Suniti Kumar Ghosh

The Himalayan Adventure

India-China War of 1962 — Causes and Consequences

First Published December 2002

[SOURCE: Published by Rajani X. Desai for Research Unit for Political Economy, Ground floor, Sidhwa Estate, N.A. Sawant Marg, Colaba, Mumbai 400005. Copyright: Anima Ghosh.]

[Transcription and Markup by Marxists Internet Archive, February, 2006.
Transcriber’s Note: Minor additions (of a few lines) have been made to the original text, according to the suggestions of the author during personal discussions. These are not present in the 2002 RUPE edition. These have been marked out in a different colour.]

Part I

•   ‘India declares war on China’

•   The Indian rulers’ expansionist policy

•   Cartographic aggression

•   ‘The forward policy’

•   Collusion between India, the USA, etc. to intervene in Tibet

•   ‘Talks’ but no ‘negotiations’

•   The Himalayan debacle

Part II

•   Convergence of interests of the ruling classes of India, the USA and the USSR

•   US strategy of keeping China under constant threat

•   Nehru’s role in US strategy

•   Nehru and the ‘Commies’

•   India’s economic and foreign policies

•   “Two poles in Asia”

•   The Soviet Union, India and the USA

•   Sharp conflict between China and the Soviet Union

•   Collusion overshadows contention

•   The reversal in China

Part III

•   The aftermath of the war

•   The Himalayan adventure and Indian communists

•   References and Notes


About the Author

A college teacher for a number of years, Suniti Kumar Ghosh has been associated with the Communist movement since the Tebhaga days of 1946-47. He was externed from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) in 1949. He was a member of the All India Co-ordination Committee of Communist Revolutionaries (AICCCR), formed after the Naxalbari uprising in 1967, and was a founder-member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Lemnist).

His other writings include The Indian Big Bourgeoisie: Its Genesis, Growth and Character, India and the Raj 1919-1947: Glory, Shame and Bondage (in two volumes), Imperialism’s Tightening Grip on Indian Agriculture, The Indian Constitution and Its Review, Development Planning in India: Lumpen-development and Imperialism, and a few other books. He has also edited The Historic Turning Point: A Liberation Anthology (in two volumes), a selection from the writings which appeared in Liberation (central organ of the AICCCR and then of the CPI-ML) between 1967 and 1972.