MIA: History: USA: Workers: Lawrence Strike
Report on Strike of Textile Workers in Lawrence, Mass. In 1912:
(62nd Congress, 2nd Session) [not fully reproduced here]The Strike Committee
Grievances: A closer look
The Strike
Wages and Cost of Living
New England Magazine:
(First Lieutenant Walter Merriam Pratt)
The Lawrence Strike of 1912:
(John Bruce McPherson) [not fully reproduced here]Abstract 1: Background and the Beginning
Abstract 2: On the IWW, Wages
Abstract 3: Reaction and end![]()
Newspaper Archives (Janurary 11 - March 30) (pdf format)
Images of the Lawrence Strike
14 year old millworker Camella Teoli Testifies
First Published: 1912
Transcription/Markup: Brian Baggins
Copyleft: USA History Archive (marxists.org) 2003. Permission is granted to copy and/or distribute this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.