second Congress:

1. It negates the role of the class struggle as the motive force of history.

2. It negates the nature of our epoch and the role of the proletariat as the leading revolutionary force.

3. It ignores the main contradictions of our epoch and reduces them to a single one.

4. In emphasizing the necessity of struggle against Soviet social- imperialism, enemy of the people of the world, it neglects the struggle against American imperialism and almost presents it as a friend of the people.

5. It prettifies NATO and the Common Market, and invites the people to help the capitalists strengthen their bourgeois armies.

6. In envisioning an alliance of the "second" and "third" worlds, it envisions the alliance of the oppressed peoples with the old and new neo-colonialist powers.

7. While recognizing the necessity of utilizing the inter-imperialist contradictions, the authors of this theory forget that these contradictions must be used in the service of revolution and not the opposite.

8. The theory of "three worlds" is silent on the role of the revolutionary movements, of the workers' struggles in the capitalist countries, of proletarian revolution.

9. It advocates an alliance of the bourgeoisie against social- imperialism and neglects the struggle of the people against the dictatorships of Pinochet, Suharto, Mobutu, Agosthino Neto, etc.

10. It neglects the struggle against revisionism and is silent on the sinister role of Yugoslav revisionism (which it even praises to the skies).

11. In presenting Soviet social-imperialism as the "main danger", it sabotages, in fact, the struggle for national independence, going so far as to advise that the status quo be maintained in the zones dominated by American imperialism and western neo-colonialism.

12. In presenting U.S. imperialism as a force in decline and only Soviet social-imperialism as the ascendant force, the authors of the theory of "three worlds" forget that the sole ascendant force is the international proletariat and that imperialism as a whole, in our epoch is in decline, American and Russian and all other imperialists; that from the strategic and tactical point of view, American imperialism is not in "decline" and has not ceased to pose a great threat and danger to the people: Yankee imperialism continues to exploit fiercely the majority of the world.

To sum up, this nefarious theory hides, compromises and debases class struggle, misrepresents the fundamental contradictions of our epoch; under the pretext of opposing Soviet social-imperialism, it praises American imperialism and international reaction and underestimates the decisive role of the Marxist-Leninist parties. That is to say, it is directed against Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism, as can equally be shown in the splittist manoeuvres of the defenders of the theory of "three worlds".

In order to propagate their revisionist and social-chauvinist theories, the Teng-Hsiao-ping and Hua Kuo-feng clique use a whole series of servile spokesmen whose mission is to popularize the nefarious theory of "three worlds". It is the role of Jurquet in France, Vilar in Portugal, Sanroma in Spain and the revisionist of the "Communist" League in Canada, just to mention some of them. It will not be very much use to them since we, the communists, are about to settle accounts with them and their future is very sad since they are going to be put into the dustbin of history.

Faced with this nefarious theory and the manoeuvres that they are carrying out, we communists affirm that the motive force of history is the class struggle, that the two superpowers together or separately represent the main enemy of the people and that we cannot support one to oppose the other; and that it is definite that, based on Marxism-Leninism, no one can stop the forward march of revolution.

Further, in the denunciation of the theory of "three worlds" our Party considers that the historic Seventh Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania and the report presented by Comrade Enver Hoxha represent a line of demarcation between the genuine Marxist-Leninists and the revisionists and opportunists. Our Party also gives a great deal of importance to the Joint Declaration with the Parties of Germany, Greece, Italy and Portugal, which together with the Declaration signed by eight parties of Latin America, has contributed in a big way to the strengthening of the internationalist ties of the communist parties.

Comrades, there is another problem about which it is necessary to speak. In order to get the Marxist-Leninist parties to accept their dictates, the Chinese revisionists use what they consider to be an unbeatable argument: Mao Tsetung is the creator of the theory of "three worlds". We must say that nowhere, in any of the numerous writings of Mao Tsetung, have we found the formulation of the theory of "three worlds", although there are certain interpretations that could create confusion. The analysis of the works of Mao is a very delicate matter and very complex, which does not permit haste. Besides, we have not neglected the fact that, even while he was alive, Mao Tsetung was made into a real myth, into an idol that we were made to think was untouchable. This is a dogmatic fetish that we do not accept, for it goes against the dialectical conception of what is a leader, no matter how great he is.

Also, to all those who try to use as a decisive argument, the "fact" that Mao Tsetung was the creator of this nefarious theory, we answer that Leninism cannot be made a dogma, as the opportunists of all hues are trying to do, without losing its nature.

We, the Marxist-Leninists, have the good habit of judging the parties and people by their acts and their practice and not by what they say.

It is for all these reasons that our Party considers that it is the duty of the Marxist-Leninists to investigate the origins of this theory, how it developed and who was responsible for its original formulation.

Canadian comrades, the Communist Party of Spajn (Marxist-Leninist) and the workers of our country send all our sympathy and solidarity with your correct Party. Our Party wishes your great success in the struggle against the Canadian exploiters, against their bosses, American imperialism, for revolution and socialism.





This speech was received with more tumultuous applause and more shouting of the same slogans which greeted the arrival of the representative of the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist) when he arrived on the rostrum. Following more applause, the slogans Workers of All Countries, Unite! and Long Live the Unity Between the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) and the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist)! and Long Live Proletarian Internationalism! concluded the presentation by the representative of CPS(M-L).

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Representative of the Workers' and Peasants' Communist Party of Iran Addresses the Internationalist Rally

[Photo:Representative of the Workers' and Peasants' Communist Party of Iran tumultuously applauded by the Internationalist Rally.]

At 4:53 p.m., Comrade Bains introduced the representative of the Workers' and Peasants' Communist Party of Iran. The representative of the Workers' and Peasants' Communist Party of Iran was greeted with sustained applause and slogans greeting the founding of the Communist Party in Iran and denouncing the fascist Shah of Iran. The representative of the Workers' and Peasants' Communist Party of Iran delivered his speech to the Internationalist Rally in Pharsee, which was immediately followed by the translation of the speech into English and French. The speech delivered to the Internationalist Rally by the Representative of the Workers' and Peasants' Communist Party of Iran is printed below.

Speech to the Internationalist Rally by the Representative of the Workers' and Peasants' Communist Party of Iran

Dear comrades,

We bring warm revolutionary greetings to your Party, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), and to all the labouring masses of Canada from our Party and the toiling masses of Iran. We are happy to have the opportunity to participate in this internationalist gathering which has been organized at the initiative of our fraternal party, CPC(M-L). We are certain that this meeting of Marxist-Leninists will further unite the labouring masses of the world and will be of profound importance to the struggle of the labouring masses against imperialism, social-imperialism and all reaction.

Dear comrades,

This Internationalist Rally is taking place at a time when the capitalist countries are in the grip of a grave economic and social crisis, and are completely unable to resolve this crisis. But, true to its nature, imperialism is trying to shift the burden of this crisis onto the backs of the labouring masses in the capitalist countries and onto the backs of the oppressed peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America. In the face of the upsurge of the working class, the bourgeoisie in the capitalist countries is passing new laws to use against the workers whenever it finds it necessary. Already in the majority of the capitalist countries, anti-strike laws or laws to oppose "ultra left and right'', which are a pretext for the attacks of the bourgeoisie against the working class, have been passed by their parliaments. The bourgeoisie claims that the economic crisis is the result of increase in wages. But it is a well-known fact that the prices of daily necessities are raised by the bourgeoisie itself.

The heroic proletariat in the capitalist countries, which more thanany other class feels the steadily increasing burden of this crisis, is resisting the attacks of the bourgeoisie. Already the bourgeoisie in the capitalist countries is everywhere confronted with great" workers' struggles. The strike struggles of the millions of workers in Italy, France, England, Poland, etc., are examples of this. These struggles are the result of a further intensification of the contradictions of capitalist society. The big capitalists, true to their nature, constantly strive to increase the profits which they reap from the labour of the workers. As a result they face one unsolvable economic crisis after another. In order to deal with these contradictions, the bourgeoisie not only uses anti-working class legislation but also strengthens its pojice and security forces and introduces a system of factory police to control the workers. In order to dupe the masses, the capitalist governments attempt to present themselves as a special stratum which is over and above classes and has the role of mediator between the capitalists and the workers. As a result there is a lot of talk that the governments will not allow the unchecked rise in prices; that the governments should put controls on prices, such as was done in Canada with the "Anti-Inflation Board". In some capitalist countries in Europe, the heads of government themselves have declared their readiness to mediate between the factory owners and the strikers.

The working class has long known that these states are the representatives of big financial monopolies which themselves are instruments in preserving this oppressive system. The answer of the working class is quite clear. It knows that the capitalists will never peacefully give up a cent of their profits. Therefore it is waging great strike struggles throughout the capitalist countries.

The emergence of unresolvable economic crisis in capitalist society gives rise to the intensification of the existing contradictions in these imperialist countries. As a result, the contradictions among the countries of the imperialist camp are also intensified, which results in the encroachment of the imperialists on each others' interests. This will give rise to regional skirmishes and subsequently to world war. At the present time we are witnessing such regional encounters in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Dear Comrades,

Following the betrayal of the Khrushchovite revisionist clique in the Soviet Union, which was once the cradle of socialism and the base of world revolution, another imperialist centre against the world's people came into being. This new imperialism came on the stage at a time when the world was already divided amongst the imperialists. In order to win the trust of the other imperialists, particularly that of U.S. imperialism, it entered the stage under thebanner of Khrushchov's "peaceful coexistence", and in a relatively short time was able to prove its anti-communist nature to itscohorts. In order to divert the struggle of the world's people from the correct path, Khrushchovite revisionism declared that theimperialists had come to their senses and now understand that there is nothing to be gained from aggression and war; and that within the government of the United States there are two factions, one of which wants peace and tranquility. In fact, it attempted to convince the masses that there is no difference of opinion between socialism and imperialism on the question of maintaining peace in the world.

But at no time did Marxist-Leninists accept the trash which the Khrushchovite revisionists were presenting in order to divert the struggle of the world's peoples. The glorious Party of Labour of Albania, under the leadership of the great Marxist-Leninist, Comrade Enver Hoxha, which had gloriously struggled against and exposed Titoite revisionism on the international scale, was in the forefront of the struggle against Khrushchovite revisionism.

At this time, there are two imperialist centres in the world. One is headed by U.S. imperialism and the other by Soviet social-imperialism. Due to the sharpening of the economic crisis on the world scale, the contradictions between these two imperialist Centres have also become sharper. In order to gain hegemony and control of world markets, the two superpowers have intensified their contention, and as a result are more and more arming themselves and increasing their. stockpiles of armaments. Undoubtedly, these arms will one day be used and will cause a disastrous war of attrition. In order to rescue themselves from the grip of the economic crisis, the two superpowers are increasing their economic and political pressure upon their own allies. The increasing domination of Canada and the West European countries by the U.S. is an example of this. In the semi-colonial countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, the two superpowers have also increased their plunder. In order to suppress the struggles of the peoples of these regions, which are developing faster than ever, military coup d'etats are the order of the day. The CIA, the espionage organization of the U.S. imperialists, is carrying out such activities everywhere. But all these imperialist machinations will be incapable of suppressing the anti-imperialist struggles of the peoples of the world. Comrade Enver Hoxha, the teacher of the proletariat, in his political report to the Seventh Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania, correctly pointed out:

"In recent years, a powerful upsurge of the struggle of the proletariat can be seen in all the capitalist countries. The workers and the masses of the working people everywhere are fighting selflessly against political oppression and economic exploitation, to defend their democratic rights and ensure a better life. What distinguishes this struggle is the broadened scope of the demands of the working people which are ever more going beyond the bounds of economic demands. The strikes, protests, demonstrations of the working people in the United States of America, Britain, France, the Soviet Union, Poland, Italy, Germany, Spain, etc., which often end up in bloody clashes with the bourgeoisie and its apparatus of oppression, are striking at the very foundations of the bourgeois and revisionist rule. In these fierce clashes with capital and the bourgeoisie, the working class and the broad masses of the working people are more and more strengthening their proletarian consciousness, preparing and tempering themselves ever better for the coming class battles. The present struggle of the world proletariat once more proves the fundamental thesis of Marxism-Leninism that the working class and its revolutionary struggle in the bourgeois and revisionist world cannot be suppressed either with violence or with demagogy. Despite the pressure, the demagogy, and the large-scale deceptive and disruptive propaganda of the bourgeoisie and its allies, the tendency to break away from the opportunist and undermining influences of the social-democracy and the revisionists, who unfortunately still manipulate an important part of the working class, is broadening and deepening. The growth and strengthening of the new Marxist-Leninist parties is vivid proof that the proletariat has never lost its faith in Marxism-Leninism, that it sees in Marxism-Leninism its most powerful weapon in the struggle against the bourgeoisie and for the triumph of the revolution.

"Day by day, the liberation movement of the peoples is rising to a higher level, both in content and in intensity. The historic victory of world importance of the peoples of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, which was a victory not only over U.S. imperialism, but also over the plots, intrigues and acts of interference of Soviet social-imperialism, proved that, with all their great power and wealth, with all their modern means of warfare, the superpowers are not able to subjugate the peoples and countries, even small ones, if the latter are determined to fight to the end and make any sacrifice. It confirmed the thesis that freedom and independence are won and defended with the gun, through struggle, that the strategy of the national liberation people's war is a strategy that ensures victory.

Today Asia, Africa, and Latin America constitute a broad front of struggle against U.S. imperialism, Soviet social-imperialism, and the other imperialist powers. The peoples of these continents are. making great and allround efforts to strengthen their political independence, to shake off colonial and neo-colonial domination. All of us today are witnesses of the determined efforts of the African peoples for their complete emancipation, after their emergence from centuries of slavery. The achievement of independence by countries that only a little while ago were under Portuguese colonial rule has further accelerated the struggle against racism and racial discrimination in Rhodesia and South Africa.

The struggle of the progressive and democratic forces against fascism and reaction is also growing and expanding. The overthrow of dictatorial regimes in some countries, the struggle of the patriots of Brazil and Bolivia, of Thailand and Malaysia, the resistance of the peoples of Chile, Argentina, and Indonesia, against the fascist regimes have dealt telling blows at the reactionary forces and their imperialist supporters. The peoples of the Indian Ocean region, of South-east Asia and the shores of Africa are fighting persistently for the removal of military bases and naval fleets of the two superpowers. Everywhere the peoples are ever more awakening and growing more conscious of the danger that the policy of aggression, expansion and hegemony of U.S. imperialism and Soviet social-imperialism represents to their existence."

In recent years, the. international communist and workers' movement, in its continuing struggle against Khrushchovite revisionism, has once again encountered a new opportunist trend, the theory of "three worlds'', which is being presented by the Chinese opportunists. This "theory", in essence, is that very Khrushchovite revisionist theory which attempts to distort the true features of society and to substitute enemies for friends. This counter-revolutionary theory divides the world into three parts and maintains that the European imperialists have lost their imperialist nature and have become reasonable. It also maintains that one of the two superpowers is weaker than the other, and that this weaker superpower can be protector of that part of the world where the Soviet superpower is encroaching. In fact, this "theory" only recognizes one enemy for the world's people. The "three worlds" theorists shamelessly support the aggression of western imperialism, with U.S. imperialism at its head, against the world's people. They also claim that the dependent regimes of the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, the so-called "third world", are nationalist and anti-imperialist regimes. They openly support the fascist regimes such as Pinochet in Chile, Suharto in Indonesia, Marcos in the Philippines, the fascist Shah of Iran, etc., who are the most reliable supporters of U.S. imperialism in these regions. During the past seven years, the preachers of this "theory" have missed no opportunity to give the fascist regime of the Shah a nationalist face and divert the struggle of our people.For example,in 1971, Chou En-lai invited the Shah's sister Ashrah to China and referred to this CIA agent as his oldest friend. He talked about the "anti-imperialist struggle" of the assassin Shah, and referred to the Shah's birthday as the National Day of Iran. Whenever they get the opportunity, the revisionist leaders of China speak of the "positive military policy" of the Shah, and present it as an instrument of defence in the face of imperialist aggression and defence of the sovereignty of Iran. In November 1977, Teng Ying-chao, the wife of Chou En-lai, during her stay in Teheran, repeated her husband's words and spoke of the "amazing progress" of Iran under the leadership of the traitorous Shah. Even the leaders of the imperialist countries have not uttered such things about him. The creators of the theory of "three worlds" are undoubtedly aware that it is U.S. imperialism which is arming the Shah and Israel in this region. They are undoubtedly aware that the Iranian army is waging a war against the Omani people in Dhofar, in accordance with the wishes of imperialism. They are undoubtedly aware that the Iranian army was the second army, after the U.S., to have Phantom jet fighters at its disposal. They are undoubtedly aware that in the October War between the Arabs and Israel, the Shah's jet fighters were at the disposal of Israel. They are undoubtedly aware that the Iranian army is being trained by over 50,000 American military advisors. So what is the meaning of "defence in the face of imperialist aggression" or "defence of the sovereignty of Iran"? It is quite clear that they could not be referring to the dominant imperialist power in Iran, U.S. imperialism, because the creators of the "three worlds" theory and their representatives are quite conscious and aware that the Shah's military machine is in the service of U.S. imperialism. Therefore, in fact, the creators of the "three worlds" theory, in their words and deeds, have revised the definition of imperialism and have taken up the ideas of conciliation with imperialism.

These opportunists also attempt to cause splits and disunity in the Marxist-Leninist movement. In order to implement their anti- Marxist theories, they formally recognized several groups as the representatives of the working class in each country, thus creating confusion amongst the revolutionary masses. This, in itself, was a factor against the growth of true Marxist-Leninist parties. Presently, thanks to this anti-Marxist politics, numerous intellectual cliques under the name of Marxist-Leninist organizations, instead of carrying out struggle against the imperialist bourgeoisie or their own dependent bourgeoisie, spend most of their time struggling against the Marxist-Leninist parties. And this is a cause of happiness for the bourgeoisie in the imperialist countries. At present, the cliques who support the theory of "three worlds" have in practice become direct or indirect collaborators of the reactionary regimes. Of course, nothing else could have been expected.

The Iranian Marxist-Leninists, like other Marxist-Leninists of the world, never accepted this counter-revolutionary "theory" and right from the beginning considered it their duty to carry out firm struggle against it.

The Workers' and Peasants' Communist Party of Iran, at its First Congress, correctly assessed this "theory" as a counterrevolutionary and anti-people theory. Also, our Party considers the existence of two lines in a party as anti-Marxist and considers it our duty to wage a firm struggle against these diversionary theses.

Our Party wholeheartedly supports the struggles of the glorious PLA under the leadership of the great Marxist-Leninist Enver Hoxha. The PLA has always upheld the purity of Marxism-Leninism in struggle against revisionism, be it of theTitoite, Khrushchovite or Chinese variety, and has marched at the head of the international communist movement, enriching the treasury of Marxism-Leninism in the struggle against these deviations.

Dear Comrades,

Permit me to use this opportunity to say a few words about the struggle of the labouring masses of Iran.

The fascist Pahlavi family was brought to power by the British imperialists more than fifty years ago. Reza Shah, the father of the present Shah, ruled Iran for sixteen years. After sixteen years of selling out the country and committing great treachery, he was forced to leave the country in secret due to the struggles of the masses. His son, Mohammed Reza Shah, was brought to power by the British and U.S. imperialists. Due to the anti-imperialist struggle of our people, he too fled the country secretly in 1952. At this time our people were able to drive out the ruling imperialist power, British imperialism, from our soil and to nationalize the oil industry. But true to its aggressive nature, world imperialism, with U.S. imperialism at its head, staged a military coup and toppled the nationalist government of Mossadegh. Our beloved homeland was turned into an arena for the slaughter of all revolutionaries and the Shah was returned to power. From that time on, U.S. imperialism gradually took control of all aspects of life in Iran; economic, political, cultural and military. The prisons of the Shah have been filled with over 100,000 revolutionaries. The U.S. imperialists have made the Iranian army into an army of aggression to serve their interests in the region. At present, over 20,000 Iranian soldiers are involved in massacring the people of Dhofar in Oman. Iran has become a depot for U.S. arms. Iran's military contracts during the past four years have totalled $12 billion. The Iranian masses, despite the vast natural resources such as oil, gas, copper, etc., and despite the fact that oil production alone is over 400 million tons annually, are living in a state of hunger and starvation. But the heroic Iranian people have never ceased their struggle; by sacrificing their best sons and daughters, they have made sure that the imperialists and their running dog, the Shah, have had no peace. Presently, Soviet social-imperialism, as a result of its collusion with U.S. imperialism, is sharing in the plunder of the labour and natural resources of our people and is viciously plundering the natural gas of our country. The two superpowers believe that with each other's help they can prevent the rotten Pahlavi regime from crumbling. But the uprising which has been going on for the past three months in over forty small and large cities and even in some villages, resulting in over 1,800 deaths, 3,000 wounded and thousands imprisoned, is a reflection of the firm determination of our people to overthrow this regime. In particular, the reconstruction of the Communist Party in Iran at this time is a glorious achievement of the labouring masses, with the Iranian working class at the forefront.






Following the speech and the sustained applause with which it was received, the audience continued to greet the representative of the Workers' and Peasants' Communist Party of Iran with more applause and the shouting of more slogans, including the chant Down with the Shah! Down with the Shah! Down with the Shah!, etc.

[Photo: Representative of the Workers' and Peasants' Communist Party of Iran Addresses the Internationalist Rally]

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Representative of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile Addresses the Internationalist Rally

At 6:15 p.m., Comrade Bains introduced the representative of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile. When the representative of the RCP of Chile came onto the rostrum, once again the entire audience broke out into exuberant cheers and applause welcoming the representative of the heroic Chilean communists and of the Chilean Resistance. Shouts of Long Live the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile!and El Pueblo Armado Jamás Será Aplastado!, repeated over and over again, rebounded through the hall.

Speech to the Internationalist Rally by the Representative of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile

Comrades of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist);

Comrades of the fraternal Marxist-Leninist parties;


First of all, we bring the fraternal revolutionary greetings of the Chilean people, working class and anti-fascists, who today are fighting in the difficult conditions of clandestinity against the dictatorship, and in particular the militant greetings of the Chilean revolutionary communists.

On this occasion, we wish to thank the comrades of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) for having invited us to this great Rally and for the great proletarian internationalism and real solidarity that you have maintained with the struggle of our people and of our Party.

Comrades, four and a half years after the fascist coup d'etat, the contradictions within the dictatorship have considerably intensified. The criminal economic policy of the fascist dictatorship, based on the super-exploitation of our people and imposed by terror, crime and torture, has intensified the contradictions not only amongst sections of the armed forces but also amongst various fascist groups. This, in addition to the growing loss of prestige by the fascist junta on the international level and the unanimous condemnation of it by the main political, progressive and humanitarian institutions of the world, has led the government in Washington to put the dictatorship at arm's length. In this way, after having organized and financed the military coup, U.S. imperialism is today attempting to dissociate itself from those whom it paid to assassinate our people and protect its interests. The masters are abandoning their lackeys, because the latter can no longer give them enough guarantees that they will be able to continue plundering our country in peace.

International isolation and its internal contradictions forced the Pinochet government to try some desperate moves to improve its image and maintain itself in power. But with these crude manoeuvres, such as the recent referendum and amnesty farces, it will not be any more successful in winning prestige. On the contrary, the fascists are more and more exposed by their criminal actions, as in the flagrant assassination in the United States of Orlando Letelier, for which the direct responsibility of the Pinochet government was clear and obvious to everyone's eyes.

However, the instability and isolation of the military junta are not only the fruit of its own errors and inability to govern. Rather, this is also greatly due to the hard and unceasing struggles that our people have waged during the four and a half years of anti-fascist resistance. We therefore consider that it is precisely at this time that we should strike still harder at the dictatorship. The conflicts within the dictatorship, and between it and U.S. imperialism, should not have us taking sides, but we must know how to use them to further advance the people's alternative and to map out an independent road for the people. Only the people can save the people and only a broad mass front led by the proletariat can struggle successfully to win victory for the real interest of the people.

The revisionist traitors are clearly of a different opinion. It is not enough for them to be responsible for the massacre to which their "peaceful road to socialism" led; today they are sparing no effort to stifle the resistance struggle with the goal of servile collaboration in the manoeuvres of the bourgeoisie to change the facade of the dictatorship. During this entire period, these renegades have done everything to boycott the people's struggles. They have gone so far as to state that the more people resist, the harder will be the repression that they will have to bear. In other words, the revisionists are trying to frighten the people into passively enduring the dictatorship. This is no different from the terrorist methods that the fascists use. Persisting in treason, the revisionists are trying to pick up a few crumbs of the cake that the bourgeoisie is dividing up; they are happy with anything to avoid the revolutionary struggle of the masses. On Radio Moscow, these agents of social-imperialism fervently launch proclamations of peace and conciliation, to the extent of broadcasting a programme dedicated to the Chilean armed forces, to the accompaniment of military marches and full of praise for the "democratic" tradition of the military. But the Chilean people, despite the hard repression and the line of defeat and conciliation that the revisionist and reformist cliques are trying to impose on them, continue to prove that they are inspired by an unshakeable will to fight.

The people's resistance can be seen in all fields of the life of the nation: workers, peasants, students, employees, political prisoners, parents of the latter, etc. The Resistance Committees are growing in number, whether within existing organizations or in a spontaneous and independent manner. The People's Front, which is growing in influence from day to day and unites large sections of our people, plays a role of the greatest importance in this regard. The role of the People's Front, in which our Party works actively, is of fundamental importance to develop the unity of all the anti-dictatorship forces. The People's Front is without the shadow of a doubt the first step towards the consolidation of a still broader antifascist unity. It is the seed and will be the backbone of the great anti-fascist front of all Chileans.

For its part, our Party, besides actively developing the policy of the Front, has achieved great success in its independent Party work. It has achieved greater revolutionary tempering, has improved its Leninist organization and has strengthened its ranks with new cadres who have come up in the flames of struggle. We are following with great interest the decomposition process which the great majority of parties on the Chilean left are currently undergoing. We think this is a good time to point out the correct revolutionary alternative and to disseminate our correct Marxist-Leninist line amongst the honest revolutionaries who are floating, disoriented, among the rank and file of various parties. The various factions and counter-factions which are corroding these parties bear witness to tne ideological political and organizational chaos in which they find themselves, but also and at the same time bear witness to the will of many of the rank and file to find a correct road, by rebelling against their bureaucratic and opportunist leaders. In this sense, our Party, conscious of its historic role as the Marxist-Leninist Party of the Chilean proletariat, will continue to strive to achieve unity of all the revolutionaries and to point out the absolute necessity of achieving it in the Party.

As to the future of our struggle, the failure of the Popular Unity experiment of its "peaceful road to socialism" demonstrates the correctness of the line that we have followed since our founding as to the prospects for socialism in our country. We believe that the liberation of our people inevitably entails armed confrontation with the bourgeoisie and that, organized into a broad anti-fascist front led by the proletariat and its Marxist-Leninist Party, we should undertake a protracted people's armed struggle. We consider that the first objective is the establishment of a popular democratic government which, under the hegemony of the proletariat, would make certain of the march towards socialism and the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

As to the international situation and the international communist movement, we emphasize that the role which the two superpowers play in the world is becoming clearer and clearer to broad sections of the people. We consider that they are the two main enemies of the peoples and as such that we must concentrate our attacks and must unite all the forces which can be united in the world united front against the two superpowers. This means that in the world united front against the two main enemies of the peoples, we must adopt a tactic suited to the present situation. We cannot confront them with a strategic position only.

On the other hand, in the tactic which we use we must guard against the positions which the opportunist groups are putting forward, which maintain that the peoples should stop fighting against their reactionary governments,, stop struggling against the imperialists, and even stop struggling against one superpower in order to unite with it to fight the other one. This position must be exposed in depth because it is counter-revolutionary. It is the position upheld by the present Chinese leaders, the Teng Hsiao-ping clique and Hua Kuo-feng, who are putting forward the "theory of three worlds".

This international reactionary policy of the Chinese revisionists is directly related to their internal policy of restoring capitalism in China. The Chinese revisionists, adopting a bourgeois, chauvinist stance, are seeking to transform themselves into a superpower and to share in the division of the world. These are their goals and this is what motivates the sinister three-worlds policy.

As good disciples of Khrushchov, who claimed to be the heir of Lenin, these opportunists want to pass as heirs of Mao Tsetung.

Comrade Mao Tsetung was a great Marxist-Leninist, who made innumerable contributions to the development of scientific socialism, and despite the fact that the opportunists want to attribute to him, without any proof, the theory of the "three worlds", his entire work bears witness to the contrary. Our Party reaffirms once again that it recognizes the teachings of Mao Tsetung and is making efforts to apply them to the concrete conditions in which our struggle is developing. No opportunist, much less Teng Hsiao-ping's clique, can divert us from this road.

Here we would like to pay homage to the Party of Labour of Albania, to its Central Committee and in particular to Comrade Enver Hoxha, great leader of the Albanian people and great Marxist-Leninist. The vigorous construction of socialism in Albania has importance beyond its borders. Today Albania is a clear and living example that it is possible to build socialism, that it is possible to apply Marxism-Leninism. The firmness with which the Albanian comrades have always upheld Marxist-Leninist principles and proletarian internationalism was shown once again in the current struggle against opportunism in the international communist movement. The Albanian comrades have put themselves at the head of the struggle, rendering a great service to the struggle of thq peoples against the two superpowers, thus rendering a great service to world revolution.

Today, the development and strengthening of the unity of the Marxist-Leninists of the entire world is more and more necessary. We need real and not formal unity. A unity that is born of principles, which develops in practice, a unity that demands from us that we develop world revolution. A unity in which no party imposes its opinions on another and in which there is mutual respect. We consider that we still have a long way to go and that we must make efforts to analyze certain problems in depth, including the origin of Khrushcbovite revisionism and how we can unite concretely in various common tasks. In Latin America, we Marxist-Leninists have made great and sure steps forward towards unity among our parties and we promise to continue to make efforts to persevere along this line.




This speech was followed by prolonged applause and shouts of Workers of All Countries, Unite!, Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!, Long Live the Unity Between CPC(M-L) and the RCP of Chile!, Long Live the Chilean Resistance!, El Pueblo Armado Jamás Será Aplastado!, shouted over and over again.

[Photo: Representative of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile tumultuously applauded by the Internationalist Rally.]

