A list of contents of all previous issues
Compiled by John Plant, with assistance from Ted Crawford, latterly updated by Ian Donovan (including links to documents and covers) and then Jim Jepps. All the articles in the issues that are unavailable (nos. 1–8, 10 & 11) are now on-line and are in the public domain. When issues are sold out they too will be placed on-line. We would be very pleased to hear from you if you notice errors, whether typograpghical or more substantial. Please email Ted Crawford who will see to the corrections however minor.
To view covers of issues of Revolutionary History, click on the small images to view a full size image. Use the back-arrow on your browser to return to this page.
- Mike Howgate: Readers Notes (Listings of relevant press items)
- Spartacist statement (Their usual line on ‘ostensibly revolutionary groups’)
Vol. 1 No. 2, Summer 1988
The hidden history of the Spanish Civil War
Mike Howgate: Readers’ Notes
Vol. 1 No. 3, Autumn 1988
War and Revolution in Europe: 1939–1945
Reader’s Notes
Vol. 1 No. 4, Winter 1988–89
Against All Odds:
Dutch, French and Indian Trotskyism during the Second World War
Vol. 2 No. 1, Spring 1989
Strikes & Leadership:
Trotskyists and Major Class Battles
The Renault Strike of 1947
The 1934 Minneapolis Strike
Readers’ notes
Vol. 2 No. 2, Summer 1989
Nationalism, resistance and imperialist war:
Trotskyism in Argentina and Scandinavia
Reader’s Notes
Vol. 2 No. 3, Autumn 1989
Germany: the key
The German Left 1919 to 1935
Readers’ Notes
Vol. 2 No. 4, Spring 1990
The Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution
Work in Progress
Vol. 3 No. 1, Summer 1990
Stalinism & Communism in Eastern Europe
Work in Progress
- Errata for Vol. 2 No. 4
- Books and Magazines Wanted
Readers’ Notes
Vol. 3 No. 2, Autumn 1990
Workers’ Revolution and National Independence
Work in Progress
Readers’ Notes
Vol. 3 No. 3, Spring 1991
Trotskyism and Stalinism in Greece
Work in Progress
Readers’ Notes
Vol. 3 No. 4, Autumn 1991
Imperialist War and National Resistance
Work in Progress
- Ian Birchall and Paul Flewers on the Serge Centenary
- The Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches sur les Mouvements Trotskyste et Revolutionnaires internationaux, Paris
Readers’ Notes
Vol. 4 Nos. 1 & 2
The Spanish Civil War:
The View from the Left
(Dedicated to the Memory of Sam Bornstein)
Part 1: Causation
Part 2: Eyewitness
Part 3: Analysis
(This is a book-size and format issue, and does not carry the usual reviews and letters sections)
Vol. 4 No. 3, Summer 1992
Bolivia. The Revolution Derailed?
The Crisis of 1952 and the Trotskyist Movement
Work in Progress
- Mike Jones on the Schafranek controversy
- Walter Kendall on Bruno Rizzi
- Ted Crawford on the Sao Paulo Colloquium
- Errata to Vol. 4 Nos. 1/2
- Tony Cliff, Trotsky 1917–1923. The Sword of Revolution
- Harriett Crawford: Sumer and the Sumerians and C.N. Reeves: The Valley of the Kings. The Decline of a Royal Necropolis
- Michael Lees: The Rape of Serbia
- Paul LeBlanc: Lenin and the Revolutionary Party
- Mario Vargas Llosa: The Real Life of Alejandro Mayta
- Karel Kaplan: Report on the Murder of the General Secretary
- Jack Gale: Class Struggle in the Second World War: The 1944 Police Raid on the RCP
- Leon Trotsky: Fascism, Stalinism and the United Front
- Dick Freney: A Map of Days: Life on the Left
- Harpal Brar: Perestroika: The Complete Collapse of Revisionism
- Edmond Samarakoddy (1914–1992)
- Martha Phillips (1948–1992)
- Reiner Tosstorff on Spain, with reply by Al Richardson
- Werner Cohn on Trotsky and the Jews, with reply by Al Richardson
- Fred Purdy on the Spartacists
Readers’ Notes
Vol. 4 No. 4, Spring 1993
‘Colour and Class’; The origins of South African Trotskyism
Work in Progress
Stop Press !
Readers’ notes
Vol. 5 No. 1, Autumn 1993
‘Eyewitness to Disaster’:
The German Labour Movement and the Rise of Hitler, 1929–33
- Editorial
- Mildred Gordon: Sam Gordon (1910–1982) – Scientific Socialist
- Sam Gordon: Reports from Germany, 1929–1930
- Mike Jones: A Comment on Sam Gordon’s Reports
- Mika Etchebehere: Hyppolite Etchebehere, called Juan Rustico
- Hyppolite Etchebehere: The Tragedy of the German Proletariat
- Hyppolite Etchebehere: Letters to an Argentine Comrade
- Ernest Rogers: Etchebehere’s Assessment Confirmed
- Mike Jones: Jan Valtin – A False Witness
Work in Progress
- Note by Andy Durgan on a conference about Andreu Nin
- Note by Crawford & Richardson on current research and studies
- Announcement of the first issue of Journal of Trotsky Studies
- Prins Rajasooriya
- Louis Bondy
- James P. Cannon and the Early Years of American Communism: Selected Writings and Speeches, 1920–1928
- Robert Service (ed.): Society and Politics in the Russian Revolution
- C.N. Reeves (ed.): After Tut’ankhamun: Research and Excavation in the Royal Necropolis at Thebes
- Victor Serge: Year One of the Russian Revolution
- Arthur Ransome: Six Weeks in Russia 1919, and The Crisis in Russia 1920
- Jeff Fellow: Revolting Scotland
- Raymond Challinor: A Radical Lawyer in Victorian England: W.P. Roberts and the Struggle for Workers Rights
- Fritz Keller: In den Gulag von Ost und West
- Terry Brotherstone and Paul Dukes (eds.): The Trotsky Reappraisal
- Joe Jacobs: Out of the Ghetto
- Frank Furedi: Mythical Past, Elusive Future: History and Society in an Anxious Age
- Raya Dunayevskaya: The Marxist Humanist Theory of State Capitalism
- Hillel Ticktin
- Baruch Hirson replies to Ticktin
- Jose Villa on Nationalism in Bolivia
- Anibal Robles on Sendero Luminosa terrorism against Trotskyist workers leaders in Peru
Readers’ Notes
Vol. 5 No. 2, Spring 1994
Germany 1918–23:
From the November Revolution to the Failed October
Work in Progress
- Note from Conquest on information in Volkogonov on the assassination of Trotsky
- Note on a video on the murder of Nin
- Brief notes on recent German publications from Decaton Verlag
- Announcement of a new historical review from the Socialist Labor Party
- Announcement of the London Socialist Historians Group
- Note on recent Hungarian publications from the Soviet archives
- Announcement of Socialist History
- Willie Thompson: The Good Old Cause: British Communism 1920–1991, by Al Richardson
- Alan McKinlay & R.J. Morris (eds.): The ILP on Clydeside 1893–1932, by Sheila Lahr
- Tom Buchanan: The Spanish Civil War and the British Labour Movement, by John Sullivan
- John Graham (ed.): Yours for the Revolution: The Appeal to Reason 1895–1922, by Walter Kendall
- Tom Winnifrith (ed.): Perspectives on Albania, by Al Richardson
- Jose Iriarte ‘Bikilia’: Do the workers have a country?, by John Sullivan
- Frank Girard & Ben Perry: The Socialist Labour Party 1876–1991, by Walter Kendall
- Michael Löwy: On changing the world, by Esther Leslie
- Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz (eds.): Trotskyist Serials Bibliography, by Al Richardson
- Robert J. Alexander: International Trotskyism 1929–1985 (Paolo Casciola’s comments on Romania)
- Alan Wald: The Responsibility of Intellectuals, by Sheila Lahr
- Eugene Strouhal: Life in Ancient Egypt, by Al Richardson
- Announcement of availability of supplementary documents
Vol. 5 No. 3
Victor Serge. The Century of the Unexpected:
Essays on Revolution and Counter-Revolution
Work in Progress
- John Cowley: The Victorian Encounter with Marx: A study of Ernest Belfort Bax, by Al Richardson
- John Callaghan: Rajani Palme Dutt: A study in British Stalinism
& Kevin Morgan: Harry Pollitt, by Cyril Smith
- Monty Johnstone: Trotsky Reassessed &
Tony Cliff: Trotsky: The darker the night the brighter the star, by Al Richardson
- Robert J. Alexander: International Trotskyism 1929–1985. A Documented Analysis of the Movement, by José Villa (continues the reviews commenced in earlier volumes)
- Patricia Cayo Sexton: The war on labor and the left, by Walter Kendall
- Donald Filtzer: The Kruschev Era, by Paul Flewers
- Anita Burdman Feferman: Politics, Logic and Love: The life of Jean Van Heijenoort, by Al Richardson
- Klaus Gietinger: Eine Leiche im Landwehrkanal: Die Ermordung der Rosa L, by Mike Jones
- Theodor Bergmann and Mario Kessler (eds.): Ketzer im Kommunismus: Alternativen zum Stalinismus, by Ian Birchall
- Wladislaw Hedeler and Ruth Stoljarowa: Nikolai Bucharin: Leben und Werk, by Donny Gluckstein
- Scott McLemee and Paul LeBlanc (eds.): CLR James and Revolutionary Marxism: Selected writings of C.L.R. James 1939–1949, by Al Richardson
- David Cotterill (ed.): The Serge-Trotsky papers, by Ian Birchall
Readers’ Notes
Vol. 5 No. 4
Through Fascism, War and Revolution:
Trotskyism and Left Communism in Italy
- International Communist Current: The Italian Communist Left, 1927–1945, by Al Richardson
- Robin Blick: The Seeds of Evil: Lenin and the Origins of Bolshevik Elitism, by David Bruce
- Peter Drucker: Max Shachtman and His Left, by Jim Higgins
- Richard Pipes: Russia under the Bolshevik Regime, by Simon Pirani
- Keith Bradley: Slavery and Society at Rome, by Al Richardson
- Frederick Engels, International Socialism Special Issue, by Al Richardson
- Irwin Silber: Socialism: What Went Wrong?, by Walter Kendall
- Ngo Van: Revolutionaries They Could Not Break, by Al Richardson
Readers’ Notes
Vol. 6 No. 1, Winter 1995–96
Trotskyism in Poland
- Editorial
- Ludwik Hass, Trotskyism in Poland up to 1945
- Ludwik Hass, Against all odds – true to the ideals of his youth
- B. Drobner, W. Kielecki & H. Swoboda, Draft Programme of the Polish Socialist Party
- Leon Trotsky, Entry into the Socialist in Poland
- Bolshevik-Leninists of Poland, Open Letter to Members of the Polish Communist Party
- Notes on the Life of Ludwik Hass
- Grzegorz Soltysiak, The Hass Group
- S. Trepczynski, Amnesty International and the case of Ludwik Hass
- Ludwik Hass, Open Letter to Ozjask Szechter
- Solidarity’s Tragedy is its Advisers – An interview with Ludwik Hass
- Ludwik Hass, Breaking with the Old Version of the History of the CPSU and the USSR (review article)
Work in Progress
- Vladimir Brovkin: Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War
Sheila Fitzpatrick: The Russian Revolution
Gennady Shkliarevsky: Labor in the Russian Revolution, by Paul Flewers
- Jens-Peter Steffen: Militant Tendency, by Mike Jones and Esther Leslie
- Gregor Benton: Interviews with Wang Fanxi, by Baruch Hirson
- Marilyn Vogt-Downey: The USSR 1987–1991, by Al Richardson
- John Kautsky: Karl Kautsky
John Kautsky: Marxism & Leninism, by Paul Flewers
- Karen Olsen Bruhns: Ancient South America, by Al Richardson
- Al Richardson (ed.): In Defence of the Russian Revolution, by Ian Birchall
- Harry Ratner: Reluctant Revolutionary, by Ellis Hillman
- Tim Wohlforth: The Prophet’s Children, by Jim Higgins
- Dmitri Volkogonov: Lenin – Life and Legacy, Ernest Rogers
Readers’ Notes
Vol. 6 No. 2/3, Summer 1996
Essays on Revolutionary Marxism in Britain and Ireland
from the 1930s to the 1960s
- Editorial
- Ciaran Crossey & James Monaghan: The Origins of Trotskyism in Ireland
- John Archer: C.L.R. James in Britain, 1932–38
- Paul Flewers: Cornering the Chameleons, Stalinism & Trotskyism in Britain 1939–41
- John McIlroy: ‘The First Great Battle in the March to Socialism’, Dockers, Stalinists and Trotskyists in 1945
- Alan Christianson: The Revolutionary Communist Party and the Shop Stewards
- Sam Levy: A Footnote for Historians
- Ellis Hillman and the Fourth International
- Anon: The Disunity of Theory and Practice
- Mike Jones: Some Recently Discovered Material on Rosa Luxemburg and Leo Jogiches
- Rosa Luxemburg: Letters on Bolshevism and the Russian Revolution
- A Tribute to Ryan Worrall (Probably the first British supporter of the ‘state capitalism’ theory)
- A Statement on John Archer’s C.L.R. James in Britain, 1932–38, by Ted Crawford
- Ellis Hillman (1928–1996), by Al Richardson
- Ellis Hillman and the Socialist Review Group, by Jim Higgins
- Michel Pablo (1911–1996), by Al Richardson
Work in Progress
- Hillel Ticktin & Mick Cox: The Ideas of Leon Trotsky
- Enzo Traverso: The Marxists and the Jewish Question, by Al Richardson
- Francois Moreau: Combats et debats de la Quatrieme Internationale, by Al Richardson
- Ken Loach: Land and Freedom, by Wilebaldo Solano
- Arkadi Valksberg: Stalin against the Jews, by Paul Flewers
- Recent pamphlets on the dockers and the ‘blue union’, by John Archer and Keith Sinclair, by Tom Cowan
- Richard Raack: Stalin’s Drive to the West 1938–1945, by Paul Flewers
- Baruch Hirson: Revolutions in my Life
Baruch Hirson & Gwyn Williams: The Delegate For Africa, David Ivon Jones 1883–1924, by Ian Hunter
- Workers Fight (ICU): A Tradition to Rebuild, by Al Richardson
- Les Foster: Rocking the Boat, Memoirs of a Glasgow Socialist & Whistleblower, by Raymond Challinor
- Inga Clendinnen: Aztecs, An Interpretation, by Al Richardson
- Paul M. Buhle: A Dreamer’s Paradise Lost. Louis Fraina and the Decline of Radicalism in the US, by Graham Barnfield
- J.N. Postgate: Early Mesopotamia
Paul-Alain Beaulieu: The Reign of Nabonidus, King of Babylon, by Al Richardson
Work in Progress Extra
Readers’ Notes
Vol. 6 No. 4, 1997
Blows Against the Empire:
Trotskyism in Ceylon – the Lanka Sama Samaja Party 1935–1964
- Editorial
- The Origins of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party and Manifesto of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party, Jayawardene Politics of the LSSP, Gunawardene
- The Defence of Mark Bracegirdle, Jayawardene
- Interview with Bracegirdle, conducted by Bob Pitt
- The LSSP turns to Trotskyism 1939–41, Perera, Goonewardene, de Silva & anon.
