Written: November 6, 1920
First published in 1959 in Lenin Miscellany XXXVI.
Printed from the manuscript.
Collected Works,
2nd English Printing,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 42,
pages 224b-225a.
Translated: Bernard Isaacs
D. Walters
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Please consider and carry through at the plenum on 8.XI. a resolution that the report at the Congress of Soviets on 20/XII.2O on the second item of the agenda, namely, "The Basic Tasks of Economic Rehabilitation” be made by the Chairman of GOELRO (the State Commission for the Electrification of Russia), G. M. Krzhizhanovsky.[1]
We shall achieve effective implementation of the general plan of economic rehabilitation, which plan, without electrification, is nothing, and talk about “basic tasks” unrelated to this plan would not be serious.
1) A copy of Krzhizhanovsky’s memorandum “Results of the Work of the State Commission for the Electrification of Russia”.
2) The booklet Basis of Northern Region Electrification Project, of which 3 copies for Trotsky, Rykov and Bukharin I can obtain tomorrow; the rest of the C.C. members should call up the switchboard, 2nd floor, if they wish to have copies.
4) Proofs of the article: “Volga Area Electrification Plan”
1 copy to Comrade Trotsky to be handed to Comrade Rykov and then to the remaining C.C. members
5) Stunkel’s theses.
6) Krug’s theses.
7) List of GOELRO material (over 200 works).
The sum of these documents shows clearly that we are fully able (by timely correction of the theses and plan of Krzhizhanovsky’s report submitted on behalf of the C.C.) to get at the Congress of Soviets exactly what the Party and the country need, namely, a report on the “Basic Tasks of Economic Rehabilitation", which is both business-like and which sets forth the plan of work in a broad and attractive manner.
V. Lenin
Chairman, Council of People’s Commissars
[1] At the plenary meeting of the C.C. on November 9, 1920, G. M. Krzhizhanovsky was instructed to prepare for the Eighth All-Russia Congress of Soviets a report, “On the Electrification of Russia”. At the Congress of Soviets hold in Moscow from December 22 to 29, 1920, this report, on the proposal of the presiding committee, was included in the agenda of the congress.
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