Revolutionary History will not wish to review or promote every left journal. Where a journal makes available important historical documents for study and discussion, this complements our own work and we will be happy to draw such publications to the attention of our readers. What Next? is just such a case.
What Next?
What Next? is a discussion journal aimed at those who are interested in actively responding to the bankruptcy of the world capitalist system by fighting to re-establish revolutionary Marxism, as Lenin and Trotsky did for their time. The collapse of the regimes in the Soviet bloc signals a new historical period which demands Marxist analysis as a guide to action through open discussion uninhibited by sectarianism and phrasemongering.
The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for such discussion. In order to create the conditions for this, our editorial policy is broad. Comments and contributions will be welcomed.
Available from
24 Georgiana Street, London NW1 0EA
Email:, or website
Price £2 per issue, £10 subscription for 6 issues.
Issue 1
The collapse of the East-European Workers’ States, by Jack Bernard
The Socialist Labour Party : Why Arthur Scargill is Wrong, by Bob Pitt
The Programme of Peace, by Leon Trotsky
Why the German Revolution Failed, by Walter Held
Issue 2
The Progress and Stagnation of Marxism, by Al Richardson
The Socialist Labour Party and Why Bob Pitt is Wrong, by Ian Dudley and Geoff Palmer
The SLP and the Crisis of Social Democracy, by Patrick Benton
The Spanish Socialist Party, by John Sullivan
Don’t Shoot, by Jim Dye
Why the Socialist Revolution Has Failed, Jack Bernard
Review : The Choices for Russia: The Economic Programme of the Left Opposition, Socialist Action pamphlet, by Bob Pitt
The German Revolution in the Leninist Period, by Jean Van Heijenoort
Issue 3
Britain’s Party of Recomposition: Why Trotskyists should join Socialist Labour, by Dave Osler
Revolutionary Opportunism, by Jack Bernard
Lenin’s Concept of Hegemony, by Jonathan Joseph
Bosnia and the Rights of Nations to Self-Determination, by Al Richardson
Edmund Samarakoddy, by T. Perera
The National Question in Sri Lanka, by Edmund Samarakoddy
Introduction to Max Shachtman’s ‘Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg’, by Tony Dale
Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg, by Max Shachtman
Issue 4
Ireland and the Crisis of the British State, by David Coen
Socialists and the Scottish Question, by Gordon Morgan
The Spanish Communist Party and the Spanish Left, by John Sullivan
Why Marxists Should Have Defended Bosnia (and Why They Shouldn’t), by Nick Davies
Revolutionary Regroupment, by Gerry Downing
Is the Time Ripe for the Slogan ‘The United States of Europe’?, by Leon Trotsky (Note by JJP – this appears to be the John G. Wright translation available in both the Pathfinder and New Park editions of The First Five Years of the Communist International
Introduction to the above, by Jack Barnard
Reviews (Inc. Jack Barnard on Zheng Chaolin’s memoirs)
Letters (Inc Mike Jones on Walter Held and Brandler)
Issue 5
The crisis in the Basque country, by John Sullivan
The Cease-Fire: Not a stepping stone to a united Ireland, by Gerry Downing
Socialists and the Labour Party: Stay and prepare to fight, by Tony Dale
Travelling the capitalist road: The people’s alliance government in Sri Lanka, by Meryl Fernando
The Bracegirdle saga: 60 years after, by T. Perera
Millenial politics: The nightmare of George Orwell, by Al Richardson
Against neutralism: A reply to Al Richardson on Bosnia, by Joe Rassool
War communism in retrospect, by Paul Flewers
Reviews (inc Al Richardson on Volkogonoff’s Trotsky)
Issue 6
The Revival Of the Labour Left? Tony Dale
Scargill’s Socialist Labour Party, Ian Driver
Recomposition and the British Left, Dave Osler
Why Britain’s Communists backed Blair, Kenny Coyle
The United Left Unravels, John Sullivan
Open letter to members of the PRC Franco Grisola and Marco Ferrando
Spin Doctors Media and the Left: The Hackney Example, Tony Whelan
John Maclean and the Scottish Workers Republic, Bob Pitt
The Russian Revolution: A Twentieth Century Enigma, Al Richardson
A Letter and Some Notes , Victor Serge
The German Left and Bolshevism, Walter Held
Letter to Yugoslav comrades, Leon Trotsky
Issue 7
The Young Tigers. An Endangered Species, Brian Green
Spain’s Fragmented Left, John Sullivan
The Crisis at the Morning Star, Martin Sullivan
The Liverpool Docks Strike: Some Lessons for Socialists Jim Dye
The Socialist Labour Party: From Opportunity to Obstacle, Ian Dudley
Recomposition in Britain: A Reply to Dave Osler, Bob Pitt
The Electoral Road to Damascus , Pat Byrne
Marxism and the National Question, Dave Hollis
Red Flag Over St Pancras (Part l), Bob Pitt (Note: the link is to the whole of this originally serialised article)
Introductions to Rosa Luxemburg or Lenin?, Mike Jones
Rosa Luxemburg or Lenin?, August Thalheimer
Issue 8
Why Socialists Should Welcome the Irish Peace Agreement, Tony Dale
Blair’s First Year in Office, Dave Osier