- The LSSP 1939–60, Fernando
- The LSSP Against Imperialist War, Perera, Gunawardena
- The 1945 Split in the LSSP, Amarasinghe, Gunawardena, N.M. Perera, De Silva
- The Dispute over Independence, 1948, De Silva, Perera, Dissanayake
- The Unification of the LSSP in 1950: interview with Rajasooriya, articles by Gunawardene etc.
- The Great Hartal of 1953, Tampoe, Samarakoddy, Goonewardene, Rajasooriya
- Tamil Rights: The LSSP Against Sinhala Only, 1955–56, Goonewardene
- LSSP Declaration, Perera
- The LSSP Against the People’;s Front (1956–1960), Grannum, Samarakoddy
- Years of Crisis, 1960–64, Amerasinghe, Karalasingham
- Charles Wesley Ervin, Trotskyism in India (Part 2, 1942–48)
Work in Progress
- George Breitman, Paul LeBlanc, Alan Wald: Trotskyism in the United States: Historical Essays and Reconsiderations, by Jim Higgins
- Workers Fight pamphlet, When the Proletariat rose to change the World (on Spanish Civil War), by Al Richardson
- Richard Pipes: The Unknown Lenin, by Paul Flewers
- Bob Pitt, John MacLean and the CPGB, by John McHugh
- Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, by Al Richardson
- Two Spanish-language books produced by the Argentinian MAS (followers of Nahuel Moreno), by John Sullivan
- Conor Kostick, Revolution in Ireland: Popular Militancy 1917–1923, by Chris Gray
- Oleg Dubrovski/Simon Pirani, Fighting Back in Ukraine, by John Plant
- Hal Draper, The Adventures of the Communist Manifesto, by Chris Mathews
- Jesús Hernández, How the NKVD Framed the POUM, by Chris Ealham
- Alastair MacLachlan, The Rise and Fall of Revolutionary England, by Peter Swingler
- Two Italian language books by the followers of Nahuel Moreno, byBarbara Rossi
- Nadezhda A. Joffe, Back in Time: My Life, My Fate, My Epoch, by John Plant
- Mikhail Baitalsky, Notebooks for the Grandchildren, Recollections of a Trotskyist who survived the Stalin Terror, by Sheila Lahr
Readers’ Notes
Vol. 7 No. 1
A Paradise for Capitalism?
Class and Leadership in Twentieth Century Belgium
- Catherine Leghien, A Contribution to the History of the Belgian Trotskyists
- Pierre Broué, The Parti Socialiste Révolutionnaire
- Leon Trotsky, Letters on Belgium (never previously in English)
- Harry Ratner, Report on the PCR
- Some Historical Vignettes
- Serge Simon, The Belgium General Strike 1960–61
- John McIlroy, Adrift in the Rapids of Racism (Syd Bidwell 1917–1997)
Work in Progress
- Caliban’s Freedom: Early Political Thought of CLR James by Bogues (Higgins)
- More Years for the Locusts by Higgins (Birchall)
- Rosa Luxemburg by Rienzi & Bisceglie (Rossi)
- Essays in Memory of Tom Kemp by Brotherstone & Pilling (Arthur)
- Marx at the Millennium by Cyril Smith (Machover)
- Russia from Revolution to Counter-Revolution by Ted Grant (Richardson)
- Reason in Revolt: Modern Philosophy and Modern Science by Ted Grant & Alan Woods (Thompson)
- Friends of the Durruti Group & Documentacion historica del troquismo in espanol by Augustin Guillamon (Sullivan)
- Assassinii nel maquis; la tragica morte del Pietro Tresso by Broué & Vacheron (Casciola & Salucci)
- Meutre au maquis by Broué, Vacheron & Dugrand (Birchall)
- The Spectre of Babeuf by Ian Birchall (Schiappa)
- Morgan Phillips Price by Tania Rose (Richardson)
- BOC 1930–36; El Bloque Obrero y Campesino by Andrew Durgan (Ealham)
- The Left in History by Willie Thompson (Sullivan)
- We The Anarchists! a Study of the Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI) 1927–1937 by Stuart Christie (Sullivan)
Readers’ Notes
Vol. 7 No. 2, Spring 1999
Culture and Revolution in the Thought of Leon Trotsky
The Culture of the Old World
- Leon Trotsky, Ibsen
- Leon Trotsky, Two Literary Souls at the Mercy of the Metaphysical Demon
- Leon Trotsky, Poetry, the Machine, and the Poetry of the Machine
- Leon Trotsky, On the Novel in General and on The Three of Them in Particular
- Leon Trotsky, Culture and the Little White Bull
- Paul Flewers, Vekhi and the Retreat from Reason
Impressionism: Trotsky in Vienna
- Fritz Keller, Trotsky in Vienna
- Leon Trotsky, On Death and Eros
- Leon Trotsky, A New Year’s Conversation about Art
- Leon Trotsky, The Vienna Secession of 1909
- Leon Trotsky, Two Viennese Exhibitions
- Leon Trotsky, On the Intelligentsia
- Leon Trotsky, Vienna Secession 1913
The Culture of the Transition Period
- John Plant, Trotsky, Art and the Revolution
- Antonio Gramsci, A Letter to Leon Trotsky on Futurism
- Leon Trotsky, For Quality – For Culture!
Culture Under the Dictators
- Pierre Naville, Trotsky on Art and Literature
- Richard Greeman, Did Trotsky Read Serge?
