Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism
(A popular outline)
Approximate title for censorship: “Principal Features of Modern
(Recent, the Recent Stage of) Capitalism”
1. The special stage of capitalism in our time. Theme: its study,
analysis, conclusions.
2. Growth of large-scale production.
Concentration of production.
3. Cartels and Trusts.
General figures: Liefmann: α 40 [55–56].
Riesser υ 8 [360–63]. Tafel β 37 [113].
(1) Periods of development: Liefmann. Vogelstein:
α 33–34–35 [71–72].
(4) Technique: Tafel: β 38 [113–14].
(5) Compulsory Organisation by Kestner. α 23 [44–45]
et seq., 27 [46–47], especially 28 [47–48].
Immobility (hindrance to outflow) of fixed capital.
Hilferding υ 4 [334–35] (p. 274).
Merchants=agents: Hilferding. υ 5 [335–37] _||
(p. 322).
Example: Cement: β 99 [189–90].
(3) Share of the United States Steel Corporation:
γ 28–29 [228–30]. β 104 [197–98]. α
40 [55–56].
ι 8 [378].
3 bis, Crises? Disproportional development of
agriculture and industry.
4. Monopoly.
(2 bis) Percentage of industry involved: Vogelstein. Kestner: α
5. International Cartels. “Division of the world” among
Cf. Hilferding υ 5 [335–37] (p. 491).
Total figure: Liefmann.
5. 5. Explosives trust: α 39 [55].
2. 4. Oil: β 13 [89–90]. β 64 [141]. β 87
β 92+93 [175–77 + 177–79].
3. 3. Shipping: υ Riesser 10 [364–65].
4. 2. Rail cartel: υ Riesser 11 [367–68].
Vogelstein: γ 28 [229].—Berglund, p. 169.
1. N.B.: Electricity trust. Die Neue Zeit, 1912:
υ 7–8 [338–41] (cf. υ Riesser 1 [343–45]).
+ β 64
[140]. β 89 [172–73].
Trade in metals: α 11–12 [36–38].
Zinkh\"uttenverband: υ Riesser 13 [366].
7. Conclusions and significance.
6. Banks.
7. Banks.
7. Merged with industry. Hilferding: Marx, II, 79
(υ 3 [333–34]). β 80–81 [162–65] (Jeidels).
8. Members of Supervisory Boards, etc. Hilferding:
υ 4 [334–35] (p. 159. 162).—υ Riesser 7
79 [161–62] (Jeidels). β 81 [163–65]. (α 41 [52–53]
example—bank’s letter to an industrial company).
9. “Universal character” (Jeidels): β 81–82. 83.
84–87 [163–65. 165–66. 166–70]. β 88 [171–72].
(Technical role.) β 90 [173–74].—β 99 [190–91]. N.B.
Tendency of the banks towards monopoly. Hilferding: υ
4 [334–35] (p. 278). α 48 [64–65].
8. “Finance capital.”
9. Export of capital (§ IV).
10. Colonies.
Their general significance: agriculture: β 18 [96–97].
Colonial loans ι 21 [386].
Colonial banks: υ Riesser 7 [354–59].
Social significance of colonies. Wahl: γ 27 [226–28].
Raw materials: β 18 [96–97].
Sales: exports to colonies. β 20 [98–100].
Suppression of industry and development of agriculture, etc. β
24–25 [103–05]. (India, etc.) β 26
America in the Philippines: β 26 [105–06].
Britain: Suez: α 44 [58–59].
(1) Monopolies—(raw-material sources).
(2) Export of capital (concessions).
Finance capital = domination.
11. Growth of colonies.
Morris: γ 47 [251] et seq.
1860 |
}} |
1880 |
χ 2–3 [406–08] |
1900 |
12. “Division of the world”: 1876 and
1914 (colonies).
ξ 5–7 [294–99]. Britain’s virtual
protectorate over Portugal, Norway, Spain (N.B.):
β 21, 22, 23 [100–01–03]. Siam (ibidem). Argentina—Sartorius,
p. 46 (Argentina): ξ 28 [545–46].
λ 25 [452–53]. (idem).
(αα Colonies....)
(ββ Semi-colonies....)
(γγ Financially dependent countries....)—cf. α
31 [69–70].
[BOX upper: 3 ]
13. Uneven growth and “redivision” of the world.
[BOX middle: 2]
14. Picture of relationships in the world economy.
[BOX lower: 1 ]
15. Summing up. Principal economic (industrial) features of
{{ |
α: |
Concentration and monopoly. |
1. |
}} |
β: |
Export of capital (chief thing). |
3. |
γ: |
Bank capital and its “threads”. |
2. |
δ: |
Division of the world by industrial monopolists. |
4. |
ε: |
Idem—colonies. |
5. |
K. Kautsky’s definition. δ [268]
16. “The economic policy of finance capital” and the
critique of imperialism?
“Protectionism”—its growth in Britain, Belgium, Holland. β 19
The new significance of protective tariffs. Engels
in Hilferding. υ 5 [335–37] (p. 300).
Coercion χ 11 [411]; (annexations). 42
β 97 [185–86]: exports and finance capital.
