Publications Index | Encyclopedia of Trotskyism | Marxists’ Internet Archive


[New York]


Vol. 7 No. 1, 4 January 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

Post Office Endangers Free Labor Press

Rationing: By Which Method? by Gertrude Shaw

More Merchants of Death: Anaconda’s Defective Wire Goes to Soldiers, by S. Patterson

WLB Ruling Favors Company on Principal Brewster Issue

UE Victory at Sperry Gyro Owed to Militant Stewards

Europe in Revolt,

Labor Unrest Stirs Cleveland

Sparks in the News, by Everett Weston

West Coast Aircraft Asks Pay Raise

[“Political Truce” in Britain]

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Press Action

Protests Prevent Closing of Training School for Negroes

Report from Our Society Reporter

Buy LA and NI in Detroit at –

U.S. Ambassador in Bolivia Sides with Tin Bosses vs Striking Workers, by R. Craine

What About It, Mr. Churchill? (cartoon), by Carlo

The Role of the Indian Ruling Class, by J.R. Johnson

India in Revolt

LaGuardia Treats Transit Workers of New York as Second-Class Citizens, by Susan Green


Job Freezing Order Double Menace for Negro Workers, by Harry Allen

Japan: Post-War Upsurge in Labor Movement, by Sylvia Merrill

Yes, We Can see –, by John Chamberlain, from New York Times

Buy LA and NI in Buffalo

Vol. 7 No. 2, 11 January 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

Food – Or Profits? by Gertrude Shaw

Another Blow at Free Press by Post Office

Four Freedoms for America! (cartoon), by Carlo

Negroes Sick of Words – and Promises, by Harry Allen

Local 719 Joins Flint and Brewster in Asking for End of No-Strike Pledge

Big Salaried Men Finance Boss Politics, by John Berne

Europe in Revolt,

Sperry Plans Shift Change, by W. Cliff

Sparks in the News, by Everett Weston

Notes from the West Coast Shipyards

Buy Labor Action in Mo. Philadelphia –

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Buy LA and NI in Detroit at —

The New Issue of New International Is Now on Sale!

Puerto Rican Masses Starve While Politicians Feud, by R. Craine

Wallace Debunked – His World Will Be Hunting Ground for $ Diplomacy, by Ernest Lund

Bait for the Hitler Trap

A Socialist India Is the Only Genuine Solution, by J.R. Johnson

Beveridge in Wall Street, by Daniel Bell, from New Leader

Etiquette – Boss Style


Printing Unions Hit Big Foe

Japan: Its Labor Movement and Class Action, by Sylvia Merrill

Vallejo Riots Raise Issue of Negro’s Status in Army

Vol. 7 No. 3, 18 January 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

Anti-Labor Congress Sessions Open, by John Berne

Carlo Tresca Murdered!

Another Blow for Freedom (cartoon), by Carlo

Post Office Allegations Jeopardize Free Press

Meat for the Few — Poison for the Many

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

A Letter from a Railroad Worker, from Railroad Fireman

Cleveland Jobs Frozen for 275,000 War Workers, by R. Leonard

Brewster Workers Voice Resentment Against WLB Decision at Meeting

Cleveland Transport Commission Tries Steal – Workers Can Resist Scheme, by B. O’Day

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Press Action

A Letter to the President of the Nat’l Association of Manufacturers

Two Scholars: One Born to the Purple, the Other Born a Slave, by David Coolidge

Washington Letter

A Socialist India Is the Only Genuine Solution, by J.R. Johnson

“All the News that’s Fit to Print”, by Victor Segundo

Next Week —

Epaulets in Russia


FEPC Hearings Scuttled, by Harry Allen

India: Reports Show New Crisis is Brewing, by R. Fahan

Sparks in the News, by Everett Weston

Vol. 7 No. 4, 25 January 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

Bosses Raise Profit 2420%, by John Berne

Equality of Sacrifice – OPA Version

Sperry Foists Staggered Shift on Men

Wage Raise Is Real Issue in Hard Coal Strike, by David Coolidge

Tresca Slaying Still Unsolved

More Merchants of Death: Anaconda Does a Repeat

John L. Silent (cartoon), [by Carlo]

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Pollard Pays Off to Stalinists in Shipyard Local 9

Big Business Plans Long Range Attack on Eight-Hour Day, by James Shea

Workers Take a Rap!

Carwile Denied Writ by Supreme Court

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Buy LA and NI in Cleveland —

Three Giants of the Revolution


Negro’s Road to Freedom Linked to Labor’s Fight, by Harry Allen

Ruml Plan: Its Purpose Is to Aid the Rich, by R. Fahan

Discrimination in New York

Sparks in the News, by Everett Weston

‘Friends of the Soviet Union’

Vol. 7 No. 5, 1 February 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

“Not Interested in Questions of Truth” Says P.O. Attorney

What Did FDR-Churchill Accomplish at Meeting

Time for a Labor Party! (cartoon), by Carlo

Resentment Spikes Sperry Staggered Shift Plan

WDL Sends Protest to Biddle

$-a-Year Men Infest Dep’t. of Agriculture as Hunger Looms and Wages Are Attacked, by Gertrude Shaw

Impounding of Diseased Bootleg Meat Fixes Light on Detroit Black Market, by V. Jensen

ILG Workers Seek Action on Wage Demands by Stoppage, by David Coolidge

Bosses Attack Local 719

Europe in Revolt,

Shipyard Local 9 Militants Put Pressure on Pollard

Cleveland Workers Answer Boss Attack with Widespread Series of Strikes

Buy LA and NI

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Press Action

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Ambitions Clash: North Africa, India, by Everett Weston

British Shop Stewards Gain New Strength, by Mike Stevens

Trotskyist Leaders Arrested in Belfast

Words – And Deeds, from The Nation

Memo to Post Office

Reaction to Churchill, from British New Leader

Russia: How Judge Stalin’s Role in This War? by R. Fahan


Sparks in the News, by Everett Weston

Vol. 7 No. 6, 8 February 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

An Editorial

It’s the Same Old Fight – Wages vs. Profits

Labor Presses National Drive for Higher Wages!

Bombshell in the ‘Arsenal of Democracy!’ (cartoon), by Carlo

State Department Ignores Anti-Semitism and Concentration Camps in North Africa, by R. Fahan

TWU Calls Rally on Transit Wage Issue, by Gertrude Shaw

Are You a Subscriber?