- Esther Leslie, Elective Affinities
- James T. Farrell, A Memoir of Leon Trotsky
- Leon Trotsky, Marcel Martinet
- Leon Trotsky, The Attitude of Men of Letters
- An Interview with Jean Malaquais
- Fritz Keller, Stalinism versus Hedonism
The International Federation of Independent Revolutionary Artists
- Maurice Nadeau, Trotsky and Breton
- Leon Trotsky, You Must Not Whisper
- Leon Trotsky, Difficulties With Diego
Work in Progress
- André Liebich, From the Other Shore, by Paul Flewers
- Noreen Branson, History of the Communist Party of Great Britain 1941–1951, by Paul Flewers
- David King, The Commissar Vanishes, by Paul Flewers
- Aindrias Ó Cathasaigh (ed.), James Connolly: The Lost Writings, by Chris Gray
- F.A. Ridley, Socialism and Religion, by Chris Gray
- Richard Brenner, Trotsky: An Introduction, by Al Richardson
- International Communist Union, Hungary 1956, by Al Richardson
- Jane Rowlandson (ed.), Women and Society in Greek and Roman Egypt, by Al Richardson
- Marilyn Vogt-Downey (ed.), The Ideological Legacy of L.D. Trotsky, by Al Richardson
- Hall Greenland, Red Hot, by Al Richardson
- Ralph Darlington, The Political Trajectory of J.T. Murphy &
Molly Murphy, Molly Murphy, by John McIlroy
- Ben Watson, Art, Class and Cleavage, by Ian Birchall
- Pierre Broué, Histoire de l’Internationale Communiste, by Ian Birchall
- Sean Matgamna (ed.), The Fate of the Russian Revolution, by Barry Finger & Jim Higgins
- Alison McLeod, The Death of Uncle Joe, by Ron Heisler
- Sam Deaderick & Tamara Turner, Gay Resistance, by John Plant
- Riccardo Anfossi, La Resistenza Spezzata,
Carlo Fuerriero & Fausto Rondinelli, La Volante Rossa,
Tom Behan, The Long Awaited Moment &
Elena Aga-Rossi & Victor Zaslavsky, Togliatti e Stalin, by Barbara Rossi
Readers’ Notes
Vol. 7 No. 3, Spring 2000
The Hidden Pearl of the Carribean:
Trotskyism in Cuba
- Editorial
- Gary Tennant, An Introduction to the History of Trotskyism in Cuba
- Gary Tennant, The Background: Nationalism and Communism in Cuba
- Gary Tennant, Julio Antonio Mella and the Roots of Dissension in the Partido Comunista de Cuba
- Gary Tennant, The Birth of Dissident Cuban Communism and the Oposición Comunista de Cuba, 1930–33
- Gary Tennant, The Partido Bolchevique Leninista and the Revolution of the 1930s
- Gary Tennant, Trotskyism in Cuba Between the Revolutions
- Gary Tennant, The Reorganised Partido Obrero Revolucionario (Trotskista) and the 1959 Revolution
- To the Cuban Workers and Peasants
- Letter from the Workers Party of the United States to the Cuban Trotskyists
- Gary Tennant, Historical Vignettes
- An Interview with Roberto Acosta Hechavarría
- The International Secretariat and the Cuban Trotskyists
- Thirty Years Since the Death of Ernesto Guevara
Work in Progress
- Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, The Mitrokhin Archive, Part 1: The KGB in Europe and the West, by J.J. Plant
- Paul Flewers, “I Know How, But I Don’t Know Why”: George Orwell’s Conception of Totalitarianism, by John Newsinger
- John Newsinger, Orwell’s Politics, by Paul Flewers
- Susan Weissman (ed.), The Ideas of Victor Serge: A Life as a Work of Art, by Bill Marshall
- Leon Trotsky, The Transitional Programme, by Al Richardson
- Morgan Philips Price, Dispatches from the Weimar Republic, by Al Richardson
- John Reed, Shaking the World: John Reed’s Revolutionary Journalism, by Al Richardson
- John H. Kautsky, The Politics of Aristocratic Empires, by Al Richardson
- Susan Pollock, Ancient Mesopotamia, by Al Richardson
- Dave Renton, Fascism: Theory and Practice, by Tobias Abse
- Donny Gluckstein, The Nazis, Capitalism and the Working Class, by Tobias Abse
- Enzo Traverso, Understanding the Nazi Genocide: Marxism After Auschwitz, by Tobias Abse
- Bill Hunter, Lifelong Apprenticeship: The Life and Times of a Revolutionary, by Sheila Lahr
- Leon Trotsky, Escritos Latinoamericanos, by John Sullivan
- Anton Dannat, Auf dem Floss der Medusa?, by Ian Birchall
- Philippe Gottraux, Socialisme ou Barbarie, by Ian Birchall
- Eric Cavaterra, La Banque de France et la Commune de Paris, by Jean Marc Schiappa
- Nicole Bossut, Chaumette, porte-parole des sans-culottes, by Jean Marc Schiappa
- Zheng Chaolin, An Oppositionist for Life, by Simon Pirani
- Gregor Benton, China’s Urban Revolutionaries: Explorations in the History of Chinese Trotskyism 1921–1952, by Simon Pirani
- Robert Louzon, China: Three Thousand Years of History, Fifty Years of Revolution, by Charlie Hore
Reader’s Notes
Vol. 7 No. 4, Winter 2000–2001
From Syndicalism to Trotskyism:
Writings of Alfred and Marguerite Rosmer
Writings of Alfred and Marguerite Rosmer
- I: Overviews
- II: Syndicalism
- III: War
- IV: Comintern
- V: Transition
- VI: Trotskyism
- VII: After Trotsky
- Biographies
- Tony Cliff: Three Appraisals
Work in Progress
- Yodage Ranjith Amarasinghe, A Study of Trotskyism in Sri Lanka &
Regi Siriwardena, Working Underground: The LSSP In Wartime, A Memoir of Happenings and Personalities, by Al Richardson
- Colette Chambelland, Pierre Monatte, un autre voix syndicaliste, by Ian Birchall
- Tony Cliff, A World To Win: Life of a Revolutionary, by Jim Higgins (with addendum by Sheila Lahr)
- Stephane Courtois, Nicholas Werth, Jean Louis Panné, Andrej Paczkowski, Karol Bartosek, Jean-Louis Margolin, The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror. Repression, by Paul Flewers
- Yvan Craipeau, Memoires d’un dinosaure trotskyste, by Ian Birchall
- Neil Davidson, The Origins of Scottish Nationhood, by John Sullivan
- Chris Harman, A People’s History of the World, by Al Richardson
- Eamonn McCann, Dear God: The Price of Religion in Ireland, by Beelzebub
- José Manuel Márquez Rodriguez and Juan José Gallardo Romero, Ortiz: General sin Dios ni Amo, by John Sullivan
Reader’s Notes
Vol. 8 No. 1, Summer 2001
The Comintern and its Critics
I: Those Against
- John McIlroy, New Light on Arthur Reade: Tracking Down Britain’s First Trotskyist
