Works of Auguste Blanqui 1830
Source: Auguste Blanqui, textes choisi, Ed. V.P. Volguine, Editions Social, Paris 1971.
Translated: by Andy Blunden for, 2003, Proofed and corrected by Mitch Abidor, 2004;
CopyLeft: Creative Commons (Attribute & ShareAlike) 2004.
Transcribed: Andy Blunden.
To the students of Law and Medicine,
Benjamin Constant has died. France weeps for one of the firmest upholders of its freedom, a great citizen and a great man. For us, it is a for friend that we weep. You know the accents his voice found to repulse the calumnies and insults poured upon us by an oppressive power. You know what burning words he made heard in 1820, 1821, 1822 and 1827, when, not content to sacrifice us to the sword of their hirelings, the powerful insulted us from the tribune and in their newspapers. Benjamin Constant made it a point of pride to be the friend of young people. Until his last moment, he raised his voice to defend us, because the youth of France, just as much as freedom, needed to be defended, even after the battle of the July Days. Five days before his death, the assembly halls still resounded to his patriotic tones; he died in battle as a combatant for the principles and the achievements of our revolution. An entire people will accompany the mortal remains of the defender of our rights to his last resting place. The Colleges owe to their friend a particular mourning, a solemn homage of recognition. I invite all my comrades to meet on the place du Pantheon, Sunday at precisely nine o'clock in the morning. Those of you who have weapons shall come armed, in order to render Benjamin Constant funeral honours.
Louis-Auguste Blanqui,
Student of Law.
P.S. – General Lafayette has given approval to this meeting; one of his staff officers will go along with us tomorrow.