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ETOL Writers: Ernest Erber
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February 1935: Of What Importance an Election?
March 1935: Can the Road to Power Be a Legal One?
June 1935: The Significance of the Struggle Between the Yipsels and the Old Guard in New York
August 1935: The YIPSEL Convention
August 1936: The YPSL and the AYC
March 1937: Statement on Ethics
August 1937: Erber Hits Plan to Steal YPSL Convention (letter)
September 1937: Erber Greets Youth Convention
September 1937: Erber Surveys YPSL Progress in Five Years of Development
March 1938: Paris Commune (book review)
April 1938: History of Polish C.P. Undergoes Refurbishing
May 1938: Felix Morrow Writes a Marxist Study of the Events in Spain (book review)
October 1938: From Left Socialism to Bolshevism
June 1940: Marxism and National Defense
June 1941: Basis for Defensism in Russia (as Ernest Lund)
July 1941: Statement on PC Position on the Russo-Nazi War (as Ernest Lund)
March 1942: Protect Labor’s 40 Hour Week! (as Ernest Lund)
January 1943: Wallace Debunked – His World Will Be Hunting Ground for $ Diplomacy (as Ernest Lund)
April 1943: “Letters of Release” – A New Runaway Slave Law (as E. Lund)
June 1943: Sun Shipyard Guards Shoot Seven Negro Workers (as E. Lund)
July 1943: The Coming Invasion of Europe (as Ernest Lund)
August 1943: Why the Capitalist System Won’t Work (as Ernest Lund)
August 1943: WLB Rejects Ship Workers Pay Rise (as Ernest Lund)
September 1943: Fascism Is a Product of Capitalism (as Ernest Lund)
March 1944: Parade of Milkmen (as Ernest Lund)
28 May 1944: Straight Talk (column) (as Ernest Lund)
5 June 1944: The SP – A Party of Confusion (as Ernest Lund)
5 June 1944: Straight Talk (column) (as Ernest Lund)
19 June 1944: Straight Talk (column) (as Ernest Lund)
26 June 1944: Straight Talk (column) (as Ernest Lund)
26 June 1944: Straight Talk (column) (as Ernest Lund)
3 July 1944: Straight Talk – Reading That Really Matters (column) (as Ernest Lund)
10 July 1944: A Five Foot Shelf for Workers (reading list) (as Ernest Lund)
September 1944: Power Politics of the Big Three (as Ernest Lund)
October 1944: AMG Will Not Purge Italian Fascists (as Ernest Lund)
October 1944: Behind the Shipbuilders’ Fight (as Ernest Lund)
October 1944: Progressives in Stiff Fight at Ship Convention (as Ernest Lund)
October 1944: The Shipbuilding Workers Convention – An Analysis (as Ernest Lund)
October 1944: What Labor Action Means to Shipyard Workers of America (as Ernest Lund)
April 1945: Cutbacks Threaten Philadelphia Labor (as Ernest Lund)
May 1945: Stalin as Lenin’s Heir (book review) (as Ernest Lund)
September 1946: Leon Trotsky and the Workers Party
January 1947: Trotsky’s Role in 1920–23
February 1948: Flashback on “Russian Question”
February 1948: Note on Sources
February 1948: Stalinism in Czechoslovakia
July 1948: On the Czechoslovakian Coup (with Emanuel Garret & Henry Judd)
Marxists’ Internet Archive | ETOL Home Page | Trotskyist Writers
Last updated on 12 June 2016