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Representative of the Marxist-Leninist Organization, the Tunisian Worker, Addresses the Internationalist Rally

At 6:45 p.m., Comrade Bains introduced the representative of the Marxist-Leninist organization, the Tunisian Worker. Comrade Bains pointed out:

In 1963, vanguard revolutionary militants of the Tunisian Student Movement created, after a long struggle within the student unions, a Social Action Study Group in Tunisia. In heated struggle against the reactionary politics of the Destour Party and against the Bourguiba nationalists, as well as against the revisionists and trotskyists, who had infiltrated into the student movement, these vanguard revolutionary militants issued the calls which upheld the just aspirations of the Tunisian people. This group, after a series of repressive measures undertaken against them by the regime, and after facing the tribunals of the regime on repeated occasions, understood that the road and place for struggle lay elsewhere. Thus, through practice they understood the role of the working class in Tunisian society. Thus in 1968, the first communist cell of the Marxist-Leninist organization, the Tunisian Worker, was founded. It issued the call to "Link ourselves to the working class according to the teachings of the great leader of the world proletariat, Lenin" and after two years of propaganda and agitation work amongst the working class, it grasped the necessity of creating its central organ El Amel Tounsi. This organ gave rise to the rapid spread of the organization and raised its prestige among the masses of the people. This caused great panic to the reactionary Destourian bourgeoisie and isolated the revisionists who had never really had much support in the society because of their betrayal of the people during the anti colonial struggle.

The Marxist-Leninists in Tunisia waged a principled struggle against trotskyism and threw all of Trotsky's supporters out of the organization. Since then, the Marxist-Leninists have confronted the attacks of the reactionary bourgeoisie and imperialism and faced several big trials against the militants. It is important to note the trial of August-September 1974 in which 201 revolutionary militants courageously faced the repressive measures of the regime, and the trial which took place in the fall of 1975 against 102 militants, in which one 33 year old militant received a 40 year sentence, like many of the fraternal parties today, so the Marxist-Leninists of Tunisia had to wage a big fight against the opportunists. Had it not been for the activities of the opportunists, the Marxist-Leninists in Tunisia could have already proclaimed their Communist Party as the vanguard detachment of the working class and peasantry in Tunisia. Throughout its history, the Marxist-Leninist organization of Tunisia has struggled systematically side-by-side with the people, the working class and always dared to support the struggle of the people of the world for national and social emancipation. It has never neglected its internationalist duty to the international proletariat andthe genuine socialist countries.

With this brief introduction, comrades and friends, we would like to present to you the representative of the Marxist-Leninist organization of Tunisia, the Tunisian Worker.

With this introduction, the representative of the Tunisian Worker mounted the Rostrum to the enthusiastic applause of all the participants at the Rally. The speech delivered to the Internationalist Rally by the representative of the Marxist-Leninist Organization of Tunisia, the Tunisian Worker, is printed below:

Speech to the Internationalist Rally by the Representative of the Tunisian Worker

Dear Comrades,

We Tunisian Marxist-Leninists of the Communist Organization "El Amel Tounsi" are extremely happy to be present today with you and to be amongst the fraternal delegations attending this important Internationalist Rally. To all of you, we express our warm fraternal revolutionary greetings and wish you complete success in your work.

We thank the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) for the internationalist efforts it has made in our regard to ensure our participation; thus we are here to support you of course, but also and especially to consolidate our fighting unity and to learn and draw useful lessons for our struggle.

Dear Comrades,

This Rally is being held in particular historic circumstances both inside Canada and on the international level.

In Canada, the Canadian proletariat faces a double exploitation: it bears the yoke of U.S. imperialist domination and the power of the reactionary bourgeoisie. This yoke of exploitation and of economic, social, cultural and military oppression has been established and maintained by violent subjugation of the Quebec nation, genocide against the Native people, barbarous attacks against the immigrants, especially those from Asia, Africa and Latin America, and the shifting of the burden of the economic crisis onto the back of the working class.

Today this crisis has reached a very sharp phase and is manifested by a steep rise in the price of everyday consumer goods; a considerable drop in the buying power of the masses of the Canadian people; and a substantial upswing in unemployment following the successive bankruptcies of small, medium and even large industrial firms.

The crisis is also manifested in rampant inflation and in the recent substantial drop of the Canadian dollar, as well as in the decline in the volume of exports.

To this catastrophic economic and social situation, the masses of the Canadian people, led by the working class, are responding through their daily struggles, which are intensifying and broadening.

In this struggle of class against class, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) is playing its rightful role of vanguard of the working class; it is linking itself more closely with the working class and working people, is leading them and is strengthening its position, thus creating the conditions for greater battles and greater successes and gaining firmer and more tangible trust amongst the workers.

In addition, the Canadian proletariat is opposing the revisionists and opportunists of all hues on a daily basis. The latter are attempting, although in vain, to deny the reality of the domination of Canada by U.S. imperialism and are also denying that the Canadian proletariat is subject to the double exploitation of the domestic and foreign bourgeoisie.

Not recognizing that the reactionary bourgeoisie is made up both of domestic monopoly capitalists and of those who are U.S. imperialists operating in Canada, these revisionists and opportunists all deny that the state of the rich -- the rich of Canada and the rich of the United States -- is dominated by U.S. imperialism and that the reactionary bourgeoisie is nothing but the social basis for the domination of Canada by U.S. imperialism and thus must be destroyed and replaced by the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

On the international level, this meeting is being held at a time when the struggles for national and social liberation of the peoples of the world have entered a new stage and are in a new upsurge. It is a time when the International Communist Movement is advancing along the glorious road of Marxism-Leninism, defeating the treason of the modern revisionists and the various trotskyist groups which, waving false revolutionary flags, are trying in vain to divide and to destroy the genuine Marxist-Leninist parties.

Finally, this meeting is being held at a time when the imperialist powers, and first and foremost the two biggest and most dangerous enemies of the peoples, the United States and the Soviet Union, are increasing their imperialist activities, especially in Africa and the Middle East. They are resorting to aggression and provocations against the peoples and the genuine socialist countries. They are intensifying their preparations for world war.

This meeting is extremely important, for it is being held at the gates of the citadel of one of the two biggest imperialist powers, namely the United States; thus it is a cutting refutation of the pernicious, lying allegations of the international bourgeoisie, assisted by the revisionists, who nurture the idea that the Canadian proletariat as a whole constitutes a labour aristocracy which has definitely rejected revolution.

This meeting is also important because it brings together delegations from the five continents. This will certainly be a step forward towards the unity which is indispensable to the Marxist-Leninist movement, and will deal a heavy blow to all the opportunists of whatever hue and wherever they are; in particular, it will deal a mortal blow to the opportunists in Canada.

Dear Comrades,

In these conditions, our common immediate goal is to build in our respective countries a communist revolutionary detachment capable of opposing the policy of imperialism, social-imperialism and international reaction, of leading the revolutionary struggle of our peoples, of standing up to defend socialism assured by the dictatorship of the proletariat. The strengthening of the bonds of cooperation and mutual assistance amongst all the genuinely Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations is an indispensable condition for us to carry out this task and win final victory.

Guided by the sacred principle which is proletarian internationalism, and faithfully upholding the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism and the revolutionary path, our organization "El Amel Tounsi" has for years worked hard to build the vanguard party of the working class in Tunisia.

For the last-few months we have been carrying out a critical and self-critical examination of our experience and our political, ideological and organizational attitude towards a faction of neo-revisionist opportunists. Pretending to deepen the line of the organization, this faction attempted to usurp leadership, to throw out class struggle and to substitute class collaboration, and to change the strategic enemy and the nature of the main contradiction in Tunisia.

In the same way, in the Arab world, this faction did everything to divert the masses of the Arab people from their main enemies; it maintained that social-imperialism alone was the dangerous main enemy to be fought in the region and that U.S. imperialism was on the defensive there as everywhere else. By acclaiming the visit of the traitor Sadat to Israel as his "positive side", this faction called for conciliation with the Zionist enemy, promoted the abandonment of the armed struggle against Zionism and spared no effort to present all the reactionary Arab governments as governments of the anti-imperialist national bourgeoisie; it worked to unite them, according them the leading role in the national liberation movement and seeking to put the masses of the people and the working class under their thumb. In so doing, these opportunists and neo-revisionists exposed their counter-revolutionary nature, their predisposition to capitulate to the Zionist enemy and to give the field to the Arab reactionaries and to their western imperialist masters, principally U.S. imperialism.

The treason of this faction did not stop at Tunisia and the Arab world but expressed itself on the international level by their disavowal of the four basic contradictions of our era, wiping out the line of demarcation between the forces of revolution and the forces of counter-revolution and simply denying that the proletariat is the motive force and the leading force.

As far as we are concerned, we have begun to correct the errors committed in our struggle against and opposition to this reactionary anti-Marxist trend. In particular, we have corrected the tendencies towards conciliation with the opportunists and we are now in a positive and progressive phase of development. We have set ourselves the important immediate task of strengthening democratic centralism at the base of our organization, of preserving the latter, and of raising the theoretical level for our preparation to face the attacks of the national and class enemy, and we are working more resolutely than ever towards actual unification of our organization, an important and decisive step for the ideological and political unity of all our supporters and an essential step towards the proclamation of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Tunisia.

This is a question of honour for our organization, which is taking on this task while deeply committing itself to the struggle of the masses and while constantly striving to put itself at the head of the working class and working people who are struggling selflessly against imperialism, social-imperialism, the reactionary bourgeoisie, its Destour Party and its neo-colonial state, and against the class conciliation peddled by all the old and new opportunists.

Dear Comrades,

The long and hard struggle of the Tunisian people confirms the fact that the masses of the people and particularly the working class deeply aspire to revolution and hunger for the ideas of Marxism- Leninism and Mao Tsetung Thought, and have done so for a long time. The first communist cell in Tunisia was formed right in the middle of the French colonial period. This cell struggled alongside our people in the years 1920-1921 against colonial domination and participated in one of the congresses of the Third Communist International; unfortunately, it was short-lived, for it was quickly liquidated by the ferocious colonial repression. Later, in 1933, the Tunisian Communist Party was formed for the first time, but it did not take long to betray our people's cause of national liberation and to fail in its attempt to lead the Tunisian working class and national movement. This was because it acted at first as an appendage of the social-chauvinist policy of the French "Communist" Party and later turned into a spokesman for social-imperialism.

The recent history of our people and the struggle they have waged shows that the national bourgeoisie is incapable of waging the struggle through to the end and of leading the masses of the people to victory, and that neither the revisionists nor the other opportunists can play a revolutionary role. It is up to the working class and to it alone, in alliance with the poor peasantry and the other oppressed strata in our country, to take the leadership of this struggle. Thus the building of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party has today become a vital question and a living reality which preoccupies us on a daily basis and constitutes the main goal of all revolutionary action.

In conclusion, dear comrades, we are extremely pleased to be on the same front as the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) in the class struggle which is being waged by the world proletariat and its natural allies against imperialism, social-imperialism and all the reactionary forces and for national and social liberation.

The unity of this front is indispensable to the working class, and we firmly believe that this unity can only be brought about in practice by a resolute principled struggle against opportunism, the last line of defence of imperialism and reaction. We reaffirm our determination to further unite with the Marxist-Leninists and to carry on with them the triumphant fight of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Tsetung Thought.





When the representative of the Tunisian Worker finished delivering his speech, sustained and vigorous applause showed the enthusiasm with which all the participants welcomed the comrade from Tunisia. The slogans Long Live Proletarian Internationalism! and Workers of All Countries, Unite! were shouted time and time again.

[Photo: Representative of the Marxist-Leninist Organization, the Tunisian Worker, tumultuously applauded by the Internationalist Rally.]

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Representative of the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists Addresses the Internationalist Rally

At 7:10 p.m., Comrade Bains introduced the representative of the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists. Tumultuous applause greeted the representative of COUSML, as the entire audience rose to its feet and welcomed the representative of the proletariat in the United States. The representative of COUSML presented the following speech to the Internationalist Rally:

Speech of the Representative of the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists

Comrades and friends,

It is with deepest revolutionary sentiment that the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists greets this grand Internationalist Rally.

Today the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement is engaged in life-and-death struggle with international opportunism. This is a struggle which ensures that the great red banner of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism continues to be held aloft and that the proletariat and peoples continue to advance on the victorious path of liberation and socialism.

Comrade Enver Hoxha's historic Report to the Seventh Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania was a great clarion call for the Marxist-Leninists in this struggle. In the one and one-half years since Comrade Enver Hoxha's historic Report a great revolutionary movement has unfolded in defence of the purity of Marxism, to build and strengthen the Marxist-Leninist communist parties, and to strengthen the unity of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement. This grand Internationalist Rally is part of the trend coming out of the Seventh Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania and it is a vivid expression of proletarian internationalism. It is with warmest fraternal sentiment that we greet our host Party, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist).

For many years now the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) and the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists have fought shoulder-to-shoulder on the same front. Together we have waged many battles against imperialism and revisionism and opportunism of all hues. The unity between our two organizations is based upon Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism, and it has been steeled in the course of struggle against our common enemies.

CPC(M-L) was the first Party of the proletariat to be reconstituted in North America following the great betrayal by Khrushchovite revisionism. It was the fraternal comrades of CPC(M-L) who were the first in North America to solve the problem of defeating the revisionist betrayal by reconstituting the Party and applying Marxism-Leninism to the concrete conditions. For this reason, CPC(M-L) is of great importance to the proletariat in the United States not only as a beloved fraternal Party, but also as an inspiration and pathfinder.

More than eight years of struggle have proven that the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) is the organized revolutionary Party of the proletariat in Canada which is leading the class struggle against the main enemy. While building the Party, leading the class struggle and preparing the proletariat to fulfill its historical mission, CPC(M-L) has also vigorously defended the purity of Marxism and contributed to the struggle against international opportunism and to strengthening the unity of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement.

Today, the reactionary state in Canada is stepping up its attacks against the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). The U.S. imperialists who dominate Canada and the local reactionary monopoly bourgeoisie have both grown increasingly desperate and seek to crush the revolutionary struggles of the proletariat and people. This means above all to deprive the proletariat of its vanguard Party, its revolutionary leadership. To this end, the state has launched a series of attacks against CPC(M-L) and is trying to frame up Comrade Hardial Bains. This attack is directly instigated by the U.S. imperialists. Comrade Bains has made an indelible contribution to Marxism-Leninism in North America. He has won the love and respect of the Marxist-Leninists in the U.S. and we consider this frame-up as an attack against the proletariat in the U.S. as well. We denounce the cowardly and fascist attack of the state against Comrade Hardial Bains, and we hail the fighting spirit of Comrade Bains and the fraternal comrades of CPC(M-L).

Comrades and friends,

The spectre of communism today haunts the entire world. Despite the desperate efforts of the imperialists and reactionaries, and of their fire-fighters, the revisionists and opportunists of all hues, to extinguish the flames of revolution through demagogy and bloody suppression, the revolutionary struggle inexorably advances toward complete victory. Imperialism is moribund and decadent capitalism. It is capitalism whose contradictions are developed to the bursting point. Imperialism is the eve of the socialrevolution of the proletariat.

An outstanding feature of our era, which was ushered in by the Great October Socialist Revolution, is the existence of socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat. Socialism is the highest achievement of the proletariat: Since the time of the Great October Socialist Revolution there has always been socialism on the face of the earth. Today, despite the plots of the imperialists and the betrayals by modern revisionism, socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat stand resolute and proud in the great People's Socialist Republic of Albania. In the People's Socialist Republic of Albania the world proletariat sees its highest aspirations and its future.

This era is an era of great class battles and national liberation wars. At this time in the capitalist and revisionist world, the struggles of the proletariat and peoples are developing vigorously. The proletariat has awakened to new life and struggle. The strike movement against the shifting of the burden of the crisis onto the shoulders of the workers is extending and deepening. The proletariat also is struggling through protests, demonstrations and movements against political oppression. Marxist-Leninist parties are being built and tempered in struggle all over the world. In Asia, Africa and Latin America, a broad front of struggle has unfolded against imperialism and internal reaction, which is the social base for imperialist domination and plunder. The movements for national liberation and genuine independence continue to advance and deliver sharp blows against imperialism under the most difficult conditions, in the face of the bloody armed imperialist white terror and the treacherous, deceptive imperialist plots.

The recent 113-day national strike of some 180,000 coal miners was an important event in the growing revolt of the U.S. proletariat, demonstrating its great strength. The miners fought heroically, defying Carter's fascist Taft-Hartley back-to-work order, throwing the ruling circles into a panic and inspiring the whole working class, breaking various of the restrictions imposed on them by the bourgeois state, its labour lieutenants, by the revisionists and opportunists of all hues.

In the United States, the basic situation for revolution is excellent and is ripening daily. The all-round crisis of imperialism, with the economic crisis at its base, is manifested in all spheres of life. Twist and turn as it may, the bourgeoisie is inevitably caught in the grip of the crisis. Its basic programme to deal with the economic crisis -- to shift the burden of the crisis onto the backs of the working class and oppressed masses at home and onto the peoples abroad -- continues to deepen the gap between itself and the people and is met with increasing mass resistance.

The workers' movement is vigorously developing. In the past year the strikes and other struggles have gained in intensity and scope, bringing growing numbers of workers into militant participation in the active resistance to increased capitalist exploitation. The strike struggles of the workers are more and more frequently breaking out, despite the restrictions imposed on them by the reactionary state and the labour lieutenants of capital, signaling that the strikes of today are but the preparation for far greater class battles in the future.

The Afro-American people are also fighting valiantly against racial discrimination and violent repression by the bourgeoisie and its state power. Stung by the militant rebellions of the Black people in the 1960's, monopoly capital desires revenge and is seeking to drive the Black people back into the semi-slavery of the Jim Crow system. The reactionary state is launching racist movements and floating fascist gangs. The cutting edge of this attempt to organize fascist mass movements is racist attacks on the Afro-American people and other oppressed nationalities. But the reactionary violence of the bourgeoisie is only awakening in the Black people the memory of their past heroic battles and inspiring them to increasing resistance. The state organized the fascist anti-busing movement to attack the Black people and the proletariat, but whenever it has been attempted to be organized, it has been met by a torrent of resistance. In Louisville, Kentucky, Boston, Massachusetts, Seattle, Washington, and\elsewhere, COUSML has led the active resistance to the state-organized fascist anti-busing movement. The Afro-American people are fighting tit-for-tat against the bourgeois state and through struggle, preparing the ground for their full emancipation.

The small farmers, the revolutionary youth and students, the immigrant workers, etc., are also all entering the struggle against monopoly capital and its state power. The'.class contradictions grow increasingly acute and the struggles of the masses are developing steadily. The objective conditions for revolution are ripe, while the decisive condition is the preparation of the subjective conditions, the organization of the proletariat through the reconstitution and consolidation of the Marxist-Leninist communist party.

Comrades and friends,

The life experience of the proletariat and peoples proves that U.S. imperialism remains a deadly enemy of the people, an enemy of liberation, of socialism and genuine independence. Today the U.S. imperialists are everywhere fortifying their positions and seeking to further extend their tentacles. While attacking the peoples of other countries, the U.S. monopoly capitalist class has also launched a fascist offensive against the proletariat and people in the U.S.

Following the Second World War, U.S. imperialism emerged as the bulwark of world reaction. U.S. imperialism became the mainstay of reaction in all countries, formed aggressive military alliances, extended its neo-colonial domination to all continents through "aid" and credits, launched repeated wars of aggression and strove to encircle and subvert the socialist countries. U.S. imperialism launched barbarous aggression in Korea, intervened in Lebanon and Guatemala, strangled the revolutions in the Congo and the Dominican Republic, propped up Portuguese colonialism, and waged a barbarous war of aggression against the peoples of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

The betrayal by Khrushchovite revisionism and the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union in no way changed the barbarous and aggressive character of U.S. imperialism. The history of contention and collusion between the two superpowers is a history of crimes against the peoples. Together with Soviet social-imperialism, U.S. imperialism remains the most dangerous aggressive power known in history, a deadly enemy of the peoples. Through neocolonialism, through their multinational corporations and "aid" and credits, through their aggressive military alliances and military adventures the U.S. imperialists commit continuing crimes against the people.

Today the U.S. imperialists are attempting to conceal their anti-people conspiracies under the Carter administration's demagogic fraud of "human rights". While engaged in war preparation and fascization, these bloodstained butchers, mortal enemies of the rights of the proletariat and people on a world scale, are singing psalms to "human rights". In fact, the policy of the U.S. monopoly capitalist class today, as in the past, is a policy of war preparation, of militarization and fascization, a policy to drown in blood the revolutionary struggles of the proletariat and people. It is Nixonite fascism without Nixon. The Carter administration's "human rights" demagogy is a cruel hoax to disarm the people in the face of reaction.

While hypocritically chiding Geisel about "human rights", U.S. imperialism remains the mainstay of reaction in Brazil and throughout Latin America. It was the U.S. imperialists, the present-day apostles of "human rights", who only yesterday engineered the reactionary coup d'etat in Chile and who remain today the masters and international prop of the Pinochet regime.

An important part of the "human rights" fraud is the new Panama Canal treaty, which has just been passed by the U.S. Senate. This treaty is being paraded by the imperialists as a "concession" to the Panamanian people. The real significance of this treaty is that it continues the penetration of Panama by U.S. finance capital, guarantees the U.S. the right to suppress the liberation struggles of the Panamanian people and to use Panama as a staging ground for aggression in the Caribbean. The new Panama Canal treaty is a continuation of the old treaty of 1903. It is directly opposed to the interests of the Panamanian people for national sovereignty and independence.

Similarly the imperialists have engineered the so-called "internal" settlement in Zimbabwe, a plot to perpetuate the settler regime. They have engineered Sadat's betrayal of the great cause of the Palestinian and other Arab people. They have instigated and backed up the new Zionist invasion and the armed occupation of southern Lebanon under the hoax of "peacekeeping".

This is the stuff the imperialists' "human rights" fraud is made of: pious words with high moral tone, and teal criminal deeds.' Comrade Enver Hoxha correctly points out: " just as in the past, the consistent and unceasing struggle to expose the policy and foil the aggressive plans of imperialism, headed by U.S. imperialism, constitutes an essential condition for the defence of freedom and socialism, for the triumph of the revolution and the liberation of the peoples."

The monopoly bourgeoisie follows a uniform policy manifested in both the international and domestic spheres. This is a policy of war preparation, of militarization and fascization. While singing psalms about "human rights" the monopoly capitalists have launched a fascist offensive against the proletariat and people in the U.S. This fascist offensive is characterized by the increased exploitation of the proletariat, the further fascization of the state, a cancerous increase of the police, courts, lawyers, jails and other terrorist apparatus of the state machine, the attempts to launch a fascist mass movement, and the increased direct attacks against the masses, the mass revolutionary movement and the Marxist-Leninist communists.

The heart of this fascist offensive is directed against the workers' movement. It is against this movement that the entire weight of the state is being brought to bear.

Not content with the present anti-working class legislation which codifies the subjugation of labour to capital and the integration of the trade union bureaucracy into the state machine, the monopoly capitalists have brought forward a host of other legislation to attack the workers' movement. With the direct support of their labour lieutenants in the reactionary trade unions they have concocted the "Labour Reform Act" which outlaws the workers' movement in all militant forms in order to restrict its scope and confine it within the tutelage of the state, by further consolidating the reactionary trade unions into the state machine and by strengthening the stranglehold of the labour lieutenants of capital over the workers. They have introduced an immigration bill which further attacks the immigrant workers in order to maintain them as a super-exploited sector of the proletariat. This bill provides for legalizing and intensifying the practice of forming the immigrant workers into a slave-labour pool and entails the introduction of mandatory identification cards similar to those in South Africa.

Since 1974 the monopoly capitalist class has accelerated its attempts to launch a fascist mass movement. The cutting edge of these attempts is aimed against the Afro-American people and other oppressed nationalities. The brutal monopoly capitalist class is increasing segregation and trying to mobilize reactionary gangs through the fascist anti-busing movement and it has also launched the fascist "reverse discrimination" hysteria. According to this hitlerite theory, the U.S. monopoly capitalists have "reformed" and no longer discriminate against the Afro-American people and oppressed nationalities and instead "reverse discriminate" in their favour. In fact, this so-called "reverse discrimination" consists in reality of granting the oppressed nationalities such "benefits" as Shorter life-spans, higher unemployment, wretched ghettos, constant police and bureaucratic harassment, etc. Faced with the stern opposition of both the oppressed nationalities and the working class and democratic masses in general, the state has failed to organize a mass movement for reaction, and so it resorts to strengthening and revitalizing the fascist gangs, keeping them in the wings for terrorist suppression of the people. These gangs are directly organized and financed by the state, composed in part of police and police agents, and carry out their activities in direct conjunction with the police. Along with this there has been a further increase in direct police violence against the masses. Increasingly, in their struggles, the workers' movement and other popular movements confront the violent attacks of the police. This reactionary offensive is the real content of the Carter administration's "human rights" campaign in the U.S. It is Nixonite fascism without Nixon. The developing struggles of the workers, the small farmers, the Afro-American people and other sections of the society have proven this concretely. If there remain illusions, in the U.S. or abroad, that the U.S. bourgeoisie during the Carter administration is in some way different or adhering to a different policy than under Nixon, this is due in no small way to the activities pf international opportunism, which has done everything possible to portray U.S. imperialism in a favourable light, as a reformed or (democratic imperialism in contrast to its fascist superpower rival, Soviet social-imperialism.

Today all the opportunists and revisionists are competing to prettify U.S. imperialism. A most treacherous role in this is played by the open social-chauvinists, the adherents of "striking the main blow at the Soviet social-imperialists" and of urging the U.S. imperialists to step up their war preparations. Open soeial-chauvinism in the U.S. is the American contingent of the new international opportunist trend based on the anti-Leninist, counter-revolutionary theory of "three worlds". It is headed in the U.S. by the social-fascist, ultra-rightist sect, the "October League", which now treacherously calls itself the "Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)". The "three worlders" and the imperialist mass media are singing a duet to the greater glory of U.S. imperialist world hegemony. The open social-chauvinism of the "three worlders" is not an accident, but the product, the consummation, of a decade of the corrosion of opportunism within the ranks of the revolutionary movement. The struggle against social-chauvinism in the U.S. has proven that in its politics and in the political content of its tactics the line of social-chauvinism is the line of the reactionary state. To be sure, it has been decked out in the appropriate pseudo-Marxist phrases, but it is no less the line of,the state.

The new revisionist banners of the "three worlds" theory and of "aiming the main blow against Soviet social-imperialism" provide the social-chauvinists with the theoretical justification for their thoroughgoing pro-imperialist stance. Under these banners the Social-chauvinists justify and support U.S. imperialism's neo- colonialism and war preparations and endorse the Carter "human rights" campaign.

The logic of social-chauvinism is such that when the U.S. imperialists fortify their positions it is "anti-hegemonic struggle" and when the U.S. imperialists extend their tentacles it is a victory for the peoples against social-imperialism. The social-chauvinists reason in this way. In Latin America, they call Soviet social- imperialism the main enemy, while U.S. imperialism and the feudal-military neo-colonial oligarchies are alleged mere memories from yesteryear. In Panama, where the people languish under imperialist occupation, Carter's new canal treaty is alleged to be a victory for the people, while the Panamanian people valiantly fighting U.S. domination are denounced as agents of social-imperialism trying to disrupt the sweet harmonies of Carter and the local Panamanian traitors. In the Middle East, when U.S. imperialism gained the upper hand in contention with its superpower rival, it was a victory for the peoples against social-imperialism. When Sadat betrayed the great cause of the Palestinian and other Arab people, social-chauvinism defended his record as an anti-hegemonic fighter seeking to preserve the peace in the face of social-imperialist onslaught and hailed his de facto recognition of Israel. Throughout the world the most bloodstained lackeys of U.S. imperialism, Pinochet, the Shah, Mobutu, and so forth, are applauded by the social-chauvinists as anti-Soviet hegemonists, anti-hegemonic fighters, and the motive force of world revolution.

The logic of social-chauvinism is such that while U.S. imperialism is arming itself to the teeth against the world's peoples and engaged ''in frenzied war preparations, the imperialists are chided as weak-kneed appeasers of social-imperialism who do not take measures to defend the west. According to social-chauvinism U.S. imperialism is the meekest lamb being led to slaughter by the supermen of the Kremlin. Accordingly the social-chauvinists have taken on their own shoulders the task of military preparedness. They have endorsed the production of the B-1 bomber, the Trident submarine, and, most recently, the neutron bomb.

The social-chauvinists provide direct cover for the Carter administration's "human rights" fraud. In unison with the U.S. imperialists they shed crocodile tears over the tyranny of the internal rule of social-imperialism in the Soviet Union for the sole purpose of obscuring the no less reactionary character of the imperialist state in the U.S. They portray U.S. imperialism as a meek lamb as against the ferocious Russian bear. And they promote the precise frauds of the "human rights" campaign, such as the Panama Canal treaty.

The line of social-chauvinism in the class struggle in the U.S. is the same as the line in the international sphere. It is a line of treachery, of disarming the masses and of betrayal of the masses to the reactionary attacks of the state. The politics of social-chauvinism in the workers' movement are identical to those of social-democracy, and the political content of its tactics is to bind the workers' movement hand and foot to the bureaucratic apparatus of the reactionary trade unions, and through it, to the state. The very attacks of the state against the workers' movement are frequently portrayed as "toothless" reforms. To the Afro-American people and other oppressed nationalities the state is offered up as the sole saviour of the people against racial discrimination and violent attacks, and they use "left" phrases to denounce the mass struggle against racial discrimination and violent repression as "revisionist" in order to liquidate this struggle and replace it with reformism, moralism and even out-and-out segregationism. The reactionary state, which is launching daily attacks against the working class, the revolutionary mass movements and the genuine Marxist-Leninists, is portrayed as having a "democratic" or pro- people aspect, and the role of the masses is to demand protection from this "democratic" or pro-people aspect. In its practical activities social-chauvinism is striving to factionalize the mass movements and mass organizations, to dismember them in the face of reaction.

By its words and deeds, social-chauvinism constitutes the left wing of the reactionary offensive of the monopoly capitalist class. The ugly features of social-chauvinism in the U.S. and the entire history of the opportunism which has given birth to it clearly demonstrate the truth of Comrade Lenin's thesis that "The fight against imperialism is a sham and humbug unless it is inseparably bound up with the fight against opportunism."

Comrades and friends,

The emergence of open social-chauvinism in naked form and the developing movement against it signify a turning point in the struggle against opportunism and to reconstitute the party of the proletariat in the U.S. The emergence of open social-chauvinism at this time is intimately bound up with the entire history of opportunism in the U.S., with the history of neo-revisionism over the past decade, and with the activities of international opportunism.