- Fritz Keller, Trotskyism in Austria
- Charles Wesley Ervin, Philip Gunawardena: The Making of a Revolutionary
II: All Change
- Walter Kendall, The Communist International and the Turn from “Social-Fascism” to the Popular Front
- Jean-Jacques Marie, The Journal of Georgi Dimitrov
III: Family Quarrels
- Ante Ciliga, How Tito Took Over the Yugoslav Communist Party
- John McIlroy, Rehabilitating Communist History: The Communist International, the Communist Party of Great Britain and Some Historians
IV: Objections Overruled: Spain
- Grandizo Munis and Jaime Fernández, Corrections to the Cahiers Léon Trotsky, no. 227
- Augustin Guillamón, The Investigation of the Spanish Bolshevik-Leninists (1938)
John McIlroy, John Archer (1909–2000)
Work in Progress, by Ted Crawford, Mike Jones & Al Richardson
- Albert Archar (ed.), The Legacy of Ernest Mandel, by Brian Green
- Communist Workers Organisation, Trotsky, Trotskyism, Trotskyists, by Al Richardson
- Georg Lukács, A Defence of History and Class Consciousness: Tailism and the Dialectic, by Cyril Smith
- Dave Renton, Fascism, Anti-Fascism and Britain in the 1940s, by Sheila Lahr
- Janet Richards and Mary Van Buren, Order, Legitimacy, and Wealth in Ancient States, by Al Richardson
- Victor Serge, Witness to the German Revolution, by Mike Jones
- Wilebaldo Solano, El POUM en la historia: Andreu Nin y la revolución española, by John Sullivan
- Ian D. Thatcher, Leon Trotsky and World War One, August 1914–February 1917, by Al Richardson
- Amir Weiner, Making Sense of War: The Second World War and the Fate of the Bolshevik Revolution, by Paul Flewers
- Barry Lee Woolley, Adherents of Permanent Revolution: A History of the Fourth (Trotskyist) International, by Al Richardson
Readers’ Notes
Vol. 8 No. 2, Summer 2002
Disaffection and Unrest in the Armed Forces
I: Mutiny and the Cohesion of the Armed Forces
II: Marxists and Military Thinking
III: Mutinies in Eastern Europe
IV: Disaffection and Dissent in the British Armed Forces
V: Comintern Work in Western Armed Forces in the 1930s
VI: Disaffection in the Army in the Second World War
Work in Progress
- Brian Crookes (1919–2002), by John McIlroy
- Sol Dollinger (1920–2001), by Lou Proyect
- Ray Gibbon (1929–2001), by Terry Liddle (with comment by the editor)
- Jean-Pierre Hirou (1948–2001), by Ted Crawford
- Ann Keen (1915–2001), by John McIlroy
- Albert Masó (1918–2001): Executioner of ‘Captain Narvich’, by Agustín Guillamón
- Arturo Peregalli (1948–2001), by Sandro Saggioro
- Oscar Pereira (1926–2001), by Meryl Fernando
- Bill Turner (1926–2001), by Terry Liddle (with comment by the editor)
- Charlie Van Gelderen (1913–2001), by Alan Thornett (with note by editor)
- Alan Campbell, Nina Fishman, John McIlroy, British Trade Unions and Industrial Politics, Volume 1: The Postwar Compromise 1945–64; Volume 2: The High Tide of Trade Unionism, 1964–79, by Harry Ratner
- Tony Cliff, International Struggle and the Marxist Tradition: Selected Writings, Volume One, by John Sullivan
- William Doyle, The Ancien Regime
Moira Donald and Tim Rees (eds.), Reinterpreting Revolution in Twentieth-Century Europe, by Ian Birchall
- Eros Francescangeli, Arditi del Popolo – Argo Secondari e la prima organizzazione antifascista (1917–1922), by Barbara Rossi
- Manuel Grossi, The Asturian Uprising: Fifteen Days of Socialist Revolution
Zygmunt Zaremba, The Warsaw Commune: Betrayed by Stalin, Massacred by Hitler, by Jim Higgins
- Bill Hunter, Lifelong Apprenticeship: Life and Times of a Revolutionary, Volume 1: 1920–1959, by J.J. Plant
- Ronald Radosh, Mary R. Habeck and Grigory Sevostianov, Spain Betrayed: The Soviet Union in the Spanish Civil War, by John Sullivan
- Alexander Pantsov, The Bolsheviks and the Chinese Revolution, 1919–1927, by Al Richardson
- Paul Le Blanc and Thomas Barrett, Revolutionary Labor Socialist: The Life, Ideas and Comrades of Frank Lovell, by Al Richardson
- G. Munis, Teoría y práctica de la lucha de clases, Volume 2, by John Sullivan
- Ngo Van, Au Pays de la Cloche Fêléé: tribulations d’un Cochinchinois à l’époque coloniale, by Hilary Horrocks
- Paul T. Nicholson and Ian Shaw (eds.), Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology
Grant D. Jones, The Conquest of the Last Maya Kingdom, by Al Richardson
- Dennis Tourish and Tim Wohlforth, On the Edge: Political Cults Right and Left, by Geoff Barr
- Susan Weissman, Victor Serge: The Course is Set on Hope, by Paul Flewers
- Andy Wood, Riot, Rebellion and Popular Politics in Early Modern England, by David Renton
- Alan Woods, Bolshevism: The Road to Revolution, by Alejandra Ríos
Readers’ Notes
Vol. 8 No. 3, 2003
The Balkan Socialist Tradition:
Balkan Socialism and the Balkan Federation, 1871–1915
General Introduction, by Andreja Živkovič
I. The Origins of the Balkan Socialist Tradition: Between Populism and Marxism
- Dragan Plavšič, Introduction
- Svetomir Markovič, Serbia in the East
- Svetomir Markovič, Slav Austria and Serb Unity
- Hristo Botev, On Discord Among the Balkan Peoples
II. Marxism and the Eastern Question: Challenging the Orthodoxy 1896–97
III. Bulgarian Socialism and the Macedonian National Liberation Movement, 1903–08
- Andreja Živkovič, Introduction
- Dimo Hadzhi Dimov and Dimitûr Mirazchiev, After Ilinden
- Dimitûr Blagoev, On the Macedonian Question
- A. Gorov, Once Again on the Macedonian Question
IV. The Revolution in Turkey and the Balkan Federation
- Andreja Živkovič, Introduction
- Christian Rakovsky, The Turkish Revolution
- Dimitûr Blagoev, The Revolution in Turkey and Social Democracy
- Dimo Hadzhi Dimov, Our Political Standpoint
- The Balkan Federation and the Workers
- The Nationalist Struggles and Socialism
V. The Annexation of Bosnia by Austria-Hungary in 1908
- Dragan Plavšič, Introduction
- Otto Bauer, Austria’s Foreign Policy and Social Democracy
- Dimitrije Tucovič, Austria-Hungary in the Balkans
- Dimitrije Tucovič, German Socialism and the German Danger
- Arbeiter-Zeitung, War?
