First published in 1929 in the journal Proletarskaya Revolyutsiya No. 11.
Printed from
the original.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 37,
pages 323-324.
Translated: The Late George H. Hanna
D. Moros
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Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova,
Sharonov’s House,
Bakhmetyevskaya Street,
Vienna, March 4, 1901
I have come here, Mother dearest, on a hunt for “papers” for Nadya. There was no Russian consul in Prague and my application for a passport for Nadya had to be witnessed. Vienna is a huge, lively and beautiful city. After the “province” where I live it is pleasant to see the metropolis. There is something to look at here, so it is worth while stopping off (should any of you be travelling this way). For this purpose I have sent Nadya a pocket Führer durch Wien. I hope she will soon be seeing you—there should be no hitch with the passport now. I ask Manyasha, when she happens to be in the centre of the town, to buy Hendschel’s Telegraph (two marks) for Nadya (it is not worth the trouble of sending one from here).
Among other things, I have seen the Museum der bildenden K&numl;ste[1] here, and even saw a Viennese operetta. I did not like it very much. I was also at a meeting where a Volksuniversitätskurse[2] was in progress. I got in at the wrong time and went away quickly.
Regards to everyone; many kisses for you, my dear.
V. U.
It is probable that a letter from Anyuta, or perhaps yours or Manyasha’s, is waiting for me at home.
Just in case of accidents I am repeating my new address:
Herrn Franz Modrá\v cek. Vr\v sovice bei Prag. Oesterreich.
[1] Museum of Fine Arts (Ger.).—Ed. —Lenin
[2] People’s University Course (Ger.).—Lenin
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