Current issueVol.9 no.3

Remembering 1956



Edition Editor: John McIlroy


John McIlroy, On the Fiftieth Anniversary of 1956

Paul Flewers, The Unexpected Denunciation: The Reception of Khrushchev’s ‘Secret Speech’ in Britain

Steve Parsons, Nineteen Fifty-Six: What Happened in the Communist Party of Great Britain?

John McIlroy, A Communist Historian in 1956: Brian Pearce and the Crisis of British Stalinism

Christian Hogsbjerg, Beyond the Boundary of Leninism? CLR James and 1956

Ian Birchall, Nineteen Fifty-Six and the French Left

Tobias Abse, Palmiro Togliatti and the Italian Communist Party in 1956

Harry Ratner, Remembering 1956

Ernest Mandel, Poznań and its Aftermath

Shane Mage, The Discussion of the Crisis of Stalinism at the Recent NEC Meeting

The Marxist-Leninist’s Song


Work in Progress


Pierre Broué, The German Revolution, 1917-1923 (Mike Jones)

Patrick Hutt, Confronting an Ill Society: David Widgery, General Practice, Idealism and the Chase for Change (David Renton)

Adam Hochschild, Bury the Chains: The British Struggle to Abolish Slavery (Harry Ratner)

Bettany Hughes, Helen of Troy: Goddess, Princess, Whore (Chris Gray)

Loren Goldner, Herman Melville: Between Charlemagne and the Antemosaic Cosmic Man: Race, Class and the Crisis of Bourgeois Ideology in an American Renaissance Writer (Christian Hogsbjerg)

Barry Sheppard, The Sixties: A Political Memoir (Louis Proyect)



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