The Party of the proletariat in the U.S. was long ago liquidated by Browderite revisionism, which liquidated first the Marxist-Leninist line of the Party and later dissolved the Party organizationally as well. Browder distorted and revised the basic teachings of Marxism- Leninism on a host of questions, substituted pragmatism for Marxism, and degenerated into open social-chauvinism. Browder was expelled and the Party was reconstituted, but Browder's distortions of the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism were never thoroughly repudiated in the U.S. and opportunism continued to corrode the Party from within. As a consequence the Party suffered at the hands of a succession of opportunist chieftains and succumbed completely to Khrushchovite revisionism. The Marxist-Leninists, led by Comrade Willian Z. Foster, waged continuing struggle against revisionism. Although Comrade Foster had serious theoretical weaknesses, it was Comrade Foster's great merit that he always fought against the principal revisionist trend within the Party. Comrade Foster died in the first days of the great battles led by Comrades Mao Tsetung and Enver Hoxha against Khrushchovite revisionism. The Party, long corroded by revisionism from within, became vicious Khrushchovites and degenerated rapidly into a bourgeois, chauvinist, fascist Party.

The history of Browderite revisionism is of great importance for the proletariat in the U.S. The influence of Browderite revisionism for years infested the ranks of the Party and the working class movement. Browderite revisionism became the-bog from which every subsequent revisionist trend has arisen to attack Marxism- Leninism' and oppose the reconstitution of the Marxist-Leninist party. In the final analysis, both the CPUSA, reconstituted in 1945, and the Progressive Labour Party, founded in 1965, fell because they failed to settle accounts with Browderite revisionism. The present-day social-chauvinists in the U.S. parade under the banner of the newest current of modern revisionism, under the banner of the anti-Leninist "three worlds" theory, but they are also the direct descendants of Browder.

The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution inspired the revolutionary activists in the U.S. to take up Marxism-Leninism. The decisive turning point in this was in May 1969, when following the conference of North American Marxist-Leninists in Regina, Canada, a small group of revolutionaries from the Cleveland Workers' Action Committee, inspired by the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and by the work of the Internationalists in Canada, took up the main task of the Internationalists, the decisive task of the revolution at that time, wide-scale dissemination of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought. They founded the American Communist Workers' Movement (Marxist-Leninist) as the first national centre for the dissemination of Marxism-Leninism and carried out its work vigorously. The ACWM(M-L) took as its sole mission, the reconstitutjon of the Marxist-Leninist party. This was of tremendous historical importance, for this was the first wide-scale dissemination of Marxism-Leninism in the U.S. since the rise of Khrushchovite revisionism. This revolutionary movement came under sharp attack from the reactionaries and opportunists. The comrades of the ACWM(M-L) persisted in struggle and neither capitulated to the attacks of the state, nor to the gossip campaigns of the revisionists and opportunists. In spite of the wrecking activities of the opportunists and the police spies, the ACWM(M-L) led a vigorous struggle to unite all the Marxist-Leninists in the U.S., leading to the formation of the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists in August of 1973. Right from the beginning, the ACWM(M-L) and later the COUSML took up the task of reconstitution of the party of the proletariat on the basis of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism and persisted along this path.

But from 1969, there was not one but two trends among the revolutionary activists in the U.S. The self-styled leaders of the youth and student movement in the 1960's were adherents of New Leftism, the negative line in the youth and student movement which drew its inspiration from the anti-communist cold war ideology. The formation of the ACWM(M-L) was the defeat of New Leftism in the United States. At a time when Marxism-Leninism had gained high prestige in the U.S., these elements also declared themselves to be "Marxist-Leninist" "and "anti-revisionist", but never did self-criticism for their past errors, nor changed their ways. Instead they adopted the entire style of work and mode of thinking of revisionism. This was neo-revisionism, the adaptation of Marxism-Leninism to New Leftism. Neo-revisionism signified the conciliation of Marxism in words.with revisionism in deeds.

Neo-revisionism opposed the decisive tasks of the revolution and opposed reconstituting the party of the proletariat. The neo-revisionists held that dissemination of Marxism-Leninism was sectarian, and that to resist the attacks of the reactionary state was "adventurist" and "provoking attacks". They opposed the struggle against modern revisionism under the hoax that "ultra-leftism is the main danger" and that this struggle was splitting some assumed "unity of the left". They counter-posed building the party to the mass movement, alleged that the party would arise spontaneously from the mass movement, and factionalized the Marxist-Leninist movement under the theory of building "pre-party collectives". The ideology of the pre-party collectives was pre-Marxism- Leninism. That is, the neo-revisionists held that Marxism-Leninism was a matter of interpretation, that there were many Marxisms, that everyone could have his own "Marxism". This revisionist polycentrism did tremendous damage to the movement, leaving it weak, divided and prey to opportunist deviations. Under the cover of this disruption, a number of opportunist trends carried out intriques and sought to consolidate themselves. To strike against the opportunist polycentrism the ACWM(M-L) led a vigorous struggle to unite the Marxist-Leninists, which led to the formation of COUSML in August 1973.

Faced with the determined efforts of the genuine Marxist-Leninists and responding as well to the needs of international opportunism, these opportunist trends began to build many "parties" on the basis of their many "Marxisms". The larger opportunist trends stopped openly advocating opportunist polycentrism and replaced it with equally revisionist Khrushchovite "monocentrism" with which they built their "parties" away from the Marxist-Leninist political line through straight-forward bourgeois politicking and intrigue and with which they stepped up the factionalization of the Marxist-Leninist movement. To halt the struggle of the Marxist-Leninists against opportunism, the old bankrupt slogan of "unity of the left" gave way to an ever more intense factionalization of the Marxist:Leninist movement, and of the revolutionary mass movements as well.

An important feature of neo-revisionism was its refusal to practice Marxist-Leninism in the workers' movement. All revolution in the U.S. centres on the proletariat, and to adhere to Marxism-Leninism in the workers' movement is decisive for the reconstitution of the party of the proletariat. But for neo-revisionism, Marxist-Leninism was merely so much posturing and not a guide to action. Instead, the neo-revisionists took up reformism and anarcho-syndicalism as their guide to action and opposed building the party in the proletariat. It is no accident that those who today are the loudest advocates of the "three worlds" theory, which holds that Marxism-Leninism cannot be the guide to action on a world scale, are the very elements who for a decade refused to practice Marxism in the workers' movement in their own country. The emergence of open social-chauvinism in the U.S. is the consummation of neo-revisionism, which for a decade has corroded the ranks of the revolutionary movement.

Neo-revisionism flourished in the U.S. for a period of time because it was able to parade as Marxism-Leninism. Opportunism is an international bourgeois ideological trend. The external condition for the growth of neo-revisionism was support by international opportunism. The decisive support came from the capitalist-roaders in China. These revisionists opposed Marxism- Leninism, Comrade Mao Tsetung and the Communist Party of China, they sought to corrode the Party from within. Furthermore, after Comrade Mao Tsetung's death, these revisionists treacherously seized power in an anti-communist coup d'etat. For years, while seeking to sell China to imperialism and seize power in the Communist Party of China, these revisionist scoundrels shamelessly used the tremendous prestige of China to float these politics and trends in the U.S., to directly interfere in the Marxist-Leninist movement in the U.S., to oppose the Marxist-Leninists and to carry on wrecking and splitting activities.

Like any compradors, for despite their dreams of empire they can never be more than compradors, they must pay the price to the imperialists to allow them to come under their wing. Part of the dowry of the Chinese revisionists is the liquidation of the proletarian revolution in the U.S. For seven years, the capitalist roaders have paid installments on this dowry.

We Marxist-Leninists in the U.S. remember well the tremendous support rendered to the proletariat in the U.S. by Comrade Mao Tsetung and the Communist Party of China. Comrade MaoTsetung led the Marxist-Leninists of the entire world. His defence of Marxism-Leninism against Khrushchovite revisionism and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution are contributions to Marxism-Leninism. Comrade Mao Tsetung also warmly supported the the proletariat in the U.S., had boundless faith in its revolutionary capacity and paid detailed attention to its struggles. Comrade Mao Tsetung warmly welcomed the overthrow of Browder and the reconstitution of the Party in 1945. Comrade Mao Tsetung warmly supported Comrade William Z. Foster as a genuine son of the proletariat in the U.S. When the Party in the U.S. came under fierce attack from the reactionaries, the Communist Party of China issued statements and organized mass rallies in its defence. In 1963,1968 and 1970, Comrade Mao Tsetung issued statements in support of the revolutionary struggles in the U.S. Comrade Mao Tsetung was a great Marxist-Leninist, and a thoroughgoing internationalist and we will always support Mao Tsetung and the great Marxist-Leninist Party which he led. We will always remember the great internationalist support which Mao Tsetung and the Communist Party of China rendered to the U.S. proletariat.

By the same token, we will never support elements of the ilk of Teng Hsiao-ping, nor reconcile ourselves to their revisionism. The Chinese revisionists are working feverishly to restore capitalism in China. They have betrayed the principles of Marxism-Leninism. They are reprehensible splitters of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement. They are organizing against the Marxist-Leninists and the proletarian revolution in the U.S. Only by fighting tooth and nail against the new current of modern revisionism led by the Chinese revisionists can we fulfill our obligations to Marxism-Leninism, to the proletariat and to the Chinese people.

We are fighting to bury U.S. imperialism. The Chinese revisionists through their propaganda and deeds, through their international connections and intrigues, have launched a holy alliance against this struggle. When we denounce U.S. imperialism we find international opportunism aligned with U.S. imperialism as a "lesser evil". When we denounce Carter's reactionary offensive, we find international opportunism prettifying Carter a a weak-kneed appeaser of Soviet social-imperialism. When we denounce U.S. imperialism's war preparations, we find international opportunism lobbying for the B-1 bomber, the Trident submarine and the neutron bomb. When we support the revolutionary struggles of the proletariat in the capitalist countries, the national liberation struggles and socialism in Albania, we find international opportunism peddling the unity of the so-called second and third worlds, and writing Albania off from the map. Even when we support the glorious struggle of the coal miners, we find Peking Review singing psalms to mechanization and stability in the coal fields. The fight against imperialism is impossible without at the same time waging a determined struggle against international opportunism.

For years we have fought tooth and nail against neo-revisionism in the U.S. We have fought the opportunist theses that the objective conditions are not ripe for revolution and that the proletariat in the IJ.S. is not revolutionary; that there is no need to build the party which will rise spontaneously from the mass movement when the conditions have ripened; that ultra-leftism is the main danger; that revolutionary fighters are splitters and adventurists. And we have fought this opportunism on both theoretical and practical grounds.

What we did not know during these years and what we have only learned in the course of the resolute struggle of the Marxist-Leninists of the entire world to defend the purity of Marxism, is that virtually all these opportunist theses were floated by the Chinese revisionists, and today can be found being paraded flagrantly in the pages of People's Daily and Peking Review. The relative weakness of the Marxist-Leninists in the U.S., the absence of the Marxist-Leninist party, left the revolutionary movement in the U.S. easy prey to the intrigues and conspiracies of the Chinese revisionists. For years the embassy in Ottawa, the mission in New York and the "friendship societies" have been centres of gossip and slanders against the Marxist-Leninists, gossip and slander identical to that floated by the FBI in the same period. It was the Chinese revisionists who incited the degenerate elements in the U.S. against the party concept. In 1972 and 1973, through the good auspices of the October League and the Guardian, they floated the line that ultra-leftism (that is, Marxism-Leninism) was the main danger. In 1973, in opposition to the struggle to unite the revolutionary Marxist-Leninists, they supported the formation of a holy alliance among the revisionists of the October League and the Revolutionary Union, and the revisionist yellow rag, the Guardian. This holy alliance was paraded in Hsinhua, and every effort was made to give it a sanctified aura of official support. The farcical character of this pantomime is sharply demonstrated by the participation of the long-time apologists of Titoite and Khrushchovite revisionism who openly apologize for Soviet social-imperialism while prettifying U.S. imperialism. Recently, the Guardian has revealed that it has gone into financial crisis because the Chinese revisionists have withdrawn their financial support. The Guardian has revealed that for several years it received the outside financing necessary to publish any opportunist publication from the Chinese revisionists in the form of a lucrative travel concession and thousands of paid subscriptions from Chinese libraries and universities. Today the Chinese revisionists have withdrawn their financing from the Guardian in order to bestow it on those who best serve their sinister aims. This is the identical method of the Khrushchovite revisionists who kept the revisionist party in the U.S. afloat with thousands of overpaid subscriptions to their press and with lucrative tourism concessions and subsidies for the publishing house. In fact, in the 60's Khrushchovite revisionists financed the very same Guardian in that way.

The Chinese revisionists oppose the proletarian revolution in both theory and practice and seek to crush it, but we will never grant the Chinese revisionists, the U.S. imperialists, or their social-chauvinist flunkeys this vain dream. The struggle against revisionism will be carried through to the end and the party of the proletariat will be reconstituted in the U.S.

Comrades and friends,

The emergence of open social-chauvinism marks the beginning of the complete bankruptcy of neo-revisionism. Comrade Lenin stated: "Social-chauvinism and opportunism are the same in their political essence;... The political ideas are identical, and so is the political content of their tactics... Social chauvinism is a consummated opportunism." For a number of years, neorevisionism held political sway in the U.S. and had an opportunity to show what it could accomplish. Neo-revisionism has given rise to nothing save social-chauvinism. The emergence of open social-chauvinism has exposed the political content behind the neorevisionist disruption of the unity in the Marxist-Leninist ranks. Now it is the turn of Marxism-Leninism, The struggle against social- chauvinism is the only way to settle accounts with Browderism and neo-revisionism, with Khrushchovite revisionism and with "three worlds-ism", with revisionism and opportunism of all hues. It has opened the way for the clarification of the fundamental questions of the anti-fascist, proletarian socialist revolution in the U.S. in opposition to Browderism and opportunism which have long spread confusion and bourgeois philistinism. The struggle against social-chauvinism does not lie simply in the repudiation of a few simple reactionary phrases. It is a struggle for revolutionary method and style of work, a struggle to reconstitute the party, a struggle to re-enunciate the revolutionary principles of Marxism-Leninism on the whole range of questions of the revolution. It is a struggle to organize the proletariat.

During the past one-and-a-half years a great revolutionary movement has unfolded to denounce social-chauvinism, to unite the revolutionary Marxist-Leninists, and to reconstitute the Marxist-Leninist party. It is a movement for revolution and against revisionism. This movement is sweeping away the neo-revisionist poison. It is uniting the revolutionary Marxist-Leninists, and it is preparing the ground surely and steadfastly for the reconstitution of the Marxist-Leninist party, the indispensable condition and sole guarantee for the triumph of the proletariat. So long as there is a reactionary state and a social basis to nurture it, social-chauvinism will not disappear and revolution can only advance in struggle against it. The only lasting victory over social-chauvinism will be the- reconstitution of the Marxist-Leninist party, the consolidation of that party and the advance of the anti-fascist, proletarian socialist revolution.

Neither the wrath of the reactionary state nor the intrigues of the social-chauvinists and revisionists will succeed in preventing this; the Marxist-Leninist party, the party of the proletariat in the U.S. will be reconstituted and revisionism and opportunism of all hues will suffer defeat.

Comrades and friends,

We live in a revolutionary era. We live in a time of vigorous struggle against revisionism of all hues, a time of the reconstruction and consolidation of the Marxist-Leninist communist parties in many countries, a time of revolutionary upsurge. Today we are witnessing the preparation of great battles against imperialism and international reaction, battles which are certain to bring victory to the proletariat and peoples, and defeat to the imperialists and reactionaries. You, the Marxist-Leninist communists, and the true friends of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement, who have gathered here from all corners of the continent are a living expression of the revolutionary vitality and boundless internationalist spirit of the proletariat.

We salute this Internationalist Rally which is a tremendous blow against the old and dying bourgeois world. We salute the Party of Labour of Albania, and Comrade Enver Hoxha who stands in the forefront of the struggle of the international proletariat and world's people. We salute the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), which fights relentlessly against revisionism and opportunism and works unceasingly for the social revolution. We salute the Marxist-Leninist communist parties and organizations of all countries which adhere to this path. We declare to you, the revolutionary people in North America, we declare to the world proletariat, that the proletariat in the United States will march with honour in the ranks of the world proletariat and that U.S. imperialism will be buried in the soil of North America once and for all.



The speech of the representative of COUSML was greeted with sustained applause, cheers and shouts of Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!, Glory to Marxism-Leninism!

[Photo: Representative of the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists tumultuously applauded by the Internationalist Rally]

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Representative of the Communist Party of Portugal (Reconstructed) Addresses the Internationalist Rally

At 8:25 p.m. Comrade Hardial Bains introduced the representative of the Communist Party of Portugal (Reconstructed). Comrade Bains said:

The Portuguese Communist Party was founded in 1921 and was liquidated in 1966 by the modern revisionists with Cunhal and others at the head. After long years of struggle, the Communist Party of Portugal was reconstructed in a Congress representing all the Portuguese Marxist-Leninists. The Party was reconstructed on the basis of the scientific theory of Marxism-Leninism. In March 1977, the PCP(R) developed in a relentless struggle against the main enemy of the Portuguese people -- fascism and imperialism -- and at the same time against the main enemy of the working class movement, the revisionist party of Cunhal, and in struggle for a democratic popular revolution in Portugal.

Comrades and friends, with these comments, I would like to introduce to you the representative of the Communist Party of Portugal (Reconstructed).

Sustained applause and cheers greeted the representative of the Communist Party of Portugal (Reconstructed). The speech of the representative of the PCP(R) follows:

Speech to the Internationalist Rally of the Representative of the Communist Party of Portugal (Reconstructed)

Dear Comrades,

On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Portugal (Reconstructed), I have been asked to transmit to you our warmest fraternal greetings, on the occasion of this Internationalist Rally.

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), founded in March 1970, was born and developed in open struggle against modern revisionism, by following as its guides the teachings of the revolutionary leaders of the world proletariat. At present, your Party is waging struggle to consolidate its links with the working class and broad masses of the people in Canada and to lead the Canadian proletariat in its struggle to overthrow imperialism, in the glorious path of revolution and socialism.

The Central Committee of the PCP(R) wishes that the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), the Canadian communists and proletariat achieve ever greater victories in their struggle against imperialism and revisionism and in the struggle for revolution and socialism, so that capitalist oppression and exploitation are banned as soon as possible from Canada.


The Communist Party of Portugal (Reconstructed) is very happy to participate, side by side with the other fraternal parties, in this Internationalist Rally, which is a proof of the vitality of the world proletariat. It is the first time that our Party is participating in such an important meeting in North America, in the very heart of imperialism.

We believe that at present, when everywhere in the world opportunism is trying to divert the proletariat from its historic mission, it is our duty to put forward one of the most essential tasks of the .communists, that is, proletarian internationalism. The working class, as Karl Marx teaches us, is by its essence an international class. It is through its communist parties, vanguard detachments in the various countries, that it can realize its necessary unity and accomplish its primary task, smashing capitalism and, through the dictatorship of the proletariat, building socialism and bringing communism to all humanity.

It is only through persistent class struggle on all fronts, that the working class will achieve its historic mission. Class struggle is the motive force of history in class societies. Such is the teaching of the great proletarian leaders. This is a view which is antagonistic to the new pseudo-scientific theory of "three worlds", which holds that the motive force of history has changed at this time and has become the so-called "third world". Our Party firmly upholds the principled struggle led by the Party of Labour of Albania and by Comrade Enver Hoxha against this revisionist theory.

Dear Comrades,

The Communist Party of Portugal (Reconstructed) was born in heated theoretical and practical struggle against the modern revisionism of Cunhal.

The recent development of class struggle in Portugal has proven totally correct Lenin's thesis on the revolutionary crisis. From April 25,1974, and for a year and a half, the broad masses of people and the oppressed classes no longer wanted to live as before. The ruling classes were incapable of ruling like before. It was an incredible period, when the enthusiasm of the masses and their initiatives shook the Portuguese society right to its very foundations. The broad masses won and imposed democratic rights and freedoms and also made certain revolutionary gains of importance such as the end of colonial wars, nationalizations, workers' control, certain advanced forms of organization like the commissions of workers, of inhabitants and soldiers and the most important of all their gains and victories, the Agrarian Reform in the latifundios of Alentejo. Unfortunately, the broad masses did not achieve final victory over their enemy. They lacked an essential tool to achieve this victory. They lacked the organized vanguard of the proletariat, the Marxist-Leninist communist party. The recent history of Portugal has demonstrated once again that without the communist party, the victory of the revolution is impossible.

But arising from this revolutionary crisis itself, and developing with the class current existing in the Marxist-Leninist movement, our Party was born and it gave a new character to the class struggle in Portugal. Later, at its Second Congress, our Party elaborated a political line for the revolution in Portugal and set down a strategy and tactics for our country.

Today, four years after the downfall of fascism and two and a half years after the reactionary coup d'etat of November 25, the exploiting classes are dominating the entire state apparatus and a right-wing government is holding power which was handed over to them by the social-democrats. Our Party is waging a heated struggle against fascism and the right-wing government and for the defence of the revolutionary victories of the working masses. The entire Party works untiringly to mobilize the broad masses of the workers for a change in the national situation.

Today, four years after April 25, the authorities and hangmen of the old fascist regime are parading freely in the streets of our country thanks to the protection of the government and the complicity of the revisionists. We are struggling without mercy for the punishment of the authorities and the hangmen of the fascist regime who oppressed and massacred our people and the people of the colonies for forty-eight years. We are fighting for repression for the fascists and for freedom for our people.

The country is presently going through a severe crisis on all fronts and sections of society. It is at once an economic, political and social crisis. This all-sided crisis is provoked by the contradictions of the capitalist system itself as well as by the revolutionary gains achieved by the broad masses, which the bourgeoisie has not succeeded in removing, and also by the struggle of the broad masses of workers which shows their ability to defend these gains. Faced with this crisis, the bourgeoisie has no solution but to submit to the bribery of U.S. and European imperialism while giving up our national independence. We are fighting to make the rich pay for the crisis which they brought about and to throw the imperialists out of our country. In the present period we are struggling for a government in the service of the people, what the people expected on April 25. We are struggling then for an April 25 government for the people.

Dear Comrades,

The future belongs to us, communists. Advance towards greater victories in the path of revolution and socialism in Canada!





When the representative of the Communist Party of Portugal (Reconstructed) finished delivering his speech, shouts of Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!and prolonged clapping resounded through the hall. The audience took up the chantPCP(R)! PCP(R)! PCP(R)!over and over again.

[Photo: Representative of the Communist Party of Portugal (Reconstructed) addressing the Internationalist Rally.]

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Representative of the Communist Party of India (M-L) Addresses the Internationalist Rally

[Photo: Representative of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) warmly greeted by Comrade Bains at the rostrum.]

At 8:45 p.m., when Comrade Bains introduced the representative of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), strong and prolonged applause immediately broke out, interrupted by cries of, Long Live CPI(M-L)!and Naxalbari Zindabad! (Long Live Naxalbari!), Inquiiab Zindabad! (Long Live the Revolution!)and Long Live Proletarian Internationalism! Glory to Marxism-Leninism!as the audience warmly welcomed the representative of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist). The speech of the representative of CPI(M-L) follows:

Speech to the Internationalist Rally of the Representative of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)

Comrades and friends,

I am very proud to be part of this Internationalist Rally organized by the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). On behalf of the Hindustani Ghadar Party -- Organization of Indian Marxist-Leninists Abroad and the Kerala State Committee of CPI(M-L), I bring tjie warmest revolutionary greetings to this Rally. We want to use the occasion of this Internationalist Rally to announce to the whole world that HGP-OIMLA and the Kerala State Committee of CPI(M-L) have together taken the initiative to fulfill the historic task of reconstructing the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)!

Very close relations were established between the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) under the leadership of the respected leader Comrade Charu Mazumdar and the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) under the leadership of Comrade Hardial Bains. This relationship, established on the basis of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism, has been steeled over the years in the course of organizing revolution in our own countries, in the course of struggle against imperialism, social- imperialism, all reaction, revisionism and opportunism of all hues. Through the unremitting efforts of CPC(M-L), the proletariat and the people of Canada have been kept abreast of the Marxist-Leninist communist movement in India. Not only that, through the pages of People's Canada Daily News, the organ of the Central Committee of CPC(M-L), people in many countries are kept posted on the revolutionary developments in India. India is also one of those countries where PCDN reaches the majority of the provinces, providing a Marxist-Leninist analysis of the world situation and information on the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement. This proletarian internationalist assistance of CPC(M-L) is of great value to us and we sincerely thank CPC(M-L) for that!

We take this opportunity to thank CPC(M-L) for the assistance it has rendered over the years to the Hindustani Ghadar Party -- Organization of Indian Marxist-Leninists Abroad, for the regular programmes in defence of the Indian revolution, for the vigorous thrashing constantly being given to the agents of international opportunism in Canada who are carrying on a vicious campaign of attacking the proletarian revolutionary line of Comrade Charu Mazumdar.

Canada is the land of the great proletarian internationalist fighter, Comrade Norman Bethune. Chairman Mao Tsetung, in his celebrated article, In Memory of Norman Bethune, has pointed out, "Leninism teaches that the world revolution can only succeed if the proletariat of the capitalist countries supports the struggle for liberation of the colonial and semi-coloniaL peoples and if the proletariat of the colonies and semi-colonies supports that of the capitalist countries." The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) under the leadership of Comrade Hardial Bains, as true heirs of Comrade Norman Bethune, have always put into practice, this proletarian internationalist principle, and enjoy a very high prestige amongst the Marxist-Leninists in India.

More than anything else, the fact that the Canadian proletariat has a Marxist-Leninist Party at its head, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), which is resolutely leading the proletarian revolution in Canada towards victory, which is resolutely opposed to revisionism and opportunism of all hues and is holding high the red banner of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism, greatly gladdens our heart and makes us feel very happy. This is because, comrades and friends, we do not believe in the rubbish being peddled by the theoreticians of the "three worlds" who claim that "there is no revolutionary situation for the immediate seizure of state power" in the so-called "second world" countries such as Canada.

Comrades and friends,

As most of you are already aware, the immediate and most urgent task facing the Indian Marxist-Leninists is the reconstruction of the Party of the Indian proletariat, the glorious Party founded by Comrade Charu Mazumdar, the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist). At this time, because of the attacks of the reactionary state and the revisionists and opportunists, our Party does not exist as a centrally organized Party, but exists in the form of different groups in different parts of India and the HGP-OIMLA, upholding the proletarian revolutionary line of Comrade Charu Mazumdar and vigorously opposing revisionism and opportunism of all hues, including the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds". In order to put an end to the. present state of affairs where a centrally organized Party does not exist, the Hindustani Ghadar Party -- Organization of Indian Marxist-Leninists Abroad and the Kerala State Committee of CPI(M-L) have together taken the initiative to reconstruct CPI(M-L). We-would like to point out that our struggle to reconstruct CPI(M- L). the decisive condition for the victory of the revolution, is a struggle against revisionism and opportunism of all hues, including the international opportunist trend based on the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds"; it is a struggle against those who have hatched and continue to hatch conspiracies to smash our Party; it is a struggle against those who are desperately trying to rob the Indian people of the leadership of the proletariat, the leadership of CPI(M- L) in their struggle for liberation!

Our Party was founded on April 22,1969 under the leadership of Comrade Charu Mazumdar. The Naxalbari armed peasant uprising organized in the spring of 1967 under the leadership of Comrade Charu Mazumdar marked the turning point in the history of revolutionary struggles of the Indian people and marked the beginning of the rout of revisionism in India. The revisionist "peaceful and parliamentary road to socialism" was completely smashed and armed struggle was shown as the only way for the liberation of the Indian people. This great victory for Marxism-Leninism over revisionism and opportunism was consolidated with the founding of the Party in 1969 and the historic Eighth Congress held in May 1970 which adopted the programme of the New Democratic Revolution.

So, right from the beginning, our Party became the target of brutal suppression by the reactionary state, as well as internal subversion by the agents of international opportunism. Over 12,000 comrades and supporters of CPI(M-L) have been killed by the reactionary state. Comrade Charu Mazumdar was himself assassinated on July 27,1972. Tens of thousands have been jailed and tortured. Even today, thousands of communists are in the jails of the reactionary state. Our Party has heroically faced all these attacks. Also, one after another, the agents of international opportunism have been exposed and smashed. The first major one was Satya Singh (SNS), who openly attacked the Party line and Comrade Charu Mazumdar and who now stands as a sincere follower of the revisionist "peaceful and parliamentary road to socialism". Next came some opportunists who took control of the Central Committee of the Party in the name of being "followers" of Comrade Charu Mazumdar, who also subsequently attacked the proletarian revolutionary line of Comrade Charu Mazumdar and have now become renegades to revolution. With these open opponents of Comrade Charu Mazumdar thoroughly discredited amongst the masses, international opportunism then pressed into service a new set of agents, agents who claim to be nothing less than "inheritors" and "successors" of Comrade Charu Mazumdar. It is these "successors", right opportunists who are peddling the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds" who are the main enemies of the Marxist-Leninist communist movement in India, to the reconstruction of the Party and advance of the revolution.

These "successors" want to impose themselves and their anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds" on the masses of Indian people in the name of CPI(M-L), in the name of the respected leader Comrade Charu Mazumdar, and stab the revolutionary struggles of the masses of people in the back. They want to repeat what their predecessors, the revisionist leaders of "C"PI did by imposing Khrushchovite revisionism on the Party. But comrades and friends, we assure you that the dreams of the international opportunists will never come true. We will smash their reactionary plans to smithereens!

These opportunists who have abandoned Marxism-Leninism and taken up the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds" as their guide to action, are viciously slandering the Marxist-Leninists as being "agents of Soviet social-imperialism", as being "anti-China reactionary Indian chauvinists", etc. They have even come up with the analysis that nationally and internationally, "attack of revisionism from the left" is the main danger to the communist movement.

First of all, what is this business of being "anti-China reactionary Indian chauvinists"? According to these agents of international opportunism, anyone who does not support the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds" and the thesis that "Soviet social- imperialism is the main enemy" is an agent of Soviet social- imperialism because he is diverting the main blow against this "main enemy" and thus participating in the "Soviet social- imperialist conspiracy to attack China". In simple language, if you are a Marxist-Leninist, you can get credentials of being "pro-China" only if you abandon Marxism-Leninism and follow the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds"; only if you agree to toe the line of the revisionist traitors who have usurped Party and state power in the People's Republic of China, and you yourself pledge to betray the Indian people by implementing the programme of the "three worlds" theory in India.

Comrades and friends,

This is not what we understand of our proletarian internationalist duty towards the proletariat and people of China. Being Marxist-Leninists, our proletarian internationalist duty is to first of all successfully organize revolution in India and defend the purity of Marxism-Leninism in India, and second, to resolutely oppose and fight the revisionist leaders who have seized control of the Party and state power in the People's Republic of China and thus help the proletariat and people of China to combat and overthrow these traitors. This is being "pro-China"! Being "pro-China" does not mean collaborating with the revisionist traitors who have betrayed the cause of the great Chinese people. Being "pro-China" does not mean collaborating with those who are dead set on the road of replacing the dictatorship of the proletariat with fascist dictatorship of the bourgeoisie in the People's Republic of China. This cheap trick of slandering the Marxist-Leninists as being "anti-China" is the same as what the Khrushchov renegade clique branded the Marxist-Leninsts as being "anti-Soviet".

