Robert J. Alexander

International Trotskyism, 1929-1985

A Documented Analysis of the Movement

Publishing information: Robert J. Alexander, International Trotskyism 1929-1985: A Documented Analysis of the Movement. Copyright 1991, Duke University Press. Posted with permission. All rights reserved. This material may be saved or photocopied for personal use but may not be otherwise reproduced, stored or transmitted by any medium without explicit permission. Any alteration to or republication of this material is expressly forbidden. Please direct permissions inquiries to: Permissions Officer, Box 90660, Durham, NC 27708, USA; or fax 919.688.3524.
Transcribed: For the ETOL beginning February, 2001


Origins and Nature of International Trotskyism
Some General Characteristics of
   International Trotskyism
Albanian Trotskyism
Trotskyism in Algeria
Argentine Trotskyism
The First Phase of Australian Trotskyism
The Revival of Australian Trotskyism
Austrian Trotskyism
Belgian Trotskyism Before World War II
Belgian Trotskyism During and
  After World War II
Trotskyism in Black Africa
Trotskyism in Bolivia
Trotskyism in Brazil
Bulgarian Trotskyism
Canadian Trotskyism
Trotskyism in Ceylon/Sri Lanka: The Rise of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party
Split and Decline of Ceylon/ Sri Lanka Trotskyism
Chilean Trotskyism
Trotskyism in China
Trotskyism in Colombia
Costa Rican Trotskyism
Cuban Trotskyism
Trotskyism in Cyprus
Trotskyism in Czechoslovakia
Danish Trotskyism
Trotskyism in the Dominican Republic
Ecuadorean Trotskyism
Egyptian Trotskyism
Trotskyism in El Salvador
Finnish Trotskyism
Fomento Obrero Revolucionario
Fourth International: From International Left Opposition to Movement for the Fourth International
Fourth International: The Establishment of the Fourth International
The Fourth International: The Fourth International During World War II
The Fourth International: The Immediate Post-World War II Period
Fourth International: Split and Partial Reunion
French Trotskyism Before World War II
French Trotskyism During World War II
French Trotskyism: From PCI to New PCI
French Trotskyism: The 1952 PCI Minority and Its Heirs; Lutte Ouvrière and Other French Trotskyist Groups
Trotskyism in the French Antilles
German Trotskyism Before World War II
German Trotskyism During and After World War II
Trotskyism in Great Britain: The Early Years of British Trotskyism
British Trotskyism: From Revolutionary Socialist League to Revolutionary Communist Party
British Trotskyism Since World War II: The RCP and the Healyites
British Trotskyism since World War II: International Socialists, IMC; Militants, and Other Groups
Trotskyism in Greece
Healyite International Committee
Trotskyism in Honduras
Hungarian Trotskyism
Trotskyism in Iceland
Trotskyism in India
Indonesian Trotskyism
International Committee of the Fourth International of the 1950s
International Committee of the Fourth International of the 1960s
International Revolutionary Marxist Tendency

International Secretariat of the Fourth International of the 1950s
International Socialist Tendency international Spartacist tendency (sic)
International Workers League (Fourth International)
Iranian Trotskyism
Trotskyism in Iraq
Trotskyism in Ireland
Trotskyism in Israel
Italian Trotskyism
Trotskyism in Jamaica
Japanese Trotskyism
Trotskyism in Korea
Trotskyism in Lebanon
Lutte Ouvrière Tendency of International Trotskyism
Trotskyism in Luxemburg
Trotskyism in Mauritius
Trotskyism in Mexico
Moroccan Trotskyism
Netherlands Trotskyism
Trotskyism in New Zealand
Nicaraguan Trotskyism
Norwegian Trotskyism
Organizing Committee for the Reconstruction of the Fourth International (CORQI)
Trotskyism in Panama
Peruvian Trotskyism
Polish Trotskyism
Trotskyism in Portugal
Posadista Fourth International
Trotskyism in Puerto Rico
Trotskyism in Romania
South African Trotskyism Spanish Trotskyism Until the Formation of the POUM
Spanish Trotskyism just Before and During the Civil War
Trotskyism and Spain After the Civil War
Swedish Trotskyism
Trotskyism in Switzerland
Trotskyist International Liaison Committee
Tunisian Trotskyism
Trotskyism in Turkey
United Secretariat of the Fourth International: Its Origins
The Trajectory of the United Secretariat
U.S. Trotskyism: From Cannonite Faction to the Workers Party
U.S. Trotskyism: The French Turn in the United States
U.S. Trotskyism: The Shachtmanite Split
U.S. Trotskyism: The swp During and Immediately After World War II
U.S. Trotskyism: The swp in the Difficult 1950s
U.S. Trotskyism: The swp, the YSA and the New Left Movements in the 1960s
U.S. Trotskyism: The Socialist Workers Party in the 1970s and Early 1980s
U.S. Trotskyism: The swp Purge of the Early 1980s and Its Aftermath
U.S. Trotskyism: The Shachtmanite Tradition After Shachtman
U.S. Trotskyism: The Workers World Party, Spartacist League, Workers League and Their Offshoots
U.S. Trotskyism: Other United States Trotskyist and Ex-Trotskyist Groups Uruguayan Trotskyism
Varga Fourth International
Venezuelan Trotskyism
Vietnamese Trotskyism
Yugoslav Trotskyism

Last updated on: 13.2.2005