W. Liebknecht

International Socialist Workers and Trade Union Congress


Written: July 30th, 1898.
Published: Justice, 20th August, 1898, p.6.
Transcribed by: Ted Crawford.
Markup: H. Antonn.


Fred Brocklehurst lends us the following letter for publication


Berlin, July 30th, 1898,


In the last sitting of the International Socialist Congress held in London, it was resolved that the next Congress was to be in Germany, and in the year 1898; but that if this should prove impossible, the next Congress was to take place in Paris, and in the year 1900. We made the necessary inquiries, and we had in view two towns in Southern Germany, where we thought the Congress might he held under conditions guaranteeing the liberty of the debate and the personal security of the delegates. Up to the last moment we clung to the hope that Germany would have the honour of having in her midst the Fifth (since 1889) International Congress of the United Proletarians and Social Democrats of all countries. But in view of the turn things have been taking in our country, we have been forced to resign this hope and this honour. The progress and the victories of the Socialist movement have struck such terror in the minds of our governing classes that a new period of violent persecution is beginning, and the conditions cannot be fulfilled under which alone the Congress can take place without sacrificing its nature and our principles. Under the circumstances the Executive Committee of our Patty has decided unanimously that we cannot take the responsibility of inviting our foreign comrades to meet here in Germany, and that in accordance with the resolution of the London Congress, we must yield the honour of the next Congress to our French brethren, who have invited us for 1900, and whom we shall assist and help in any way. As we now have two years' time yet before as, we need not have the Preparatory Conference before the summer or autumn of next year. Hoping to hear soon from you, and with fraternal greetings to you and the other English comrades.


Truly yours,


Last updated on 9.2.2005