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Ship Local 9 to Elect Shop Stewards

Cleveland Stalinists Snipe at Labor Action, by F. McDermott

Cleveland Negroes Fight Jim Crow, by Mike Marlowe

Akron Beacon Scoops a Lie, by Mary Bell

Buy LA and NI

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

They Clash in Canada, Latin America, by Everett Weston

Washington Letter

25 Cents Will Bring


Miners: Facts and Figures on Mining Hazards, by V. Segundo

Sparks in the News, by Everett Weston

Standard Oil’s New Policy – and Patents!

Vol. 7 No. 7, 15 February 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

Measure These Against Wages

FDR Order Backs WLB Wage Chisel!

The Democratic Farce! (cartoon), by Carlo

Jim Crow Still Rules Industry, by Harry Allen

Now Is the Time to Form a Labor Party! by Susan Green

Railway Labor Gets Run-Around, by H.A.

No ‘Non-Whites’ Wanted

Europe in Revolt,

What’s in the Proposed Sperry Contract?

Wages Below Maintenance

Speakers at New York Transit Rally Offer Workers Little but Sympathy, by Gertrude Shaw

Our Society Reporter – On Love and Democracy

Los Angeles CIO Fights Mexican-Baiting by Police

Brewster Workers Will Get Short End in WLB Classification Procedure

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Buy LA and NI in Cleveland

Press Action

Unions Must Counteract Anti-Labor Propaganda in the Army, by John Berne

Good Neighborliness of Bosses Pays, by R. Craine

No Decision on Militant

In the Hunting Grounds of Europe, by Europacus

Important Notice!

Buy Labor Action


Youth: Capitalist Society Offers Them What? by R. Fahan

Sparks in the News, by Everett Weston

Verdict Expected Soon on Trotsky Murderer

WDL Wins New Trial for Popoff

Vol. 7 No. 8, 22 February 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

Bosses Wage War on Overtime Pay! by John Berne

There’s No 15% Limit on Increase in Profits! by Everett Weston

Facts and Fancies! (cartoon), by Carlo

Congress Bill to Draft Labor Really Hits at Unions, by Gertrude Shaw

Klan Mobilized Against Labor

Stalin Drops “Hint” on War Aims

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Ford Worker Writes to Sperry Brother, from Jim

CRDC to Support The Militant and Labor Action

Montgomery Hired by Auto Union as Its Consumer Representative

Appeal on Kelly Postal Conviction Before Minn. Supreme Court February 15

Guess Who?

Keesling, Selective Service Official, Threatens Induction of Strikers

“Natural Causes”

Attention Detroit-Flint Workers!

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

[The Question of Segregation], from Dallas News

The Liberal Weeklies

India in Revolt


Buy LA in Detroit at —

Buy NI in Detroit at —

Another Negro Lynched!

Some Would Have You Believe It’s Socialist But the British Lion Has a Loud Capitalist Roar, by Harold J. Laski, from New York Times Magazine

There Is Only One Solution – Socialism! by Ria Stone

An Editorial


Negroes Seek New Paths in Fight Against Jim Crow, by Harry Allen

Koestler: A Pathetic ‘Knight’ Who Lost His Armor, by R. Fahan

25 Cents Will Bring

Vol. 7 No. 9, 1 March 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

We Must Control Food Production! by Gertrude Shaw

Anti-Labor Bills Multiply

An Editorial

Hue and Cry over “Absenteeism” Covers Vicious Drive Against Labor, by Mike Stevens

Profits Not Restrained by Any Little Steel Formula, by Everett Weston

Rickenbacker – A Sinister Spokesman for Big Business

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Akron CIO Recalls Its WMC Members

Sperry Worker Answers for Union Brother, from Johnny

Long Beach Shipyard New and Tiny, but Its Bosses Know Anti-Labor Ropes

Buy LA and NI in No. Philadelphia

Baltimore Transit Workers Want Union Contract, by James O’Brien

Press Action

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Buy LA in Detroit at —

Buy NI in Detroit at —

Here Is a Fighting Political and Economic Program for Labor, Resolution adopted by the National Committee of the Workers Party

How Does a Workers’ Government Differ from a ‘Labor Government’, by Susan Green

India in Revolt


Socialism: Its Victory Must Be Labor’s Goal, by Ruth Stone

Sparks in the News, by Everett Weston

25 Cents Will Bring

Vol. 7 No. 10, 8 March 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

Pay Rates Must Go Up!

Militant Action Will Smash Anti-Labor Offensive!

Unlimited War Profits (cartoon), by Carlo

Phelps-Dodge Plant Struck for 24 Hours

Let Him Have It!

Florida Ku Klux Klan Uses Rickenbacker in Terror Campaign Against Citrus Workers, by Gertrude Shaw

1,000 New Subs for Labor Action by June!

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Col. Beukema Discusses the Stability of Capitalism

Popoff Released – WDL Defended Labor Militant

Army Retreats on Plan to Aid Big Arizona Cotton Growers, by V. Jensen

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Stalin Murders Two Leaders of the Jewish Working Class, by J. Jacoby

Why Workers Must Free Themselves from the Capitalist State, by Susan Green

Who Is This Man Rickenbacker and What Does He Stand For?


They Call It “Unprofitable” When Profits Go Up 57.4%

“Globaloney”: Vital Issues Lie Behind Luce ‘Humor’, by R. Fahan

Sparks in the News, by Everett Weston

Vol. 7 No. 11, 15 March 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

The Militant’s Mailing Rights Revoked!

Anti-Labor Gang Behind Scare on “Absenteeism”, by Susan Green

“Equality of Sacrifice” (cartoon), by Carlo

Facts Crush Stalin’s Lies on Socialists He Murdered

Only Workers Control Can End Chaos in Rationing and Price Fixing, by Gertrude Shaw

Are You One of the Many Labor Action Readers ...?

Workers Party Conference Gets Behind Labor Action Subs Drive

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

News from the Northwest, from B.D.

A Few Facts About China’ Missimo and Generalissimo, by John Berne

Risks Are Small – Profits High

Buy LA in Detroit at —

Buy NI in Detroit at —

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Press Action

The Victories of the “Red” Army and the Struggle for Socialism, by Max Shachtman

Out of the Pages of History – An Example of a Workers Government, by Susan Green

Who Is This Man Rickenbacker and What Does He Stand For? by Philip Warner

An Editorial

Postscripts to Casablanca, by V. Segundo

Workers Party Platform

Have You Read India in Revolt?

