Reference Writers: Makhno Nestor
Makhno Nestor
Reference Archive1884-1934
From Encyclopedia of Marxism
Bibliography by Alexandre Skirda
Summons, 1907
Manifesto of the Makhnovists, 1918
The Anarchist Revolution
To All Peasants and Workers of the Ukraine, 1920
Who are the Makhnovists and what are they fighting for?, 1920
Our Organization, September 1925
Anarchism and Our Times, November 1925
On Revolutionary Discipline, December 1925
Platform, June 1926
The Idea of Equality and the Bolsheviks, February 1926
In Memory of the Kronstadt Revolt, March 1926
The Struggle Against the State, October 1926
To the Jews of All Countries, April 1927
On Defense of the Revolution, June 1927
Great October in the Ukraine, October 1927
The Makhovshchina and Anti-Semitism, November 1927
About the ‘Platform’ , 1928
10th Anniversary of the Insurgent Movement in the Ukraine, January 1928
The First of May, May 1928
A Few Words on the National Question in the Ukraine, December 1928
Open Letter to Spanish Anarchists, April 1931
"Soviet" Power - Its Present and Its Future, October 1931
On the History of the Spanish Revolution of 1931
The Paths of "Proletarian" Power, January 1932
The ABC of the Revolutionary Anarchist, February 1932