Some Observations on the Blair Project, Mike Phipps
Entrism: Lessons from the 1930s, John Archer
The Case for the SWP, Ian Birchall
The Communist Party of Britain and Left Unity, Kenny Coyle
Frederick Engels, Baron Jellachich de Buzim ... and Bosnia? Ernie Haberkern
Trotskyist Regroupment, Nick Davies
Soviets in Action, John Reed
Red Flag Over St Pancras (Part 2), Bob Pitt
Issue 9
The Joy of Sects: Marx and Engels on Senile Leftism, Al Richardson
The Communist Manifesto, the United Front and the Labour Party, Mike Jones
The Socialist Workers Party and Elections, Martin Sullivan
Scottish Independence and the Struggle for Socialism, Alan McCombes
Marxism and the National Question in the Spanish State, Jim Padmore
The National Question in Yugoslavia, Mike Jones
Why Socialists Don’t Welcome the ‘Peace’ Agreement, David Coen
Drugs and Capitalist Society: A Marxist Response, Jim Dye
Victor Serge and Libertarianism, Ernie Haberkern
Secrecy and Revolution: A Reply to Trotsky, Victor Serge
Issue 10
Introduction to Hal Draper, Ernie Haberkern
On Another Road: The Alternative to the Micro-Sect, Hal Draper
Why Socialists Should Defend Clinton, Martin Sullivan
The ETA Ceasefire, John Sullivan
Socialism or Republicanism, Tony Dale
Socialist Alliances Conference: Progress at a Snail’s Pace, Ian Dudley
The Labour NEC Elections: Lessons for the Left Bob Pitt
New Labour Witch-Hunt in Liverpool, Jim Dye
Obituary: Paul Wozny, Jonathan Joseph
Victor Serge: Hero or Witness?, Ian Birchall
Why We Must Defend the Essentials to Condemn the Errors, Gerry Downing
Red Flag Over St Pancras, Bob Pitt
Issue 11
The Transitional Programme and the task of Marxists today, Bob Pitt
The Programme of the Parti Ouvrier, Karl Marx & Jules Guesde
Bosnia: The view from Argentina, Luis Oviedo
The Basque Elections, Jim Padmore
Is Grassroots the Way Forward, Jonathan Joseph
Yes It Is: Reply to Jonathan Joseph, Bob Pitt
The Independent Labour Network Another Sectarian Dead End?, Martin Sullivan
Scottish Independence: a Reply to Alan McCombes Mary Ward
All Hail the Scottish Workers’ Republic!, Allan Armstrong
Ian Birchall and Victor Serge, Ernie Haberkern
A Secret Strategy, Roy Tearse and the Discussion Group 1971-1988, John Sullivan
Issue 12
The Myth of Lenin’s Concept of Party, Hal Draper
A letter About Lenin, Karl Kautsky
The German Unions and the New Government, Theodore Bergmann
An Open Letter to John Prescott, Ken Coates
The Left and Livingstone: Why Socialists Should Support Ken, Martin Kelly
The Socialist Unity Slate in the Scottish Elections, Bob Goupillot
The SWP Acquires a Programme, Bob Pitt
The Transitional Programme Reassessed, Harry Ratner
Workers Liberty and the Third Camp, Paul Hampton
Ernie Haberkern and Victor Serge, Ian Birchall
Issue No.13
Kosova: Serbia’s Cradle – Whose Graveyard?, Nick Davies
Kosova and the KLA, Nick Brauns
Self-Determination for Kosova?, Bob Pitt
Where is Russia Going?, Lisa Taylor
Electoral Challenges to Labour: the Failure of an Illusion, Jim Dye
The Left and the May Elections, Martin Sullivan
The Labour Party in Liverpool, Jim Dye
The Scottish Socialist Party Conference Report, Allan Armstrong
Drugs, Socialists and Morality: A Rejoinder, Richard Price
Two Notes, Ernie Haberkern
The ABC of National Liberation Movements, Hal Draper
Rosa Luxemburg on Lenin’s Concept of the Party Mike Jones
Strategy and Tactics of the Communist International: What are Transitional Slogans?, August Thalheimer
A German Communist in the Spanish Civil War, Eva Eisenschitz
Issue No.14
Brian Green, The World Economy: Towards the Millennium
Gerry Downing, The End of the Peace Process?
John Palmer, War in Kosovo: A Victory for Human Rights
Nick Davies, Self-Determination for Kosova! A Reply to Bob Pitt
Dave Bedggood, Order Reigns in the Balkans
Mike Phipps, Is the Party Over?
Dave Osler, The Illusion of Failure: A Reply to Jim Dye
Jim Dye, Ideology and the Unions
Jim Dye, Seeing the Light
Matthew Willgress, Report on Marxism at the Millennium
Jim Higgins, Locusts, Cankerworms, Caterpillars and Palmerworms Will Get You if You Don’t Watch Out
José Villa, Ten Years of the LRCI
Mike Cowley, The Glasgow Labour Party and the Mohammed Sarwar Case: Some Personal Reminiscences
Wesley S. Muthiah, Mark Anthony Lyster Bracegirdle – A Traitor to the Imperialist Cause
Bob Pitt, Red Flag Over St Pancras (part 4)
Issue No.15
Matthew Willgress, Livingstone’s London: Millbank’s Nightmare
Bob Pitt, The AWL and Ken Livingstone
Minutes of AWL National Committee Meeting 7.11.99
Pete Firmin, The Trade Unions, the Left and the Labour Party
Martin Sullivan, Destroying Party Democracy – The Key to Blairism’s Future
Joe Rassool, Intellectual Dissidence and the Serb National Question
Brian Green, Buddhism and Meditation: Some Preliminary Thoughts
Richard Stephenson, Stalinism versus Revolutionary Socialism in Vietnam
Andrés Nin, Bloc, Party or Organisation of Sympathisers?
Also available from the same publisher:
John McLean and the CPGB, £2
How the NKVD framed the POUM (admissions of a minister in the Republican government about the Stalinist murders of the left), £1.50