Candy Bars

Vol. 7 No. 12, 22 March 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

A Story with a Double Moral, by Susan Green

Coal Miners Ask $2 Wage Increase! by Mike Stevens

Our Tax Program: Soak the Rich! by Gertrude Shaw

Tax Bill Takes from “Have Nots” and Gives to the “Haves”, by John Berne

“Come and Get Me!”

Meeting on March 26 Will Protest Post Office Blow at Free Press

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Brewster Proves Action Gets Result

California CIO Fights Anti-Labor State Bill

Sperry Stalls on Contract

Interracial Club Gets Union Support in Anti-Discrimination Job Fight

Labor Action Distributors Are Back at Bethlehem Steel

Milan Workers Demonstrate

Buy LA and NI in Akron at —

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Step Up the Sub Drive!

J.P. Morgan Dies; Public Overwhelmed

My Stake in Capitalism, by Clock No. 3809

Anti-Poll-Tax Bill Getting Another Senate Run-Around, by M. Wilson

How the Soviet Government Worked Before Stalin Crushed It, by Susan Green

Seamen Receive Another Wage Cut


Sparks in the News, by Everett Weston

Stalinism: The Murder Machine Adds Two Victims, by R. Fahan

Let ’Em Eat Tallow! by Melvin Strong

Are You One of Many Labor Action Readers ...?

Vol. 7 No. 13, 29 March 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

Roosevelt Tries to Save His Wage Policy in Mine Dispute, by Mike Stevens

Labor Can Destroy WLB Wage Formula!

CIO Unions Map Political Campaign in Detroit

What Will Miners Do? (cartoon), by Carlo

Corporations Continue to Pile Up Big Profits While the WLB Keeps Labor’s Wages Down, by Everett Weston

On the Food Front, by Gertrude Shaw

Labor Party Is a MUST!

Local 9 Aims at Hodgson Yard Contract, by Vincent Queen

CIO-AFL Protest Beats California Bill

The Daily Worker and Phelps Dodge, by E.G.

Brewster Local Wins Victory

Facts Behind Guadalcanal Smear Against Merchant Seamen, by C.T. Wolfe

To Our Readers

Who Are the Betrayers in the House of Labor? by Bill Carpenter

St. Louis CIO Council Hits Ehrlich-Alter Executions

Buy LA and NI

Europe in Revolt,

Our Plan: Social Security Through Socialism, by John Berne

Workers’ Government Is FUNDAMENTAL Solution to Our Problems, by Susan Green

Shipbuilding Company Hikes Profit 100%


Sub Drive Picks Up in Second Week

Large Army? Political Motivations Behind the Program, by R. Fahan

Sparks in the News, by Everett Weston

George Whiteside

Vol. 7 No. 14, 5 April 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

What the Tax Squeeze Does to Your Wages, by John Berne

War Orders Allow Bosses 20% Profit! by David Coolidge

War Profits (cartoon), by Carlo

1942 Must Have Been a Bad Year for the Bosses of Bethlehem Steel

Mine Dispute Brings Issue of WLB-Roosevelt Wage Policy to a Head, by Mike Stevens

Negroes and Whites Call Demonstration in Detroit Against Jim Crow, Apr. 11, by Joseph Carter

Murray Local, UAW, Asks Premium Pay Restoration – Backs Miners’ Wage Fight

Protest Ban on Militant

News and Views from the Labor Front

Press Revives Harlem Atrocity Story Scare, by T.R. Cobb

Mexican Working Class Hit by High Prices – Strike Movements Increase, by G. Ordo

Federal Housing Administration Would ‘Dixie-ize’ Detroit Project, by Gene Dyer

To Our Readers

In Chicago

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Workers Party Activists’ Conference Maps Plans for Membership Recruitment Drive

Profits, Taxes, Prices Rise – But Wages Are Held Down, by Everett Weston

Protest Ehrlich-Alter Murder, by Susan Green

Buy LA and NI in Akron at ―

India in Revolt


Subs Drive Gains Momentum

Sparks in the News, by Everett Weston

Text of Garrett’s Speech Hitting Post Office Ban

Hard to Understand

Vol. 7 No. 15, 12 April 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

Wage Raises Remain the Fundamental Need – Beware of “Incentive Pay”! by David Coolidge

What is the Issue in “Grade Labelling”? by P. Robal

Mine Union Official Quits WLB, by Mike Stevens

More Merchants of Death: U.S. Steel Profits by Supplying Defective Plates for Ships, by Paul Berne

When It Comes to Profits “Take-Home” Is Plenty Big, by Everett Weston

Ehrlich-Alter Protest Hounds Stalinists, So – Browder Manufactures a Few Lies, by Philip Warner

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

In Chicago

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Puerto Rico: The India of the United States, by V. Segundo

Stalin Government Is Not a Workers’ Government, by Susan Green

Strike at Chrysler


Subs Drive Hits Stride

Giraud: Allied Whitewash Is Strictly Ersatz, by R. Fahan

Vol. 7 No. 16, 19 April 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

Labor Can Melt the Wage Freeze!

10,000 In Demonstration Against Jim Crow

Over 100 Subs Last Week! Let’s Keep It Up!

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

“Administrators” Lay Plans to Crush European Revolution, by Europacus

Puerto Rico and the New Deal, by V. Segundo

Draft Compels Mothers to Become Bread-Winners: Wanted! Day Nurseries, Not Advice! by Rhea James

India in Revolt


200 Attend Workers Party Forum on National Question

The Arabs: Atlantic Charter Voided for Them, by R. Fahan

Get the May Day Issue

Vol. 7 No. 17, 26 April 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

For a Labor Declaration of Political Independence

Now More Than Ever (cartoon), by Carlo

Celebrate May Day by Getting Those Subs!

News and Views from the Labor Front

“Letters of Release”: A New Runaway Slave Act, by E. Lund

Shachtman Opens Series of 5 Lectures on the War

Negroes – the War – Jobs – and Democracy, by D.C.

May Day Is a World-Wide Tradition of Labor!

Chi. Labor Unions Fight Formation of State Militia

Three Years of the Workers Party and Labor Action: Join Us in the Fight for Socialism! by Max Shachtman

Trotskyist Victims of Stalinist and Fascist Reaction: We Pay Tribute to Our Many Martyrs in the Cause of Liberty, by R. Craine

A May Day Program for American Labor: Class Militancy, Political Action – These Are the Order of the Day, by David Coolidge

Greatest Empire in History Is Collapsing, by A.A.B.