Coming to the "analysis" of these agents of international, opportunism that the "attack of revisionism from the left" is the main danger to the communist movement -- everyone knows that whenever the Marxist-Leninists lead the people in revolution, whenever there is a revolutionary upsurge, the revisionists always scream blue murder that left adventurism is on the rise. This, "analysis" does not need much explanation. It speaks volumes about the nature of those "theoreticians" who have come up with this grand "analysis".

These agents of international opportunism have also come up with a new definition of patriotism. This is called "anti-Soviet social- imperialist patriotism". This definition of patriotism in a country which is fleeced by imperialists and social-imperialists of every description, led by the two superpowers, is indeed a very strange one! This new definition of these agents of international opportunism is to facilitate the inclusion of a section of the traitorous ruling classes into the fold of the "people", and not to consider them as enemies of the Indian people. It is to oppose the correct analysis that the Indian state is a semi-feudal, semi-colonial state and instead adopt the worn out thesis of "dual nature" of the reactionary Indian state and become tails of the reactionary bourgeoisie. It is the theory of abandonment of the leadership of the proletariat in the revolution, refusal to deal with the question of smashing the reactionary state and distorting the role of various classes in the new democratic revolution.

Comrades and friends,

In India, just about every day there is public massacre of workers, peasants, youth and students and other toiling people by the reactionary state machine. In recent months, workers were shot and killed at Dilli Rajahara Mines, peasants massacred in Ballichhi, strikes of workers were suppressed with arms in Kanpur, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Bailladilla Mines, Pant Nagar, mass upsurges of students and youth were suppressed with bullets in Hyderabad, of farmers in Tamil Nadu. In addition, the strikes of millions of teachers and government workers have been suppressed. Over thirty-seven universities remained closed last month. In opposition to this armed suppression, people set fire to many police stations, and used revolutionary violence and killed many armed soldiers of the reactionary state. There is not a trace left of the big fraudulent hue and cry of the Janata Party about bringing back "democracy" in India. The police and troops use their guns as a routine to suppress the revolutionary struggles of the masses of people. At this time, the revisionist leaders of "C"PI and "C"PI(M) and SNS opportunists are seeing that neither the Congress Party, nor the Janata Party can rule the country any more in the old way for the preservation of the rule of the big landlords and comprador-bureaucrat capitalists and their foreign masters. These revisionists are talking about a "left and democratic unity" as the alternative, that is, they themselves coming to power at the head of a government and suppressing the Indian people with the use of the same reactionary state machine in a situation where open reactionary parties such as the Congress and the Janata are increasingly unable to do it. The agents of international opportunism who are pushing the same theory of "dual nature" of the reactionary Indian state while claiming to be "successors" of Comrade Charu Mazumdar, are bound to follow their predecessors all the way and become armed soldiers of the reactionary ruling classes.

I would like to reiterate at this point that the most dangerous variety of opportunists in India today are those agents of international opportunism who claim to be "successors" of the respected leader Comrade Charu Mazumdar and use his name and prestige for their own schemes of stabbing the Indian revolution in the back with this anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds".

Comrades and friends,

It is in this sort of a complicated situation when there was the emergence of opportunism on an international scale, the usurpation of Party and state power by the revisionists in China and their intensified conspiratorial activities against the unity of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement that the Report submitted by Comrade Enver Hoxha to the Seventh Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania came as a beacon light guiding and leading the assault of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement against this new opportunist trend centred around the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds". Comrade Enver Hoxha's analysis of the present world situation, and the denunciation of the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds" greatly inspired us. Comrade Enver Hoxha, in his Report, also paid tribute to the memory of the-respected leader Comrade Charu Mazumdar. All this vindicated the correct stand, of our Party and encouraged us to fight even more vigorously against revisionism and opportunism of all hues.

Comrades and friends,

It gives us great pleasure to be part of this Internationalist Rally organized by the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) which is attended by Marxist-Leninist parties from different parts of the globe. This Rally testifies to the rapid growth of the Marxist-Leninist forces all around the world, testifies to the extreme rapidity with which the new international opportunist trend has become isolated. We consider the great Marxist-Leninist Comrade Envet Hoxha at the head of the Party of Labour of Albania as the leader ol the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement. We are of the opinion that internationalist rallies such as this one, and the fraternal consultations between different Marxist-Leninist parties greatly assist in strengthening the unity of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement. We consider the People's Socialist Republic of Albania as the liberated base area of the international proletariat. We will defend this base area with our lives by reconstructing the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) and liberating the Indian people by putting an end to the rule of reaction in India!

We are in complete, agreement with the Party of Labour of Albania's view that "Loyalty to Marxism-Leninism, to the revolutionary strategy of the Marxist-Leninist movement, struggle against all opportunist deviations which the modern revisionists of all hues are spreading, the revolutionary mobilization of the working class and the peoples against the bourgeoisie and imperialism, serious preparations for the revolutions, are the only correct road, the only road leading to victory."

Comrade Enver Hoxha has said, "The world is at a stage when the cause of the revolution and national liberation of the peoples is not just an aspiration and a future prospect, but a problem taken up for solution." This Internationalist Rally with resolute communists from different parts of the world attending it, is a living testimony to this!








This speech was also met with sustained tumultuous applause and the slogans Glory to Marxism-Leninism! Long Live the Unity Between CPC(M-L) and CPI(M-L)! Inquifab Zindabad! Naxalbari Zindabad! were shouted over and over again.

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Representative of the National Liberation Movement of Trinago (Trinidad and Tobago) Addresses the Internationalist Rally

[Photo: Representative of the National Liberation Movement of Trinago (Trinidad and Tobago) tumultuously applauded by the Internationalist Rally.]

At 9:20 p.m. Comrade Bains introduced the representative of the National Liberation Movement of Trinago (Trinidad and Tobago). Comrade Bains said:

Comrades and Friends,

The National Liberation Movement of Trinago was formed in 1974. It came out of the anti-imperialist mass upsurge of the youth and students which developed into a nation-wide upsurge of the people against U.S. imperialism. The birth of the NLM of Trinago was marked by the drafting of a programme which declared that the NLM is a Marxist-Leninist organization committed to building the vanguard party of the proletariat, the Communist Party of Trinidad and Tobago, in the struggle against imperialism headed by the two superpowers, and against revisionism and opportunism of all hues. The NLM of Trinago defined the stage of the revolution in Trinidad and Tobago as that of People's Democratic Revolution which is anti-imperialist and anti-fascist in character.

With this brief introduction, I would like to present to you the representative of the National Liberation Movement of Trinago.

Sustained applause and cries of Long Live Proletarian Internationalism! greeted the arrival of the representative of the National Liberation Movement of Trinago onto the rostrum. The speech of the representative of the NLM follows:

Speech to the Internationalist Rally of the Representative of the National Liberation Movement of Trinago (Trinidad and Tobago)

Comrade Chairman,

Comrades of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist).

Comrades of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement,

On behalf of the National Liberation Movement of Trinidad and Tobago, I wish to express the very great sense of honour we feel at the invitation of our fraternal comrades of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) to participate in this historic and timely Rally, and to have the opportunity to come together with our comrades of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement.

This Internationalist Rally, the first meeting of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement in the Americas, is historic and timely. Despite the varied and numerous efforts of the imperialist bourgeoisie, through the Canadian "state, to crush the Internationalist Rally, as has been reported in People's Canada Daily News, the fact, the living reality of this Internationalist Rally is dealing a telling blow to imperialism, headed by the two superpowers, revisionism and international opportunism at the present time.

The situation in the world today is in fact excellent for the proletariat and oppressed people; at the same time the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement is arising in a great storm, dealing remarkably many hard blows at the disguised bourgeoisie, dealing remarkably many hard blows at the agents and ideologues of the imperialists, the opportunists and revisionists of all kinds.

The situation in the world today is excellent for the proletariat and oppressed people. More and more, in countries around the world, the proletariat is rallying to the call of our greatest teachers, leaders and comrades, Marx and Engels, a call which was summed up 130 years ago in the revolutionary and internationalist slogan: Workers of All Countries, Unite! At the same time, the agents and representatives of imperialism are forced by the surging movement for socialism, by the powerful movement for national liberation, to disguise themselves as communist's, with all kinds of so-called new theories, new analyses and new historical situations, in a vain attempt to put a spoke in the wheel of the proletarian revolution on the world scale.

At the head of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement is the Party of Labour of Albania. The Party of Labour of Albania is a source of great inspiration for the proletariat of Trinidad and Tobago, of the Caribbean and of all countries.

The Party of Labour of Albania was born in the flames of the struggle against fascism in Albania and on the world scale, in the flames of the struggle against the most despotic, decadent and vicious form of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.

In that period, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolshevik) led by the great Stalin, led the proletariat of the socialist Soviet Union, the International Communist Movement and the peoples of the world in stopping the rise of fascism dead in its tracks.

The Party of Labour of Albania acquired all its maturity in the flames of the struggle against the opportunists and revisionists of every variety. It exposed the betrayal of the Khrushchovite revisionists in the sixties and greatly aided the development of the proletarian movement and the birth of many Marxist-Leninist communist parties and organizations throughout the world.

Now, when the revisionists in China, the servants, agents and representatives of the imperialist bourgeoisie and renegades from Marxism-Leninism -- when these revisionists have taken up the task that Khrushchov and his disciples were unable to carry out -- the Party of Labour of Albania is in the front ranks of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement, while the vanguard parties of the proletariat are rallying all the forces and striking fatal blows against international opportunism and the revisionist bourgeoisie.

Today, the imperialist bourgeoisie is more and more resorting to fascism. The imperialist bourgeoisie is frantically preparing the ground for open terrorist dictatorship over the proletariat and people.

Shaken by the world crisis of imperialism which riddles them through and through and by the blows struck by the revolutionary proletariat, they are reduced to panic, seeing their end approaching. But with their frenzied and panic-stricken preparations, they are digging their own graves.

Once again, in the face of the rise of fascism, the proletariat is on the march, but this time more conscious and better prepared.

While fascism is raising its head, the proletariat, enriched by its struggle against fascism on the world scale, and the vanguard parties of the proletariat of all countries -- the Marxist-Leninist parties and the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement -- who now possess rich experience accumulated in the struggle against fascism, are closing their ranks and rallying their forces.

It is in the light of these facts that we must examine the manoeuvres of imperialism and its most recent ideologues.

The Chinese Pingists, the revisionist authors of the theory of "three worlds", stand as agents of the rising fascism.

They are the most recent:

-- apologists of the fascist regimes, such as those of the Shah of Iran, and of Mobutu of Zaire,

-- apologists of the regimes which are fascizing themselves more and more, and at a brisk pace, such as those of Williams in Trinidad and Tobago, Manley in Jamaica and Burnham in Guyana.

But they have failed to bring about the confusion, splits and setbacks that they had hoped to create, for from the day they showed their faces, the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement rose up and exposed the true nature of these fascist ideologues.

It is in such a situation that we meet here today, in this Internationalist Rally.For an organization like the National Liberation Movement of Trinidad and Tobago, and in fact, for all the Marxist-Leninist parties of the entire world, these internationalist rallies are of vital importance.

For us of the National Liberation Movement of Trinidad and Tobago, the rallies of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement are extremely important, for they give us the opportunity to meet with our Marxist-Leninist comrades from all parts.

This gives us the occasion to share experiences with our comrades.

This serves to put an end to our isolation, which imperialism is attempting to impose on us by banning all publications of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement.

But they cannot isolate the working people, they cannot isolate the proletariat. It is the imperialists and their agents who are isolated.

The deepening of ties with the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement will serve to keep us abreast of events and will serve to defeat the plots and manoeuvres of the bourgeoisie, which is trying to ensure that the proletariat and the people of our country are isolated from our comrades in the class struggle on the international scale.

In taking up our revolutionary internationalist duties and responsibilities, the National Liberation Movement of Trinidad and Tobago is moving forward, more and more deeply taking up, and further and more resolutely developing the task of:

-- building the communist vanguard of the proletariat, the Communist Party of Trinidad and Tobago, in the flames of the struggle against opportunism and revisionism, in the flames of this upsurge of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement,

-- increasing and deepening our links with the Marxist-Leninist parties of the whole world, to share our experiences, in accordance with the revolutionary internationalist slogan: Workers of All Countries, Unite!, in such a manner as to take our place and make our contribution to the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement and contribute to putting an end to the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and to putting an end to all systems of exploitation of man by man,

-- struggling for the overthrow of the neo-colonial, comprador and reactionary regime of Eric Williams and others in the Caribbean, and for the destruction of the neo-colonial state in the service of imperialism.

This is our revolutionary proletarian and internationalist duty, to which the National Liberation Movement of Trinidad and Tobago is dedicated.







Sustained applause and cries of Long Live the National Liberation Movement of Trinago!, Glory to Marxism-Leninism! and Long Live Proletarian Internationalism! greeted the speech delivered by the representative of the National Liberation Movement of Trinago.

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Representative of the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist) Addresses the Internationalist Rally

[Photo: Representative of the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist) addressing the Internationalist Rally.]

At 9:36 p.m., Comrade Bains introduced the representative of the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist). Strong applause and cries of Long Live the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)!, Long Live the Unity Between the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) and the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)! and Long Live Proletarian Internationalism! met the representative of the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist). His speech to the Internationalist Rally is printed below:

Speech to the Internationalist Rally of the Representative of the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)

On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist) I would like to thank the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) for inviting us to participate in this revolutionary Internationalist Rally of Marxist-Leninist Communist Parties, on this eve of May Day, the great day of the working class.

We in the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist) consider the question of unity of the genuine Marxist-Leninist parties from different countries to be a question of great importance for the revolutionary movement. This unity when based on correct Leninist principles is a source of strength and inspiration for every Marxist-Leninist party. It is of mutual importance to all Marxist-Leninist parties whether they are big or small and whether they are from big or small, developed or under-developed countries.

The question of the unity of the genuine Marxist-Leninist parties is a question of especially great importance at the moment when a new form of revisionism, in the form of the so-called theory of "three worlds," is attempting to obstruct and liquidate the revolutionary struggles of the world's peoples.

This theory denies the revolutionary struggle in every country of the world. It seeks to harmonize the contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat in each country. In its place it raises a counter-revolutionary programme of so-called unity, between the working and oppressed people and the reactionaries in every country against one particular superpower.

Our Party is resolutely opposed to the theory of the so-called "three worlds." We consider that it is of the utmost importance that the genuine revolutionaries in every country in the world unite firmly to oppose this theory and its practical implications. The revolutionary situation throughout the world is excellent; looked at both in the perspective of the world situation and in the situation in every particular country the theory of "three worlds" is nothing but a feeble attempt to oppose an ever-growing tide of revolutionary struggle against capitalism, imperialism, and all forms of reaction.

Our Party, the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist), is firmly in favour of developing close ties between the genuine Marxist-Leninist parties of the world. Our view is that in this question, as with every other question in the revolutionary movement, Leninist principles must be applied. By this we mean that ties should be developed on the basis of the principle of mutual exchange of ideas and experience; and on the basis of noninterference in the internal affairs of any party. We uphold the Leninist line that there should be one Marxist-Leninist party in each country and one only. It is the responsibility of the genuine Marxist-Leninists to support the Marxist-Leninist party in each country.

We are opposed to the anti-Leninist line of supporting the bourgeois or petty-bourgeois national movements in those countries where the question of national oppression is the main question, in any way which opposes the line of the Marxist-Leninist party in that country, or suggests that these bourgeois and petty-bourgeois elements can lead the revolution to victory. On this question our Party firmly upholds that only the genuine Marxist-Leninists united ' in one party in each country, no matter what the stage of the revolutionary struggle in that country, can lead the revolutionary proletariat and thereby lead the revolutionary struggles in each country to victory. This important principle is one of the foundations on which the Leninist line on the relations between Marxist-Leninist parties is determined. Lenin said on this particular question that the proletariat of the advanced countries must support the national liberation struggles through the communist parties of those countries.

What is the Situation in Ireland and What is the Party's Programme?

Firstly, the principal problem in Ireland is the problem of British imperialist intervention and domination. British imperialism has direct control over the northeastern counties of Ireland (a part of Ulster) and occupies this part by force of arms. The southern part of Ireland is supposedly an "independent" "republic", but in reality it is a neo-colonial state, dominated economically, politically and culturally by British imperialism, and run for them by the Irish bourgeoisie of the south.

Some opportunists in our country claim that the problem of British imperialist domination exists only in the north of the country, whilst the south is now free of the problem. But in reality the British imperialists exert colonial control over northern Ireland precisely as a way of ensuring their continued domination of the whole country.

Therefore our Party's policy lays down that the principal task of the revolution today is the defeat of British imperialist intervention in Ireland, its domination of the economy and the political and cultural spheres of life, and its division of the country.

Naturally there are many other imperialist powers involved in the exploitation of the Irish people -- U.S. imperialism and German monopoly capitalism especially. The hand of the monopoly capitalist EEC and all its policies can also be felt there.

But our Party states clearly that it is British imperialism which is the principal enemy, whilst all other imperialisms must also be opposed. This is an important question because one section of the modern revisionists (Official Sinn Fein -- the Workers' Party) claims that, "because there are many imperialist powers joining in the exploitation of Ireland", that we should not organize for the concrete political and military defeat of British imperialism, but should fight all imperialism in general, or the EEC in Brussels. This policy is straightforwardly and in practice a policy for encouraging the people to lay down their arms and allow British imperialist intervention to continue.

The second important feature of our revolution is the nature and stand of the Irish bourgeoisie. Our Party lays down in its policy that today, all the main sections of the Irish bourgeoisie, north and south, are in collusion with British imperialist domination. This includes of course the so-called "Republican" section represented by Fianna Fail in the south, the followers of Eamonn Devalera. This section of the Irish bourgeoisie who contributed to the patriotic struggle in the war of independence, have, over the past fifty years, resolved all the basic contradictions between themselves and the British imperialists and have become wealthy and prosperous in their role as officials of the government, as "Irish representatives" on the boards of big foreign monopolies etc. They have become a monopoly capitalist bourgeoisie with no quarrel with the British ruling class, (except of course the characteristic inter-bourgeois dispute for better deals etc). This section of the Irish bourgeoisie has to its shame more patriots imprisoned in southern Ireland than the British imperialists have in the north. The Fine Gael section of the bourgeoisie in the south do now as they always did, support British imperialist rule -- they are the descendants of the landed gentry in the south, they signed a truce in the War of Independence and unleashed terror against the fighting workers and peasants. Other sections of the Irish bourgeoisie are represented by the Irish labour party in the south, while in the north all factions of the "Unionists" are closely allied to British imperialism. The "Unionists" jn fact are that section of the bourgeoisie derived, not from the protestants of the north, but from the Anglo-Irish aristocracy, the big lords and English soldiers who were given land in Ireland to reward them for activity against the Irish and English people. With their wealth and the privileged position they enjoyed for years, they became rich industrialists, and were "given the north" as their "mini-state" by the British bourgeoisie in 1922, rather than lose all at the hands of the patriotic workers and small farmers. It is also important to deal, with the "Social Democratic and Labour Party" headed by Gerry Fitt and John Hume. This party is promoted as a party of "catholic people" according to the well known swan song of the British imperialists (that is that the Irish people are fighting one another on religious grounds). In reality it is a party of monopoly capital. It was established by the British bourgeoisie to create confusion and division. It developed making use of the fact that the catholic section of the capitalists in the north did not get a fair share in the exploitation of the people. Now even this situation has been rectified and these capitalists are receiving their share of the booty. It can be seen that no section of the Irish bourgeoisie remains who has any interest in opposing British imperialist exploitation.

As the capitalist system in Ireland has been developed and expanded in the last decades, the bourgeoisie has become a monopolist bourgeoisie with innumerable bridges and ties between its capital and that of the British imperialists. This process was an inevitable process, as Comrade Stalin pointed out. He said that after an initial period of struggle for control over its own markets the national bourgeoisie of an oppressed country may win a certain amount of victory or concessions but that once launched into the world of "independent capitalism", the oppressing power (and other imperialist powers) would in a million ways establish links with this "independent capital" and of necessity subjugate it to its own superiority in size, connections etc.

Our Party therefore lays down that the Irish people can only win liberation from British imperialism by taking up struggle against the internal reactionaries, who at every step act as the front line of the enemy against the people. Furthermore the Party policy clearly points out that the Irish people desire liberation not just from one imperialist power in order to be subjugated by another, or to be exploited further by the Irish monopoly capitalists. The desire of the people for liberation is a desire for complete national and social liberation. Therefore to talk of the defeat of British imperialism without struggle to overthrow reaction in Ireland is both an illusion and a false goal.

This is why the Party strongly criticizes the petty bourgeois nationalists' (Provisional IRA) policy which advocates unity with the bourgeoisie in the south (a united front of people and monopoly capitalist bourgeoisie!) to liberate the north. But then they go further -- and advocate in their official programme "Eire Nua" a future alliance with the Unionist bourgeoisie -- because, they say, they are Irish.

To talk in this way is to create illusions for the people. How can the Irish people think of uniting with the Unionist bourgeoisie, a section Of the bourgeoisie which is distinguished only by the extent of its anti-national* anti-communist and demagogic behaviour. The Irish people in reality cannot take a step forward without the southern state, or the legal and "illegal" organization of the northern bourgeoisie (the RUC, UDA, UVF) moving in as a front line for British imperialism.

It is little wonder that these petty bourgeois nationalist leaders have started associating themselves with the "three worlds" theory which also preaches the treacherous path of the oppressed peoples relying for their liberation on their own bourgeoisie. Whether Ireland or the Irish bourgeoisie is defined as third world, or Irish or catholic, or protestant by these misleaders, nothing can paper over the true character of this class -- that of being an enemy of our people, a truth which the people have experienced only too well.

The "three worlds" theory makes out that proletarian socialist revolution is not on the agenda today, but that what is on the agenda is the bourgeois democratic revolution of the "third world". This is the same policy as the petty bourgeois nationalists.

No such revolution can occur today. Today all democratic and national revolutions are part of the proletarian socialist revolution, there is no force that can lead them but the working class, no party to represent this class but the Marxist-Leninist party, and no goal that will satisfy the demands of the people but national and social emancipation which will be achieved only with the defeat of the monopoly capitalist system itself.

These are the reasons for our Party's policy on the Irish bourgeoisie.

Thirdly, as people will know, the British and Irish bourgeoisie try to make out that our struggle is a struggle within the people between two religious camps. This of course is a smoke screen to cover over the genocide against our people and an attempt ot portray themselves as the peace-makers. In reality the English colonialists (now the British imperialists) have for three centuries attempted to create divisions.

When they themselves planted the country they brought the members of their own class (who were protestants) to rule over the people. At the same time, they cleared the Scots and Welsh peasants (crofters) off the land, and exported many to Ireland. These people were in the main poverty stricken peasants and were not members of the official protestant church (Church of England) but presbyterian. They were exploited in all the same basic ways as the native Irish (who were catholic) including the fact that their right to practice their presbyterian religion was denied to them, as the right to practice Catholicism was denied the native population. But the English colonialists tried at the same time to create differences in the statuses of the two, granting for example the presbyterians the land in the more fertile valleys and sending the catholic peasants to the hill tops.

This policy has continued unabated and now the British imperialists with the direct and active assistance of the Irish capitalists have divided people according to work place, job opportunity, education, culture, housing etc. They have tried, whilst exploiting all our workers and small farmers in the north viciously, to create many differences as a source of friction -- for example unemployment in some predominantly catholic towns and areas in the north is as high as 50 percent whilst it is under 5 per cent as a whole in the protestant districts.

The British imperialists, today, using their army, their undercover agents such as the SAS, and making use of the paramilitary organizations which they organize jointly with the Unionist bourgeoisie, carry out wide-scale intimidation campaigns and try to enforce their divisive and terror campaign .against the resistance.

But despite all this, in the past centuries as in the present, as an inevitable law, the people have continually refused to engage in fratricide against one another, and time and time again have come together to fight the common enemy.

This is why our Party's policy is not just to oppose the sectarian propaganda of the rulers in words, but also to carry out deep-going work among the catholics and the protestants to unite them in the common struggle. This is not a problem that will be resolved in a day, but it will be resolved in the conditions of the struggle against British imperialism and the Irish bourgeoisie, under the leadership of the Marxist-Leninist party which alone can show that the future of the workers and small farmers lies in the overthrow of the monopoly capitalist system.

This is the policy that our Party practices; it is in striking contrast to that of the revisionists, Trotskyists and petty-bourgeois nationalists who push the protestant workers towards the bourgeoisie and claim that they are fascists. In this way the petty-bourgeois nationalists adopt the same ideology as the British imperialists, and openly promote the politics,that national liberation means the catholics liberating themselves from the protestants.

Fourthly, what is the class composition of Ireland, and on whose shoulders can these problems be resolved?

The working class constitutes approximately 30 percent of the population. The small farmers and other agricultural workers constitute more than 50 percent of the population. Of the remainder of the population, the majority belong to the petty-bourgeoisie, which includes the professionals and the students. There are only a handful of members of the monopoly capitalist bourgeoisie.

The working class is regularly growing as a result of the policy of the British imperialists and the Irish bourgeoisie. Traditionally, it is more concentrated in the main cities, in particular Belfast, Dublin, Cork and Derry. But capitalist enterprises now exist throughout the country.

The working class does not constitute the majority, but it is the leading force of the Irish revolution. Since its birth, it has played this role, exercising an important influence on the patriotic struggle during the last century, but especially since the beginning of this century.

The small farmers and agricultural workers make up the majority of the population. The main force in the patriotic struggles has always been the peasantry. The small farmers and agricultural workers are the principal allies of the proletariat in the struggle for national independence and socialism.

The majority of the petty-bourgeoisie, and especially the intellectual youth, support the national struggle and certain sections of it play a very active role.

Our Party considers that the youth of all the oppressed classes constitute a particularly important section of the revolutionary movement in our country.

Fifthly, I would like at this point to summarize the position of the Provisional IRA. This is because this organization has received much publicity as being the leader of the struggle of the Irish people. According to us, they are petty-bourgeois nationalists:

1. they are for "independent" capitalism;

2. for an alliance with the Irish bourgeoisie;

3. they are not for the total defeat of British imperialism by the people;

4. they are opposed to the leading role of the working class;

5. they are "catholics";

6. they are against the English working class;

7. they are against proletarian internationalism;

8. their war is not a war of liberation but:

(a) for a truce, and not the complete defeat of the enemy;

(b) not aimed at arousing the people;

(c) they are terrorists;

(d) they base themselves on intimidating ordinary people to have support;

(e) they are for "economic warfare" in order to so-called undermine the economic blockade of British imperialism;

(f) they support actions against the working people.

We are not opposed to a united front with the Provisional IRA, and on several occasions, we have approached them on this question. They have always refused, adopting an arrogant attitude. We support all actions taken against the enemy, and we do not brand them as fascists, as some do. We lay emphasis on the fact that in practice the united front must be led by the working class.

In Summary

The policy of our Party is to completely defeat the British imperialist intervention and domination, to combine this with the struggle against and the defeat of the Irish bourgeoisie, which has sworn allegiance to foreign governments, and which is the class enemy of our people.

To arouse the industrial proletariat, in the north and the south, both catholic and protestant, to form the leadership of the struggle, and to ally the small farmers, intellectuals, small shopkeepers, etc..around the working class.

To advance the struggle by transforming the war from the present terrorist variety to a people's war for national independence and socialism waged by the people under the leadership of the Party for ' the complete defeat of British imperialism.

Once again, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist) we extend our warmest thanks to the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) for their work in holding this Rally and for inviting us to participate. We extend our warmest fraternal greetings to the genuine Marxist-Leninist parties present and to the representatives of the national liberation struggles. We greet with great friendship the revolutionary Canadian people and particularly those present this evening.




This speech was also met with sustained tumultuous applause and the slogans Glory to Marxism-Leninism! Long Live Proletarian Internationalism! were shouted over and over again.

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Representative of the Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of France (ORCPF) Addresses the Internationalist Rally

At 10:10 p.m., Comrade Bains introduced the representative from the Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of France (ORCPF). Comrade Bains said:

Comrades and friends;

In France, the opposition organized against the revisionist degeneration of the Communist Party of France, which was founded in 1921 in the heat of the struggle against the traitors of the SFIO, saw the creation of the Communist Party of France (Marxist-Leninist) by the communists who had remained faithful to Marxism- Leninism and revolutionary principles. Hundreds of cadres who had been deeply disappointed by the betrayal of the Communist Party of France saw their hopes reborn in this new Party. But in 1973- 74, the so-called campaign against revisionism launched by Jurquet and his clique concluded with the line of betrayal of the Second Congress of the Communist Party of France (Marxist-Leninist) in March 1975. According to the line adopted by this Congress, CPF constitutes the fifth column of the Soviet state which constitutes a new bourgeoisie more dangerous than the one in power. This line led to the conclusion in theory that the Soviet Union is a more aggressive superpower than the American superpower, and gave rise to the call that the proletariat in France must collaborate with its own imperialist bourgeoisie. The genuine Marxist-Leninists waged a principled struggle within the Communist Party of France (Marxist-Leninist) as long as possible but when this line became entrenched in the Party, when all ideological, political and organizational struggle became impossible, they staunchly upheld the banner of Marxism-Leninism and took up as their sole task the reconstruction of the vanguard party of the proletariat.

Comrades and friends;

We are extremely happy to have our comrades here, because the traitors to Marxism-Leninism who go by the name of Jurquet and his followers have been responsible for a large amount of counter-revolutionary work in Canada also. We wish the demise of the Jurquet clique and wish a long life to the Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of France (ORCPF). With this sentiment I would like to introduce to you the representative of the Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of France (ORCPF).

Speech to the Internationalist Rally of the Representative of the Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of France (ORCPF)

Dear Comrades,

On behalf of all the comrades of the Organization to Reconstruct the Communist Party of France (ORCPF), I very warmly salute the comrades of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), the comrades of the Marxist-Leninist parties and liberation fronts, all the Marxist-Leninists gathered here.

Our organization salutes the holding of the Internationalist Rally in Montreal, which, following in the path of the preceding Internationalist Rallies and the Seventh Congress of the glorious Party of Labour of Albania, led by the great Marxist-Leninist Enver Hoxha, represents a further step in strengthening the internationalist links and the Marxist-Leninist unity of the movement.

This Rally organized by your Party and in your country, Canada, which has a common border with the USA, where U.S. imperialism, this barbaric exploiter of the peoples has its centre, holds a great significance.

