Source: “Lenin v Lloyd George”, The Call, 26 February 1920, p.7, (294 words)
Transcription: Ted Crawford
HTML Markup: Chris Clayton
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The above is the title of a twopenny pamphlet issued by the Rev. Richard Lee, M.A., 4 Morgan Street, Dundee, in reply to the Rev. W.M. Scott, M.A., of the same notorious town, notorious through its connection with that clown of capitalism, Winston Churchill, whose recent performance was highly appreciated by his fun?loving constituents It is fortunate that Dundee has the most outspoken clergyman in Scotland, an unflinching defender of the Bolsheviks.
Mr. Lee proves Lloyd-George a liar, a Christian hypocrite, and shows that “in theory Lenin is a materialist, but in practice he is carrying out nobler ideals than Lloyd George, the opportunist and trickster.”
He courageously throws out the following challenge:—
“If any man can prove that in one of these instances I have been uncharitable or unjust to Lloyd George I will withdraw this pamphlet from circulation and pay for a public apology in Socialist newspapers.”
His conception of Bolshevism is excep負ionally fine:—
“By Bolshevism I do not mean the war methods which the leaders have adopted in the face of a world of enemies, nor the par負icular economic theories held by Lenin. I mean the spirit of revolution behind the Bolshevist movement.”
That the writer is fundamentally sound is shown when he asserts that “the present form of society, whether in economics or in government or in religion, is based on the obsolete principle of selfishness and tribal hate. The organic law of human society for the world to-day is that of mutual co觔peration.” He emphatically asserts that Capitalism and Militarism must be over負hrown, and the State absolutely trans苯ormed.
This is the straightest pamphlet that has yet come from a Scottish clergyman, and ought to be well circulated everywhere.