ETOL Writers: Hugo Oehler

Hugo Oehler


Biography (not yet available)


June 1930: Hugo Oehler Joins Opposition

July–September 1930: The Communists in the South (series)

September 1930: Bessemer City Strikes Again

October 1930: Wrong and Right Tactics in the Unemployment Movement

December 1930: Social Reformism in the United States

April 1931: The I.W.W. and the Unemployment Problem

May 1931: Miners’ Revolt Checked at Muste Convention

June 1931: Communism and Syndicalism in Spain

August 1931: The Double Task of the Left Opposition

August 1931: Reforms and Immediate Demands

August 1931: Social Reformism and a Labor Party

September 1931: The Thesis and the Crisis

October 1931: Stalinists Again Oust Left Opposition at Chicago Unemployment Conference

December 1931: For the 6 Hour Day – No Pay Reduction

January 1932: The Proletarian Party Opposition

January 1932: Stalin Makes Party History to Order (as E.O.)

February 1932: The Struggle of the Railroad Workers – The Recent Wage Cut

March 1932: The Communists and the Agrarian Crisis

March 1932: A Few Lessons of the Anarchist Uprisings in Spain

March 1932: Lenin and Trotsky in 1905

April 1932: Hearst’s Program and the Petty Bourgeoisie

April/May 1932: The Negro and the Class Struggle

May 1932: The Bosses’ Tax Problem and the Workers

May 1932: The S.P. “Lefts’” Program

June 1932: The Slogan of the Defense of the U.S.S.R.

July 1932: The Census Report and the Middle Class

July 1932: The Dollar versus the Pound

July 1932: A New Turn in the T.U.U.L.

August 1932: The Communist and Election Activity

August 1932: The Party and the 6-Hour Day Slogan

August 1932: The Theory of Permanent Revolution and American Imperialism

September 1932: “Farmers Holiday” in Iowa

September 1932: On the Proletarian Revolution in the United States

October 1932: Bankruptcy at 12th Plenum

October 1932: Brilliant Expelled

October 1932: A National Revolution in the South?

October 1932: The Power Trust and the Elections

November 1932: Class Against Class in the Presidential Elections

December 1932: For the 6-Hour Day, 5-Day Week!

December 1932: Hoover’s Message

December 1932: The Question of War Debts

January 1933: The Program of the U.W.P.

January 1933: Technocracy – Engineers Have New Plan to Save Bankrupt Capitalism

January 1933: Unemployed & Barter Exchange

February 1933: America and the Fascist Danger

February 1933: Give Now!

February 1933: The Threat of Imperialist War

February 1933: Wall Street’s Stake in Germany

March 1933: Bankers Utilize Situation in Order to Strengthen Hold on Whole System

April 1933: Bank Holiday Screens Advance in the Concentration of Big Capital

April 1933: Kincaid Miners Trial Starts

April 1933: New Ill. Mine Contract

April 1933: 2nd Gillespie Meeting

May 1933: Chicago Meet Unifies Jobless Movement

May 1933: Congress Sidelights

May 1933: Prospects of Development of the Progressive Miners

June 1933: Borders Loses in Split

June 1933: The Gillespie Meet – A Resolution Which Was Rejected and the Reason Why

June 1933: P.M.A. Starts National Drive; Policies Differ

June 1933: Right Wing Move to Expel Militants from P.M.A.

June 1933: Workers Must Organize Against State Capitalism

July/August 1933: Lessons of the Leninist United Front Tactic (series)

July 1933: Cleveland Conference Against the N.I.R.A.

July 1933: C.P. Holds Extraordinary Conference to Whitewash Bureaucrats’ Failure

July 1933: Is the Recovery Act a Fascist Measure?

July 1933: The N.I.R.A – Summed Up

July 1933: Stalinists in Bloc with Musteites at Columbus Meet, Retard Progress

July 1933: The Two Sides of USSR Recognition by the U.S.

August 1933: J.L. Lewis Betrays Miners at Coal Hearing

August 1933: Latest Developments in the Textile Industry

August 1933: Political Character of Strikes Under N.I.R.A.

August 1933: United States at London Confab

September 1933: The Cuban Challenge to U.S. Imperialism

September 1933: Inflation Hits the American Working Class

September 1933: U.S., Cuba and Latin America

October 1933: Nationalization and the N.R.A.

December 1933: American Imperialism at the Montivideo [sic!] Congress

December 1933: The Class Meaning of the Conflict over the Roosevelt Monetary Policy

December 1933: A New Stage in the NRA

December 1933: Wall Street Rules at Montevideo Confab

January 1934: Civil Works and the NRA

January 1934: Correction

January 1934: Labor Leaders and NRA

March 1934: Roosevelt’s ‘12 Points’ Against the Workers

May 1934: Darrow Speaks for the Middle Class

May 1934: The Imperialist Conflicts over the Chinese Markets

May 1934: Old and New Organization Forms

June 1934: Roosevelt’s New Cuban Treaty

June 1934: Roosevelt’s Program for “Social Insurance”

June 1934: The Strike Wave and the Role of the NRA

June 1934: The Wagner Bill Dispute

June 1934: What the 73rd Congress Did for the Bosses

February 1935: Long Waits, Small Benefits Feature of Insurance Bills

February 1935: Should Revolutionists Build a Labor Party?

1937: Barricades in Barcelona (pamphlet)

November 1939: The Ukraine Question – A Reply to Trotsky’s Polemic

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Last updated: 4 May 2016