ETOL Writers: Arne Swabeck

Arne Swabeck Internet Archive

Arne Swabeck

Arne Swabeck


Biography: Not yet available


November 1922 The American Question [Writing under the psudonym of “Starr” with James P. Cannon, Max Bedacht et al.]

July 1928 Letter on the Textile Situation

August 1928 Report on the Mining Situation by Arne Swabeck and Motions on the Mining Situation [With Alfred Wagenknecht]

February 1929: Platform of the Communist Opposition [together with Martin Abern, James P. Cannon & Max Shachtman]

February 1929: The Struggle in the Coal Fields

April 1929: The Illinois Miners Convention

August 1929: The New Progressive Movement

September 1929: The Industrial Situation

October 1929: Briand’s Plan for a United States of Europe

December 1929: Is the A.F. of L. Becoming Progressive?

December 1929: The Thieves Fall Out in the Miners Union

December 1929: Illinois Miners on the March!

December 1929: Miners of Illinois Fought Big Odds

January 1930: The Depression and Labor – Prospects for the Approaching Struggles in the United States

February 1930: Can Monopoly Capitalism Be Organized?

February 1930: City of Chicago Goes Bankrupt

February 1930: Leadership in the Coming Struggles

February 1930: The New Industrial Unions

March 1930: Imperialist Development and Its Inevitable Doom

March 1930: The Labor Party and the Tasks of the Communists

March 1930: Next Steps of the American Workers

April 1930: The A.F. of L. in the South

April 1930: The Situation Among the Coal Miners

May 1930: The Socialist Party and the Prospects for Communism

June 1930: Back to Lenin! Manifesto to the Rank and File and Seventh National Convention of the C.P.U.S.A. (with James P. Cannon & 5 others)

June 1930: Operators Prey Upon Passivity of the Coal Miners

July 1930: The Constituent Assembly and Soviets

July 1930: The Unemployed Gather

December 1930: The Railroad Brotherhoods Meet

February 1931: The Communists and the Unemployment Crisis

February 1931: Recent Lessons in Strike Strategy

March 1931: Lawrence on Strike!

March 1931: Recent Lessons in Strike Strategy 2

March 1931: The Strike Strategy of the Left Wing

April 1931: Illinois Mine Workers in Revolt

April 1931: The Slogan of the Six-Hour Working-Day

May 1931: Results of the Illinois Miners’ Revolt

June 1931: The A.F. of L. and the Wage-Cut Drive

June 1931: Miners on the March!

June 1931: Two Criticisms of the 6-Hour Day Slogan

July 1931: England’s Economic Plight

July 1931: MacDonald and Rationalization

July 1931: MacDonald’s ‘Victories’

July 1931: 23,000 West Virginia Miners Are Out in New Strike Wave

July 1931: Where Does British Labor Stand?

August 1931: The Bankruptcy of British Stalinism

August 1931: The Danger of Left Reformism

August 1931: The Unemployment Problem

August 1931: The Wage-Cut Offensive

September 1931: Labor’s Perspective in the Struggle for a Respite

September 1931: Mooney Appeals!

September 1931: Problems of Our Perspectives

October 1931: C.P. Policy in England

October 1931: Green and Co. at Vancouver

October 1931: Jurisdictional Disputes Disrupt A.F.L. Building Trades Dept.

October 1931: Reply of the Steel Workers

October 1931: Second National Conference Marks Step Forward

October 1931: Unite Employed and Unemployed in Relief Struggle

November 1931: After the British Elections

November 1931: Rail Bosses Drive for Wage Cuts

November 1931: The Tom Mooney Case

November 1931: What Laval Achieved by His Visit

January 1932: A Review of the Recent National Tour

January 1932: Utilize Feb. 4 Meets to Build Jobless Movement

February 1932: Labor Fakers Before Congress

February 1932: N.Y. Dressmakers Strike

February 1932: Pay Reduction in the Building Trades

February 1932: Proletarian Party Opposition

February 1932: The Railroad Wage Cut

March 1932: The Dress Strike Settlement

March 1932: Rebel Miners in Action!

March 1932: Sunday’s Elections in Germany

March 1932: Uphold Our Revolutionary Classics!

April 1932: Trade Relations with the U.S.S.R.

May 1932: Congress Talks Unemployment Relief

May 1932: On the Anniversary of Marx’s Birth

May 1932: The Party and the May Day Demonstration

May 1932: The “Socialists” and Their Line of Action

May 1932: The Strike in the N.Y. Building Trades

June 1932: The Communist Party’s Election Platform

June 1932: The Economic Crisis, the Unemployment Situation and the Working Class

June 1932: The Unemployment Situation, the Economic Crisis and the American Working Class

July 1932: The Economic Crisis, the Unemployment Situation and the American Working Class

July 1932: Organizing the Jobless

July 1932: Problems of the Unemployed

August 1932: Illinois Miners Revolt Spreads Thru State

September 1932: Frame-Up Challenge Stays Unanswered by Party

September 1932: A Reply to Comrade Allard

September 1932: Some Experiences of the Illinois Miner’s Struggle and the Policy of the Communists

October 1932: In the Elections – ‘Labor’ or C.P. Ticket?

October 1932: The Miners’ Convention

October 1932: Miners Face Big Tasks

October 1932: One Road for Miners!

