ETOL Writers: Kurt Landau

Kurt Landau Internet Archive

Kurt Landau

Kurt Landau


Biography (not yet available)


November 1929: The E.C.C.I. Plays with the Life of the Austrian Party

November 1929: The Real Victor in the German Elections

November 1929: The Leninbund on the Wrong Road

December 1929: New Turn in German Trade Union Tactics

February 1930: German Unemployed and the First of February

February 1930: The League against Imperialism

February 1930: The Struggle Against Unemployment in Europe

March 1930: The Political Situation in Germany and the Crisis in the Communist Party

March 1930: The Elections to the Factory Councils in Germany

June 1930: The Menace of Fascism

June 1930: The “New Turn” in the C.I.

August 1930: The Danger of Fascism in Germany

September 1930: The German Dilemma – Communism or Fascism? – The Election Results

November 1930: Where Is Thaelmann Leading the German Party?

January 1931: The International Conference of the Rights

1937: The Spanish Revolution of 1936 and the German Revolution of 1918–19

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Last updated: 4.12.2012