From: Paul Healey <>
Subject: Tony Smith on Hegel's Absolute Idealism
To: Annette
From: Paul
Have my replies been of any use to you in explaining a "dialectical concept of chance and my concept of probability" ? That is, I was wondering if you were still following the related topics being discussed ? One of the reasons, that I haven't gone into the precise technical detail of how it works, is that it appears to me that recognition will only come, when and if I decide to use it in the market. Perhaps, you can capture the essence of my dilemma in the following:
As a result doing much research in philosophy, mathematics, logic and psychology, it has become evident to me, that the classical axiomatic deductive method of reasoning is fatally flawed. So while, the dialectics were a true inspiration for Marx and his followers, they were unable to make the profound leap that would of set there science against that of classical empiricism. It is this science, as it is expressed in the systems of formal logic, that is responsible for the mess that are cultures are in today --- since according to the subjective idealist the movement and evolution of our culture( including its environment ) has no objective value. In fact, it might be added that in his time, any possible investment private or public would be terrified of the extra weight his writings could give to the praxis of a science that is concrete. For once a notion of chance can be measured and given a value according to his schema, those that hold, truth supervenes on history ( as those who follow Marx appear to do ), will be obliged to admit, as they often do that their main motivation is a dichotomy within the metaphysics of morality.
Tony Smith writes:
Hegel's system is a reconstruction of the real process (the object realm) in thought, in order to capture its inner intelligibility. It does this by taking the fundamental determinations of the object realm and then noting that these categories define structures that are either structures of simple unity, or of difference, or of unity-in- difference. These structures can then be systematically ordered such that a linear progression of categories is constructed that moves in a step-by-step fashion from simple and abstract determinations to categories that are complex and concrete. The positing and overcoming of dialectical contradictions is the motor of this movement. We can begin to flesh out the content of this system by distinguishing the three main categorial regions: the logical, the natural, and the spiritual. The most distinctive feature of-the logical realm is that categorial structures falling here are ultimately structures of simple unity, or in Hegel's own language tithe distinctive feature of the logical Idea is immediate, simple being-within-self." This means that here we find a series of principles considered in themselves, apart from any real embodiments they may have in the natural or spiritual realms. In other words, for Hegel the realm of the logical refers to a systematic ordering of pure (formal) ontological structures. ( The Logic of Marx's Capital. 1990. Replies to Hegelian Criticisms. ../../../subject/philosophy/works/us/tonysmi.htm )
Hence, by adhering to the logical idea, would you agree an anomaly can be avoided between the method and the process it is actually measuring ?:
As the logical idea is seen to unfold itself in a process from the abstract to the concrete, so in the history of philosophy the earliest systems are the most abstract, and thus at the same time the poorest.( Hegel's Logic. Tr. Wallace, W. p125 )
they wrongly believe this has no identity within Hegel's system of logic. Kant writes:
An idea is employed transcendently, when it is applied to an object falsely believed to be adequate with and to correspond to it; immanently, when it is applied solely to the employment of the understanding in the sphere of experience. ( Critique of Pure Reason. Tr. Meiklejohn, J.M.D. p373 )
Since according to Hegel truth can be learnt from a logical idea, as the logical idea and the logical system are both absolute. One unfolds from and into the other. Freedom embodies the essence of the logical system. Only within the logical system can truth be found. --
Paul Healey