October 1932: Right Wing Wins at Gillespie Mine Workers Conference

November 1932: 4 Years of The Militant

November 1932: Marchers Advance to Demand Relief

November 1932: The 1932 Elections and the American Working Class

December 1932: A.F.L. Convention Talks “Radical”

December 1932: A.F.L. and 6-Hour Day

December 1932: A.F.L. and Union Unity

January 1933: Save The Militant

February 1933: Militant Correspondent on the Spot in German Crisis

February 1933: Report Shows Fate of Germany Hangs in Balance; United Front Is Urgent (series)

March 1933: Victory or Defeat in Germany?

Spring 1933: The Crisis in German Communism (series)

Spring 1933: Fascist Terror Rages Against German Masses

April 1933: Labor Writhes Under Nazi Whip (series)

July 1933: On Some Misconceptions of Fascism and State Capitalism (as Simmons)

July 1933: Perspectives for American Labor (series, as Simmons)

July 1933: Stalinism Weakens the U.S.S.R. (series, as Simmons)

August 1933: Background of the New Deal

August 1933: Discussion on the German Defeat

August 1933: Impressions of Fascist Germany

August 1933: N.R.A. and the Trade Unions

August 1933: 35,000 Pa. Mine Workers Strike for Right of Union Organization

September 1933: Before the A.F. of L. Convention

September 1933: Brandler International Makes Overtures to Stalin

September 1933: Left Socialists Meet – Two Steps Forward, One Step Backward

September 1933: Rising Militancy Shown in Growing Strike Wave

September 1933: U.S. Prepares Assault on Europe

October 1933: Perspectives for Revolution in U.S.

December 1933: Impressions on a National Tour

December 1933: A Picture of the League Today

January 1934: An Open Letter to the American Workers Party

January 1934: War Sparks Fly in Far East; Powers Arm

February 1934: Heading Straight for Another World War

February 1934: Lewis Triumphs at Mine Convention

March/April 1934: One Year of Roosevelt’s New Deal (series)

April/May 1934: Cleveland Convention of the C.P. (series)

May 1934: New Trends in the Trade Union Movement

May 1934: Second Strike Wave Under the N.R.A.

June 1934: A Criticism of the Draft Program of the American Workers Party

June 1934: Steel Workers Union in Meeting to Decide Action

June 1934: Steel Workers Union Retreats – Strike Plans Deferred

June 1934: What Is Happening in Fascist Germany?

July 1934: The Decay of the Stalinist Party

August 1934: The Stalinists and Pacifism

September 1934: The A.F. of L. at the Crossroads

November 1934: The A.F. of L. at San Francisco

December 1934: The Second Roosevelt Election

December 1934: W.P. and Trade Unions

January 1935: American Trade Union Problems – I

January 1935: National Progressive Movement in Trade Union Is Party Task

January 1935: Steel Election Called

February 1935: Roosevelt Kicks Bill Green Downstairs

March 1935: American Trade Union Problems – II

March 1935: Roosevelt Gives A.F. of L. Cold Shoulder on Auto Board, Codes, Relief

April 1935: Huey Long – Workers’ Enemy

May 1935: ‘In the Name of God’

May 1935: The Long and Coughlin Movements

July 1935: The Passing of the NRA

August 1935: Is a Third Party Coming?

August 1935: President Roosevelt – Strikebreaker No. 1

September 1935: Burning Problems Face 55th A.F.L. Convention

September 1935: Progressive Issues Confront the A.F.L.

October 1935: The Real Meaning of the United Front

December 1935: The A.F. of L. Begins to Face Issues

February 1936: Does the A.F. of L. Face a Split?

November 1936: After the A.F. of L. Split – What?

April 1936: What Is this Business Revival?

January 1937: The Strike Movement Begins

March 1938: The Trade Unions in Politics

April 1938: T.U. Unity Needed in Coming Class Battles

September 1939: Packinghouse Workers Want Action Policy (as William Simmons)

March 1941: Hitler’s “New Order” (as William F. Simmons)

December 1943: World Role of US Capitalism (as William Simmons)

June 1944: US Capitalism Heads For Bankruptcy (as William Simmons)

August 1944: Trotsky on America’s Role in Europe (as William Simmons)

November 1944: The Coming Upsurge of American Labor (as William Simmons)

February 1945: The Outlook for a Labor Party (as William Simmons)

April 1945: European Perspectives (as William Simmons)

July 1945: Trotskyist Tasks in Europe (as William Simmons)

December 1945: Lessons of the 1919 Seattle General Strike (as William Simmons)

May 1946: American Imperialism at Home and Abroad (as William Simmons)

February 1947: The Housing Shortage

September 1947: Two Pages from American Labor History

February 1948: Three Years of the British Labor Government

September 1949: Dynamics of Revolutionary Change

November 1949: Some Comments on Falling Rate of Profit

March 1951: Economic Roots of the Labor Crisis

March 1952: Inflation and the Arms Economy

November 1953: Social Relations in US Today

Winter 1954: Social Relations in US Today

Winter 1957: American Prosperity Undermines Itself

Spring 1957: The Soviet Challenge To Capitalist Economy

June 1957: Why Beck Is Not Their Real Target

Winter 1958: A World in Crisis

Spring 1958: The “Recession” Deepens

Summer 1957: What Price Depression?

August 1958: The Split in the AFL-CIO

Winter 1959: Production, Profits and Inflation

Spring 1959: Who Is Ahead?

Fall 1962: In Defense of Dialectics


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Last updated: 6 May 2016