- Dimitrije Tucovič, What We Say
- Dimitrije Tucovič and Karl Renner, Debate on Bosnia
VI. The Balkan Federation and Balkan Social Democracy
- Andreja Živkovič, Introduction
- Karl Kautsky, The National Tasks of Socialists Among the Balkan Slavs
- Resolution of the First Balkan Social Democratic Conference
- Dimitrije Tucovič, The First Balkan Social Democratic Conference
- Christian Rakovsky, Towards a Balkan Entente
- Dimitûr Blagoev, Political Prospects
- Christian Rakovsky, The Balkan Confederation and the Turkish-Bulgarian Defensive Alliance
- Dimitûr Blagoev, The Balkan Conference and the Balkan Federation
VII. The Balkan Wars of 1912–13 and the Balkan Federation
- Dragan Plavšič, Introduction
- Christian Rakovsky, Manifesto of the Socialists of Turkey and the Balkans
- Triša Kaclerovič, Memoirs of the First Balkan War
- Hristo Kabakchiev, From Victory to Defeat
- Dimitrije Tucovič, Serbia and Albania
VIII. The First World War and the Balkan Federation
- Dragan Plavšič, Introduction
- Dragiša Lapčevič, Against War
- Dušan Popovič, Serbian Social Democracy in the War
- The Second Balkan Social Democratic Conference – Manifesto
- The Second Balkan Social Democratic Conference – Discussion
Glossary and Maps
Remembering Giulio Seniga
Work in Progress
- Martin Amis, Koba the Dread: Laughter and the Twenty Million, by Dave Renton
- Tom Behan, The Resistible Rise of Benito Mussolini, by William Gambetta
- Daniel Bensaïd, Les Trotskysmes, by Chris Gray
- Marjorie Chibnall, The Debate on the Norman Conquest, by Dave Renton
- Tony Cliff, In the Thick of Workers’ Struggles: Selected Writings, by Harry Ratner
- James Eaden & David Renton, The Communist Party of Great Britain Since 1920, by John McIlroy
- Max Elbaum, Revolution in the Air: Sixties Radicals turn to Lenin, Mao and Che
- Israel Getzler, Nikolai Sukhanov: Chronicler of the Russian Revolution, by Al Richardson
- Ted Grant, History of British Trotskyism, by John McIllroy (with addendum by Sheila Lahr)
- Michael Hopkinson, The Irish War of Independence
Joost Augusteijn, The Irish Revolution 1913–1923, by John Newsinger
- Bill Hunter, Forgotten Hero: The Life and Times Of Edward Rushton: Liverpool’s Blind Poet: Revolutionary Republican and Anti-Slavery Fighter, by Sheila Lahr
- Fritz Keller (ed.), Paul Lafargue, Essays zur Geschichte, Kultur and Politik, by Mike Jones
- La Teoría de la Revolución Permanente, by John Sullivan
- John McIlroy, Kevin Morgan and Alan Campbell (eds.), Party People, Communist Lives: Explorations in Biography, by Stefan Cholewka (with addendum by Sheila Lahr)
- Jean-Jacques Marie, Staline, by Ian Birchall
- Wesley S. Muthiah and Sydney Wanasinghe (eds.), We Were Making History: Saga of the Hartal of August 1953, by Charles Wesley Ervin
- Christophe Nick, Les Trotskistes, by Al Richardson
- Archie Potts, Zilliacus: A Life for Peace and Socialism, by Paul Flewers
- William M. Reddy, The Navigation of Feeling, by Ian Birchall
- Al Richardson (ed.), What Became of the Revolution: Selected Writings of Boris Souvarine, by Ian Donovan
- Alfred Rosmer, Boris Souvarine, Emile Fabrol, Antoine Clavez, Trotsky and the Origins of Trotskyism, by Mike Jones
- Eli Sagan, Citizens and Cannibals: The French Revolution, the Struggle for Modernity and the Origins of Ideological Terror, by Tobias Abse
- Louise Grace Shaw, The British Political Élite and the Soviet Union, by Paul Flewers
- States of Illusion: Soviet Graphics, by Glyn Beagley
Readers’ Notes
Vol. 8 No. 4, 2004
August Thalheimer and German Communism
- Editorial
- John McIlroy, Al Richardson (1941–2003): An Appreciation
- Ottokar Luban, Rosa at a Loss: The KPD Leadership and the Berlin Uprising of January 1919: Legend and Reality
- Karl Retzlaw, From the Kapp Putsch to the March Action
- August Thalheimer, 1923: A Missed Opportunity?: The Legend of the German October and the Real History of 1923
- August Thalheimer, The Fifth Congress of the Communist International and Its Results
- August Thalheimer, The Strategy and Tactics of the Communist International
- Alexander Vatlin, The Programme Discussion in the Communist International
- Paolo Sensini, Beyond Marxism, Anarchism and Liberalism: Bruno Rizzi’s Scientific and Revolutionary Path
Work in Progress
- James P. Cannon, Max Shachtman, Leon Trotsky and Others, Dog Days: James P. Cannon vs. Max Shachtman in the Communist League of America, 1931-1933, by Al Richardson
- Jean-Pierre Hirou, Du trotskysme au communisme libertaire, by Ian Birchall
- Martyn Housden, Hans Frank, Lebensraum and the Holocaust, by Dave Renton
- Robert Morrell, The Gentle Revolutionary: The Life and Work of Frank Ridley: Socialist and Secularist, by Sheila Lahr
- Michael Parenti, The Assassination of Julius Caesar: A People’s History of Ancient Rome, by Chris Gray
- Sylvain Pattieu, Les camarades des frères: trotskistes et libertaires dans la guerre d’Algérie, by Ian Birchall
- Georg Scheuer, Seuls les fous n’ont pas peur, by Esther Leslie
- Jean Marc Schiappa, Les babouvistes, by Ian Birchall
- W.G. Sebald, On the Natural History of Destruction, by Sheila Lahr
- David Stack, The First Darwinian Left: Socialism and Darwinism 1859–1914
Anne Kerr and Tom Shakespeare, Genetic Politics: From Eugenics To Genome, by Andrew West
- Ian D. Thatcher, Trotsky, by Al Richardson
Vol. 9 No. 1, 2005
The Russian Revolution of 1905:
Change Through Struggle
- Editorial
- Pete Glatter, Introduction
- The Road to Bloody Sunday (Introduced by Pete Glatter)
- A Revolution Takes Shape (Introduced by Pete Glatter)
- The Decisive Days (Introduced by Pete Glatter and Philip Ruff)
- Rosa Luxemburg and the 1905 Revolution (Introduced by Mark Thomas)
- Mike Haynes, Patterns of Conflict in the 1905 Revolution
Work in Progress
- David Black, Helen Macfarlane: A Feminist, Revolutionary Journalist and Philosopher in Mid-Nineteenth-Century England, by Keith Flett
- Paul Buhle and Nicole Schulman (eds.), Wobblies: A Graphic History of the Industrial Workers of the World, by Louis Proyect
- William Fishman, East End Jewish Radicals 1875–1914, by Sheila Lahr
- Norman Harding, Staying Red: Why I Remain a Socialist, by Harry Ratner
- Jim Higgins, Speak One More Time: Selected Writings, by Ian Birchall (with addendum by Ted Crawford)
- Jean-Jacques Marie, Lénine, by Ian Birchall
- John Newsinger, Rebel City: Larkin, Connolly and the Dublin Labour Movement, by Chris Gray
- Rudolf Rocker, The London Years, by Sheila Lahr
- Robert Shoemaker, The London Mob, by David Renton
Vol. 9 No. 2
Stalinism, Revolution and Counter Revolution
- Editorial
- Alexander Vatlin, ‘Comrade Thomas’ and the Secret Activity of the Comintern in Germany 1919–1925
- Andy Durgan, Marxism, War and Revolution: Trotsky and the POUM
- Tobias Abse, Palmiro Togliatti: Loyal Servant of Stalin
- Charles Wesley Ervin, Two Pages From Indian Trotskyist History
- John McIlroy, The Revolutionary Odyssey of John Lawrence
- Ian Birchall, Daniel Guerin’s Dialogue with Leninism
- Clara Zetkin, Letter to Lenin
- Alan Woodward, Russia 1905: Revolutionary History or Debatable Politics?
