First published in 1926 in Lenin Miscellany III.
Sent from Munich to Zurich.
Printed from the original.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 43,
page 77b.
Translated: Martin Parker and Bernard Isaacs
R. Cymbala
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23.XII. 01
Dear P. B.,
The letter was sent not registered to your address a couple of weeks ago.[1] If possible, put in an inquiry at the post office, perhaps enclosing an envelope addressed in my handwriting, in case this might help.
Of course it would be better for G. V. to call on the way back. I sent him money for the fare. You must have received Zarya, of course.
Could you now look through my pamphlet (or book?) against the Economists? If you can, I’ll send you half of it in a day or two or early next week, for I would like to have your advice. Drop me a line.
Hoping to see you soon,
[1] Lenin wrote about the same letter to P. B. Axelrod on December 19, 1901 (see present edition, Vol. 36, p. 104).—Ed.
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