MIA: History: International: Comintern Archive: Sections: Australia
Communist Party of
Open Letter to the I.W.W., 1920
The Proletarian – table of contents June 1920 to February 1922
Editorial Comment, first issue, June 1920
Communist Parties Unity Statements – February 1922Speech at the 5th Congress of the Comintern, Dora Montefiore, 1924
What is Marxism?, Emile Burns, 1939
Murder Will Out, Guido Baracchi, 1940
Jack Kavanagh joins Communist League Jack Kavanagh, 1940Prohibitions on Communist Party of Australia Lifted, speech by Attorney-General, H.V. Evatt, December 1942
Dissolution of the Communist International, statement of E.C.C.I. to all Communist Parties, May 15, 1943The Popular Front
Australia’s Guilty Men and their conspiracy against the Labor Government, Len Fox, 1943
The Story of J. T. Lang, Richard Dixon, 1943
Fred Paterson. Speeches in parliament, Fred Paterson, October 11, 1944
The Controversy over Art
Art and the Struggle, D. Diamond, November 1943
First Anniversary of Marx House, S. Moston, March 1944
Art and the Individual, Kathleen Watson, March 1944
A Further Reply to John Reed’s Views, H.M., July 1944
“Infantile Disorder” on the Cultural Front, John Reed, July 1944
A Criticism of Adelaide’s “Angry Penguins” Vic O'Connor, 1944
Hoax Renders Service to Literature, Katharine Susannah Prichard, March 1945
The Fascist Mentality in Australian Art and Criticism, B. Smith 1946
Controversy on “What Shall We Ask of Writers?”, Max Brown 1946
Art for the People, J.B. Miles, August 1948
Post-War Campaigning
An Outline of Party History Lance Sharkey, December 1944
Foreword to “Foundations of Leninism” Lance Sharkey
The Story of Government Enterprise in Australia, Lance Sharkey and Ernie Campbell, January 1945
Immigration and the “White Australia Policy”, Richard Dixon 1945
The Party As The Inheritor Of Socialist Trends In The Victorian Labor Movement, E.F. Hill, August 1945
History of the Australian Labor Movement. A Marxist Interpretation, E.W. Campbell October 1945
The great coal strike of 1949, J.D. Blake, August 1949
The story of Jim Healy, leader of the Waterside Workers Federation, Rupert Lockwood, August 1951
The Hungry Mile, Tom Nelson, June 1957
Indigenous Australian policy
New deal for the Aborigines Tom Wright, July 1944
Fight for Aborigines Tom Wright, February 1947
Full Human Rights for Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, 1967Fighting MacCarthyism
Communism is in the best interests of the Australian people, Edgar Ross, September 1948
The Story Of The Sharkey Trial, Harold Rich, 1949
Political Charge Against Sharkey, Fred Paterson, 1949
The Party, the Class Enemy and the mass movement, W. Smith, 1950
The Peace Charter and Anti-Conscription, W. Johns, 1951
Ballot Riggers at Work!, 1953
Why I am a communist, Katherine Susannah Prichard, 1956
20th Congress And The Stalin Issue, Lance Sharkey, June/July 1956
C.P.S.U. 20th Congress An Epoch-making Event
Lessons Of The Cult Of The Individual
Historical Experience Concerning Dictatorship Of Proletariat
Socialism In Australia: Communist View on Democratic Socialism, Lance Sharkey, June 1957
18th National Congress of the Communist Party of Australia, April 1958
Draft Agrarian Program
Draft Constitution of the Communist Party of Australia
Social Services and the struggle against the economic crisis, 1948
Who Owns Queensland?, Pete Thomas, 1955
Penal Powers: Menzies’ weapon against unions and wages, Jack McPhillips, August 1958
The Communist Party and You, Ernie Thornton, October 1958
Education in Crisis, W.E. Gollan, August 1959
The Cause of Inflation, and the answer, Ernie Thornton, March 1960
The Trade Unions: Communist Theory and Practice of Trade Unionism, Lance Sharkey, 1961
The Steel Octopus. The story of BHP!, Eric Aarons, May 1961
Danger! NCC at work!, Paul Mortier, October 1962
Storm in the tropics: the historic Mt Isa struggle of 1964-65, Pete Thomas, March 1965
Stalin’s heirs, Frank Hardy, January 1969
Taming the concrete jungle: The Builders Laborers story, Pete Thomas, July 1973
Into the Mainstream. The Decline of Australian Communism, Tom O’Lincoln, 1985
Wilfred Burchett Archive
Guido Baracchi Archive