MIA : Early American Marxism : Document Download Page
Early American Marxism
[The content of this page is mirrored from the Marxist History Website]
Document Download Page
Most of the following downloadable pdf documents deal directly or tangentially with the early American radical movement. They are generally designed to be printed off of a desktop printer and inserted into "sheet savers" in a binder for future reference. Each document has its own pagination so that it may be cited in scholarly references. We are also going to be adding HTML files and links to already existing HTML files on the Marxsts Interent Archive from the MIA’s various Writers Archives, History and Subject sections. We would like to thank the Marxist History Web Site for allowing us to continue copying their files to insure wider distirbution of this important historical documents. The list below is in alphabetical order.
DOWNLOADS BY SPECIFIC YEAR. This opens a page from which you may download or read documents relating to ALL PARTIES AND GROUPS listed chronologically.
COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL DOWNLOADS. This opens a page from which you may download or read documents relating to the COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL or “Comintern” and its relationship to it's US supporters and the formation of the Communist Party.
COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF AMERICA DOWNLOADS. This opens a page from which you may download or read documents relating to the COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF AMERICA and its organizational predecessors (1928-1934). Material related later to it’s decendents (WORKERS PARTY of the US (1934-1938) and the SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY (1938- ) will be added later.
COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF STRUGGLE DOWNLOADS/HISTORY. This opens a page from which you may download or read documents relating to the COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF STRUGGLE and its organizational predecessors (1931-1937).
COMMUNIST PARTY DOWNLOADS. This opens a page from which you may download or read documents relating to the COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA and its organizational predecessors (1919-1946). Material relating to the Left Wing Section of the Socialist Party is accessible from the Socialist Party downloads page.
CONFERENCE OF PROGRESSIVE POLIITCAL ACTION The idea of joining the “forces of every progressive, liberal, and radical organization of the workers must be mobilized to repel these assaults and to advance the industrial and political power of the working class” seems to have originated with the National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party, which issued an appeal to unions and progressive political organizations for such an group in September of 1921.
FARMER LABOR PARTY This opens a page from which you may download or read documents relating to the FARMER LABOR PARTY and related organizations.
LOVESTONITE ORGANIZATIONS DOWNLOADS. This opens a page from which you may download or read documents relating to the LOVESTONITE ORGANIZATIONS (1929-1940). Jay Lovestone lead various permutations from a 1928 split in the Communist Party of America. They had four names: Communist Party (Majority Group), Communist Party USA (Opposition), Independent Communist Labor League, and Independent Labor League of America.
PROLETARIAN PARTY DOWNLOADS. This opens a page from which you may download or read documents relating to the PROLETARIAN PARTY (1920-1930). This party was an offshoot of the Socialist Party of Michigan, associated with the figures of Dennis Batt and John Keracher.
SOCIALIST LABOR PARTY DOWNLOADS. This opens a page from which you may download or read documents relating to the SOCIALIST LABOR PARTY OF AMERICA (1877-1930). This includes material both before and after Daniel DeLeon's 1890 emergence in the SLP.
SOCIALIST PARTY DOWNLOADS. This opens a page from which you may download or read documents relating to the SOCIALIST PARTY OF AMERICA and its forerunners (1897-1930). Material relating to the Left Wing Section of the Socialist Party—the organizational forerunner of the American Communist movement, appears here.
The WORKERS’ COUNCIL of THE UNITED STATES. of the United States was a short-lived independent organization which emerged from the Socialist Party of America after its 1921 National Convention held at Detroit. This links opens a small collection of documents from the WORKERS’ COUNCIL of THE UNITED STATES.
OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. This is a list of smaller, less influential organizations, mostly short lived that were part of early American Marxism or had an influence on it.
[The content of this page is mirrored from the Marxist History Website]