Red International of Labor Unions

Problems of Strike Strategy

Decisions of the International Conference on Strike Strategy

Held in Strassburg, Germany, January, 1929

The Problem of Information and Connections

The basic task during strikes is to connect the elected committees up with all the strikers, on the one hand, and on the other hand to keep all the strikers well informed as to what is happening. For this purpose it is necessary:

1. To have regular meetings of the strike committee. Regular reports of those meetings are to be made to the strikers.

2. To have regular reports in the press on the development of the strike.

3. To have the strike committee publish a special paper or bulletin based on a united platform for class struggle. This organ must carry regular reports on the development of the strike, the activities of the strike committee with regard to relief, etc.

4. To carefully follow and to deny, thru the general left wing press and the strike committee bulletin, everything that the bourgeois and social-democratic press write about the strike.

5. For information and contacts to utilize the workers’ sport organizations, such as bicycle squads, radio enthusiasts, etc. Physical training classes must and should be utilized during strikes for establishing a permanent contact between the workers of various shops and various districts.

Next: Establishing Contacts with Trade Union Organizations in Other Countries