Work in Progress
- Ian Angus, Canadian Bolsheviks: The Early Years of the Communist Party of Canada, by J.J. Plant
- Francis Beckett, Stalin’s British Victims, by Alison MacLeod
- Nikolai Bukharin, Philosophical Arabesques, by Louis Proyect
- Robert Edgar, The Making of an African Communist: Edwin Thabo Mofutsanyana and the Communist Party of South Africa 1927–1939, by Paul Trewhela
- Paul Flewers (ed.), George Orwell: Enigmatic Socialist, by David Renton
- Moshe Lewin, The Soviet Century, by Ian D. Thatcher
- John McIlroy, On the Fiftieth Anniversary of 1956
- Paul Flewers, The Unexpected Denunciation: The Reception of Khrushchev’s ‘Secret Speech’ in Britain
- Steve Parsons, Nineteen Fifty-Six: What Happened in the Communist Party of Great Britain?
- John McIlroy, A Communist Historian in 1956: Brian Pearce and the Crisis of British Stalinism
- Christian Hogsbjerg, Beyond the Boundary of Leninism? C.L.R. James and 1956
- Ian Birchall, Nineteen Fifty-Six and the French Left
- Tobias Abse, Palmiro Togliatti and the Italian Communist Party in 1956
- Harry Ratner, Remembering 1956
- Ernest Mandel, Poznan and its Aftermath
- Shane Mage, The Discussion of the Crisis of Stalinism at the Recent NEC Meeting
- The Marxist-Leninist’s Song
Work in Progress
- Pierre Broué, The German Revolution, 1917–1923, by Mike Jones
- Patrick Hutt, Confronting an Ill Society: David Widgery, General Practice, Idealism and the Chase for Change, by David Renton
- Adam Hochschild, Bury the Chains: The British Struggle to Abolish Slavery, by Harry Ratner
- Bettany Hughes, Helen of Troy: Goddess, Princess, Whore, by Chris Gray
- Loren Goldner, Herman Melville: Between Charlemagne and the Antemosaic Cosmic Man: Race, Class and the Crisis of Bourgeois Ideology in an American Renaissance Writer, by Christian Hogsbjerg
- Barry Sheppard, The Sixties: A Political Memoir, by Louis Proyect
Vol. 9 No. 4, 2007
Pierre Broué:
Revolutionary Historian
Pierre Broué:
Work in Progress
- Charles Wesley Ervin, Tomorrow is Ours: The Trotskyist Movement in India and Ceylon, 1935–48, by Chris Gray
- Jean-René Chauvin, Un Trotskiste dans l’enfer nazi, by Ian Birchall
- Guy Debord, Panegyric, by J.J. Plant
- Sobhanial Datta Cupta, Comintern and the Destiny of Communism in India 1919–1943, by Mike Jones
- Julien Papp, La Hongrie liberée; État, pouvoir et societé apres la defaite du Nazisme, by Balazs Nagy
- Rick Kuhn, Henryk Grossman and the Recovery of Marxism, by David Renton
- Alter Litvin and John Keep, Stalinism: Russian and Western Views at the Turn of the Millenium, by Ian D. Thatcher
- Jean-François Fayet, Karl Radek (1885–1939), Biographie politique, by Reiner Tosstorff
- Eros Francescangeli, L’incudine e il Martello. Aspetti pubblici e privati del trockismo italiano tra antifascismo e antistalinismo (1929–1939), by Tom Behan
Vol. 10 No. 1
Rosa Luxemburg:
Selected Political and Literary Writings
Selected Writings of Rosa Luxemburg:
Part I: Biographical and Literary Comments
- On the Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz
- Review: Mehring on Schiller
- Tolstoy as a Social Thinker
- Lassalle After Fifty Years
Part II: Current Politics
- In Defence of Nationality
- The Proletarian Woman
- Peace, the Triple Alliance and ourselves
Part III: Problems of Party Organisation
- Russian Party Conflicts
- On the Split in the Russian Social Democratic Duma Group
- Observations on the International Socialist Bureau session, 13–14 December 1913
- On the Situation in the Russian Social Democracy
- After the Jena Congress
- Open Letter on Splitting, Unity and Resigning,
Charles Wesley Ervin, Selena Perera: The ‘Rosa Luxemburg of Sri Lanka’
Vincent Présumey, Pierre Lambert (1920–2008)
Work in Progress
Simon Pirani, Review Article: Communist Dissidence and Its Context
Julien Papp, Review Article: Defending the Heritage of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution
- Patricia Collier, Secrets of the Tottenham Outrage (J.J. Plant)
- Noel Crusz, The Cocos Islands Mutiny (Ted Crawford)
- André Farkas, Budapest 1956, la tragédie telle que je l’ai vue et vecue and others (Jean-Jacques Marie)
- W.J. Fishman, Into the Abyss: The Life and Work of G.R. Sims (J.J. Plant)
- David Goodway, Anarchist Seeds Beneath the Snow: Left-Libertarian Thought and British Writers from William Morris to Colin Ward (Christian Høgsbjerg)
- David Goodway (ed.), For Workers’ Power: The Selected Writings of Maurice Brinton (Chris Gray)
- Nigel Harris, The Terrorist (J.J. Plant)
- Boris Hessen, Les Racines sociales et économiques des Principia de Newton. Une rencontre entre Newton et Marx à Londres en 1931 (Jean-Jacques Marie)
- Gabriel García Higueras, Trotsky en el espejo de la historia (Andrea Robles)
- Vladimir Léon (Director), Le Brahmane du Komintern (Ian Birchall)
- Harry Ratner, A Socialist at War: With the Pioneer Corps (J.J. Plant)
- James Sheehan, The Monopoly of violence: Why Europeans Hate Going to War (Ted Crawford)
- Marcel van der Linden, Western Marxism and the Soviet Union: A Survey of Critical Theories and Debates Since 1917 (Paul Flewers)
- Vasilis Vopurkoutiotis, Making Common Cause: German-Soviet Secret Relations, 1919–1922 (Brian Pearce)
- Jean-Jacques Marie on Pierre Broué and Vincent Présumey
- Alan Wood on Pierre Broué and Ted Grant (with interview with Pierre Broué and response from J.J. Plant)
- Mike Jones on Vincent Présumey and Pierre Broué (with editorial note)
Vol. 10 No. 2
The Left in IRAN, 1905–1940
Editor: Cosroe Chaqueri
