Paris Commune 1871

Declaration of the Montmartre Club

Source: Jean Maitron, Le Mouvement Anarchiste en France, Vol 1. Paris, Maspero, 1975;
Translated: for by Mitchell Abidor;
CopyLeft: Creative Commons (Attribute & ShareAlike) 2009.

The Republic represents equality, that is, justice.

The members of the Club, considering that only direct government by the people can save the fatherland


  1. The election in the shortest time possible of the Paris Commune;
  2. The immediate sending out of Commissioners with plenipotentiary powers in order to have the departments rise up against the invasion;

They thank the Lyons Commune for having affirmed the French Republic in the departments.

They thank Garibaldi for having come to France to affirm the Universal Republic.

The Founding Members:

Millet, Tony Revillon, Fesi
Meyer, Duba, Ledru
Péché, James, Grange
Poujol, Dumahu, J. Bras
E. Bras, Loyon, Gomez
Legallier, Razoua, Chartier
Albernini, Drouet, Berthaut
Blondeau, Compas, Damin
Chatelet, Girbal, Mizard
Becq, Dereure, Salles
Landowski, Jeannin, Foret
Tanneur, Paris

Public meetings every evening at 8:00
Salle de la Reine Blanche 88, Boulevard de Clichy
National Defense-Organization of the Paris Commune