Communist Party of Britain

The British Road to Socialism (1989)


The peoples of the world are today confronted with problems of enormous magnitude giving rise to fears about the very survival of humanity and life on earth. These include:

  1. The threat of nuclear catastrophe and the need to switch the huge resources wasted on weapons to meeting world wide social needs.
  2. The ecological and environmental 'time bomb' which adds a new threat to human survival.
  3. The ever-growing poverty and other ills which afflict the greater part of the billions of inhabitants of our earth.

What is the position in Britain in relation to these and other great issues of our day? In Britain, the picture is one of stark contrasts. As the rich get richer and enjoy all manner of luxuries that money can buy, the majority of people face the prospect of diminishing job and educational opportunities, declining living standards and a general deterioration in the quality of life.

This need not be so. Never before in history have there been such opportunities offered by the rapid advances in science and technology, which, if socially controlled and rationally planned, have the potential of achieving an abundance of everything needed for the all-round development of every human being. But in Britain, as in other capitalist countries, a deep-seated crisis of the whole economic, political and social system affects adversely every aspect of life. The wealth. effort and ingenuity which could be used to improve the living conditions of working people are, instead, either wasted in war preparations or used to expand the profit base of the transnational monopoly corporations and banks that dominate the country.

The Communist Party of Britain aims to replace the crises, insecurity, profiteering, inequalities and social antagonisms of the capitalist society in which we live by a socialist society.

A socialist Britain would be run for people, not private capitalist profit. The commanding heights of the economy would be publicly owned and production would be socially controlled and planned so as to guarantee everyone the right to a job, a home, education and other social services and benefits. Freedom would be rightly understood, not as the right of individuals to exploit or oppress others, but as the power of human beings, by collectively controlling their society and environment, to develop their individual interests, abilities and talents to the full.

For over a century, British socialists have had this view. It still has to be made a reality. The Communist Party, in this programme, shows how it can be done.

It is not a detailed catalogue of policies covering all issues, nor is it a programme for the next general election or a blueprint for the future. Rather it is an outline of the basic principles governing a long-term strategy for a socialist revolution in Britain. It outlines the general lines of action and struggle which can bring about the unity of the working class and its allies for the winning of political power and the building of socialism. It is a programme of action.

The British Road to Socialism, reflecting the experience of the Communist Party and published in its first edition in 1951, is based on the theory of scientific socialism, pioneered by Marx and Engels, and developed by Lenin, creatively applying that theory to the contemporary situation in Britain and the world. It should therefore be read in that context, and has to be constantly tested in practice and re-assessed in the light of experience, both in Britain and internationally. In our programme we make clear our view:

First, that the major social and economic problems which we face today can only be resolved by putting an end to capitalism and establishing socialism.

Second, that to achieve socialism, the working class and its allies must take political, economic and state power out of the hands of the capitalist class.

Third, that decisive advances towards socialism can only be achieved by mobilising the mass of the people in support of an intermediate Alternative Economic and Political Strategy aimed at securing full employment and a general improvement in living standards, a wide expansion of democracy and a genuine policy for peace.

Fourth, that the socialist revolution can be carried through in Britain by organised mass struggle outside parliament, creating and combining with a socialist parliamentary majority. This would produce a government and mass movement determined and able to implement a socialist programme.

Fifth, that the shift in the balance of forces internationally against imperialism adds to the problems confronting any attempt at outside intervention in support of the ruling class, though it does not exclude the possibility that such attempts would be made in one form or another.

Sixth, that the forces exist which can put Britain on a course for socialism, and that the need is to unite them in a democratic anti-monopoly alliance led by the organised working class.

Seventh, that essential to the achievement of the alliance and the advance to socialism is the building of an effective and much bigger Communist Party.

Our programme is based on confidence in the ability of the British people, led by the organised working class, to overcome all opposition and transform our country into a socialist society where the potentialities of every individual in it would be realised to the full.

The task will not be an easy one. Fierce resistance can be expected from the ruling capitalist class. But in what follows we show how the advance to socialism can be brought about under British conditions in the world as it exists today.