17. Back to free competition or forward to overcoming
Hilferding: υ 6 [337–38] (p. 567 N.B.).
18. Parasitism and “decay” of capitalism.
The “rentier state”... (α 2 [66–67]).
α 3 [67–69].
β 30 [108–10] (five creditor states). (!!) β 95 [181–83]
γ 19 [445–47] (a creditor state). γ
21 (22–23) [448 (449–51)]. γ
25 [452–53]. γ 26. 27. 28. 29
[452–56]. χ 46–48 [434–36]. χ 18. 21. 25. 34 [415–17.
417–19. 420. 426–27].
χ 9
[409–10] (15%) and 10.39 [410–11. 429–30]
Holland. γ 14 [214–15] (Moos).
Hildebrand = apprehensions about
monopoly: β 34 [110–12] et seq.
Foreign workers in Germany
(statistics, 1907).
Foreign workers in France. δ 8 [263–64].
Emigration and immigration. χ 5 [409].
Statistics of issues from § 8. ]
N.B.: Sartorius ξ 29 [547–48].
19. “Ultra-imperialism” or “inter-imperialism”?
χ 7 [430–32] (cf. λ 20 [447–48]).
20. Kautsky and Hobson versus Marxism.
21. Apologists and petty-bourgeois critics of imperialism.
The apologist Schilder: β 27 [105–07]. Hildebrand:
β 35 [111–13].
Nieboer α 13 [38–39].—χ 25. 27. 30 [420. 421–22.
423–24] (Fabians). 31 [424–25]. Liefmann.
{{2 Hobson. χ 1 [405–06]. χ 15.
{{2 16 [414–16]. Cf. β 40 [116–17] on K. Kautsky.
American anti-imperialists. Patonillet.
γ 11 [209–11]. V. Bérard on Egypt: γ
23 [224].
Agahd: β 41 [117–18] et seq. β 54
[128–30]. β 59 [133–34]. β 60. 61
[135. 136–37].
(Eschwege. “Etatisation”; he is against it:
β 94 [178–81]).
β 100 [191]: against Baghdad.
Neymarck is for “peace”: β 69 [149–51] (125).
The Pereires are for world peace. α 42 [53–54].
Apologists: Riesser (υ) and Schulze-Gaevernitz
(α 47 [62–64]).
22. Imperialism and opportunism.
British liberal labour policy.
Definitive split in the working-class movement.
Upper stratum of workers. λ 18 [446]. 22. 22–23. 23.
30 [449–50. 449–51. 450–51. 456–57]. χ 24 [419–20]
(205) (bribery). [ad 18?].
2) 23. Diplomacy
and foreign policy 1871–1914
{brief mention}. α 3.
...Hilferding υ 6 [337–38] (p. 505) ....
υ Riesser 11
British foreign policy (1870–1914)... β 23 [100–02].
German: β 97 [185–86].
Hishida: γ 6 [207].
Oceania: γ 27 [227–28].
Patouillet: γ 9 and 10 [209 and 210].
Hill: γ 46 [251].
3) 23 bis:
Imperialism and democracy. Finance capital and
reaction (&alpha 31 [68–70]).
4) 24. The national question in the era of imperialism (brief
“National wars.” Patouillet: γ 12 [210–11].
America and colonies. Patouillet: γ 10 [209].
Growth of the national movement. β 28–29 [106–08].
Hildebrand’s arguments contra. β 35 [111–12].
Nieboer: α 13 [38–39].
Hilferding: υ χ 17–19–20 [416–17–18]. υ
3 [374–75].
Conclusion. The place of imperialism in history (?).
25. “Interlocking” versus “socialisation”.
{{2 Rate of growth and over-ripening... (their) compatibility). 2}}
{{2 “Decay” and birth of the new.... 2}}
Bottle manufacturers. Die Neue Zeit, 1912 (30, 2), p. 567.
The inventor’s name is Owens, not Owen!
Liefmann: α 40 [55-56].
Riesser: υ 3 and 10 [346–47 and 363–65].
Saint-Simon and Marx (Schulze-Gaevernitz):
α 43–44 [56–59].
Rate of growth: υ Riesser 9 [362–63].
Technical progress and torment (Qu\"alerei).
Taylor and “Motion Study” β 70–77 [152–60].
Summing up and conclusions. Imperialism and socialism. N.B.:
Optimism [regarding opportunism?].
Monopoly and free competition—banks and socialisation.—
Interlocking and socialisation—division of the world and redivisions.—
“Transition” to ...what? β 84 [166–69].
Tschierschky in favour of cartels (against trusts):
afraid: β 104 [197–98].
Incompleteness of Hilferding’s definition. § 15. (To come here?)
Figures in square brackets refer to pages of this volume.—Ed.
The numbering in round brackets was made by Lenin later, in
Two columns of figures were pencilled in by Lenin later.—Ed.
See p. 237 of this volume.—Ed.
Ibid., p. 237.—Ed.
* In Chapter VII,
Lenin included §§ 13, 14 and 15 in reverse order;
the numbers refer to the pages of the MS.
of Lenin’s book Imperialism, the Highest Stage of