The Left in Iran, 1905–1940
- Cosroe Chaqueri, The Left in Iran, 1905–1940
- Cosroe Chaqueri, Chronology of the Left in Iran, 1905–1940
- Archavir Tchilinkirian, Constitutional Persia and Its Needs
- Cosroe Chaqueri, Communism in Persia, 1920–1941
- Cosroe Chaqueri, Taqi Arani and the Comintern: The Revolutionary Republican Party of Persia: The ICP’s ‘Surrogate’ or its Alternative
- Reginald Bridgman, The Rise of Persia
- Social-Democrats’ Declaration on the Occasion of the Grant of the Constitution by the Shah, August 1906)
- Social-Democratic Manifesto, 1908
- Archavir Tchilinkirian to Karl Kautsky, July 1908
- Karl Kautsky to Archavir Tchilinkirian, August 1908
- Protocol No. 1 of the Social-Democratic Conference, October 1908
- Vasso A. Khachaturian to Georgi V. Plekhanov, November 1908
- Tigran Derviche to Georgi V. Plekhanov, December 1908
- The Awakening of Asia: An Appeal of the Persian People Regarding the Loan Project, 1909
- T. Tria, The Caucasus and the Persian Revolution, February 1911
- Appeal of Iranian Social Democrats to the International Proletariat, August 1911
- Jean Longuet, A Great Meeting for Persia, December 1911
- Avetis Sultanzade, Perspective of Socialist Revolution in the East: Thesis, March 1920
- The First Congress of the Iranian Communist Party, June 1920
- Jangali Declarations, June 1920
- The Revolutionary Committee of Persia: Proclamation Addressed to Our Deceived Jangali and Cossack Brothers, August 1920
- Pro-Communist Jangalis Last Attempt to Obtain Assistance from Soviet Russia, December 1920
- Negotiations by Ekhsan-allah Khan’s Government with Kuchek Khan, February–March 1921
- Theodor Rothstein to Nariman Narimanov, March 1921
- Theodor Rothstein to Georgi Chicherin, July 1921
- Programme of the Ranjbaran (Workmen’s) Party, 1921
- Proclamation of the Revival of the Republic with the Second Central Committee of the Iranian Communist Party, August 1921
- Report by the Central Committee of the ICP to the ECCI (Extracts), December 1921
- A British Report on the Persian Party Kaunik (Communist), October 1922
- The Ishtamayun (Ijtima‛iyoun/Socialist) Party in Tehran, January 1923
- A Buried Interview: Persia: An English Semi-Colony, February 1927
- Brief Report on the Proceedings of the Second Congress of the ICP, October 1927
- Sultanadze’s Request for Transfer to the Comintern, November 1927
- Address of the Iranian Communist Party to the Toilers of Iran, 1928
- Action Programme of the Iranian Communist Party, 1929
- The Anti-Socialist Law, June 1931
- Reginald Bridgman, Persia and British Labour, July 1931
- Sultanadze’s Letter of Resignation
Documents with Specific Reference to Britain
- Taghi-Zada and Moazid-Es-Saltana, Persia’s Appeal to England
- The Persia Committee, Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907
- Maxim Gorki, The Persia Committee
- Persia, Finland and the Russian Alliance
- K. Malik, Grabbing Persia
- F.L. Kerran, From Brixton Jail to Enzeli
- The British and the Reds at Enzeli
- George Horwill, Oil and Finance
Other Material
- Ron Heisler, The Thaxted Tales: Trotskyist Versus Stalinist Pilgrims on the Anglo-Catholic Path
- Robert Barltrop
- Bill Banta
- Roy Berkeley
- Frank Cieciorka
- Max Clémenceau
- Stephen William Cohen
- Upali Cooray
- Angel Fanjul
- Terry Fields
- Ruth Frow
- Ernesto Gonzales
- Dona Caroline Rupasinghe Gunawardena
- Chris Harman
- Anatol Kagan
- Khoa Hoàng Khôi
- Ernest Millington
- Adrian Mitchell
- Bernie Moss
- Harold Pinter
- Eduardo Pons Prades
- William A. Price
- Antonio Roca
- Rowland Sheret
- Cyril Smith
- Jack Sprung
- Alan Walter
Work in Progress
Paul Le Blanc, Trotsky Lives
- William Fishman, East End 1888 (J.J. Plant)
- José Ramón Garmabella, El Grito de Trotsky: Ramón Mercader, El hombre que mató al líder revolucionario (Gabriel García Higueras)
- John Green, Engels: A Revolutionary Life (Keith Flett)
- Tristram Hunt, Engels: The Frock-Coated Communist (Keith Flett)
- Frank Henderson, Life on the Track, Memoirs of a Socialist Worker (J.J. Plant)
- David King, Red Star Over Russia: A Visual History of the Soviet Union from 1917 to the Death of Stalin (Corula Star)
- Simon Pirani, The Russian Revolution in Retreat, 1920–24: Soviet Workers and the New Communist Elite (Geoff Barr)
- Andrew Roberts (ed.), Postcards from the Russian Revolution (Bridget St Ruth)
- Antonella Saqlomoni, L’Union soviétique et la shoah (Jean-Jacques Marie)
- Jan Willem Stutje, Ernest Mandel: A Rebel’s Dream Deferred (Mike Belbin)
- Tim Tzouliadis, The Forsaken: From the Great Depression to the Gulags: Hope and Betrayal in Stalin’s Russia (Paul Flewers)
Vol. 10 No. 3
The Left in IRAN 1941–1957
- The foundation of the Tudeh Party of Iran in 1941
- Moscow’s attempt to set up a pro-Soviet autonomous republic in Iranian Azerbaijan in 1945
- The fake assassination attempt on the Shah and the ensuing banning of the Tudeh Party in 1949
- The mass campaign to Nationalise the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
- The Tudeh Party’s hostility to Mohammed Mosaddeq and the national-democratic movement
- The Tudeh Party’s failure to prevent the Anglo-American coup against Mosaddeq in 1953
- The SAKA, an attempt to build a communist organisation based on workers’ councils
- The ideas of Mostafa Sho’a’iyan, a maverick Iranian marxist
- The continued influence of Stalinism upon the historiograhy of the Iranian Left
- The course of the Iranian Left as reported in documents from the British, Soviet and US official archives