IS Journal Writers: Chanie Rosenberg

Chanie Rosenberg

Internet Archive

As Chanie Rosenberg is still alive, this index is not an attempt to make a complete archive of her work. Its purpose is to provide an index of works by Chanie Rosenberg included in various parts of the MIA and ETOL.


March 1957: Colour Bar in Britain (written as C. Dallas)

July 1958: Education and Social Class (written as C. Dallas)

Summer 1967: The Notebook – Teachers (written as C. Dallas)

Autumn 1971: Education and Revolution

1972: Education and Revolution (pamphlet)

June 1973: Bride of the Revolution (book review)

April 1974: This New Season (book review)

June 1976: Food for the Children (book review)

October 1986: Hope of change (book review)

September 1987: Class and the classroom

June 1988: Heroes of the Holocaust (book review)

October 1989: Accumulated waste

November 1992: My favourite books (book review)

September 1994: Revolution in the Air

April 1995: ‘World revolution and happiness for all’ (book review)

January 1999: From world war to class war

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Last updated 31 October 2014