Have You Your Copy of India In Revolt?

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Michigan CIO Protestsd Murder of Ehrlich-Alter

West Coast Pine Workers Roused by WLB Edict, by Donald McDonald

Skirmishes Mark Ford Relations with Workers

Chicago Unionists Protest Ehrlich-Alter Executions

Mexico Unions Ask Wage Boost to Meet Prices

Something Can Be Done About Prices, by Frances Michaels

Why Is Meat Expensive and Scarce? We’ve Found the Key to the Answer! by P. Robal

Absenteeism Figures Can and Do Lie, by Everett Weston

Yes, It Takes an Expert!

Our Platform Is the Program of Socialism!

An Editorial

Vol. 7 No. 18, 3 May 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

The Coal Miners are Right! by David Coolidge & Mike Stevens

An Editorial

The Only Way to Lick Him! (cartoon), by Carlo

Sub Drive at Its Half-Way Mark – 500 In, 500 More to Go by June 15! by Henry Coleman

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Europe in Revolt,

The Reasons Behind the Russian-Polish Break Have Little to Do with Smolensk Corpses, by Max Shachtman

Puerto Rico Starves for Democracy, by V. Segundo

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green


Save Us from These Noble “Friends of the Negro”, by J.R. Johnson

The Future: Expert Predicts Mass of Jobless, by Albert Gates

Figures and Fictions

Vol. 7 No. 19, 10 May 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

Are the Miners Being Double-Crossed?

Good for You, Aircraft Workers

News and Views from the Labor Front

Socialist Spirit Marks May Day and Third Anniversary Celebration of Workers Party and Labor Action

Two Coal Strikes: What We Can Learn – United States, 1943 – Britain, 1926, by A.A.B.

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Hollywood Face-Lifters Make a Lend-Lease Offering to Stalin, by R. Fahan

Typical, from The Nation

Keep the Sub Drive Moving Forward! by Henry Coleman


Workers Party Platform

This Is Genuine Labor Solidarity with the Miners, from Aero-Notes

P.O. Commits New Outrage

The Miners Are Determined to Win – Their Fight Is Your Fight!

Many Union Locals Back Miners’ Cause

On the Strike and the “Men at the Front”

The Strike-Breakers

To Our Readers

Vol. 7 No. 20, 17 May 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

Prices: Miners’ Wage Struggle Brings Issue to a Head! by Albert Gates

An Editorial

‘Democracy’ in Operation! (cartoon), by Carlo

5,000 Detroit Workers Hit Wage Freeze

Let the Bosses, Their Press and Their Stooges Howl – It Is Labor’s Duty to Give the Miners 100% Support, by David Coolidge

Chicago, Buffalo, Detroit Lead Drive! by Henry Coleman

Next Week: 2 Pages on Mission to Moscow

News and Views from the Labor Front

Delegates at UAW Conferences Reject Incentive Pay Plan

Boss Delegation at UE Conference Satisfied – But Workers Are Not

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Puerto Rico Starves for Democracy, by V. Segundo

Sparks in the News, from Wall Street Journal & The Nation


The WLB: Labor Leaders Must Get Off the Board! by Susan Green

Vol. 7 No. 21, 24 May 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

An Editorial

What Does the Extension of the Mine Truce Mean? by David Coolidge

For the Fifth Time! (cartoon), by Carlo

W.P. Letter Protests Winchell Item, by Albert Gates

Negroes, Whites Stand Together in Sun Ship

We Are 106 Subs Nearer Our Goal, by Henry Coleman

You Can Get Extra Copies of Pages Three and Four

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Mission to Moscow Is a Monstrous Fraud, by Albert Gates

Producers of Mission to Moscow Contribute to a Frame-Up

How the Film Falsifies the Record, by R. Craine

Mission to Moscow (cartoon)

Mr Davies – Lawyer and Whitewasher, by Susan Green

Hollywood Does a Re-Take on the War, by A.A.B.

Out of Stalin’s Own Mouth

The Whitewash Is Beginning to Wear Thin Under Protest

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Puerto Rico: Which Way Towards Independence? by V. Segundo

Letter from a Ford Worker Answers Winchell Accusation, from A Member of Local 425

25 Cents Will Bring


Pamphlet Points at Scandal of “Jim-Crow in Uniform”, by J.R. Johnson

The War: FDR and Churchill in Fifth Conference, by Sam Adams

Churchill’s Stooges Get All of the Kicks – But No Credit

Have You Read India in Revolt?

A Sacred Right

Vol. 7 No. 22, 31 May 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

Workers Fight WLB!

“Hold the Line” Has Two Sides: One for Labor, One for Capital

News and Reports from the Labor Front

First-Hand Reports on Auto Workers’ Strike in Detroit

25 Cents Will Bring

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Stalin Announces ‘Dissolution’ of the Comintern

An Editorial

The Daily Scabber and the Akron Strike

Workers Party Platform

Subscription Drive Nears Smashing Climax, by Henry Coleman

Vol. 7 No. 23, 7 June 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

The Coal Miners Must Win! by David Coolidge

Wage Increases to Meet Cost of Living! (cartoon), by Carlo

No Formulas to Freeze Salaries of Big Business

FDR, Stalinists and Bosses Unite vs. Akron Workers

25¢ Prepaid Sub Cards Available!

Shachtman Will Discuss Stalintern Dissolution at New York Forum

News and Views from the Labor Front

Chicago Readers

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Legion Is No Place for Worker War Veterans, by Gertrude Shaw

Mission to Moscow Whitewash Peels

Filibuster Threatened in the Senate Against Anti-Poll Tax Bill, by T.R. Cobb

A Statement on the Stalintern

An Explanation


OPA “Rolls Back” Food Prices to 75% Increase, by Susan Green

Mr. Lerner: Ideas Are Weapons, But How Use Them, by A.A.B.

Have Your Read India in Revolt?

Vol. 7 No. 24, 14 June 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

Coup in Argentina Leaves Reactionaries Running the Country, by Henry Loring

Workers, Block Passage of Connally-Smith Bill! by Gertrude Shaw

An Editorial

Klan Responsible for Packard Trouble

Boss and Government Machinations Fail to Break Miners’ Strike, by David Coolidge

Sub Drive Over Top Ahead of Time, by Henry Coleman

Go and Do Likewise!

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Readers of Labor Action take the Floor ...

