MIA: Reference Writers: Charu Mazumdar



What Possibility The Year 1965 is Indicating? (1965)

Carry on the Struggle Against Modern Revisionism (1965)

Make the People's Democratic Revolution Successful by Fighting Against Revisionism (1965)

What is the Source of the Spontaneous Revolutionary Outburst in India? (1965)

Take this Opportunity (1966)

Our Tasks in the Present Situation (1966)

Carry Forward the Peasant Struggle by Fighting Revisionism (1966)

The Main Task Today is the Struggle to Build Up the True Revolutionary Party Through Uncompromising Struggle Against Revisionism (1966)

It is Time to Build Up a Revolutionary Party (1967)

The Indian People's Democratic Revolution (1968)

One Year of Naxalbari Struggle (1968)

The United Front and the Revolutionary Party (1968)

To Comrades (1968)

Develop Peasants' Class Struggle through Class Analysis, Investigation and Study (1968)

"Boycott Elections!": International Significance of the Slogan (1968)

Undertake the Work of Building a Revolutionary Party (1968)

We Salute the Peasant Revolutionaries of Kerala! (1968)

To the Comrades Who are Working in Villages (1969)

Srikakulam: Will It Be The Yenan of India? (1969)

To the Youth and the Students (1969)

Why Must We Form the Party Now? (1969)

On Some Current Political and Organizational Problems (1969)

Hate, Stamp and Smash Centrism (1970)

Long Live the Heroic Peasants in Naxalbari! (1971)


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