1848 Revolution

The Democratic and Social Republic

Translated: from the original tract for marxists.org by Mitchell Abidor;
CopyLeft: Creative Commons (Attribute & ShareAlike) marxists.org 2007.

To the People
Democratic and social republic

The destiny of the Republic is in your hands. The approaching election will show France and the world if the Revolution must retreat before intrigue and egoism, or prove its might by a stunning manifestation of number and right.

Remember that unity and discipline alone lead to the triumph of great causes.

Like one man, all of you must carry the three names offered for your suffrage. May Cabet, Raspail, and Thoré, accepted by all by acclamation, come from the electoral urns as your Representatives.

Don’t listen to those who speak to you so that you have as your representatives a prince or an heir of the Emperor. It is the people who are responsible for the glory of the heir of the Emperor. Weigh opinions and actions if you are republicans, but don’t allow yourselves to be blinded by the glow of a name.

Firmly establish the revolution, immutably found the democratic republic with all of its social consequences: this Citizens, it what should be the goal of our common efforts. Ours are the struggles in the Assembly, yours are the struggles on the electoral terrain. All of ours is the never-ending task of realizing these three great principles; Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.

Citizen friends, in the name of your desolated mothers and wives, of your starving children, reinforce the decimated phalanx of the Representatives of the democratic and social republic and prove to the world that if the people of France know how to conquer rights, they also know how to keep them.

The Representatives of the People,
Members of the Central Electoral Committee of Democratic Associations and Worker Corporations

Gambon, Greppo, Pelletier, Deville, Brives, P-J Proudhon, Benoit (of Lyon), Amédée Bruys, Doutre, P.leR. Lagrange, abs, Fosseyeux, sec.