Polish Laborite Takes His Life to Focus Light on Murder of Jewish People

The Giraud-DeGaulle Maneuvers Will Yet Have to Reckon with the Restless French Proletariat

Int’l Food Conference a Fiasco, by Susan Green

Labor Action Book Service

Tresca Murderer Still at Large, by Albert Gates


NAACP Conference Demands Jim Crow Be Fought NOW!

Mr. Lerner: Ideas Are Weapons, But How Use Them? by A.A.B.

Get Subs for L.A. at Chicago’s Shachtman Meeting

The WLB Must Look into This

“True Democracy”

Vol. 7 No. 25, 21 June 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

What the Smith-Connally Bill Means to Labor Movement, by Mike Stevens

Workers, Fight Political Reaction! Build a Labor Party, by Albert Gates

Democracy on the Home Front (cartoon), by Carlo

Recent Events in Miners’ Struggle: What Is the WLB Up to Now? by David Coolidge

182 Subs in Week Hits New High! by Henry Coleman

News and Views on the Labor Front

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Generoso Pope: From Fascist to Democrat, by Mike Stevens

Sparks in the News, by Everett Weston

Labor Action Book Service

New Taxes on Labor – More Due to Come, by Gertrude Shaw

June N.I. Off the Presses


The Negro: Several Aspects of the WLB Decision, by W.F. Carlton

Miners Supported by Detroit LNPL

India in Revolt

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Vol. 7 No. 26, 28 June 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Emanuel Garrett

Nationalize the Mines Under Workers Control!

All Workers Must Unite Against Jim-Crow Terror, Statement of National Committee of the Workers Party

“Patriotism” & Treason! (cartoon), by Carlo

The Massacre in Detroit, by T.R. Cobb

Drive Over the Top – 1214 Subs!

News and Views from the Labor Front

News of Miners’ Strike Taboo in Nazi Propaganda

Sparks in the News, by Everett Weston

Labor Action Readers, Please Note

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Race Discrimination – National Policy and Practice, by Albert Gates

Beaumont Bosses and KKK Behind Attack on Negroes, by W.F. Carlton

How the Navy and Standard Oil Did It: Tea Pot Dome at Elk Hills, by Henry Loring

Appointment of Wavell Means No Change at All in Britain’s India Policy

June N.I. Off the Press

How Big Business Suffers

We Need a Program for Action by the MOW, by David Coolidge

India in Revolt

Buy LA in Detroit at ―

Workers Party Platform

Vol. 7 No. 27, 5 July 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Albert Gates

Corporate Profits 18% Higher AFTER Taxes, by R. Craine

Workers Must Fight to Repeal Anti-Strike Bill

We Gotta Bear the Burden Equally! (cartoon), by Carlo

‘Nationalize the Mines’ – Must Be Miners’ Demand, by Max Shachtman

Yank Them Off!

UAW Should Organize Against the Klan, by Ben Hall

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Editor’s Comments

Mission to Moscow Given Duds by Writers’ Board

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...


Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Exposing More Merchants of Death – Shipowners’ Cost-Plus Piles Up, by Susan Green

The Ox-Bow Incident – A Movie Review, by Alfred Freeman

A Lot of the Elk Inside Boys Slid Down Elk Hills, by Henry Loring

The Low-Down on the Alter-Ehrlich Case via the Statler Bar


Alcoa Shipshaw Scandal Is a Picture of Monopoly at Work, by Sally Gorman

Argentina: A ‘Revolution,’ and a Few Lessons, by Sam Adams

Vol. 7 No. 28, 12 July 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Albert Gates

Anti-Labor Rickenbacker Cashes In: Nets $226,000, Did No Work

Food or Profits? by Gertrude Shaw

Keepin’ Us Flyin’ (cartoon), by Carlo

Sun Shipyard Election Puts CIO in Lead

Michigan State CIO Delegates Adopt Militant Program Against No-Strike Pledge, For Labor Party, by George Baker

Randolph Opposes March on Capital

News and Views from the Labor Front

Press Action

Keep Your Draft Card from Feeling Lonely!

Monopolies Set to Loot Billions in Public Property, by John Berne

Rickenbacker in Moscow! It Really Isn’t So Strange, by Walter Weiss

Stalin Sends Agents Here to Fool Jewish Workers and Whitewash Ehrlich-Alter Murder, by A. Jacoby

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Unity with Labor – the Only Hope for MOW, by Harry Allen


Not so Fast, Kremlin Joe!

Vol. 7 No. 29, 19 July 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Albert Gates

Plane Companies’ Profits Above Boom Year of 1929

Prices Are Rising! by Albert Gates

Exposing More Merchants of Death: Now It Is Curtiss-Wright, by Sam Adams

Utah Labor News for Labor Party

Cramp Ship Co. Refuses Union Negotiation

Reports Show Industrial Accidents Take Increased Toll of All Workers

AFL Shows Folly of Incentive Pay Schemes

Stalinists Become Allies of Boss Hague and Campaign Against Independent Labor Party

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Editor’s Comments

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Job Worry Behind the Race Problem, by Susan Green

New Stalinist Plans to Undermine Labor, by Max Shachtman

Giraud: Disciple of Roosevelt, by A.A.B.

Right Hand Doesn’t Know What the Left Does

We Like This Kind of Letter, from M.C.H.

O’Daniel, Texas Bourbon, Demands Sixty-Hour Week

A Word to Our Reader-Correspondents


Imported Jamaican Laborers Work Under Peon Conditions, by R. Craine

China: A ‘Poor’ Relation in the ‘Big Four’, by Ria Stone

No Wage Increases for Low Income Labor Since Pearl Harbor

Vol. 7 No. 30, 26 July 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Company in New York City

Albert Gates

The Facts on Profits, Salaries and your Wages, by Sam Adams

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Editor’s Comment

Labor Action Book Service

The Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Giraud: Disciple of Roosevelt – II, by A.A.B.

Congressman Engel Discovers Profiteers; They are the Workers, He Avers, by Gertrude Shaw

“Clever” Labor Politics in New Jersey, by Walter Weiss

New Stalinist Plans to Undermine Labor, by Max Shachtman

Gentlemen Farmers with Smooth Hands


Facts and Figures Behind the Fight of the Coal Miners, by Eugene Vaughn

Italy: What About Signor Mussolini’s Régime, by Chris Sikokis

Time Out for Tears, by H.L.