This Internationalist Rally in Montreal is a reflection of the determination of the working class and peoples of the world, under the direction of their vanguard parties, the Marxist-Leninist parties, in the struggle against world imperialism -- which has at its head U.S. imperialism and Soviet social-imperialism -- the bourgeoisie and all its lackeys, revisionists and opportunists of all hues, and for revolution and socialism.

It shows the unshakable attachment of the genuine communists to the scientific theory of the proletariat, Marxism-Leninism, our guide on the road of revolution traced by the great leaders of the international proletariat, Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.

It concretizes the rejection of the theory of the "three worlds". The struggle against this theory, like the struggle against other opportunist currents in the communist and workers' movement, is a struggle for the defence of Marxism-Leninism and against revisionism. This struggle against the theory of "three worlds", therefore, holds a great strategic importance and all Marxist-Leninists have the duty to denounce this theory as a great danger to the revolutionary movement of the working class and peoples.

In its continual struggle against revisionism, a struggle which has been in upsurge since the end of the 1950's, the International Communist Movement today is facing new questions which it must answer. It must distinguish the demarcation line between Marxism and anti-Marxism.

In analyzing the world situation and in defining the nature of the present epoch, the Marxist-Leninists start from a proletarian class point of view,and in definingthefundamental contradictions in the society, they establish the bases for their revolutionary strategy and they carry this struggle forward.

After the victory of the Great October Revolution in Russia, Lenin and Stalin expounded the four fundamental contradictions of society in our epoch on which the revolutionary theory of Leninism is based:

-- the contradiction between the two opposing systems, the socialist system and the capitalist system,

-- the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie in the capitalist and imperialist countries,

-- the contradiction between the oppressed peoples and and imperialism,

-- the contradiction in the camp of the imperialist countries and the monopoly groups.

To grasp these contradictions and their practical conclusion can play a decisive role in the development of the society towards socialism. This is why Marxism-Leninism never isolates one of these contradictions, never ignores the other contradictions by playing down their role.

The big changes which have taken place and are taking place in the last twenty years on the international scene, cannot be ignored, particularly when the Soviet Union and its satellites, the Eastern European countries, have become revisionist and have formed the second imperialist camp. These changes, far from refuting the laws of Leninism, are further confirming their correctness. The transformation of the Soviet Union into a revisionist- social- imperialist country has in no way changed Marxism-Leninism, the laws of the theory of proletarian revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat. On the contrary the great struggles which the Marxist-Leninists have waged have enriched Marxism-Leninism. The appearance of Soviet social-imperialism and its satellites has not changed the nature of the contradictions in the imperialist camp. These contradictions presently exist in their sharpest form between the two superpowers, the USA and the USSR. As to their essence, these two imperialisms are absolutely no different one from the other. Comrade Enver Hoxha explained: "The strategic goalof these two superpowers is to destroy socialism, to smash revolution and to dominate the whole world".

It is evident that, because of their common goal, their strategy is the same. But their actions vary according to specific conditions because these two superpowers are not equally powerful everywhere. What is clear is that these two superpowers to the same degree, constitute the principal enemy of the peoples of the world and that either of them can be the principal enemy in one particular area. In some other place, an imperialist power which is weaker and which is even dependent on one or the other superpower can become the principal enemy (such as France, in certain African countries). The Marxist-Leninists must analyze each question in relation to the time and place, and it is only in this manner that a correct solution can be found.

But the promoters of the theory of "three worlds" don't look at the problem of the fundamental contradictions in the world from a class point of view. They claim that there no longer is a socialist camp. The contradiction between capitalism and socialism is completely passed over in silence.

This anti-Marxist thesis wants us to believe that U.S. imperialism has changed its nature, that it is no longer the savage plunderer, exploiter and assassin of the peoples and will no longer be the cause of imperialist wars!

According to this theory, the principal danger is the,Soviet Union and we must rely on U.S. imperialism to defeat it. The proletariat and the people who are fighting for their total independence must ally with the other imperialists including the U.S. imperialists to oppose the hegemonic schemes of social-imperialism. The proletariat and the revolutionary people must rely on the bourgeoisie to grant them the gift of "national independence", and revolution is put off for the future!

This theory puts into question the character of our epoch, as the epoch of imperialism and the proletarian revolution; it puts into question the hegemony of the proletariat in the revolution and class struggle as the motive force of history. It abandons the leadership to the bourgeoisie. It prepares the proletariat and peoples of the world to participate, on the basis of the positions of the bourgeoisie and in their ranks, in an imperialist war of redivision, towards which the imperialists and especially the two superpowers -- the U.S. and the Soviet Union -- are heading.

We must grasp the significance of this theory on all fronts -- political, ideological and organizational.

To stave off as much as possible its death, imperialism knows that it needs above all to prevent the struggles of the masses from being organized and oriented in the interests of the revolution, with a single proletarian line. So, it has propagated its latest discovery, the theory of "three worlds", which denies the necessity of the vanguard party.

But revisionism, with all its variants, such as this theory, is being firmly rejected more and more each day. Because the working class and people of the world, enlightened by their vanguard parties and grasping the facts and reality, do not want to collaborate with their exploiters; they want to smash them! They want to make revolution!


It is a great joy and honour to be here at your side and at the side of the other fraternal Marxist-Leninist parties, on this occasion.

Today in France, as you know, there is no longer a communist party. Our organization has taken up the task of giving the working class back its communist party. At present, all our comrades are mobilized to realize this immediate goal. But all of their hearts beat in unison with those of all the Marxist-Leninists assembled here.




Following the delivery of this speech, sustained applause once again broke out as the audience cried out time and time again Long Live the Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of France (ORCPF)!, Glory to Marxism-Leninism!, Long Live the Unity Between the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) and the Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of France (ORCPF)! and Down with the Jurquet Clique!

[Photo: Representative of the Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of France (ORCPF) tumultuously applauded by the Internationalist Rally.]

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Message of Greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the Communist Party of Germany (Marxist-Leninist)

At 10:30 p.m., following the speech by the representative of the ORCPF, Comrade Bains announced that now he would read the messages of greetings sent to the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) by various Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations which, for various reasons, were unable to send a representative to the Internationalist Rally. Comrade Bains said:

Comrades and friends;

There are various Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations which our Party invited to the Internationalist Rally but which, for various reasons, were not able to attend. However, on this occasion, CPC(M-L) has received messages of greetings from these parties and I would like to read some of them to you:

As the messages of greetings to the Internationalist Rally were presented by Comrade Bains, each was enthusiastically received by the audience with strong applause and cheers of Long Live Proletarian Internationalism! and Glory to Marxism-Leninism! We are reprinting below the message of greeting to the Internationalist Rally from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Germany (Marxist-Leninist).

Message of Greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Germany (Marxist-Leninist)

Dear friends, dear comrades,

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Germany (Marxist-Leninist) sends you, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), the working class and the working people of your country, revolutionary fighting greetings. You have gathered here today on the eve of the 1st of May at the great internationalist meeting of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). And there really is hardly a better day than the 1st of May, the international fighting day of the working class, for demonstrating our solidarity in the common struggle against imperialism, capitalism, reaction and revisionism, a solidarity which is based on our common convictions, on the principles of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian Internationalism. It is based on our common struggle to destroy by revolution, the old world of exploitation and oppression, in which the bourgeoisie enslaves the masses of the people and bleeds them white. We fight for the creation of a new world, for the world of socialism and communism. This world is shown to us today by the heroic Albanian people, who, led by their glorious Party of Labour, stand unshakeable as a rock, as a great example for the working class of all countries and the oppressed peoples of the world, as a firm bastion of world revolution.

Dear friends, dear comrades,

In Germany, too, the consequences of the deep crisis which has grasped the whole capitalist and revisionist world, lie more and more heavily on the shoulders of the workers and the rest of the working population. Some time ago, the West German imperialists invented the demagogic slogan of "Model Germany." But what is the real face of this supposedly intact world, this false picture of a capitalism, in which class struggle is supposedly superfluous because everyone's interests, exploiters and exploited, are cared for?

Over a million working people are already unemployed, the real wages are being progressively reduced, the load of taxes is increasing, the cost of living is continually rising. There is brutal rationalization in the factories. At the same time the Bonn government, which serves the capitalists, is increasing the political oppression of the working population, so that today, the Federal Republic is one of the most reactionary states in Western Europe. In the GDR, the social-fascist dictatorship of the Honecker-clique lies heavily on the working class and the rest of the working population. Here too, the exploitation is being brutally intensified. Capitalism, which rules our country in East and West, can offer the working class and the rest or the working population no secure existence. The interests of the workers and the rest of the working population are irreconcilably opposed to those of the capitalist exploiters. Only through the socialist revolution in both parts of Germany, through the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the building up of socialism can the working class at the head of and in alliance with all exploited strata of the population free itself. Our Party fights for this great aim, for a united, independent, socialist Germany. The West German working class took up a broad struggle in the first months of this year. The dockers', printers' and metal-workers' strikes were not just aimed against the capitalists but in many cases against the anti-worker apparatus of the German Trade Union Federation. In these struggles can be seen the strength of the working class, and that neither oppression nor demagogy can prevent it from going into battle. In these struggles, our Party forges the revolutionary unity of the working class against capitalism, against the revisionist and reformist lackeys of the bourgeoisie.

Dear friends, dear comrades,

We are living in the epoch of imperialism and proletarian revolution. Two great enemy camps face each other in the world today. On the one side stand American imperialism and Soviet social-imperialism, the main enemies of the peoples and of socialism, together with the military and economic blocs led by them, NATO, the Warsaw Pact, the European Common Market and COMECON, the other imperialist and revisionist powers, the monopoly bourgeoisie, the fascist forces, world reaction and revisionism.

On the other side stand the socialist countries and the world proletariat and side by side with them the oppressed peoples, all the revolutionary, progressive and freedom-loving forces of the world. The four essential contradictions of our epoch which Lenin and Stalin already analyzed have become even more intensified.

Imperialism, with the two superpowers at its head, tries with all the means at its disposal to destroy the national liberation struggles, revolution and socialism, in order to consolidate its system of exploitation and oppression. A new terrible war for world domination is being prepared between the two blocs led by the superpowers. Under these circumstances it is the duty of our Marxist-Leninist parties to resolutely and bravely defend Marxism-Leninism, which shows the working class and the oppressed peoples the way to their liberation. The continuation and expansion of the struggle against Soviet revisionism, Euro-revisionism and all the other varieties of revisionism and opportunism is of decisive importance for the consolidation of the Marxist-Leninist parties and the strengthening of the revolutionary forces all over the world.

Today, a new opportunist revisionist current exists which furiously combats Marxism-Leninism, with the leadership of the Communist Party of China at its centre. The counterrevolutionary "theory of the three worlds" which they preach is a theory of class cooperation, of capitulation in the face of imperialism, aimed against the revolution and socialism This theory can never be the strategic general line of the Marxist-Leninist world movement. We expose the representatives of this revisionist current and the counter-revolutionary content of their theories. We will deal them even more blows in the future, for they deserve nothing better. In this struggle Marxism-Leninism will triumph over revisionism!

Dear friends and comrades,

We German Marxist-Leninists wish you every success in your work, your struggle for the victory of the revolution.



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Message of Greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the Communist Party of Italy (Marxist-Leninist)

After reading the Message of Greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Germany (Marxist-Leninist), Comrade Bains proceeded with the reading of the messages sent to the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) by various Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations which, for various reasons, were unable to send a representative to the Internationalist Rally. The next message he read was from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Italy (Marxist-Leninist). The text of the message follows:

To the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist),

We send your Internationalist Rally our best wishes of good work and our fraternal militant greetings.

Central Committee of the Communist Party of Italy (Marxist-Leninist)

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Message of Greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the Communist Party of Japan (Left)

Comrade Bains then read the Message of Greetings received from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Japan (Left):

Message of Greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Japan (Left)

On the occasion of the holding of the Internationalist Rally in Montreal, we bring you ardent fraternal greetings. We are sure this Rally will be held with full success and will constitute a great contribution to the strengthening of the unity of Marxist-Leninist parties throughout the world and to the development of the International Communist Movement.


Central Committee of the Communist Party of Japan (Left)


A message of greeting to the Internationalist Rally was received from the Communist Organization of Angola. (--ed.)

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Message of Greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the Partido Bandera Roja

As well as the messages which were read to the Internationalist Rally from the various Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations which for various reasons were unable to send a representative to the Internationalist Rally, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) subsequently also received a message of greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the National Political Committee of the Red Flag Party (Partido Bandera Roja) of Venezuala. We are printing this message below:

Message of Greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the National Political Committee of Partido Bandera Roja

Central Committee Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

April 24, 1978

Dear Comrades, Organizers, different delegations of fraternal parties and people of Canada who fight vigorously against your oppressors and exploiters, to the world proletariat represented by the vanguard Marxist-Leninist organizations which are there, our combative salutation and reaffirmation of the basic principles for the unity of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement.

We warmly salute and understand the great importance, the effort and the great significance of this Rally as a step forward for the proletariat in the realization of the task of impulsing the unity of thought and action within the Marxist-Leninists of the world.

This internationalist manifestation, as well as the ones held in Portugal, Italy, Greece and Germany, is a way to achieve the strengthening of active proletarian internationalism, because it allows the interchange of experiences, the discussion of common problems, the mutual help and coordination in the struggle to advance to world-wide proletarian unity.

At a time when in the international situation we are facing a very difficult period of struggle against our common enemies -- imperialism, social-imperialism and reaction in every country, and against the new type of opportunism that holds the wrong thesis that denies the leading role of the proletariat, changes the character of our epoch and of the four basic contradictions analyzed by Lenin and Stalin and calls for the conciliation of the classes in the national and international levels -- it is imperative to strengthen and consolidate the Marxist-Leninist International Communist Movement in order to be faithful interpreters of the proletarian doctrine and guide the masses correctly in their struggle against imperialism and the bourgeoisie, unmasking the defeatist positions of revisionism and opportunism that are trying to contuse and mislead the forces of the revolutionary movement, betraying its doctrine and weakening its unity.

Bandera Roja reiterates the thesis that we are living in the epoch of the degeneration of imperialism and the epoch of world revolution, and that in the struggle against the two superpowers, the proletariat is the only force capable of directing firmly the fight against the oppressors and exploiters to victory. We reject the politics that justify the alliance with the bourgeoisie and imperialism in order to face social-imperialist penetration, and the alliance with one superpower against the other, because it would mean to support the opportunist thesis within the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement and undermine the content of our principles.

In order to turn the present situation into a victory, it is necessary to give strength to the bases of our unity, to apply correctly the principle of proletarian internationalism, to deepen our knowledge and grasp of Marxism-Leninism, to assimilate the teachings, contributions and experiences, which are the result of the struggle of the parties consistent with the proletarian doctrine, which in each country maintain the vanguard positions, elevating and developing in the right direction the struggle for the seizure of power through a People's Revolutionary War to install the dictatorship of the proletariat in the manner required by the level of development reached in each country but always based on the violent destruction of the bourgeois state to advance toward the communist society.

Bandera Roja takes up as its own the success of the world revolutionary forces and issues the call to double the efforts for the inevitable triumph of the proletarian revolution all over the world.





National Political Committee

Bandera Roja -- Venezuela

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Representative of the Association of Eritrean Women in North America Addresses the Internationalist Rally on Behalf of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front

At 10:50 pm, after reading the Messages of Greetings to the Internationalist Rally from the various Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations which were unable to attend the Rally for one reason or another, Comrade Bains invited the representatives of the national liberation movements to address the Internationalist Rally. The first to speak was a representative of the Association of Eritrean Women in North America who read a message from the Eritrean People's Liberation Front to the Internationalist Rally. Sustained applause and cheers greeted the comrade. The speech of the representative of the Association of Eritrean Women in North America on behalf of the EPLF follows:

Representative of the Association of Eritrean Women in North America Addresses the Internationalist Rally on Behalf of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front

[Photo: Representative of the Association of Eritrean Women in North America addressing the Internationalist Rally on behalf of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front.]


It is a pleasure for us to receive an invitation from the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) to participate in the Internationalist Rally in Montreal on April 30,1978. We deeply regret however that we are unable to attend the Rally. But comrades, we are with you on this important occasion. We forward our heartfelt solidarity to the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) and all the participants and through the Rally to the international proletariat and all the struggling peoples throughout the world. The EPLF and our heroic fighting masses are with you in struggle. Through the reverberations of our gun blasts, through the daily heroic battles we are waging against our enemies, we express our solidarity with you.

We wish the Rally every success. We are optimistic that this revolutionary Rally will bring together a great number of revolutionary peoples from all over the world in the spirit of a common struggle against imperialism and reaction of all colours and shades.

The Eritrean people and the EPLF identify ourselves and our struggle with the revolutionary proletariat and with the fighting masses of all countries. We consider our struggle as an integral part of the world wide revolutionary struggle against imperialism and all reaction. We believe that the revolutionary forces should forge strong solidarity with each other and support each other's struggle through every possible means. Comrades, it is our intent and desire to establish strong relationships with all revolutionary forces the world over.

We value highly the support of the revolutionary forces for the struggle we are waging. CPC(M-L)'s support for our revolutionary struggle and in particular its efforts to publicize our struggle are of great encouragement to us. We were also very pleased to have a CPC(M-L) delegation visit our liberated areas. The visit by the CPC(M-L) delegation to our liberated areas definitely deepened the Canadian and Eritrean people's knowledge about each other's struggles and strengthened the revolutionary solidarity that exists between the two fraternal peoples. May the revolutionary solidarity that binds the Canadian and Eritrean peoples and the national liberation movement with the revolutionary proletariat be as solid as a rock!


Allow us now to say a few words about the struggle we are waging. Today, our seventeen-year-old armed national liberation war has grown into a full fledged people's war engulfing our entire three and a half million people. Our struggle has reached the stage where the initiative is ours, the balance of forces favours us -- a stage where we are dealing the enemy decisive blows. Under the correct leadership of our vanguard organization, our heroic people's army, the Eritrean People's Liberation Army, our people's militia and our fighting masses are mercilessly razing Ethiopian colonial aggression in our country to the ground.

We have now liberated our entire country except for a very few cities. Even the few remaining enemy-occupied cities are under the guns of our heroic people's army. In the vast areas we have liberated we have embarked upon the building of a new society. We have created the necessary material conditions for our people to take political power. On the basis of the principle of self-reliance we are mobilizing the material and human resources of our country to satisfy the needs of our revolution and our masses. We are assisting and providing leadership to our peasant masses in their effort to own their land and dismantle the oppressive feudal system. Hundreds of schools have been opened for the sons and daughters of our country's workers and peasants. Extensive medical service is being made available to our masses in their millions.

The meaning of the struggle we are waging is such that our masses are the benefactors. Our struggle is a national democratic revolution to free our country from Ethiopian occupation and imperialist exploitation and to establish a people's democratic state in order to safeguard our people's basic interests. By politicizing, organizing and arming them we have involved our masses in the revolution so that they become its masters. Hence, the true meaning of our heroic struggle is for the realization of our people's age old aspirations -- national independence and people's democracy.

The people's war being waged by the entire people of Eritrea under the correct leadership of the EPLF today is the direct continuation of our people's militant history and the highest form f our centuries old struggle against foreign invasion. It is a continuation of our people's heroic resistance to Turkish and Egyptian expansionism and Italian and British imperialist colonialism. Since 1952 when imperialism conspired through the use of the United Nations in forcibly annexing our country to feudal Ethiopia our people have been waging a life and death struggle against the Ethiopian occupationists and their imperialist and Zionist sustainers.

In 1961 gun blasts reverberated in the western lowlands of our country heralding the beginning of the armed struggle. The beginning of the armed struggle was an expression of our people's true sentiments for freedom and liberation. Needless to say, it lacked a clear political orientation. A clear programme was not charted, the strategy and tactics of the revolution were not formulated. The clique that was leading the struggle which was composed of bourgeois, right-wing petty-bourgeois and feudalist elements only pursued the struggle for its narrow class interests and! brought an incalculable amount of damage to our people's cause. Since the birth of the EPLF in 1970 however, the reactionary line that dominated the Eritrean liberation movement has been rectified.

The birth of EPLF was a new chapter in the history of our people's militant struggle. It meant the rebirth of the Eritrean struggle on a new revolutionary basis, on the basis of the national democratic line. The EPLF became the rallying force of the revolutionary and democratic forces of our people's liberation struggle. It aroused the deepest sentiments of the workers, peasants, the revolutionary intellectuals and other democratic forces of all the nationalities of our country. The EPLF's correct line and leadership has become the prime condition for the tremendous growth of our revolution. The Eritrean struggle has gone through many twists and turns and has traversed a difficult and arduous road of bitter struggle. We have paid thousands of lives for freedom and true liberation. Many hurdles were placed in front of our revolutionary organization by the internal reactionaries and the Ethiopian aggressors. The internal reactionaries launched a counter-revolutionary civil war to nip the EPLF in the bud. There was no attempt that the Ethiopian aggressors have not made to liquidate our organization.

But the EPLF has and does represent the historical trend in our country. It is a revolutionary force born in struggle. It has been able to surmount the difficulties placed in front of it by its enemies. The EPLF has successfully shattered the obstacles created by the internal reactionaries. In the last eight years the EPLF has led our people's struggle from victory to victory.

Today, our people's revolutionary struggle led by our vanguard organization has become an ever advancing irresistible powerful force capable of smashing any machination regardless of its tenacity: The proof of this is the concrete revolutionary work we are undertaking in the Eritrean field; our uninterrupted brilliant victories over the Ethiopian aggressors, the profound social transformation that is taking place in our liberated areas, our efforts in organizing, politicizing and arming the masses of our people, and our efforts to reach self-sufficiency in food and other necessities through the implementation of our motto of self-reliance.

The line we have developed in our national democratic programme which was adopted by our historic First Congress is the basis for our victories. Our correct line has deeply touched the hearts and minds of our people. It is for the objectives laid down in our national democratic programme that our fighting masses are prepared to pay any price.

The spirit of self-sacrifice prevails in Eritrea. Our people have acquired a wealth of revolutionary experience which has enabled them to make any sacrifice and withstand any hardship. In every battle fought against the Ethiopian occupation troops our masses -- men, women and children -- selflessly participate in support of the heroic EPLA defying the enemy's artillery barrages.

It is this spirit of sacrifice and determination of our people that makes our struggle irresistible. The spirit of heroism that has been imprinted in the minds of our people is the factor for our decisive victories.

Comrades, you are aware of the situation that has developed in our country today. The Soviet Union and Cuba have intervened on the side of the fascist Dergue against us. They have armed the junta with enormous quantities of sophisticated weapons. Most of these weapons are being used against us, against the just struggle of our people. Cuba has dispatched thousands of troops to our country's soil. The Soviet Union and Cuba are partners in the junta's big offensive being directed against our people. The U.S. Imperialists are also plotting a conspiracy against our revolution. Thus, we are witnessing concerted efforts from many corners to bring our struggle to its knees. Many people may wonder as to what will be the fate of the Eritrean struggle.

In light of this we declare that we are not a bit disturbed by what is being aimed against us. We are fully confident that our just struggle will triumph. We are ready to battle anyone who wants to deny us our sacred rights. We have our entire people fully mobilized behind us. Our conscious and armed masses are our asset. With this asset we will undoubtedly win. We are prepared to defend the revolutionary gains we have won through seventeen years of heroic armed struggle. The EPLF is resolved to carry the struggle forward until every inch of Eritrean soil is liberated and the aspirations of our masses are realized.


We have risen up in arms to settle accounts with our enemies. From our long experience we are convinced that self-reliant protracted people's war is the only way to victory. Relying mainly on our forces, and with the support of all revolutionary forces the world over we are confident that our protracted people's war will take us to victory. We firmly reiterate that no matter what the odds, the EPLF will continue to carry high the banner of national liberation and of protracted people's war. At the same time we urge all our friends to follow what is in the making in our country and render us every possible support.



This speech was greeted with prolonged and tumultuous applause, and shouts of Long Live the EPLF!

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Representative of the Zimbabwe African National Union Addresses the Internationalist Rally

At 11:08 pm, Comrade Hardial Bains introduced the representative of the Zimbabwe African National Union. Strong applause and cries of Pamberi Ne Chimurenga! met the representative of ZANU.

Speech to the Internationalist Rally of the Representative of the Zimbabwe African National Union

Comrade Chairman, the general membership of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), and all friends, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Zimbabwe African National Union, its General Staff of its armed wing, ZANLA, and the struggling masses of Zimbabwe, I am happy to take part in this most timely and important Internationalist Rally which you have sponsored. ZANU participates in this rally in true, sincere and genuine fraternity in full knowledge of the genuineness of your correct stand in defence of Marxism-Leninism. These are hard but exciting times. Hard because of the tremendous amount of confusion the splittist forces of reaction and opportunism are causing among the international proletariat. Exciting because it has taught those who finish their battles before they have won them that they are in error. Exciting also because the forces of international reaction will not find the forces of revolution wanting. As you have stated, "The proletariat is at the centre of our epoch and the proletarian revolution is vigorously surging forward."

Comrade Chairman, we in ZANU have walked a long road in our armed struggle to liberate Zimbabwe. We have been targets of attack by the forces of reaction. They have sought, many times, to weaken and liquidate ZANU, but they have met with ignominious failure. They have tried isolation, infiltration and distortion in order to undermine ZANU; they have failed because ZANU has firmly rooted itself into Marxism-Leninism as its guide to action. Comrade Robert Mugabe, President of ZANU, has stated: "We have said, we are committed to scientific socialism, but of course, we also accept that the application of scientific socialism depends on the historical circumstances and the actual existing situation in any particular country. I mean our country has its own history, it has got its own peculiar circumstances which make it different from any other and these have got to be taken into account in the application of any principles of scientific socialism!"... "Yes, we are Marxist-Leninists. The main principles of socialism do not vary but the application varies. In our particular circumstances you have about five million people in the rural areas. They constitute the peasantry and about one million in urban and other areas and you have got to take into account their own customs, the economic situation which has been established by the settlers of the country and you can't overnight you see, bring an overhand to the situation." Under its policy of "We Are Our Own Liberators!", ZANU as part of the internationalist proletariat, has faced imperialism, all moribund ruling classes, revisionism and opportunism of all hues and colonialism and neo-colonialism with courage and determination. We are proud to state that in Zimbabwe, ZANU is and shall be the gravedigger of the capitalist system and the builder of socialism.

Today, Zimbabwe is a war zone. ZANU has been winning one battle after another against the colonial regime and neo-colonialist army of Ian Smith, Muzorewa, Sithole and Chirau. These four reactionaries and opportunists have united in order to undermine and disarray the armed struggle waged by ZANU. Their attempts will fail as ZANU continues to liberate one district after another until the whole of Zimbabwe is genuinely free and the system that exploits the Zimbabwe people completely uprooted. The British imperialists and their American counterparts are trying ^heir level best to salvage the new colonial regime in Zimbabwe by deliberately distorting the facts. Their attempts shall be defeated. The British have been sending their kind to distort the truth of the war situation in Zimbabwe. One of these was Lord Richard Cecil, the thirty year old great-great-grandson of Lord Salisbury, who, though a military man, posed as a journalist to go to Zimbabwe. He was killed by our freedom fighters on April 21, 1978.

As our war goes on, needs are demanding. Right now, ZANU is busy sending ZANLA fighters into liberated areas in the thousands. The London Observer reported on April 23,1978 that 5,200 ZANLA guerrillas had finished training and were on their way into Zimbabwe. Of course they were far more than that. These comrades need clothing, shoes, medicines, etc. ZANU asks its Marxist-Leninist friends to provide these needs.

I would like to thank CPC(M-L) and its official organPeople's Canada Daily News,for the very good job they have done in publicizing our struggle in Zimbabwe and other countries of the world. The serialization of the internal settlement document was a well-done job among many. ZANU appreciated this very genuine solidarity shown by you comrades. May the spirit of this Internationalist Rally stay with us and guide us for marry more years to come. Let us stay united. In solidarity we shall be victors.




This speech was met with sustained tumultuous applause and the slogan Pamberi Ne Chimurenga!which was shouted repeatedly.

[Photo: Representative of the Zimbabwe African National Union tumultuously applauded by the Internationalist Rally.]


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Revolutionary Cultural Program of the Internationalist Rally

Immediately following the speech by the representative of the Zimbabwe African National Union, the Cultural Programme began with the presentation of a song by members of the West Indian community in Canada, led by the representative of the National Liberation Movement of Trinago. The lyrics of the song are printed below:

Bloody Lesson

Bloody Tuesday will live in the memory

Of every class conscious worker in this country

We marched for peace, for justice and bread

But all the oppressors give we was battle instead

Somehow we kneel and pray just like Mr. Gandhi say

But the police they beat we up and take we away

The brutality of the police was really dread

But I believe that they beat some sense in me head


The greatest lesson that we learned that day

Is that we never ever had any peaceful way

We paid in blood just to understand why we must prepare

For revolution.

Workers have no rights in this country

But to slave for capitalists and remain hungry

The IRA and the Sedition Law

They were all made to oppress we poor

What we must understand is who made those laws that way

And what they using to keep we people at bay

Political power grows out of a gun

I think it's time that everybody should understand


This democracy it is all a lie

For yes, they are trying to put water in we eye

We poor people are not really free

Only capitalists have democracy

And no election will ever liberate we

We have to smash the bourgeois state machinery

So we must do like the people in Vietnam

And build the three tools for liberation


To lead the fight against the imperialists

We have to build a party of true communists

To unite our people for the coming war

Because this is what we really preparing for

We must build the Party against foolers in the fight

And struggle against foolers for the line

The fight against these traitors will make our Party strong

And liberation day will be here before too long


This presentation was enthusiastically received by the audience who clapped the rhythm of the song and joined in during the chorus.

The next two items of the Cultural Programme were presented by a group of supporters of the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists. The two songs, entitled Red Salute to the Fighting Miners, to the tune of What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor? and a COUSML song entitled Revolution AgainstWar are printed below. Both songs were enthusiastically greeted by the audience.

Red Salute to the Fighting Miners

On December 6,1978

The miners struck, they didn't hesitate

The right to strike is their demand

On this they take a resolute stand


What do we learn from the fighting miners?

What do we learn from the fighting miners?

What do we learn from the fighting miners?

Active Resistance is the Only Way!

Invoke Taft-Hartley said fascist Carter

Yes, that's right said traitor Miller

Seize the mines said murderer Meany

United they stand against our class

Taft-Hartley just a piece of paper

Said the miners to the labour traitors

Smashing illusions that have bound them

Uniting in class struggle


What do you think of the miners' struggle?

Isn't it glorious and inspiring?

Showing the way for the working class

To fight their exploitation

Miners have shown the workers' strength

Against the capitalists and their state

If in one strike they take such a stand

The workers can surely rule the land.


