Karl Kautsky



Source: Karl Kautsky, Georgia: A Social-Democratic Peasant Republic – Impressions And Observations.
Translated: by H. J. Stenning and revised by the Author.
Published: by International Bookshops Limited, London: 10 Johnson’s Court, Fleet Street, E.C.4.; Bradford: 103 Kirkgate; Manchester: 24/26 New Brown Street.
Transcribed: by Andy Blunden.



I. Natural Conditions

II. Historical

III. Agriculture

IV. Industry

V. The Classes

VI. The Social Revolution

VII. The Difficulties of the Government

VIII. Capitalism and Socialism

IX. The Permanence of the Social Democratic Party

X. The Foreign Policy of the Republic

XI. he Armed Forces of Georgia

XII. The Bolshevist Invasion

XIII. The Moscow Bonapartism

map of Georgia

Last updated on 22.1.2004