Vol. 7 No. 31, 2 August 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Fascism Falls – Revolution in Italy Has Begun

Shipbuilding Companies in Union-Wrecking Drive

Moral: Break the Chain! (cartoon), by Carlo

FDR’s Attorney General Indicts Thirty Miners at Pittsburgh

Labor and a ‘Cost-Plus’ Wage

News and Views from the Labor Front

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor

25 Cents Will Bring

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

The Frame-Up Against Kelly Postal, by James T. Farrell

ALP Trade Unions Confer in New York

Labor Wants Action – Wallace Gives It Soothing Syrup, by W.F. Clayton

Negro People Are Still in Danger, by W.F. Carlton

A Pussyfooting Labor Leader: Murray and Incentive Pay, by Walter Weiss

Vol. 7 No. 32, 9 August 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Workers’ Power – The Way Out for the Italian Masses, by M.S.

Harlem Negroes Protest Jim Crow Discrimination, by W.F. Carlton

Fight the Squeeze Play (cartoon), by Carlo

WLB Rejects Ship Workers Pay Rise, by Ernest Lund

Wages and Rail Profits, by Gertrude Shaw

Labor and a ‘Cost-Plus’ Wage

News and Views from the Labor Front

Stalinists Form Gangs Against Indian Freedom, from New Leader (London)

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor

Henry Ford versus Karl Marx, by Susan Green

Here Is the Suppressed OWI Report on Living Conditions in Mining Areas

The Meaning of Italian Fascism, by Sam Adams

Diplomat Davies Knocks Himself Out

Democracy in Portugal

Have You Read India in Revolt?

Keep your Draft Card from Feeling Lonely


Vol. 7 No. 33, 16 August 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Italian Workers Strike to End War and Oust King, by Sam Adams

What Is Cost-Plus? by Max Shachtman

Union Labor Must Lead the Fight for Negro Rights, by W.F. Carlton

No “Little Steel” Limits for Profits

‘Would the WLB Do This for $6.58 a Day?’ – Miner

Stalinists Get a Licking in ALP N.Y. City Election Primaries

News and Views from the Labor Front

Shachtman Speaks at N.Y. Meeting on Italian Events

The Editor’s Comments

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor

In Memory of Trotsky’s Death: World Socialism Follows His Teachings, by Albert Gates

Fascism and the N.Y. Times, by Jim Sikokis

Negro Life à la Hollywood, by R. Fahan

A Guide to Socialism, by Henry Loring

’Tis a Sad Tale – Or, How the Rich Do Suffer

Savoy, Take Note!

Elk Hills Crime


Italian Workers Blaze Path for European Revolution, by A.A.B.

Vol. 7 No. 34, 23 August 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Crucial Problems Facing Workers at UAW Convention, by Albert Gates

A Cost-Plus Wage! by Max Shachtman

New Wage Attacks Planned by Congress in ’44 Tax Bill, by Gertrude Shaw

Italian Workers in General Strike

Chrysler Workers, Take Notice!

Profits – and More Profits!

Someone Tell Mr. Wallace

News and Views from the Labor Front

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Coming Attractions

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor


FDR and Winnie in Reunion at Quaint Quebec, by Alfred Freeman

Whitewashing the Detroit Massacre, by Robert Klein

The Spanish Hellhole of “Duce” Franco, by G. Ordo

A War Prison Camp Life Can Be a Beautiful thing, by H.L.

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Well, Here It Is ―, by R. Fahan

Passports for Vichy, by S.G.

Ex-SWP-ite Lambastes Cannonites: Young Militant Joins Workers Party

Problems Before UAW Workers ―

Vol. 7 No. 35, 30 August 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

UAW Convention Faces Issue of No-Strike Pledge, by Albert Gates

FDR Strikes at Labor Through WLB and Draft, by Sam Adams

The Allied-Russian Crisis

Quebec Meeting on Allied Plans

20 Million Will Be Jobless, by Susan Green

News and Views from the Labor Front

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Press Action

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor

Coming Attractions ―

What Labor Day ’43 Means to the Workers, by Carl Davis

Bosses Get Preferential Treatment, by Gertrude Shaw

Byrns Makes a Report on the War Economy, by Robert Klein

Why the Capitalist System Won’t Work, by Ernest Lund

A Spokesman for the Chamber of Commerce

Brewster Strike!


Big Business Backed Fascism, by Jim Sikokis

Urges German Labor to Follow Italian Example

A Few Pertinent Questions to the Editor of The Militant

Rickenbacker Lauds Slavery of Russian Workers; Would Like Sames Conditions for American Labor

Vol. 7 No. 36, 6 September 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

War Profits Increase to $8,600,000,000! – All Time Record Above ’29 Boom

Anti-Labor Forces Plan to Bar All Strike Votes, by Sam Adams

Churchill Speech Does Not Alter Allied-Russian Crisis

Incentive Pay and the UAW Convention, by Albert Gates

First-Hand Story of the Brewster Strike: Workers Hit Union-Busters

Sperry Workers, Take Note!

News and Views from the Labor Front

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Company War Frauds on Rise, Says Biddle

Hull-Welles Conflict and the Liberals, by Robert Klein

How the Government Serves Its Class: Holding the Price Front Against Labor, by Walter Weiss

United Nations Policy Dooms European Jews, by Joe Leonard

Canadian Labor Wins Election Victory, by Mike Stevens

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

War Labor Board Again Rejects Mine Contract


23,500,000 Will Be Jobless, by Susan Green

ALP Rejects Independent Campaign Juggling Figures on Cost of Living, by Stanley Holland

Prisoners for Profits!

From an FSA Project in Southeast Missouri, by R.

Coming Attractions

Vol. 7 No. 37, 13 September 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Browder and “Speed-Up” Engineer Join Hands for Incentive Pay Scheme, by Sam Adams

Italian Labor Must Gain Its Freedom!

Young Soldier Jailed for Opposing Army Jim Crow, by Morris Milgrim

How the Wage Freeze Works for Big Business

Miners Tried as Criminals Under Smith-Connally Bill, by John Berne

Southern %#8216;Democracy’

The Struggle for Power in the UAW, by Albert Gates

Labor Draft Is Workers’ Slavery

The Editor’s Comments

News and Views from the Labor Front

Europe in Revolt, by Europacus

Need of Negro Housing in Baltimore

Press Action

Big Business Enslaves Bolivian Masses, by Reva Craine

A Genuine Socialist Program for Post-War Unemployment, by Susan Green

Who Will Save the European Jews? by Robert Hart

Index on Cost of Living

What Is the Real Purpose of Stalin’s “Free Germany” Committee? by R. Fahan

An Editorial Statement

Still Defending the British Empire, by A.A.B.