Workers Awake! Our historic mission --

Overthrow the capitalists, build socialism

All our struggles we can win

With Marxism in command.

What shall we do for the militant miners?

Build the Party and unite our class

Build the Party to lead their struggle

Advance the revolution

Red Salute to the fighting miners!

Red Salute to the fighting miners!

Red Salute to the fighting miners!

Active Resistance is the Only Way!

* * *

Revolution Against War


Revolution against the war

The superpowers have in store --

Heeding Comrade Hoxha's words

We will smash the bourgeois world!

The U.S. and Russian imperialists

Are preparing for world war.

They recruited the OL opportunists

To divert the revolutionary storms.

These social chauvinists jumped out

To defend the bourgeoisie,

With their red, white and blue publications

From sea to shining sea!


"Line up with the bourgeoisie"

These opportunists roared!

"Give up the revolution

And prepare for imperialist war."

The U.S. imperialists applaud

As October League scrapes and bows

Before the fascist bourgeois state

And Titoite revisionist clowns!


Down with the "three worlds" theory

And the reactionary bourgeoisie!

The proletariat must lead everything

To gain its victory.


Has raised its mighty fist

To strike down opportunism

And, be true Internationalists!



With correct political line --

To defend the purity of Marxism

Is our duty at all times!

We will build the Communist Party,

Not a comrade will hesitate,

As we lead the proletariat

To smash the bourgeois state!


(Repeat chorus)

Following the songs presented by the COUSML supporters, comrades from the East Indian community in Canada sang the song Sathi Re, Bhai Re accompanied by large portions of the audience who have become familiar with the song. The text of the song, in the Hindi language is printed below.

Sathi Re, Bhai Re


Sathi re, bhai re, sathi re, bhai re

Dekho rang badal rha hey asman ka

Dekho rang badal rha hey asman ka

Rang de rahi tumhe hava bihan ka

Sathi re, bhai re, sathi re, bhai re

Dekho rang badal rha hey asman ka

Dekho rang badal rha hey asman ka

Khet ju gaey ke ganw jug gaya

Nagar nagar jage ke desh jug gaya

Khet jug gaey ke ganw jug gaya

Chalo Barho mila ke ho kadam

Mushkilen uthi hen aa-sahan

Dum laga de apni jaan ka


Ruken na raha mein kadam na bhool se

Phool lachto daro na school se

Ruken na raha mein kadam na bhool se

Phool lachto daro na school se

Thokoron seh thokoron ko tor do

Har-tale se rukh

Hava ka mor do

Vaqt aa gaiya ha imtihan ka


Chalon jahan na sochiton ki bastiyan

Biken nahin jahan javan mastiyan

Chalon jahan na sochiton ki bastiyan

Biken nahin jahan javan mastiyan

Jahan na jung aur zulum hosake

Jahan no chor desh vast hosake

Raj ho jahan mazdur kisan ka


This song was followed by the presentation of the song Enver Hoxha, We Wish You a Long Life!, led by the members of the two Party Activists' Delegations to the People's Socialist Republic of Albania, followed by the song Oh Albania, Red Star that Burns Bright.

These songs concluded with the shouting of the slogans Long Live Enver Hoxha!, Parti, Enver...! Parti, Enver...! over and over again, and with cheers and much applause.

The singing of these songs was followed by the Song of the Internationalist Rally: Workers of All Countries, Unite!, sung by the Canadian Cultural Workers' Committee.

This song was followed by the presentation of a song by comrades from Eritrea. The song was enthusiastically received by the entire audience with much applause and more shouts of Long Live the EPLF! Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!

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Concluding Remarks Delivered to the Internationalist Rally by Comrade Hardial Bains, Chairman of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

At exactly 12:10 a.m., Comrade Bains delivered the Concluding Remarks to the Internationalist Rally. The text follows:

Concluding Remarks Delivered to the Internationalist Rally by Comrade Hardial Bains, Chairman of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

Comrades and friends,

Due to lack of time, a portion of the programme -- the Speech of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) to the Internationalist Rally -- has to be postponed until tomorrow, and on behalf of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), I invite all the comrades present here to participate in the Internationalist Feast which has been organized to celebrate May Day and in honour of all the Marxist-Leninist communist parties and organizations and national liberation movements which have participated in the Internationalist Rally.

Comrades and friends,

Comrade Marx said a long time ago: "Men make their own history, but they don't make it as they please. The traditions of all the dead generations weigh like a nightmare on the brain of the living."

The Hua Kuo-feng's and Teng Hsiao-ping's and others do not believe in this teaching of Comrade Marx. They think that men make their own history as they please. And we know that in the last few years, starting in 1971, the theoreticians of the "three worlds" theory, the champions of this anti-Leninist trend, have been attempting to make history in such a manner as to simply wipe Marxism-Leninism out of Canada and the United States. According to them, no North American can be a Marxist-Leninist.

But the fact is that, just as Comrade Marx taught us that "Men make their own history, but they don't make it as they please", history is governed by its own laws. Comrades Marx and Engels pointed out long ago: "A spectre is haunting Europe -- the spectre of Communism.... Communism is already acknowledged by all European Powers to be itself a Power. It is high time that Communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Communism with a Manifesto of the party itself."

After 130 years, the capitalist-revisionist world is still haunted by the spectre of communism -- no matter how much the revisionists and opportunists of all hues try to wipe it out. It is within this historical context that communism cannot be wiped out.

In spite of all their calumnies, all their betrayals, all their treacheries, all their intrigues and the basest activities which they have carried out over the last few years, we have the banner of communism hoisted in Montreal once again on April 30, 1978. (Prolonged applause.)

Comrades and friends,

One of the greatest "sins" our Party is said to have committed is to have no international connections. It has been said that our Party is "not recognized" by anyone. But, comrades and friends, Marxism-Leninism is such a trend that it does not require the kind of recognition the revisionists and opportunists of all hues are seeking'. The recognition of Marxism-Leninism is the recognition of the fighting forces of the world, and as the fighting forces advance their struggle, they too are recognized in the course of their struggle, In the last few years the genuine Marxist-Leninists in every country have been fighting. It was as a result of this fight that they got together at the Seventh Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania and that they got together during the Internationalist Rallies which were held in Germany, Italy, Portugal and Greece, and that they have issued joint bilateral and multilateral declarations. All this is the recognition of the fighters, of the vigorous revolutionary forces against revisionism and opportunism of all hues.

Today we again ask the opportunists: "Now what sin have we committed?" And we know what they say. Instead of applauding the Internationalist Rally, this great historic event when the revolutionary Marxist-Leninist parties have gotten together from the five continents, they are reduced to whining that "CPC(M-L) had to organize the Internationalist Rally to bolster its sagging prestige". Comrades, on behalf of CPC(M-L), I sincerely thank all the fraternal comrades because we do feel very prestigious indeed to have these comrades come from so far away to be with us today. (Applause and cheers.)

Of course one feels proud in the midst of one's own friends. During the 1974-75 period, CPC(M-L) was supposed to have committed yet another crime -- according to the opportunists, CPC(M-L) was organizing its own Internationale. And I say to you, comrades and friends, that we are very proud to be part of the Internationale. (More applause.)

As I said before, the main speech that the Party wants to present to the Internationalist Rally will be presented tomorrow after the May First Demonstration. Today, as a concluding remark I can only say this much to you: Marxism-Leninism is an ever-fresh ideology, theory and philosophy. Anyone who wants to have life, who wants to have a future, can never let Marxism-Leninism be distorted, emasculated or betrayed.

Comrades and friends, there is another principle -- that is the principle of proletarian internationalism. Our Party finds strength in proletarian internationalism. We are very proud to have our comrades here who are great proletarian internationalists. In the past few years the Chinese opportunists have reintroduced the ways of the old feudal days. They have started believing that Peking is the centre of their empire, and that Marxist-Leninist relations are a matter of their lackeys and bootlickers paying homage to them. When these opportunists are praised by their lackeys, they issue the most outlandish statements about them. For instance, they issued the statement that Jacques Jurquet is fighting imperialism and revisionism. This statement could not be farther from the truth. Similarly, they issued statements saying that the Shah of Iran is an "anti-imperialist", that Mobutu is a "representative of the people", etc. Comrades and friends, our Party will never submit to this kind of recognition, nor seek it, nor agree with it. The recognition which we are seeking is the recognition by revolutionaries and that recognition will come when we have established a socialist Canada and the dictatorship of the proletariat in Canada. (More applause.)

With these remarks, I once again sincerely welcome all the Marxist-Leninist communist Parties and organizations who have participated in this Internationalist Rally. I sincerely welcome all the comrades and friends who are participating in the Internationalist Rally from all over North America and I sincerely welcome our comrades from ZANU and the EPLF.

This red flag which has been hoisted in Montreal is merely the beginning, because North America has one of the largest numbers of proletarians and if this flag is needed anywhere, then it is needed right here in Montreal, in New York, in San Francisco, in Chicago and other big cities of North America.

With this, comrades and friends, I would like to shout the following slogans: (As Comrade Bains shouted the slogans, they were repeated by the entire audience.)




















Comrade Bains' speech was greeted with tumultuous, and prolonged applause which lasted several minutes, after which the Internationalist Rally proceeded with the revolutionary Cultural Carnival.

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Revolutionary Cultural Carnival of the Internationalist Rally

Immediately following the shouting of slogans after Comrade Bains' speech, comrades came forward to lead the singing of the Internationale in Hindi.

Internationale in Hindi

Jago o duniya ke pirriton

Utho akal ke bandiyon

Is hayay ki garaz goonz mein

Ek naya sansar pukare

Shosban ki beriyon ko tod do

Utho gulami se ho mukt

Cansar base naye adhar par

Paddalit the, sub hpnge hum

Chorus: (twice):

Ye antim sangharash hai

Har ek kamar band ho

Hogi Internationale y nai manwata

Following this, the comrades of the Communist Youth Union of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) came forward to lead the singing of the Internationale in French.

Comrades from the Spanish community in Canada then came forward to lead the singing of the Internationale in Spanish.

This was followed by the shouting of the slogan Workers of All Countries, Unite! in Spanish.

Following this, at 12:35 a.m. Comrade Bains announced that the Cultural Carnival would begin, under the leadership of the Canadian Cultural Workers' Committee. The comrades from the Canadian Cultural Workers' Committee led off the Cultural Carnival with the singing of the song Here's the Rose-- Now Dance!

The entire audience participated in singing this song which was followed by much cheering and clapping. Dozens of members of the audience had taken hold of red flags and as the Cultural Carnival got under way, they waved these flags back and forth, while everyone else clapped in rhythm with the songs and sang the songs themselves.

The song Here's the Rose -- Now Dance! was followed by the singing of the Internationale in Persian.

The singing of the Internationale in Persian was warmly greeted by the audience, following which the Canadian Cultural Workers' Committee led the singing of the song Inevitable Struggle Has Broken Out. The lyrics of this song are provided below in French.

La lutte inevitable a eclate!

Camarades, I'antagonisme ne peut cesser

C'est seuiement par la lutte qu'on avance

L'affrontement ne era que decupler

Notre force et notre ferme resistance.


Debout camarades et ensemble affirmons

Que la seule voie c'est la revolution

Car ceux qui combattent, ne peuvent s'attrister

La lutte inevitable a eclate.

Deux fonctions sont necessaires aux oppresseurs

Celle du bourreau et celle du pretre.

Ils se maintiennent grace a ces protecteurs

Mais le fort vent d'est souffle en tempete.

Trois fois I'orage nous avons affronte

Trois fois, ce siecle, mentirent ces laches

Tentant en vain de metamorphoser

La science en inoffensif goulash


Le Grand Lenine a combattu le revisionnisme

Nous montrant ainsi qu'il faut defier

Toute prostitution et bas clericaiisme

Et maintenir la banniere rouge haut levee.

La Chine du president Mao, L'Albanie

Contre Khrouchtchev nous ont guides

Lui qui pensait tromper le monde entier

Ternir le glorieux nom de Staline

Les mensonges de Khrouchtchev ont ete devoiles

Jusqu'a leur racine meprisable

Les ouvriers du monde sont alertes

Contre la montee d'un autre tsar minable


L'arrogance, la crime essuient notre haine profonde

Toutes ces vermines tremblent d'effroi

Nous ne tolererons pas une seule seconde

Le vent deviationniste de droite.

Deux fois deja ils ont trame leurs vils projets

Mais nous avons bien appris la leon

Guides par le Parti et sans aucun regret

Nous enverrons au diable tous cesucerons


Et I'Histoire avance d'un pas tres rapide

La victoire du marxisme illumine

Les bartnieres rouges s'elancent a bout de bras

Gloire a la marche du proletariat!

Following this, members of the East Indian community in Canada came forward to perform the revolutionary Bhangra Dance. The entire audience clapped along with the drums and sang the words of the songs as the Bhangra Dance was performed. As the Bhangra Dance concluded it was followed by more clapping and the shouting of more slogans on the part of the audience.

At 1:00 a.m. Comrade Bains, on behalf of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) warmly shook hands and embraced each of the representatives of the fraternal Marxist-Leninist communist parties and organizations and the invited guests from the national liberation movements as one by one, arms raised in a clenched fist salute, they took their leave of the audience.

As the representatives left the rostrum, all the participants in the Internationalist Rally rose to their feet and shouted the following slogans amidst thunderous applause and loud cheering: Marxism-Leninism Will Win!, Long Live Marxism-Leninism!, Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!, The Victory of Marxism-Leninism Is Irresistible!

After the fraternal comrades had left the rostrum, the Cultural Carnival continued for a long time as the Canadian Cultural Workers' Committee led the audience in singing song after song.

Each song was accompanied by much clapping and the shouting of more slogans. Members of the audience picked up more red flags, as well as big posters of the four great teachers and leaders of the international proletariat, Comrades Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, and wound their way around the large hall in a huge snake dance.

We are printing below the lyrics to some of the songs vigorously sung by the audience during this portion of the programme:

We're for Revolution!

(to the tune of "I'se the B'y")

The bourgeoisie is shifting

The economic burden

Onto the backs of the working class

To keep themselves from hurtin'.

The reactionary Canadian state

Offers no solution.

All it offers the working class

Is political persecution.


We are the working class:

We're for revolution!

Make the Rich Pay! is what we say,

It is the only solution.

The superpowers swagger about,

Colluding and contending.

Preparing for another world war,

Their greed is never ending.

The quisling bourgeoisie

Without hesitation

Sells out the country and assists

Their war preparations.


The Party of the working class

Is our staunch defender.

For this she's under state attacks,

And we must defend her.

We're for independence!

We're for socialism!

Down with the opportunists'



Our orientation is quite clear.

It's not up for debate.

The struggle is tit-for-tat

Against the quisling state.

So let us each do our part

And make a contribution:

Prepare for struggle, prepare for fight,

Prepare for revolution!


* * *

We're Coming to the Rally


We're coming from the whole wide world

'Cross mountains, oceans and valleys,

A great blow to revisionism --

The Internationalist Rally!

A triumph for communism --

The Internationalist Rally!

In 1848 was born the Manifesto of the Party,

And CPC(M-L) upholds its glorious legacy.

Facing every storm the Party grows to a mighty monolith,

And the bright red outcome of her work is April the thirtieth!

It's April the thirtieth!


The news is travellin' round the world, its known to one and all

That the Marxist-Leninist parties are coming to Montreal.

Like a thunderbolt in spring, echoes Marxism's victory.

And right before our eyes we see the Internationalist Rally.

The Internationalist Rally!


There's a fresh new breeze of unity, a trend that's here to stay

In the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement today!

To defend the purity of Marxism is our vital task

Against the agents of imperialism. It's our duty to our class,

All revisionism we'll unmask.


Let's bolshevize the Party, improve our fighting skill

To scale the heights of revolution, we most surely will.

With our glorious parties guiding us, Marxism in command,

We'll overthrow the bourgeoisie, end the slavery of man.

We'll smash the chains of man!


Ecrasons les opportunistes!

(to the tune of "Sink the Bismark!")

Ca se passait a Vancouver en aout '76

L'opportunisme essayait encore de jouer ses vilains tours

Mais le Mouvement ouvrier indien decida d'organiser

Une manifestation militante qui devoila leurs mensonges ehontes


Ecrasons les opportunistes, c'est ce que nous disons

Ecrasons les opportunistes quand ils sont dans nos jambes

Pour renverser les imperialistes et pour Faire payer les riches!

Ecrasons les opportunistes quand ils sont dans nos jambes

Ils pretendent appuyer la revolution indienne

Brandissent le drapeau rouge pour mieux s'y opposer et semer la confusion

Mais leurs slogans rhontrent clairement de quel cote ils sont

"Sauvegardons la democratie" "Bienvenue a nos ennemis"


Jack Scott etait au coin de la rue quand il vit nos drapeaux rouges

Il dit a la vermine Ca c'est pas mon bag

Vous avez mon appui total, j'espere que vous comprenez"

Puis il mit sa queue entre ses jambes et deguerpit comme un chien


Derriere la police se cachent timidement les opportunistes

Mais plus ils essaient de se camoufler, plus ils sont demasques

Frenetiques ils passent a I'attaque, un petit coup, I'un d'eux tombe

Son sang couvre les marches du palais de justice de Vancouver


Les opportunistes du monde entier vantent leur solidarite

Mais a la reunion d'"l"PANA ils n'etaient que dix-sept

Malgre leurs efforts de division ils s'affaiblissent chaque jour

Pendant que la class ouvriere s'unit pour Faire payer les riches!


Nous devons en finir avec cette periode de confusion

Pour servir le peuple et faire avancer la revolution

Edifions le Parti, avant-garde de la classe ouvriere

Mais sans un centralisme absolu

Le Parti est une fraude bourgeoise


Contre les opportunistes, nous avons porte plusieurs coups

Et leur faillite politique, nous I'avons completement denoncee

Le llle Congres du Parti leur assena le coup-de grace

Maintenant, a nous deux! bourgeoisie! Voyez-les deja ramper!


Levesque ne porte pas ses lunettes

Levesque ne porte pas ses lunettes

Prenez garde a vous!

Il ne voit meme pas le bout de son nez

Saris ses lunettes!


Sans ses lunettes, Levesque, Levesque,

Sans ses lunettes, il ne voit plus rien.

Sans ses lunettes, le traitre, le traitre,

Sans ses lunettes, c'est un assassin.

Levesque aimait conduire

I'auto Surtout a grande vitesse.

Un soir, tres tard, il est parti

Sans ses lunettes!


Il conduisait comme d'habitude

Roulant a toute vitesse.

Un pauvre etait la -- Levesque I'ecrasa

Sans ses lunettes!


Levesque voulait parler au peuple

De I'independance.

I1 se mit en route pour Quebec

Sans ses lunettes!


Il se mit en route pour Quebec

Son discours dans la poche

-- Mais il s'est rendu a New York

Sans ses lunettes!


Levesque cherchait un vrai heros

Pour inspirer le peuple.

Il se mit a fouiller dans la cave

Sans ses lunettes!


En fouillant dans la cave

Il tomba sur son heros.

Il trouva Maurice Duplessis

Sans ses lunettes!


Levesque promet de nous conduire

A la liberation.

Mais il nous vend aux imperialistes

Avec ses lunettes!

Avec ses lunettes, Levesque, Levesque,

Avec ses lunettes, il voit tres bien.

Avec ses lunettes, le traitre, le traitre,

Avec ses lunettes, c'est un assassin!


and many other songs were sung by all the audience as the shouting of slogans, clapping and shouting of more slogans continued until 2:00 in the morning. Only then did the comrades and friends who came to attend the Internationalist Rally begin to disperse and it was already well into the morning before everyone had left the meeting hall.

[Back to Top]


[Photo: Photo shows the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) contingent at the May First demonstration which marched throughout Montreal, arriving at the meeting hall for the internationalist Feast. Waving bright red flags and the banners of the demonstration, the comrades marched through the meeting hall, clenched fists raised high, shouting slogans.]

In celebration of May First, the day of international working class solidarity, the Canadian Workers' Association organized the Internationalist Feast to express the fighting solidarity of the working class in Canada with the workers of the entire world in their titanic struggle for the triumph of the revolution and socialism against imperialism and world reaction, led by U.S. imperialism and Soviet social-imperialism, and against revisionism and opportunism of all hues.

More than 1,500 revolutionary workers, youth and students, and other progressive and democratic forces from all the provinces and major cities in Canada, as well as from the major cities in the United States participated in the Internationalist Feast.

The guests of honour at the Internationalist Feast were the representatives of the fraternal Marxist-Leninist communist parties and organizations and of the national liberation movements who had participated, together with the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), in the historic Internationalist Rally of Marxist-Leninist Communist Parties organized by the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) in Montreal on April 30. Representatives of the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist), the Workers' and Peasants' Communist Party of Iran, the Revolutionary! Communist Party of Chile, the Marxist-Leninist Organization Le Travailleur Tunisien, the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists, the Communist Party of Portugal (Reconstructed), the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), the National Liberation Movement of Trinago (Trinidad and Tobago), the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist), the Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of France, the Zimbabwe African National Union and the Association of Eritrean Women in North America, on behalf of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front, were all present at the Internationalist Feast.

The Internationalist Feast was held after the May Day demonstration in which more than 15,000 workers marched through the streets of Montreal. At 7:45 p.m. a contingent of this demonstration, marching under the banner of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), arrived at the meeting hall. Led by the banner of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), over 1,000 workers, youth and students and other revolutionary masses marched into the hall, shouting slogans and waving bright red flags emblazoned with the initials of CPC(M-L) and the hammer and sickle in the corner. The big red banners of the Canadian Workers' Association, the Communist Youth Union of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) and placards carrying the slogans of the demonstration -- Make the Rich Pay! and Workers of All Countries, Unite! -- followed the banner of CPC(M-L), as the workers and youth poured into the hall militantly shouting slogans and giving the clenched fist salute. The workers and youth marched into the back of the hall where the representatives of the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations and of the national liberation movements reviewed the demonstration. The slogans:Workers of All Countries, Unite!, Make the Rich Pay!, Long Live the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)!, Long Live the Party of Labour of Albania!, Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!andGlory to Marxism-Leninism!resounded throughout the meeting hall.

The demonstrators then marched through the hall and took their places at the tables provided for the occasion. The banners and slogans of the demonstration were placed throughout the room, while the demonstrators shouted more slogans and sang the Internationale.

At this point, all the representatives of the Marxist-Leninist communist parties and organizations, and the invited guests from the national liberation movements, were led down the centre of the meeting hall by Comrade Hardial Bains, Chairman of CPC(M-L), up to the front of the meeting hall and up to the rostrum. The fraternal comrades greeted the comrades and friends with clenched fist salutes, while all the participants greeted the fraternal comrades with stormy applause, cheers and more applause. As the representatives of the fraternal Marxist-Leninist communist parties and organizations and of the national liberation movements arrived on the rostrum, each was presented with a bouquet of red carnations by the Central Committee of CPC(M-L). A young pioneer then marched from the back of the hall holding high the red flag of the revolution and presented Comrade Bains with a similar bouquet of red carnations. The presentation of the bouquet to Comrade Bains by the young pioneer was greeted with sustained applause, which lasted for several minutes. Comrade Bains and the young pioneer responded to the cheers of the audience with a militant clenched fist salute, bringing the audience to its feet once again.

Comrade Bains then inaugurated the Internationalist Feast by proposing a toast. While Comrade Bains proposed a toast, all the fraternal Comrades and the entire audience rose to their feet. Comrade Bains said:

"On this occasion, I would like to propose a toast in honour of May First, International Working Class Day, in honour of the representatives of the Marxist-Leninist communist parties and organizations and of the national liberation movements, in honour of the victory of the Internationalist Rally and the triumphant march of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement. Comrades and friends, to the health of all the comrades who are representing the Marxist-Leninist communist parties and organizations and the national liberation movements at these historic internationalist events!"

Comrade Bains then introduced the representative of the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist), chosen to speak to the Internationalist Feast by all the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations and the national liberation movements, on their behalf.

The message of greetings delivered by the representative of the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist) is printed below:

Message of Greetings Delivered on the Occasion of May First by the Representative of the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist) to the Internationalist Feast, on Behalf of All the Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations and of the National Liberation Movements

Dear comrades of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist),

Comrades and friends,

In the name of all the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations and national liberation movements which participated in yesterday's great Internationalist Rally and which are present here tonight, we salute the Canadian workers on the occasion of this May Day. For one century, the proletariat has commemorated this day of labour, this May Day, the day of struggle and of unity. During this day of struggle of the proletariat which we have been celebrating among you and with you, we have demonstrated the internationalist unity and strength of the working class of all countries. We are certain that neither imperialism, nor revisionism, nor reaction, nor opportunism or all hues will be able to divert the international proletariat in its triumphant march towards communism. We will communicate the magnificent internationalist spirit of these days we have spent among you to our respective proletariats and peoples. We are leaving you with the firm conviction that you, dear comrades and friends, will win all-sided victories over those who oppose you, who today dominate Canada. These struggles will enable you to crush the opportunists and the revisionists in Canada and will later on permit you to sweep aside the reactionary bourgeoisie and the U.S. imperialist criminals and to establish socialism in Canada.

Comrades and friends:


Comrades and friends:


Comrades and friends:


The message of greetings was received by the participants in the Internationalist Feast with boundless joy and enthusiasm. Shouts of Long Live May First! and Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!, etc. thundered throughout the hall.

[Photo: Representative of the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist) delivers Message of Greetings to the Internationalist Feast.]

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Report to the Internationalist Rally- Speech Delivered by Comrade Bains on May First 1978, on Behalf of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

At 9:15 p.m., Comrade Hardial Bains presented the Speech of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) to the Internationalist. Rally -- the portion of the programme of the Internationalist Rally which was brought over from the previous evening.

[Photo: Photo shows Comrade Hardial Bains delivering the "Report to the Internationalist Rally", on behalf of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), on May 1, 1978.]

Photo shows Comrade Hardial Bains delivering the "Report to the Internationalist Rally", on behalf of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), on May 1, 1978.

Photo shows Comrade Hardial Bains delivering the "Report to the Internationalist Rally", on behalf of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), on May 1, 1978.

Comrades and friends,

This evening there are two rallies being organized in this building. One is the rally organized by the labour aristocrats -- those people who have to get together at least once a year to maintain the appearance that they have something to do with the workers. Of course, they do have something to do with the workers; their very lives and activity, their very existence depends on the workers. But they have nothing to do with the workers in the sense of being defenders of the working class, for they are the representatives of the bourgeoisie in the working class movement.

Long ago Lenin educated the working class, pointing out that "the fight against imperialism is a sham and humbug unless it is inseparably bound up with the fight against opportunism."This evening, comrades and friends, the opportunists had a choice, because this evening there is another Rally being organized -- the Rally which is organized by the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary forces of this country with the support of the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary forces of the United States, and in this Rally we have the great honour to welcome in our midst the representatives of the Marxist-Leninist communist parties. On the one hand, we have the repetition of the yellow flag which has been hoisted right across the hall. On the other hand, we have the bright red banner of Marxism- Leninism and proletarian internationalism hoisted right in this meeting hall. (Sustained applause, cheers and the slogan: Glory to Marxism-Leninism!)

What choice did the opportunists make? Did they choose Marxism-Leninism in opposition to the labour aristocracy? No. To their eternal shame, these opportunists -- the "left"-wing of the labour aristocracy, 'he "left"-wing of treachery and betrayal organized by the bourgeoisie against the working class movement and against the revolutionary forces, not only in Canada and the U.S., but all over the world -- either tucked their tails between their legs and ran off claiming to be "opposed" to both rallies, or are sitting right across the hall listening to the programmes of treachery and betrayal put forward by the labour aristocracy. We say Eternal Shame! to the opportunists for their treachery! (More applause)

At this time, I would like to propose a toast to the victory of the international proletariat, to the victory of Marxism-Leninism, to the victory of socialism, the People's Socialist Republic of Albania and the glorious Party of Labour of Albania! (Sustained applause as the audience rises to its feet)

Comrades and friends,

The programme we are about to present is entitled "Report to the Internationalist Rally". It is the continuation of the programme of the Internationalist Rally held yesterday which had to be brought over to this evening. First of all, I would like to explain why we call this the "Report to the Internationalist Rally".

The Internationalist Rally which has been organized in Montreal is being held in North America for the second time, in the sense that the first time was in 1870 when the International was moved to New York (when the offices of the International Workingmen's Association were moved to New York.) That was a great historic event and a testimony to the revolutionary spirit, determination and will of the proletariat in North America. The Rally organized in Montreal on April 30th is the second historic occasion when the international proletariat has sent its best representatives to North America, and when messages of greetings have been received from its best representatives. To this Rally, the Canadian communist party -- the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) -- would like to present its views. The Marxist-Leninists in Canada have struggled for the past fifteen years and there is only one feature which characterizes our struggle -- that is, the defence of the purity of Marxism-Leninism; the building of our Party on the basis of the Marxist-Leninist ideology and political line; the building of our Party, capable of organizing social revolution and waging a continuous struggle against imperialism, revisionism and opportunism of all hues. Against us, the imperialists, opportunists and reactionaries have waged an international campaign of slander and intrigue. The Anglo-American chauvinists and others have carried world-wide propaganda that it is impossible to hoist the red flag of revolution in Canada or the United States. As far as we are concerned, if there is any proletariat in the world which needs the red flag of revolution, then it is the proletariat in Canada and the United States and we will not tolerate such a slander against this revolutionary proletariat. (Applause)

We warmly thank our comrades for coming here to listen to our views -- the views of the revolutionary forces in Canada and the United States. At this time, when the Internationalist Rally has already taken place, and we have gathered together for this joyful Internationalist Feast, we think about all the struggles that the genuine Marxist-Leninists have had to wage over the past fifty to sixty years. The turn of the century saw the rise of capitalism to its highest stage, the stage of monopoly capitalism. With this, we also saw the rise of Leninism in opposition to revisionism and opportunism of all hues. Leninism arose at the turn of the century against the distorters, emasculators and betrayers of Marxism, led by Bernstein and various Russian Mensheviks and especially by the labour aristocrats from Britain, Germany and other places. Comrade Lenin also had to fight a second time against the treacheries led by Kautsky. Later on Comrade Stalin fought all his life and today we have the glorious Party of Labour of Albania which came up as the first Party to recognize Khrushchov revisionism in the 1950's and the first Party to issue the call for opposition to Khrushchov revisionism, and especially against the Khrushchovite revisionist slanders against Comrade Stalin. It is to the merit of the PLA that it was not only the first Party to recognize Khrushchov revisionism and the opportunist line being peddled by the revisionists, but it was also the first Party to recognize all its features and wage a merciless struggle against Khrushchov revisionism right from 1956 to date.

