ETOL Writers: Bassem Chit

Bassem Chit

Bassem Chit

(1979 – 2014)


Alex Callinicos: Bassem Chit (1979–2014) (obituary from Socialist Worker (GB), 7 October 2014)

Yusef Khalil: A tenacious and creative fighter (obituary from Socialist Worker (US), 7 October 2014)



August 2003: Aiming for Alternative Media

February 2005: The dangerous mood in Lebanon after the assassination

February 2005: Hariri’s Assassination – US and Europe

March 2005: Lebanon protest backed by rich

March 2005: ‘We do not want to see US troops and a civil war in Lebanon’

December 2005: The cost of US policies in Lebanon

January 2006: Individualism in Politics (unfinished)

January 2006: Random Thoughts (1) (poem)

May 2006: Lebanon – Anger on the streets as the Cedar Revolution wilts

May 2006: Lebanon – Some things money can’t buy

August 2006: Can Hizbollah unite Lebanon?

August 2006: A new grouping of forces is emerging in Lebanon

February 2008: ‘On this day the world changed’

June 2008: Letter from Lebanon

January 2009: Targeting the Arab rulers over inaction on Israel

June 2009: Letter from Lebanon

October 2009: Resilience of the Palestinians (letter)

January 2011: Threatening the power of Arab rulers

June 2011: Class politics can unite the Middle East

August 2011: As Gaddafi’s brutal regime collapses ... Don’t let West hijack Arab Spring

September 2011: ‘Democracy is not given, it is taken’

July 2012: Electricity workers in Lebanon strike back against casualisation

August 2012: Syria’s rebels organise despite brutal repression

September 2013: The West’s war will weaken Syria’s revolution

October 2013: Understanding racism against Syrian refugees in Lebanon (with Mohamad Ali Nayel)

January 2014: Nationalism, Resistance and Revolution

February 2014: Sectarianism and the Arab revolutions

August 2014: How did the sectarian nightmare come true in Syria and Iraq? (interview)


Last updated: 27 January 2015