Vol. 7 No. 38, 20 September 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

What’s Happening to Our Shipbuilders Union? An Open Letter to Pres. Green, from Old Timer from Camden

War Enters Its Fifth year – Socialism Is the Way Out!

Stalinists Play Boss Politics in U.E. Meet; Reject Progressive Union Program for Labor, by Stanley Holland

Two Sides to Cost-Plus, Or, a Story on Profits

Price Rollback by OPA Is a Grand Farce

GOP “Diplomats” at Work, by Henry Loring

Anti-Labor Congress Opens New Session

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

September N.I. Is Out Now!

In the Name of Inequality

Censorship Hides Truth About Europe, by Ria Stone

To the Wives of Union Men! What the Labor Movement Signifies, by Susan Green

Sen. Truman Hits Back at N.Y. Times, by Carl Davis

FEPC Program No Aid to Negro Labor, by W.F. Carlton

A ‘Democratic’ Colonel

Plenty for All Goes Over Well

Next Week ―

The Fight for National Independence of Italy Still Has to Be Won, by R. Fahan

Glenn L. Martin Company Makes Good, by Eugene Vaughan

What Class in Russia Owns the Nationalized Property? by Max Shachtman

War Politics and the Second Front

Vol. 7 No. 39, 27 September 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

What Major Tasks Face Trade Union Conventions? by David Coolidge

Workers Must Organize Now to Fight Labor Draft!

A Hundred Per Cent Tax on War Profits Would Answer Those Vultures in Big Business

Militant Program Needed, Says Akron Labor Writer, by John C. Green, from Summit County Labor News

Next Week ―

A Report on the Convention of the UERMW, by Stanley Holland

Starvation in India Result of British Rule

News and Views from the Labor Front

The Editor’s Comments

American Jewish Conference Reveals Terrible Plight of World Jewry, by William Gorman

An “Episode” at Hillburn, by Dan Berger

Speech of Railroad Lawyer at FEPC Hearing Shows Up Hypocrisy of American Racial Policy, by W.F. Carlton

Fascism Is a Product of Capitalism, by Ernest Lund

Editor’s Note ―

Now, If Only We Didn’t Have to Pay Wages

How Roosevelt Interpreted and Supported the Smith-Connally Bill, by Walter Weiss

United States Circuit Court of Appeals Affirms “Minneapolis Trial” Verdicts

Lackawanna Housing Moguls Cause Race Dissension

Sparks in the News, by John Berne

South Africans Reject Equal Pay for Negro Soldiers

Vol. 7 No. 40, 4 October 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Greetings, Auto Workers! by Albert Gates

Workers Party Speaks to the Union Movement, by Max Shachtman

Bosses Have Billions in Reserve for Rainy Day

Ship Convention Muffs Vital Issues, by David Coolidge

Grumman Incentive Pay Plan Reveals Scheme to Rob Labor

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Work or Fight a New Type of Slavery, by Dan Berger

The Labor Unions Must Smash Jim Crow, by W.F. Carlton

N.Y. Times Lies About Puerto Rico, by Reva Craine

A Pamphlet Plugging for the Socialist Ideal, by Sam Adams

The UAW Licked the Piece Work and Speed-up Systems Long Ago, by Mike Stevens

On the Question of Russian Morale, by Max Shachtman

What Is Happening to the AMG? by R. Fahan

389,000,000 People in Revolt

Vol. 7 No. 41, 11 October 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Labor Faces 10% Sales Tax, by Sam Adams

The Double Standard ... (cartoon), [by Carlo]

Meat Packers’ Profits Soar

Los Angeles Car Strikers Get Another Run-Around

Mass Strikes in Britain, by John Berne

What the Brewster Decision Means – Union Security Endangered by WLB

Next Week ―

Kentucky Labor in Unity Move, by Roy Gould

News and Views from the Labor Front

World News, by Europacus

The Case of the Yellow Truck and Coach Co., by Leon Gordon

“The Masters” at Work: “Unions Face Growing Regulation”, by W. White

Same Junkers Same Old Junk Same Old Bunk, from Mine Workers Journal

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

A Record of the Anti-Labor Decisions of the War Labor Board, by Walter Weiss

On the Question of Russian Morale, by Max Shachtman

Statement of Workers Defense League on the Soldiers Jailed for Protesting Jim Crow in the Army

Labor Action Subscribers, Please Note!

Vol. 7 No. 42, 18 October 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

A First-Hand Account of the UAW Convention: Auto Workers Discuss Vital Union Issues, by David Coolidge

Bureaucrats and Bosses Cause Manpower Muddle

Labor Herald Declares – NLRB ‘Is Anti-Union’

Milk Drivers Get “Sick” of WLB Firing Decision, by Gertrude Shaw

OPA Rollback Is a Big Farce, by Walter Weiss

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

A Phoney “Era of the Common Man”, by Susan Green

This is Labor’s Own Problem, by W.F. Carlton

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

A Greek King by the Grace of Churchill, by Mike Stevens

How Shall Ex-Servicemen Organize? by R. Fahan

The Case of Sgt. Alton Levy, by Reva Craine

On What Class Owns Russian Property, by Max Shachtman

Report on the AFL Convention

Vol. 7 No. 43, 25 October 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

17,000 Cramp Shipyard Workers Strike! Fight company Anti-Union Drove; Demand Contract, by Philadelphia Reporter

Coal Miners Walk Out; Fight WLB Run-Around, by Gertrude Shaw

‘We’re in Bad Shape’ – A Sharecropper Writes, from John Jones

Pressing Union Problems on Floor at 63rd Annual Meeting of AFL, by Susan Green

The Progressives at the UAW Convention, by Max Shachtman

News and Views from the Labor Front

Two Speeches by Auto Workers

Progressive Resolutions Submitted to the Convention of the UAW

Indiana NMU Ship Workers Seek Transfer to IUMSW, by Roy Gould

Wages Are Poor Reward for Labor, by Albert Gates

FEPC Has Failed – Committee Appointed by Labor Needed, by W.F. Carlton

Big Business Wants Profit Incentive, by Dan Berger

Sparks in the News, by John Berne

Some Notes on the Jewish Question, by Jesse Karen

India Starves While Allies Talk “Freedom from Want” by Alfred Freeman

Britain–USA: Rivals Fight over Share of Post-War Profits, by Carl Davis

The Chinese Exclusion Act: FDR “Acknowledges” Mistake, by Harry Young

A “Dreyfus Case” in Palestine, by William Gorman

Vol. 7 No. 44, 1 November 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Congress Out to Soak Workers with 10% Sales Tax: New Tax Plan Is Wage Cut for All Workers, by Gertrude Shaw

WLB Again Turns Down Miners’ Wage Demands, by David Coolidge

Getting It from all Sides (cartoon), by Carlo

Indian Famine Spreading to Whole Nation, from India Today

Juggling the Cost of Living, by Walter Weiss

Russian Demands Before Three Power Conference, by Sam Adams

Labor Action Subscribers, Please Note!