When the new international opportunist trend based on the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds" came up, it was the PLA which led the struggle against this trend as well. The history of the last seventy years and more shows that Marxism-Leninism and the revolution have advanced in struggle against imperialism, in struggle against opportunism and in struggle against those who revise the basic principles of Marxism. Today we are entering a new phase in the sense that whereas the Khrushchov revisionists have been writing off Marxism for a long time, today this habit has been taken up by the Chinese opportunists -- the Chinese revisionists -- as well. But, Marxism-Leninism cannot be written off. Marxism-Leninism is the only ideology which is consistent with the class aims of the proletariat, with the sentiment and aspirations of the oppressed peoples and nations, with the present-day struggle to advance society from capitalism to socialism and to end the exploitation of man by man. All the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations which have been represented here are the revolutionary force attacking modern revisionism; modern revisionism which has one centre in Moscow, another in Belgrade and yet another in Peking. This revolutionary force is coming forward to have a trial of strength with imperialism, revisionism and opportunism of all hues. We consider ourselves part of this revolutionary force.

Our Party is a detachment of the international proletariat. It came into being at a time when the struggle against the modern revisionism of Khrushchov was extremely sharp. It came into being as part of the international trend in opposition to Khrushchovite revisionism and it found its life and artivity within this trend. Those who advocated "independent Marxism" or that the "Marxist-Leninist party is not necessary", or who were building "pre-party collectives", or were opposed to what they called "the mere declaration of the Marxist-Leninist party" did not find their life and activity in the emerging international trend against the revisionism of Khrushchov. Either one finds life in the international proletarian trend against Khrushchov revisionism and opportunism of all hues, or one finds life, one finds one's activity, in the international opportunist trend. Our life, as we have said many times in the past, is in the international proletarian trend, in the trend which is opposed to revisionism and opportunism of all hues; the trend which upholds Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism now and which will continue to do so in the future.

It is very important for us to have our fraternal comrades understand where we came from. The opportunists have written their various pamphlets and books claiming that it is impossible for them to understand where we came from. Of course, if one is on the side of revisionism and opportunism it is hard to understand where CPC(M-L) came from, because as can be seen from the history of the past fifteen years starting from 1963, the history of our Party actually begins at the very time the international polemics against Khrushchov revisionism began. In Canada, the Communist Party degenerated into revisionism in 1952 when, according to the revisionists, the conditions, the balance of forces on the world scale, changed as a result of the new facts of life which came into being, and this made it necessary for them to take up the issue of revolution being realized in Canada through "parliamentary and peaceful" means. From that time, and in fact prior to that time, the revisionists have issued the slogans "Let us have an anti-monopoly majority in the parliament" and through this "anti-monopoly majority" in the parliament we will smash the monopolies and later on we will have "socialist" revolution. For the past twenty years and more, the revisionists have advocated the counter-revolutionary slogan calling for an "alliance of the left" in Canada -- their so- called "left democratic front". In the early 1960's, we find that the essential thing about the "left democratic front" is its capitulation to imperialism and Khrushchov revisionism, its compromise with social democracy and its vilification of the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary forces. It makes no difference whether this "left democratic front" thesis is advanced in the conditions of Chile, India or anywhere else, its essential feature of compromise with imperialism, Khrushchov revisionism and its conciliation with social democracy and opposition to Marxism-Leninism remains the same. Anyone who has the best interests of Canada in mind, the best interests of the revolutionary forces in Canada and of the proletariat and the oppressed masses on the world scale, must, as first principle, oppose imperialism, Khrushchov revisionism, opportunism of all hues, and all reaction.

The revisionists also pretend that they are opposed to modern revisionism. Of course, they create their drama of opposing "revisionism"' and "left-adventurism" through "ideological struggle" in order to fool the revolutionary forces. On the one hand they pretend that they are waging an "ideological struggle" against revisionism and opportunism of all hues; at the same time, in practical terms, they advocate all the revisionist and opportunist positions. The revisionists who advocate the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds", and the conciliators with it, have also taken their cue from the revisionists. They are also waging "ideological struggle" against revisionism and opportunism of all hues while implementing the revisionist and opportunist lines in practice. The revisionists, of course, justify their capitulation to imperialism and revisionism and opportunism of all hues under the hoax that they have to maintain the "unity" of the "left-democratic front" which, according to them, will, for sure, disintegrate if the Marxist-Leninist ideological and political line were to constitute its basic foundation! And their brothers-in-crime, the theoreticians of the "three worlds" and the conciliators with them justify their revisionist and opportunist positions under the hoax that they are building the "unity" of the Marxist-Leninists. The two together, along with the social democrats and the trotskyists, constitute the Trojan Horse of imperialism and reaction in the working class movement against the Marxist-Leninists and the revolutionary masses.

The history of the past fifteen years in Canada has been the history of, on the one hand, the attempt by the revisionists and opportunists of all hues to establish the "unity" of the "left democratic front" and of building the "unity" of the sham Marxist-Leninists against the genuine Marxist-Leninists and the revolutionary masses and, on the other hand, the militant revolutionary struggle of the genuine Marxist-Leninists and the revolutionary masses against this bogus "left democratic front" and this bogus "unity" of the "Marxist-Leninists". During these fifteen years, the imperialists and reactionaries have given birth to myriads of anarchist and opportunist fraudulent groups designed to undermine the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary forces. But the history of the past fifteen years is also witness to the fact that only the Marxist-Leninist forces have consistently grown over the years and only these forces have a brilliant future. For the Marxist-Leninists the central question was not only ideological but more importantly, political -- that is, the building of the Marxist-Leninist political party of the proletariat, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), capable of leading the proletariat and the revolutionary masses to victory over their class enemies. But the revisionists and opportunists of all hues have always raised the issue of "ideological struggle" in order to push their revisionist and opportunist political lines and to disintegrate the revolutionary forces.

Besides the revisionist party of Canada, the "Progressive Workers' Movement", the revisionist organization established by Jack Scott, under the pretense of opposing revisionism, took up the counter-revolutionary slogan of "ideological struggle" and "unity" and degenerated so far as to openly call for unity with the Waffle -- an off-shoot of social-democracy -- and to subordinate itself to the "independentist movement". Their charlatanism and bankruptcy is such that while in the 1960's and during a large part of the 1970's they were calling for an "anti-imperialist" and "independentist" movement, now they see nothing else but "class struggle" between the "bourgeoisie and the proletariat".

Over the past few years, the opportunists inspired by the anti- Leninist theory of "three worlds", and the conciliators with it, repeated in its most ugly and grotesque form the same drama which was organized by the "PWM". All these opportunist sects zeroed in on revising and emasculating Marxism-Leninism and considered

our Party as the main enemy. The fraud of these opportunists is totally exposed when we ask these opportunists: Against whom is this "ideological struggle" and "unity" organized? One has to analyze their social practice to get an answer to this question. For instance, we saw that the first phase of this revisionism, organized in the form of the Progressive Workers' Movement, was organized by those people who claimed the credentials of coming out of the old Party. Now, it is good to have credentials of coming out of the old Party but these credentials have to mean that the person came out fighting against revisionism and defending the purity of Marxism-Leninism. But soon we found out that the souls of these individuals lay in peace and harmony and the reconciliation of class contradictions in Canada. As a result, they gave the slogan of unity with the Waffle at precisely that time when the Marxist-Leninist forces were getting organized. Why did they give the call for unity with the Waffle? First, they floated the scurrilous idea that all the "independertist" forces should be united and they included this social-democratic and anti-Marxist hodge-podge because, according to them, it represented the past of the "independentist" movement. Secondly, they propagated their most pessimistic assessment on the question of the possibility of the Marxist-Leninists making a significant advance whereby a genuine Marxist-Leninist party can be established and the struggle for the hegemony of the proletariat under the leadership of the party over the revolutionary movement can be resolutely established. Thus, their way out of their difficulties was to conciliate with social democracy and revisionism and to oppose Marxism-Leninism. The same tactic has been carried out by those who follow the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds" and those who are conciliators with it. They have "re-organized" all the revisionist and opportunist forces which have been drifting around over the past few years. The resolute work carried out by the Party has totally exposed their bankruptcy, and today they are trying desperately to float an anti-Leninist front of the same kind and of the same calibre as myriads of these groups and collectives tried to create during the 1960's and early 70's.

How are we to assess these forces, which on one hand spew forth their fire against revisionism and opportunism, and on the other hand in practical terms collaborate with revisionism and opportunism? As far as our Party is concerned, the question of ideology is a practical matter. With whom do you unite? With whom do you associate? With whom do you sit and share weal and woe? We agree with the Albanian comrades when they point out that a man is known by the company he keeps. Would it be possible, for instance, to believe that the champions of the yellow flag who are meeting across the hall could come and join our Rally and we could still have peace and order here? It is impossible because the ideological matter is the most practical thing there is. This matter of ideology and theory is a practical matter because it is the correct theory and ideology which are the basis of the correct political line, and the political line is merely a phrase if it is not translated into actual concrete practical deeds and if it is not resolutely implemented in practice. The social practice of the revisionists and opportunists of all hues is capitulation and collaboration with imperialism and all reactionaries, and they concoct their anti-Leninist and reactionary theories to justify their counter-revolutionary social practice. This was the case with Khrushchov revisionism which dished out a whole series of theoretical justifications in support of capitulation to and collaboration with imperialism and all reaction and to restore capitalism in the land of Lenin and Stalin and betray the proletarian revolution and national liberation movement. The same is the case with the theoreticians of the "three worlds" who have dished out this anti-Leninist theory in order to justify their counterrevolutionary social practice. As with Khrushchov, so with these champions of the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds", it was enough to assert that because of a "changed situation", Marxism-Leninism has to be abandoned and counter-revolutionary lines have to be adopted.

It is our responsibility -- the responsibility of those who are the followers and pupils of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin -- to make sure that this revolutionary theory, this revolutionary banner, is taken up firmly, and taken up forever. But this banner means nothing to these people. If today, they were to pick up the bible and try to peddle it, people would laugh at them. They would say: Hey you Jesus freaks, what are you doing here? The reactionaries tried to float the Jesus freaks, but it did not work. They tried to float Hare Krishna, but that did not work either. Now they hope that by sticking a little red patch on their foreheads, with a small hammer and sickle (which if you look closely is actually a swastika) they can deceive the proletariat. They think the proletariat will say: Here is Marxism-Leninism, we should follow. But the facts of life are entirely different. As I pointed out last evening, Marx said a long time ago "Men make their own history, but they don't make it as they please." As everyone knows, the rise of capitalism to the stage of imperialism created the conditions for socialist revolution. Imperialism is actually capitalism en route to socialism -- that is, large-scale production engenders the modern proletariat; it creates the very force necessary to bring about the socialist upheaval, the socialist transformation. During this period, if we are to advance society forward, we must be loyal to the principles of Marxism and the principles of Leninism because what are these principles, if not the scientific study of the laws which govern the objective spontaneous world?

Long ago Comrade Stalin pointed out that Marxism is the study of the objective spontaneous world, and the Marxist strategy and tactics must be based on this study -- that is, on Marxism. But today these opportunists are telling us, and listen to their words: "Marx and Engels founded the doctrine of scientific socialism and the principles of the dictatorship of the proletariat, but they had no experience of the victory of the proletarian revolution and therefore such a question had never been posed for them in a concrete way." Then they say that Lenin "died too early to see with his own eyes the completion of the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production and it was impossible for him to answer the question" of class struggle under conditions of socialism "clearly and definitely". And of course, Stalin "theoretically did not acknowledge that after the collectivization of agriculture, the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie and between the socialist road and the capitalist road continued in the Soviet Union." So, first they do away with Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin and then they demand that we sympathize with them, that we follow them. And when we say that we will never follow some Chinese revisionists, they say we are anti-Chinese. What is internationalism without Marxism-Leninism? Nothing but social-chauvinism and opportunism of the worst kind. Of course we support the proletariat and people of China. Of course we support the Marxist-Leninist forces in China. But we are not going to remain silent when right from their platform in Peking they tell us that neither Marxism, nor Leninism is applicable to the current conditions. What is then, according to them, applicable? The worst sort of caricature of Marxism we have ever seen. The comrades may have seen the painting they recently produced which portrays Chairman Mao with his hand on the hand of Hua Kuo-feng, saying "With you in charge, I am at ease." As far as we are concerned, this is not the manner in which one Marxist-Leninist succeeds another. This is the sort of charade that Trotsky tried to pull off. The comrades must recall the time when Trotsky pulled the so-called "Testament of Lenin" out of the bag to prove that Stalin was "arrogant" while Trotsky had only made some "quite serious mistakes". On the basis of this "Testament", Trotsky tried to whip up hysteria that he was the "real successor" to Comrade Lenin. How could that be? Comrade Stalin, being a great Marxist-Leninist, took the issue to the Congress of the CPSU(B). He called upon the Russian Marxist-Leninists to make their decision. He did not have recourse to the army -- he did not call on the generals to settle the matter. No, the issue was settled and Trotsky received very few of the several hundred thousand votes cast. The issue was settled by the Marxist-Leninists of the Soviet Union.

Is this travesty which is being carried out today Marxism? Is it Marxism when publications such as Peking Review and others are filled with the nonsense that under the "wise orders" of such and such a leader, everyone bowed and said, "Yes master, we will now carry out your command." It is feudalism and not Marxism- Leninism. But this travesty is being passed off as "Mao Tsetung Thought". In fact it is a gross caricature, a gross debasement, of the great theory, ideology, philosophy and science of Marxism-Leninism. If they have the right to carry out this sort of activity, we have the right to denounce them and to do so without any hesitation or any reservations whatsoever.

When Khrushchov revisionism came into being, and the open polemics began, the Chinese comrades wrote: "If we should cease exposing and combatting the domestic and external revisionist policies of the new leaders of the CPSU, if we should abandon our principled stand and take so-called 'united action' with them, that would suit them very well. It would help them to hoodwink the Soviet people. It would hinder rather than support the Soviet people's struggle to defend the fruits of their socialist revolution; it would hinder rather than support the Soviet people's struggle against Khrushchov revisionism without Khrushchov." The Chinese comrades concluded: "Comrade Mao Tsetung has often said to comrades from fraternal parties that if China's leadership is usurped by revisionists in the future, the Marxist-Leninists of all countries should likewise resolutely expose and fight them, and help the working class and the masses of China to combat such revisionism. Taking the same stand, we consider it our bounden duty firmly to expose the revisionist leadership of the CPSU, to draw a clear line between ourselves and them, and to persist in the struggle against Khrushchov revisionism." Now on the world scale, since October 1976, the revisionists in China have been vilifying the people, demanding that they should take a stand in support of Hua Kuo-feng and in opposition to the other four leaders who were overthrown by Hua Kuo-feng. Why should the revolutionary forces on the world scale reduce the question of Marxism-Leninism to this level? For the revolutionary forces on the world scale, the issue is: Uphold Marxism-Leninism against revisionism and opportunism of all hues. The issue is to organize a vigorous revolutionary, movement against imperialism, against reaction in all lands. What, therefore, is the significance of this issue that we should choose between Hua Kuo-feng and the other four leaders? This issue is presented for the sole purpose of diverting public opinion and diverting the people of the world from taking a stand on the issue which has come up. The issue which has come up is: Where do we stand -- on the side of Marxism-Leninism or on the side of imperialism and all reaction and revisionism and opportunism of all hues? Are we vigorous fighters against imperialism, or are we capitulating to imperialism led by Soviet social-imperialism and U.S.

As far as we are concerned, we will oppose both the internal revisionist line of China as well as the external revisionist line of China until such time that this revisionism is defeated.

When we take up the issue of the Chinese revisionists, we do so as an immediate practical problem presented to us for solution. We cannot say: Alright, now that Teng Hsiao-ping has come to power all we have to do is keep shouting "Down with Teng Hsiao-ping". Marxism teaches us that the contradictions in a thing go back to the origins of that thing. When Teng Hsiao-ping and the revisionists take over, there has to be a reason and we are seeking that reason. The matter which our Party is presently discussing is that the reason for the rise of Khrushchovite revisionism in the CPC goes back to the 1967 period when the Communist Party of China unilaterally, without consulting the other Marxist-Leninist parties, announced that Mao Tsetung Thought is the Marxism of our era. Today the CPC is shoving the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds" down everyone's throats, and telling everyone that they must accept this counter-revolutionary thesis, and we find that they have carried out this sort of activity in the past. Our Party has to make a very definite decision on this question -- a decision which has a great deal of relevance to the unity of the Marxist-Leninist communist movement at this time. This decision is: Can a Party unilaterally announce, through a declaration, that such and such is the Marxism-Leninism of our era? This is the central issue. We say that a Party cannot do such a thing. We have the precedents of the First International, the Second International, the Third International; the Comintern, the Declaration of the twelve leading parties in 1957 and the Declaration of the eighty-one communist parties in 1960; On every occasion, when the issue was to give a line for the International Communist Movement, the Marxist-Leninist parties got together and they issued a joint declaration. Such a joint declaration was necessary before declaring what is and what is not the Marxism-Leninism of our era.

There should be no misunderstanding on this point. Some comrades are suggesting that we should come forward to defend "Mao Tsetung Thought" and defend the name of Mao Tsetung. This question has to be looked at in a sober-minded way; it has to be looked at very seriously. Of course we defend Mao Tsetung. He was a great Marxist-Leninist, but the Chinese revisionists are issuing anti-Leninist theories under his name. Now, are we supposed to defend these completely erroneous theses? The most important issue is that the opportunists and theoreticians of the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds" are using the name of Mao Tsetung, are using the question of "Mao Tsetung Thought", against Marxism- Leninism. In defending Mao Tsetung, where should we stand? Our Party clearly maintains that everyone should stand on the side of Marxism-Leninism. We see no contradiction between the Marxism-Leninism of Mao Tsetung and Marxism-Leninism as we defended it in the past and from the point of view of the theory and practice of proletarian revolution and of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Anyone who today calls himself a Marxist-Leninist has to at least agree on this -- that he believes in the Leninist theory of proletarian revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat. If anyone tries to come to us to tell us that Mao Tsetung opposed the theory of proletarian revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat, we will definitely be very hostile to this person and oppose such a thesis.

Furthermore, today the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement is vigorously surging forward. How is it surging forward? The Party of Labour of Albania invited over forty parties to attend its glorious Seventh Congress. During that very Congress, eight Latin American parties issued a Joint Statement. Following this, various Internationalist Rallies have been held; various bilateral declarations have been issued by various parties; five European parties issued a Joint Declaration. What does this mean? It means that once again the correct norms governing the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement -- the Leninist norms which govern the relations between fraternal Marxist-Leninist parties -- are being reintroduced and vigorously upheld. The Marxist-Leninist parties should get together. The Marxist-Leninist parties should exchange views with one another; they should issue Joint Declarations and Joint Statements. The Marxist-Leninist parties should bring about the historical stage in which there is one Marxist-Leninist line for the entire International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement. How can it be that there are many lines for the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement? There can be many lines only if we agree with absolutely gross methods of dealing with problems -- such as the revisionists in Peking are trying to impose on everybody. They can invite someone to Peking and announce: "We hail such and such a Party because it is a great fighter against imperialism and revisionism."

The issue of whether or not Jacques Jurquet in France |s a Marxist-Leninist, whether or not Vilar in Portugal is a Marxist-Leninist, whether or not certain people in Belgium or Norway (who are notorious for their slander campaign against our own Party) are Marxist-Leninists, is an issue for all the Marxist-Leninist parties to decide. Speaking seriously, the matter of whether a Party is Marxist-Leninist or not is decided by the revolutionary forces on the basis of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism. What the Chinese revisionists and their lackeys in various countries are carrying out is outright opposition to Marxism-Leninism.

For us this matter of Mao Tsetung Thought comes up over the question of whether a Party can unilaterally issue a declaration and say that Mao Tsetung Thought is the Marxism-Leninism of our era, or of whether a Party can simply have its own International; if a Party can pick and choose and be friendly with this and not with that, etc. We disagree with this whole procedure.

The third issue which we take very seriously is the notion that in a socialist country there must be a proletarian revolution every few years. If one looks into the teachings of Comrade Lenin and the Marxist-Leninist classics, we learn that the communist party is the instrument for bringing about proletarian revolution, for establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat and, once the dictatorship of the proletariat is established, you have the dictatorship of the proletariat under the leadership of the Party -- the instrument of the continuous proletarian revolution -- continuous socialist revolution and socialist construction. Now we are being told that instead of having continuous socialist revolution and socialist construction, we will have a revolution every few years. This means that after the socialist revolution which takes place every few years, we will have something else for a few years. It is an extremely anti-Leninist thesis to suggest that in a country where social revolution has already taken place, there will be a proletarian revolution every few years. We stand with Leninism on this question also -- that the dictatorship of the proletariat should be used as the instrument to organize socialist revolution and socialist construction continuously on a systematic basis. We disagree with the thesis that every few years a social revolution has to be organized in a country where social revolution has already taken place and where this social revolution has to be carried through to the end uninterruptedly.

The fourth issue we look at extremely seriously is the question of the main enemy of a socialist country. It is now being suggested that the enemy of socialism is not imperialism and reaction and that the main contradiction in a socialist country is not between the socialist road and the capitalist road. But on the contrary, the socialist countries and the proletarian movement for emancipation and the Marxist-Leninist parties in the world are deviously included in the "third world" which even has a basis of "unity" with the so-called "second world" especially against the hegemonism of the most "dangerous" superpower, Soviet social-imperialism. Such notions are anti-Leninist. They are unsound in theory and disastrous in practice.

Thus, for us the question of Mao Tsetung Thought is the question of Marxism-Leninism, of the defence of the purity of Marxism-Leninism, of resolutely upholding it in practice. For the revisionists with centres in/ Moscow, Belgrade and Peking, the issue is to emasculate, distort and revise Marxism-Leninism. So, today to defend Mao Tsetung, socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat, it is essential to oppose revisionism and opportunism of all hues including the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds". It is essential to defend the purity of Marxism-Leninism. Of course, the theoreticians of "three worlds" scream that our Party has "changed" its line on "Mao Tsetung Thought" but their screaming is only going to damage their own ears because the revolutionary forces are well aware that when the revisionists and opportunists of all hues were revising Marxism-Leninism by vilifying Stalin, our Party firmly defended Stalin by defending Marxism-Leninism, and when the revisionists and opportunists were revising Marxism-Leninism by vilifying the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and Mao Tsetung, our Party firmly defended the great victories of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and the great Marxist-Leninist leadership of Mao Tsetung by defending Marxism-Leninism. And, at present, too, the issue is the defence of Marxism- Leninism and we will carry on firm opposition to revisionism and opportunism of all hues including those who are parading themselves as "followers" and "defenders" of Mao Tsetung, those who are part of the international opportunist trend based on the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds" with its headquarters in Peking.

Today as in the past, for many years since the death of Stalin and the rise of Khrushchov revisionism, the Party of Labour of Albania and the People's Socialist Republic of Albania stand as a brilliant example of the defence of the purity of Marxism-Leninism and the thoroughgoing deepening and broadening of the socialist revolution and socialist construction. The Party of Labour of Albania looks at the question of the defence of Marxism-Leninism seriously and it has always concretely linked this question with the question of the future of Albania. The Party of Labour of Albania is acutely aware that any deviation, no matter how insignificant, from Marxism-Leninism, if not checked and corrected at once, holds grave consequences for the future. It is the great science of Marxism-Leninism which illuminated the path of the national liberation struggle and the anti-fascist struggle of the Albanian people and it is the great science of Marxism-Leninism which guided the socialist revolution and socialist construction after the people's power was established and it is the defence of the purity of Marxism-Leninism which makes the People's Socialist Republic of Albania the impregnable fortress of scientific socialism, the liberated base area of world socialist revolution.

Today, in the PSRA, the PLA vigorously leads the dictatorship of the proletariat and wages class struggle against all remnants of the exploiting classes, against the newly emerging bourgeois elements, against all remnants of old ideology and habits, and courageously marches on the socialist road. The PLA wages relentless struggle against the capitalist road. Since the main contradiction is between the socialist road and the capitalist road, it uses the proletarian power and everything at its command to carry through to the end the socialist revolution and socialist construction and the resolute struggle against imperialism, all reaction and revisionism and opportunism of all hues. The PLA leads continuous struggle against liberalism and bureaucratism and all alien influences of the bourgeoisie, the imperialists and the reactionaries. All exploiting classes have been eliminated in the PSRA and there are two classes, the proletariat and the cooperativist peasantry, and the strata of people's intelligentsia. The PSRA is vigorously marching forward to establish the industrial-agricultural society, that is a socialist society with complete socialization and industrialization with industry as the base and with the agriculture totally socialized and industrialized. They are preparing the conditions for the final triumph of the revolution and socialism and, of course, the final victory of the revolution and socialism in the PSRA depends on the victories of the revolutions in other countries. During this transitional period, the PSRA will courageously march on the glorious road of socialist revolution and socialist construction as the only way of smashing the imperialist and revisionist blockade and assisting the world socialist revolution, through example, through their heroic deeds and through their moral and material assistance.

But the right opportunists in China today see neither the necessity of defending the purity of Marxism-Leninism nor defending the dictatorship of the proletariat. On the contrary, they are revising Marxism-Leninism under the hoax that they are "followers" of "Mao Tsetung Thought" and they are dismantling the dictatorship of the proletariat through their nonsense of building the "united front" of all "revolutionary" classes. During their People's Congress, they made a big fuss about who they called a "national bourgeois" and restored many of them to positions with political power. Our Party asks: What has been going on in China since 1949, that the rational bourgeoisie as a class still exists in China? Even though the national bourgeoisie may have taken a patriotic stand at one time, it is still an exploiting class and it is incapable of defending the nation against imperialism and reaction, and it is not in its class interest to support socialism. This class as a class has been eliminated for sometime now. These revisionists and opportunists in China are now using the state power to revive this class and hand over the political power to it. Their anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds", that is their external revisionist line, and their anti-Leninist theory of "modernization", that is their internal revisionist line, are both intended to capitulate to and collaborate with imperialism and reaction abroad, and to serve the interests of the "national bourgeoisie" at home. It is the class interests of the "national bourgeoisie" which is the motivating force in revising Marxism-Leninism and in restoring capitalism at home and capitulating to and collaborating with imperialism and reaction abroad.

The revisionists and opportunists of all hues and the imperialist ideologues and their servants and lackeys are gleefully advancing the counter-revolutionary thesis that capitalist restoration is inevitable in a socialist country. They even go so far in their wishful thinking as to suggest that capitalism is the last stage in social development and that there is no further stage. Of course, the historical experience of the dictatorship of the proletariat teaches us that capitalist restoration can take place if the unrestricted leading role of the genuine Marxist-Leninist party is not established over all aspects of life in the socialist country, including over the state power and the armed forces, and if the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat is not used to carry through the socialist revolution and socialist construction and the suppression of all exploiting classes, their remnants and all old ideologies, old habits and the alien bourgeois influences. But to draw the unwarranted conclusion that capitalist restoration is inevitable is unscientific to the extreme and is an anti-Marxist concept through and through.

At the same time they also suggest that socialist revolution is completed; that socialism has already won victory; that there is no need for a continuous revolution; that there is no need for the continuous suppression of the exploiting classes, and these theories are equally wrong. A socialist society also needs socialist revolution -- a continuous socialist revolution and socialist construction. Leninism teaches us that the forward tendency can only be one- directional. It will encounter twists and turns, it can suffer setbacks, but the tendency remains the same. Comrade Marx said that class struggle necessarily leads to the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat and that the dictatorship of the proletariat is also merely a transit point -- an historical epoch before communism is ushered in. We have never heard of anyone who can be a Marxist and say that class struggle necessarily leads to the restoration of capitalism. If you follow this argument, then it also necessarily follows that class struggle leads to the restoration of feudalism, slave society and will take us back to primaeval times. Of course, these people who have a metaphysical approach can make mince-meat of scientific study and arrive at unwarranted conclusions. They can turn truth on its head and suggest that the historical inevitability of socialism winning final victory over capitalism can be turned around and this law governing the development of society can be a matter of speculation and, far from being a law, can be turned into one of the many hypotheses which the metaphysicians conjure up. The main content of our epoch is the transition from capitalism to communism, and socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat are merely the historical transit point. The historical tendency and direction and the inevitability is of communism winning over capitalism all over the globe. The inevitable victory of communism over capitalism is an objective law. It is independent of man's will. It is is this objectivity which the revisionists and opportunists of all hues and the imperialist and reactionary ideologues are speculating about. There is a concrete struggle going on between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. That struggle is the struggle to overthrow imperialism, overthrow capitalism and to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat by overthrowing the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and building socialism. This is what Marxism teaches us. Various individuals are telling us that this is not the case -- that the reversal can actually take place in such a way that class struggle necessarily leads to the restoration of capitalism. This is nothing but pragmatism, speculative philosophy and not dialectical and historical materialism. In North America, which is of course one of the heartlands of pragmatism, maximum confusion is generated on these questions. The fact that capitalism has been restored in the Soviet Union must be analyzed from the correct point of view. A Marxist-Leninist party must always exercise unbridled leadership over all sections of the society in those places where revolution has already taken place -- that is, in socialist society -- and if it fails to do this and the Marxist-Leninist party takes a compromising stand towards imperialism and revisionism, the restoration of capitalism will necessarily eventually take place. Disaster will be in store for that society.

In defending Leninism, Comrade Stalin repeatedly pointed out that to have a socialist society in which socialism is guaranteed, you cannot give in to imperialism and revisionism. This is what Lenin taught. Either you have continuous socialist revolution and use the proletarian power against internal and external class enemies, or international imperialism, international reaction, will subvert the proletarian power. The Chinese revisionists are presently telling some queer tales. They say you can "modernize" socialist production in China -- that you can"modernize" China-- without having to defeat imperialism, social-imperialism and all reaction. Leninism teaches us that a socialist state surrounded by enemies from all sides can only find a reliable ally in the international proletariat and the national liberation movements. In every possible way, that state encourages the rise of the socialist revolutionary movements everywhere. We have the glorious example of Comrade Lenin who established the Third International which vigorously supported the anti-colonial, anti-feudal struggles of the peoples of the East and the proletarian struggle of the proletariat of the West. In the absence of overall proletarian revolutionary strategy, a socialist country will become isolated and will not be able to defend socialism. Stalin points out: "The final victory of socialism is the full guarantee against attempts at intervention, and hence against restoration, for any serious attempt at restoration can take place only with serious support from outside, only with the support of international capital. Therefore, the support of our revolution by the workers of all countries, and still more the victory of the workers in at least several countries, is a necessary condition for fully guaranteeing the first victorious country against attempts at intervention and restoration, a necessary condition for the final victory of socialism."

