ETOL Writers: James M. Fenwick

James M. Fenwick

Internet Archive

Biography (not yet available)


October 1941: A Chorus of Mixed Voices (book review)

November 1941: The Happy Hypocrite (book review)

November 1941: The Voice of Richard Wright (book review)

December 1941: The War and Priorities

October 1942: How the Other 2% Lives (book review)

October 1942: A Lesson from History (book review)

April 1943: Plunder in Southeast Asia (book review)

January 1946: Politics of the International Working Class (book review)

January 1948: Carlson: “Homo Stalinensis” (book review)

January 1948: Marxist Missionary (book review)

5 January 1948: Off Limits (column)

19 January 1948: Off Limits (column)

26 January 1948: Truman’s Doctor Intimates Grain Gambling His Best Cure

9 February 1948: Off Limits (column)

15 March 1948: Off Limits (column)

September 1948: The Mysterious Bruno R.

September 1948: War Vignette (book review)

September 1950: Korea and US Foreign Policy

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Last updated 23 December 2015