MIA: History: Soviet History: Sounds of the Soviet Union: Lyrics


Вы жертвою пали (Vy zhertvoiu pali) / You fell victims

Вы жертвою пали в борьбе роковой
Любви беззаветной к народу.
Вы отдали все, что могли за него,
За жизнь его, честь, и свободу.

Порой изнывали по тюрьмам сырым,
Свой суд беспощадный над вами
Враги-палачи уж давно изрекли,
И шли вы, гремя кандалами.

А деспот пирует в роскошном дворце,
Тревогу вином заливая,
Но грозные буквы давно на стене
Уж чертит рука роковая.

Настала пора, и проснулся народ,
Великий, могучий, свободный.
Прощайте-же братья,вы честно прошли
Свой доблестный путь благородный.

Vy zhertvoiu pali v borbe rokovoj
Liubvi bezzavetnoj k narodu.
Vy otdali vse, chto mogli za nego,
Za zhizn ego, chest, i svobodu.

Poroj iznyvali po tiurmam syrym,
Svoj sud besposhchadnyj nad vami
Vragi-palachi uzh davno izrekli,
I shli vy, gremia kandalami.

A despot piruet v roskoshnom dvortse,
Trevogu vinom zalivaia,
No groznye bukvy davno na stene
Uzh chertit ruka rokovaia.

Nastala pora, i prosnulsia narod,
Velikij, moguchij, svobodnyj.
Proshchajte-zhe bratia,vy chestno proshli
Svoj doblestnyj put blagorodnyj.



You fell victims in the deadly struggle
Of unselfish love towards your people
You gave whatever you had for it
For life, for honor, for freedom.

You sometimes crouch in moist jails
Judges and executioners had passed judgement
On your boldness
And grudgingly you went with fetters on your feet.

[You trudge exhausted and your fetters are clinking (making noise)
(With your) hands and feet folded
Quietly but sadly casting your eyes
Forward on the deserted road.

The chains are hot with glowing (searing) rays
They have clasped your flesh like snakes
And your warm blood is oozing on the ground.

But you silently bear your fetters
You suffer for the cause of love
Because you cannot bear seeing unmoved (indifferent)
Your brother dying in wretchedness.

In your soul you keep the holy faith
The truth is stronger than a sledgehammer (a "huge blacksmith's hammer")
The time will come and this blood will be appreciated (esteemed)
That you are shedding for your brother.]

And the tyrant is feasting in luxurious palaces
Drowning his anguish in wine
But the deadly (fatal) hand is drawing
Threatening letters on the wall.

Tyranny shall fall and the people will rebel
The great powerful and free people
Farewell our brothers! You have walked with honor
Your road of worthiness and righteousness (nobility).

[The rank of young (fresh) soldiers is following your footsteps
Ready to die and to accomplish high deeds
Farewell our brothers! You have walked with honor
Your road of worthiness and righteousness.]


Composer: Unknown
Musical Arrangements: Nikolai Ikonnikov (1879-1958)
Lyrics: Anton Amosov (his literary name was Anton Arkhangelsky) (1854-1915)
Written: 1878
Transcription/Markup: Igor Koplevsky/Will Brant, 2003