We have already seen that the Japanese imperialists have signed a contract with China worth $20 billion and that the European Common Market has also established relations with China and that one of the features of this relationship is to be the export of finance capital into China. Those people who give the thesis of the modernization of China are doing so at the cost of the national and class interests of the proletariat and people of China, by capitulating to imperialism and reaction. This is why they have dished out the nonsense that those countries which have achieved formal independence can now go about getting economic independence. The application of this theory for China means that whereas China won political independence in 1949, they can now aspire for economic independence through "modernization". This is deception, treachery and betrayal of the revolutionary forces on the world scale.

The theory of proletarian revolution advanced by Comrade Lenin was that under the conditions prevailing on the world scale -- that is, imperialism -- because of the existence of the monopolies in the imperialist countries, you first and foremost have the rise of the proletarian front. Then, because of the activities of imperialism in Asia, Africa and Latin America and other countries, you have the rise of the anti-colonial front as the reserve of the proletarian front. Furthermore, Lenin teaches us that monopoly groups, and imperialist countries viciously compete with one another. They have many contradictions and these contradictions are bound to lead them to war with one another for the purposes of acquiring sources of raw materials, seizing control of markets -- for the purpose of gaining influence in various places.

So according to Lenin, the rise of the proletarian front, the rise of the anti-colonial front, and the rise of the contradictions among the imperialists themselves which will weaken imperialism, will create conditions whereby imperialism will be breached at its weakest link on the globe. Summing up all the three -- the rise of the proletarian front, the rise of the anti-colonial front, the rise of the inter-monopoly, inter-imperialist contradictions -- Lenin concluded that we are in the era of imperialism and the social revolution of the proletariat. Now these revisionists are telling us that this era has simply ended. Socialism does not have to be guaranteed in the socialist countries on the basis of opposing imperialism everywhere; social revolution does not have to be organized in the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America to completely uproot the very foundation of imperialism there, to overthrow feudalism, to build a democratic society. Of course, they are telling the proletariat in the West that it should have nothing to do with revolution.

Our Party feels duty-bound to have unbridled criticism of revisionism and opportunism of all hues, including the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds". For that reason, we consider that the responsibility for many of the problems which have existed in the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement lies not only with Khrushchov revisionism but also with the revisionists in China. Over the years they have been causing trouble in various countries. If we are to overcome these problems and unite the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement, we must vigorously oppose these revisionist elements and all the activities which they have been carrying out over the years, particularly the violation of the norms governing the relations between fraternal communist parties.

As far as North America is concerned, let us look into the origins of opportunism in Canada and the United States. In Canada we have the existence of various revisionist and opportunist sects. This revisionist trend started in 1956 after Khrushchov vilified Stalin and the imperialists carried out a campaign, advancing the thesis known as the "end of ideology". Under the aegis of this thesis, the first target of attack was Marxism. In the United States, the State Department directly financed an organization called the League for Industrial Democracy. The main mission taken up by this organization was to carry out propaganda for the "end of ideology" line. Later on, this organization was converted into the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). One of the "great" leaders of the SDS was Michael Klonsky, or Michael Trotsky -- whichever you prefer (applause), the present-day champ of the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds". What happened then? The reactionaries did not calculate that during this period there would also be a Marxist-Leninist trend in Canada, which reached opposite conclusions. These opposite conclusions were arrived at by the Internationalists who said that if the revolutionary movement was to make any headway, it must have ideology, it must have theory, it must have Marxism-Leninism. These two trends clashed and of course it is easy for Michael Klonsky and others to dismiss Marxism- Leninism by saying that it is being fostered by the CIA. Their dismissal of Marxism-Leninism has become a joke in Canada and the United States because they say that if you find any Marxist-Leninist in Canada or the United States he must either be financed by the "CIA" or the "KGB", or both, because no North American would be so foolish as to espouse Marxism-Leninism on his own. It is our estimation that under the aegis of the hocus-pocus "end of ideology" line and the "League for Industrial Democracy" and the SDS, during the last fourteen years since 1963, something like over 5,000 organizations have come into being in North America. It is true that some came into being in the early hours of the morning and died before sunrise (laughter), while others were dragged back from the grave, such as Michael Trotsky's organization, which was brought back from the dead by the Chinese opportunists who needed a centre for themselves in North America.

In their speech delivered to the Internationalist Rally yesterday evening, the American comrades mentioned a very interesting thing. They said that the opportunist newspaper, the Guardian, is complaining that because the Chinese opportunists no longer support them, they can no longer carry on publication. They give the view that the "radical" movement in North America, or a "radical newspaper" in North America, cannot be published without external support. We ask the Guardian if the economic crisis which has hit Carter has hit them as well? They are looking towards the outside world to rescue them. It is a known fact that Saudi Arabia is sending money to bail out the imperialist powers -- maybe they could send some money to the Guardian as well. This

confession on the part of the Guardian concretely proves that all anti-Leninist trends in the U.S. and Canada and elsewhere are financed by imperialism and by revisionists who are in power in various countries, and that without support from them they cannot last for a day.

The most important and the central thing we would like the fraternal comrades to understand is that our organization, and Marxism-Leninism itself, could not have survived for a single day in Canada or the U.S. if we had not been standing on our own two feet. Similarly, opportunism would not last for a single day without the support of some foreign power. While the various anti-Marxist theories -- the "end of ideology" line, the line of "independent Marxism", "new leftism", etc. -- were advanced, the Internationalists came forward and took up the banner of Marxism- Leninism and opposed them all. There is only one organization in Canada and the United States which has a continuous development since 1963 and that is the Internationalists and the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). (Sustained applause). The reason for the very existence and development of our Party is that we have been loyal to Marxism-Leninism and we will remain loyal to Marxism-Leninism forever!

What is the social base of opportunism in Canada? Our investigation has shown that in Canada there is a large mass of disintegrated, simply displaced, masses, who have no concrete social existence whatsoever. They are speculators, hucksters of various kinds. They can be loosely characterized as being part of the petty bourgeoisie. We say that this is a large mass because they are a significant number -- they are part of the petty bourgeoisie that makes up about 15 percent of the population. The concrete class analysis of Canada shows that the big bourgeoisie and the non-monopoly bourgeoisie together do not include more than, if you want to be magnanimous, 3 percent of the population (even if we include all their servants, functionaries, magistrates, presidents of universities, etc.). The big bourgeoisie in this country is only a fraction of a percent, but right underneath there is the stratum of the staunchest supporters of the big bourgeoisie -- the lawyers, doctors, engineers, professors, university presidents and those who are in "social action". It is our estimation that since the Liberal government came into power it has spent more than $2 billion to float "social action" groups -- first amongst the Native people, then the youth, and now amongst the national minorities and the immigrants. It has even been proven without a doubt that some of these grants go to finance the "genuine" Marxist-Leninists.

This disintegrated class, which has no basis whatever for its existence, controls a large amount of the politics in this country. If the big bourgeoisie needs to have its lackeys, it also needs to have its "revolutionaries". It wants to ensure that there is no sector which is not under its control. As Lenin said, monopolies in economics, monopolies in politics and monopolization in all sectors. Thus, the imperialists also want to monopolize the "revolutionary" sectors, which are not, of course, genuine revolutionary sectors. Furthermore, besides this petty bourgeois stratum, the majority of whom are unsettled in one way or another, we have the labour aristocracy. The labour aristocracy is fostered in a systematic way through the laws of the state, through the courts, through the activities of the RCMP and other police forces. For example, if there is a progressive person in a trade union, they will deploy the organs of the state, they will buy people out, they will have the opportunists cause maximum confusion, they will do everything possible to eliminate this person. To our estimation, this fostering of the labour aristocracy and the existence of the petty bourgeoisie breed all kinds of "isms", all kinds of tendencies, and the opportunist tendencies have their origins in this social base. In fact, Stalin pointed out a long time ago that the social base of right opportunism is the labour aristocracy and the social base of "left" adventurism is the petty bourgeoisie. Our investigation confirms this analysis put forward by Comrade Stalin.

In Canada there are various opportunist groups. If one analyzes the membership of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), and the membership of the revisionist and opportunist groups, we find that the vast majority of the Party comrades come from the industrial proletariat, while the vast majority of the members and supporters of the opportunist groups are semi-proletarians -- those who want to acquire a position in the labour aristocracy or who have received a grant from the state, or who have status as university professors, social workers, highly paid professionals such as doctors, lawyers, etc. The revisionist party of Canada and the NDP both have their social base in the labour aristocracy and the champions of the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds" and those who are conciliators with them are competing1 with the right opportunists to get a hold of their positions in the labour aristocracy, and the majority of them are from the petty bourgeoisie.

To defend Marxism-Leninism, it is very important that our Party pay attention to the bolshevization of the Party, to improving its proletarian composition, to establishing branches of the Party in the industrial sectors. It is very important for comrades to understand that it is in the manufacturing sector and other industrial sectors that the largest concentration of U.S. imperialist domination exists. It is also in these sectors that there are the largest numbers of immigrant workers -- the low-paid immigrants are going into the manufacturing and other industrial sectors and it is no accident that the big bourgeoisie wants to have the immigrants coming to Canada because they join the lowest stratum in the industrial sector and then the big bourgeoisie brings down the wages of all the workers in the industrial sector.

This industrial proletariat is a very small class. To our estimation, it is 27 percent of the working class and is the producer of the entire wealth of the society. It is in this class where the revolt is taking place. For instance, it was large numbers of industrial workers who fought against the "Anti-Inflation Board". There is resentment and revolt seething in this class.

As our Party work progresses, fewer and fewer semi-proletarians come into the Party. Recently, an opportunist sect noticed that we have ever-fewer students in the Party. In one of their publications they have actually written a very good sentence in which they decry that CPC(M-L) is being wiped out because its influence is "merely in the wording class". (Laughter). What else is there in the society if not the working class and other working people? And what else does our Party desire if not to be as vigorous and as strong as possible in our own class? (Applause). It is our view that this entire opportunist trend is semi-proletarian -- it follows semi-proletarian politics -- it has its social base in the petty bourgeoisie and the labour aristocracy. They are the greatest defenders of imperialism in Canada and it is among them that all the anti-Leninist ideas are disseminated and spread.

Our Party would like to communicate to the fraternal comrades present here representing various Marxist-Leninist communist parties that we stand firmly with all genuine Marxist-Leninists on the world scale. This in no way means that we believe that there is a leading party in some country and that we are a "led" party, or that we are leading some other party, or that some other party is "led" by us. We do not think that this formulation is correct in the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement, because all genuine Marxist-Leninist parties learn from one another, learn from each other's struggles and sum up their experience together. There is no such thing as "being led" or "leading" some other party. As far as our Party is concerned, we will establish relations through our own struggle here against imperialism, against revisionism and against opportunism of all hues. As far as the slanders and intrigues which go on against our Party are concerned, we are absolutely confident that those who are genuine Marxist-Leninists will not participate in any of these intrigues and will not listen to any of the slanders peddled by the opportunists against us. The comrades may have heard that our Party has a lot of money and that we tried to "bribe" a supporter of the opportunists with $5,000 to join the Party. (Laughter). If you ask our own Party members what is the Party's attitude towards them, the issue of money will not even arise. The Party first asks that they sign their lives away to communism and then considers whether or not they can be communists and join the Party. The opportunists are criminals. They cannot forget that they get their own members on the basis of various bribes. They have to do this in order to hold onto them. People are told that if they join the opportunists they can take a trip to such and such a country, or be guaranteed a position in the labour aristocracy, or some other job. Having this criminal mind, they also think that the Party is organized in like manner.

As far as our Party is concerned, it does not matter how many slanders are issued on these various questions -- our Party will stand firmly on the basis of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism.

At this time, internationally, the situation is excellent for the unity of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement. The situation is excellent for developing the revolutionary movement in the various countries. We think that the People's Socialist Republic of Albania is the only genuinely socialist country in the world. We hold the correct view that a socialist country which does not practice militant proletarian internationalism cannot be called a genuinely socialist country. There may be some socialist countries, but for them to be genuinely socialist countries, they have to unite with the genuine Marxist-Leninist parties, they have to unite with the genuinely revolutionary forces. Only then can they be called genuinely socialist countries. Our estimation is that only the People's Socialist Republic of Albania is a genuinely socialist country, at this time.

Comrades and friends,

I would like to conclude this Report by once again thanking the comrades of the Marxist-Leninist communist parties who have come from afar. One comrade has come from far-off Iran, there are comrades here from Africa, there are comrades from Latin America. We consider this to be a great honour for our Party and our country -- that is, for the proletariat and the oppressed people of our country -- to have them in our midst. For the first time in recent history, representatives of the genuine Marxist-Leninist communist parties and organizations have come from the five continents -- we have representatives from Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and North America. The majority of the comrades are from Europe and North America -- the heartland of the industrial proletariat, the countries where proletarian revolution is the order of the day. This is a great honour for our Party. We consider this an historic event, not only for our Party, but for our country and for the city of Montreal.

Why do we consider this as an historic event? Because the tremendous support, the scientific elaboration of the theory of Marxism-Leninism, the tremendous enthusiasm with which the comrades have come here to present their views, will last us a lifetime. We will always look back to April 30th and draw maximum strength from it. For the first time, the Marxist-Leninist communist parties have gathered on the soil of North America to vigorously denounce not only Khrushchov revisionism, not only Tito revisionism, not only other opportunist trends such as Trotskyism, but also to denounce the anti-Leninist theory of "three worlds". (Cheers, sustained applause).

April 30th - May First 1978 is a source of great strength for us. It is the strength of Marxism-Leninism. When the comrades shouted slogans, over and over again -- Glory to Marxism-Leninism!; Long Live Proletarian Internationalism! -- they were actually performing a great proletarian internationalist duty. We are extremely thankful to our comrades for coming to Montreal on April 30th because of the fact that they presented correct Marxist-Leninist positions. Now we can look back and tell one another: Remember what was said on April 30th in Montreal? That was Marxism-Leninism. That was criticism and repudiation of revisionism and opportunism of all hues. That was also a milestone in terms of the development of the unity of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement.

If it was just a matter of needing some friends, anyone can have friends. But our kind of friendship is not a false or sham kind of friendship. Our kind of friendship is the harbinger of the new society -- where the proletarians of all lands together build an entirely new society -- that is, socialist and communist society. We feel highly elated and extremely happy that these comrades have come here and that they have brought with them this spirit which was already the spirit which Marxism-Leninism had inspired in us throughout the years of struggle which we ourselves have waged.

At the time the Party was founded, one of the issues which was raised was: Who will recognize us? And we answered this question by saying: Let us first recognize our Party ourselves. Let us be true to the fact that we call it a Marxist-Leninist party and that we uphold Marxism-Leninism. Then it will be only a matter of time before our Party is a worthy contingent of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement. With deep aspirations, we waited for the day when we would be with fraternal Marxist-Leninist comrades with whom we share weal and woe, and this wish, comrades, has been satisfied by the comrades who have come from Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and North America. We cannot thank the comrades enough. There are no words which can describe the immense gratitude we feel because the comrades have come from far and wide to be with our Party, to applaud Marxism-Leninism and to applaud proletarian internationalism. (Applause).

Comrades and friends, let us shout together three slogans:




Comrades and friends, May First 1978 is an extremely inspiring day for the proletariat in our country, for on this day we have received such precious gifts from the international proletariat. LONG LIVE THE FRATERNAL MARXIST-LENINIST COMMUNIST PARTIES AND ORGANIZATIONS WHO HAVE COME HERE ON MAY FIRST TO BE WITH US!


Tumultuous, sustained applause, cheers and more applause met the Report to the Internationalist Rally delivered by Comrade Hardial Bains on behalf of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist).

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Toast Proposed by the Representative of the Communist Party of Portugal (Reconstructed)

The speech delivered by Comrade Bains was immediately followed by the singing of the revolutionary song Here Is the Rose -- Now Dance!, following which the representative of the Communist Party of Portugal (Reconstructed) came forward to propose a toast to the international proletariat. The comrade said:


I am very happy to be participating in this proletarian rally in the very imperialist heartland of North America.

The communist party is the party of one class, the working class. We are sure that our class, the glorious working class, will triumph everywhere in the world. Let the reactionaries tremble! The proletariat is young, and it will surely defeat the old, rotten world!

Let us all stand, I would like to propose a toast to the international proletariat!" The entire audience responded by standing and joining the toast to the international proletariat. Thunderous applause, cheers and slogans followed the presentation of this toast. Shouts of Long Live Proletarian Internationalism! and Workers All Countries, Unite! resounded throughout the hall.

[Back to Top]

Revolutionary Cultural Program

This portion of the programme was immediately followed by the presentation of revolutionary songs by West Indian, East Indian and American comrades.

The first song was presented by the National Liberation Movement of Trinago and led by the NLM representative to the Internationalist Rally. The song, written especially for the Internationalist Rally, is printed below

Forward We Go


Forward we say, forward we go

Yes we have to struggle

The road will be rough, the battle go be tough

But the march will be for the people

Bourgeois, bourgeois, this is the voice of the workers

We are sick and fed up with your oppression

So we fighting for liberation

(Last word in last line of chorus changes to socialism,

and communism after third and fourth verses)

The bourgeoisie is on the run, the workers are up in arms

In order to maintain the position they have

They drafting constantly new schemes and plans

Now that we understand their deception

And what it means to the working man

We have to get together, implement our plan

And destroy the bourgeois rule in all lands


The bourgeois see the end is near

So they panic and are filled with fear

They send their agents, among the workers

To try to distract we with some "new theory"

Some of them even come and telling we

That we enemy is no longer Yankee

But try as they may they can't fool we

We will drown them with their "three worlds" theory


In China they bring back Teng Hsiao-ping

And they bring back renegade Tito

They promoting the idea the world over

That the bourgeois must lead the workers

But the Leninists the world over led by Enver Hoxha

And the PLA are exposing this

As another new scheme to serve the bourgeois

And to save the imperialists.


They say it have no socialist camp

And in Canada -- no revolution

But the NLM have come to rally

With our comrades, who are just like we

Here's the socialist camp for all to see

In Historic International Rally

Defending the purity of Marxism-Leninism

Proletarians of the World, Unite.


The audience greeted this song by clapping to the rhythm of the tune and joining in on the chorus of the song. Cheers and applause carried on until the next song started. The next song was presented by comrades from the East Indian community. The song was written in honour of Comrade Charu Mazumdar, the great and beloved leader of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), heroic martyr of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement. The singing of the song, entitled Now Is the Time for Charu, was preceded by a brief translation: "Comrade Charu Mazumdar, we are your followers, following your path of Marxism-Leninism. Nine years have passed, but we are following the same path." The singing of this song was met with the sustained applause of the audience. This song was followed by the singing of two other Indian revolutionary songs: Naxalbari Lai and Rai Bhai Re. The words of Naxalbari Lai Salaam are printed below

Naxalbari Lai Salaam!


Utha ke jhanda vir jawano

Mazdooro aur kisano

Falla do turn yeh pegam

Naxalbari Lai Salaam! (twice)

Inquilab Zindabad!

Samantwad ko thukra do

Poongiwad ko dafna do

Samrajwad ka iss doniya se

Mitta do her namo nishan

Jan jan ke lab lab par ho

Swatan-tra-ta ka yehi gan

Naxalbari Lai Salaam! (twice)


Parwaton ko laang ker

Nadiyon ko paar ker

Veerta se shatroo per

Jab jab karenge prahar

Vijaye ke naad se

Goonj uthe saara akaash

Naxalbari Lai Salaam


Char ghar men jab chamak uthe

Jhande ka rang lal lal

Aur kisanon ke kheton se

Mazdooron ke carkhanon se

Goonje kranti ki awaz

Servehara shakti mahaan

Naxalbari Lal Salaam! (twice)


Raj hoga desh men

Mazdooron aur kisanon ka

Shoshan ka na hoga naam

Hoga nai sabh-ai-ta ka gian

Her disha se yeh awaz

Kone kone se awaz

Naxalbari Lal Salaam! (twice)

(Final Chorus)



Take the red flag in your hand!

Spread the spark across the land!

Workers, peasants, fighting youth,

Naxalbari Red Salute! (twice)

Inquilab Zindabad!

We'll stamp out the feudalists,

Bury the capitalists,

Wipe out the imperialists

From the very face of earth.

On the masses' lips we hear

"Revolution!" , singing clear:

Naxalbari Red Salute! (twice)


Crossing lofty mountains,

Fording stormy rivers.

As we bravely march along

And deadly blows deliver,

Enemies are struck with fear.

Victory will soon be here!

Naxalbari Red Salute! (twice)


And from workers' factories

Comes revolution's clarion call:

The proletariat is invincible!

Naxalbari Red Salute! (twice)


Soon we'll win dictatorship

Of working class and peasantry,

To crush the ruling classes,

To build the new society.

People have but one solution:

Armed Agrarian Revolution!

Naxalbari Red Salute! (twice)

(Final Chorus)

Both songs were greeted very enthusiastically as the audience participated in singing the songs and clapping in rhythm to the tunes.

Following this, comrades from the United States sang the COUSML song, entitled, Revolution Against War, which was followed by the presentation of the revolutionary play entitled Here Is the Rose --Now Dance. The play was presented by the Canadian Cultural Workers' Committee. The play ridicules the theoreticians of the theory of "three worlds" and the various police socialist sects in Canada. It portrayed the revolutionary proletariat upholding Marxism-Leninism and smashing the theory of "three worlds" and stripping the police-socialist sects of their "revolutionary" garb, exposing them as agents of the state. The reactionary alliance of the police, the courts, the bourgeois press and other organs of the state with the opportunists of all hues was exposed and ridiculed in the play, to the great joy and enthusiasm of the entire audience. The play was wildly cheered by the audience, who laughed and clapped as the communists and revolutionary workers in the play dealt telling blows to the opportunists of all hues and the reactionaries and opportunists cringed together and cowered in complete disarray when confronted by the bright red flag of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism. The play concluded at precisely 12:30 a.m., at which time Comrade Hardial Bains made the following announcement:

"Comrades and friends, this evening we have with us a very important contingent of communist workers from among the Native people. For the first time in the history of the struggle of the Native people, a determined group of Marxist-Leninists has come up under the leadership of the Party, as members and supporters of the Party. These comrades have translated the Internationale into the Cree language. This translation of the Internationale into the Cree language will be presented for the first time tonight."

As the comrades from among the Native people came forward to sing the Internationale in Cree, the audience shouted many slogans and greeted their historic initiative with sustained and tumultuous applause.

Following the singing of the Internationale in Cree, the revolutionary cultural programme of the Internationalist Feast continued with the Cree comrades leading the audience in shouting the following slogans, also in Cree: Long Live Comrade Enver Hoxha!, Long Live the Party of Labour of Albania!, Long Live Marxism-Leninism!, Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!, Workers of All Countries, Unite! Long and sustained applause greeted the shouting of these slogans in Cree.

At this point, the revolutionary Bhangra Dance was performed by members of the East Indian community. The entire audience clapped their hands and beat out the rhythm in tune with the drums as the dances were performed, and the Bhangra Dance was very well received.

At exactly 1:00 p.m. Comrade Bains announced that prior to bidding farewell to all the representatives of the Marxist-Leninist communist parties and the guests from the national liberation movements, slogans would be shouted. One by one each party was saluted, together with the unity of that party and the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). The slogans Long Live Proletarian Internationalism! and Glory to Marxism-Leninism! rang through the air over and over again. The shouting of these slogans was accompanied by the loud cheers of the audience and sustained clapping.

The representative of the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist) presented Comrade Bains with a copy of the documents of audience and loud cheers hailing the unity between CPC(M-L) and CPS(M-L). After the audience had saluted each of the fraternal parties and organisations, hailed the unity between the various parties and organizations and CPC(M-L), concluding with the slogans Glory to Marxism-Leninism! and Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!, the comrades from all the Marxist-Leninist communist parties and organizations and the representatives of the national liberation movements clasped each other's hands in the air in the manner symbolizing the unity of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement, and led the entire audience in shouting the slogans: Long Live the Struggle of the Working Class!Long Live the Struggle of the Working Class! This gesture on the part of the fraternal comrades was greeted by the tumultuous applause of the audience which continued to shout slogans for several minutes.

When at 1:30 p.m. the representatives began leaving the rostrum, and as each marched through the meeting hall flanked front and back by communist workers carrying red flags, once again the audience took up the slogans:
























As the last of the fraternal comrades was escorted to the back of the hall, members of the Spanish community immediately led the audience in singing the song Viva la Quince sung by the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War. This was followed by the song Bandiera Rossa, following which Comrade Bains delivered the Closing Remarks to the Internationalist Feast on behalf of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist).

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Closing Remarks Delivered to the Internationalist Feast by Comrade Hardial Bains

Comrades and friends,

It is an extremely difficult task to close this Rally. I don't think that it can be closed, so we are going to continue. (Cheers.)

Comrades and friends,

The significance of the Internationalist Rally and the Internationalist Feast can be found in the revolutionary enthusiasm and vigour which all the comrades and friends have reflected here. With this entire generation of new Marxist-Leninists coming up, I'm quite sure that this Rally, this sentiment, this Marxist-Leninist line in North America, can never be smashed. With this spirit it can be said that this Rally in 1978 is the harbinger of very big revolutionary upsurges in the U.S. and Canada.

Comrades and friends,

Just ten years ago, there were two Internationalists who came to Montreal, on May 1,1968. Of these two Internationalists, one did not know French and the other one was weak on Marxism-Leninism, but he knew French. (Laughter.) We were asked: How can you organize in Montreal without knowing French? The central issue was not knowledge of French, even though our Party has deep respect for the contribution of the proletariat of the nation of Quebec -- cultural, political and economic. At the same time, the decisive factor in making a contribution to the Canadian proletariat is Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism. (Stormy applause.)

At that time, of course, there were the rallies of those who wanted to have "independent socialism" in Quebec, or those who had the "knapsack" concept of revolution like Che Guevera, and various other forms of bourgeois illusions about revolution. Also, you will remember, in 1968 in the U.S., the opportunists and revisionists, terrorists and others were every where, indeed. They were saying that you can have Marxism-Leninism anywhere else, but not here -- not in the U.S., not in Canada.

Ten years in the history of a nation is literally negligible, and in the history of one man, ten years is not much. Both in the history of a nation and the history of the world, ten years is literally nothing. Within ten years, what we have accomplished here! Indeed, we must all be extremely proud about the Party, about the revolutionary young comrades, revolutionary workers, literally thousands of comrades who have sacrificed literally everything they had, to establish our glorious Communist Party of Canada (Marxist -Leninist), which is really the red flag in the northern part of the world. It's like the North Star by which you can steer your way. Our Party is established today, like that North Star. (Applause.)

Comrades and friends,

There are many problems, many difficulties, which we still have to overcome, but as far as our Party is concerned, it teaches us never, ever, to be pessimistic about the revolutionary spirit of the proletariat; never, ever, to be pessimistic about the outcome of class struggle; never, ever, to lose faith in the revolutionary masses, in Marxism-Leninism.

Comrades and friends,

At this time I would like to announce to you a very important event which is happening in the life of our Party. Our Party at this time is holding its most important congress -- the Special Congress of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). This Special Congress is a continuation of the work of the Third Congress. When the,Third Congress was held, there were two very important issues which were left over. One issue was the Constitution of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). The other was the Party's political, programme. This Special Congress opened in great revolutionary enthusiasm and soon the new Constitution, the new Party programme, will be released to the masses of the people. This Internationalist Rally and Internationalist Banquet are in honour of the Special Congress of CPC(M-L), and in honour of the tenth anniversary of the reorganization of the Internationalists. In revising the Constitution of our Party, we are dealing with very important questions of basic principle. The question in revising the Constitution is: On what basis, theory, ideology and outlook do we establish our Party. The old Constitution said that our Party is based on Marxism-Leninism-MaoTsetung Thought. This Special Congress is dealing with this question, and the spirit of the delegates in the Congress is that this is a faulty formulation. Once a decision is made on the question of theory and ideology, then we will have the new Constitution. A very important political report has been presented to the Special Congress on this question. The documents will be available to the Party comrades soon. Our Party has to deal with this question as I pointed out before, from the point of view of the unity of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement, from the point of view of Leninist norms governing various parties.

It is true that our Party has been inspired by the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, our Party has been inspired by the contribution make by the Chinese Marxist-Leninists against revisionism and against opportunism. But, for us, to be loyal to that inspiration, to be loyal to that struggle against revisionism and opportunism, we must continue holding high the bright red banner of Marxism-Leninism as the theoretical foundation for our Party. This is not to say that we deny "Mao Tsetung Thought" -- in fact this is to uphold Marxism-Leninism. Now they are telling us that Mao Tsetung Thought has nothing to do with Marxism-Leninism. If this is true, then we have nothing to do with "Mao Tsetung Thought". If they are going to convert "Mao Tsetung Thought" into some kind of a revisionist and opportunist gospel, something which is opposed to the science of Marxism-Leninism, then the proletariat of the world cannot use it as a guide to action; it is an erroneous ideology and has to be opposed, the Mao Tsetung Thought we sincerely defend is Marxism-Leninism, so we will always uphold this view -- that Mao Tsetung Thought is Marxism-Leninism and our Party is based on Marxism-Leninism.

This Special Congress of the Party will conclude its proceedings around the tenth anniversary of the reorganization of the Internationalists. The Internationalists were reorganized in Montreal on May 7, 1968. And we will celebrate the tenth anniversary of May 7 with the passage of the new Constitution and the adoption of the political report as well as the political programme of the Party. (Applause.) I think that this is a great achievement for our Party: that in ten years, CPC(M-L) has emerged as a national Marxist-Leninist communist movement, part of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement. Within the next ten years, I am quite sure, that we will be on the other side of the wall and that they (referring to the opportunists meeting in the next room) will not be anywhere to be seen. (Laughter, applause.)

So, with these remarks, comrades and friends, I wish all our comrades and friends great success in their work; success organized under the leadership of the Party, and inspired by the Party. Our Party is very proud to have such self-sacrificing, militant, glorious comrades. Long Live Our Party, the Inspirer, Organizer, Educator and Militant Voluntary Union of Canadian Marxist-Leninist Communists! (Audience: Long Live Our Party!) (Applause -- sustained applause -- rhythmic clapping).


LONG LIVE THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF CANADA (Marxist-Leninist)! (Repeatedly.)

Long and sustained applause followed these remarks as the audience very enthusiastically greeted the news delivered by Comrade Bains. The audience immediately began to chant the slogan Parti communiste du Canada (marxiste-leniniste)! Parti communiste du Canada (marxiste-leniniste)! Parti communiste du Canada (marxiste-leniniste)! over and over again, as Comrade Bains was escorted from the rostrum.

This was followed by the singing of the song Here's the Rose, Now Dance! In French, following which the entire audience took up the songs of the international proletariat and Canadian revolutionary songs, and until 5:00 a.m. continued having discussion and singing revolutionary songs. The festive carnival of revolutionary culture lasted until after the sun had risen. End item.


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