Next Week ―

News and Views from the Labor Front

Presenting the Record of the WLB as an Anti-Labor Body

Management-Labor Committee: ‘ They’ a Speed-Up Device’, by Freda Kirchwey, from The Nation

Three Cent Increase Does Not Meet Needs of Sperry Workers, by Rocco

World Events, by Europacus

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor

Greek Leaders ‘Disappear’ in Cairo, by Chris Sikokis

WDL Answers Army in Levy Case

Badoglio Tells His Thoughts on Democracy, by Carl Davis

Report Wealthy Fascist Behind Hillburn School Jim Crow Case

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Issues in the Faction Struggle at the Auto Workers’ Convention, by David Coolidge

A Conversation Piece – Two Workers Discuss Russia, by Bill Jones

History of Chinese Exclusion Act, by Dan Berger

Vol. 7 No. 45, 8 November 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

The Answer to FDR: Nationalize the Mines and Railroads! Build an Independent Labor Party!

Dividing the Spoils in Moscow, by Max Shachtman

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Report on Successful Convention Held by the Workers Party, Local New York

Gathering the Facts About In Fact, by Gertrude Shaw

On Comptroller Warren’s Ruling – How He Strangled the FEPC, by W.F. Carlton

WDL Continues Fight for Alvin Levy

Anti-Semitism on the March, by William Gorman

Earl Browder Champions Incentive Pay, by Albert Gates

Fighting Labor Conscription, from Labor


Some Final Observations on the Auto Workers’ Convention, by David Coolidge

Air Power: A Struggle Over Who Will Control the Air, by Stanley Grey

Famine Widespread in India, from British New Leader

See Next Issue

Early Returns Show GOP Sweep in State Elections

Georgia City to Enforce Work or Fight Law

Vol. 7 No. 46, 15 November 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Business Lies About Its Profits

Miners’ Victory Shows the Way, by Walter Weiss

Stalin Finds a New “Hero” for Russia, by Max Shachtman

Incentive Plan Smuggled in at Continental

In Face of a Congressional Smear Attack: Brewster Local President Defends His Union

Lebanon Fights for Its Freedom

CIO Convention Fights for Higher Wages; Refrains from Endorsement of FDR 4th Term, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

Congress Prepares Tax on Low Income Groups

Negro Seabees Dismissed for Protesting Jim Crow

A New By-Product of the War, by V. Jensen

A Japanese Puppet in the Making

New York Times Reads Twixt the Lines on Moscow Agreement, by H.Y.

Detroit’ Election: A Continuation of the June Race Riots, by T.R. Cobb


Workers Party of New York Celebrates: The Greatest Event in History

India: Britain Responsible for the Famine, by Stanley Grey

Greeks Fight Rule of King, by Tom Tanakos

Louisville Butchers Vote to Strike

WDL Demands Levy Court Record

Kentucky Miners Set a Smart Example for Labor

Vol. 7 No. 48, 22 November 1943 [should be No. 47]
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Workers Defense League Obtains Levy Release

Lobbies Fight Ceilings as OPA Price Control Flops

The Airplane Lobby at Work: A New Brewster Scandal

UAW Local 501 Attacks Vinson Hearings

Roosevelt’s New Plans for Subsidies and Investigations Won’ Stop Food Profiteers, by Gertrude Shaw

Buffalo Local, UAW, for Support of Brewster Union, from John Maturski

Note Their Salaries – They Oppose Wage Boosts

WLB Calls for “Big Stick” Against Workers, by Walter Weiss

AFL and CIO Conventions Fumble Problem of Unionizing Women, by Susan Green

Resolution of Buffalo UAW Local 501, Backs Brewster Union

Carnegie-Illinois Steel Union Negotiating New Wage Contract

New Subs to L.A. Keep Coming In

Union News in Brief, by D.C.

Sperry Union Votes Undemocratic Constitution, by Rocco

Warren Ruling Upholds Race Discrimination, by W.F. Carlton

Analyzing the New York Elections: Independent Role – Only Hope for ALP, by R-C

The Newspaper PM Writes on Anti-Semitism, by Carl Davis

A Summary of the Detroit Elections, by Ben Hall


British and French Rivalry: Behind the Lebanon Events, by Europacus

India: Britain Responsible for the Famine, by Stanley Grey

Child Labor Law: Another War Casualty

Vol. 7 No. 49, 29 November 1943 [should be No. 48]
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

House Votes Price Boost, by Gertrude Shaw

1114 Miners Killed in Coal Accidents This Year

The Case of General Patton

“Civic” Leaders Provoke Anti-Negro Attacks, by Everett Weston

‘Fed-Up’ Men Go on Strike

WDL Continues Fight to Vindicate Levy

Court Refuses to Hear Minneapolis Case; Defense Attorney Goldman Issues Statement

New San Francisco Mayor Is a Big War Profiteer!

Hooray for British Democracy!

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Workers Party School Opens

De Gaulle, the Allies and the Press, by Sam Adams

British-French Rivalry in Lebanon, by Stanley Grey

Who Will Be the Builders of the New Germany? by Carl Davis

Lynn Jim Crow Case Up for Appeal, by Henry Loring


Politics and Food in Europe, by Dan Berger

Free Speech: The Post Office Goes “Righteous”

Dutch Fight Nazi Labor Draft, by Europacus

On the Detroit Elections, by Ben Hall

Vol. 7 No. 49, 6 December 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Steel Union Demands Raise, by Gertrude Shaw

UAW President Defends Brewster Local 365

Powers Clash at UNRRA Conference; Ignore Plight of Jews and India, by V. Jensen

British Workers March; Protest Mosley’s Release, by John Berne

Utility Scandal a Lesson for Labor, by Charles M. Kelley, from Labor

Landlords Up Income 31–42%

News and Views from the Labor Front

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

World Events, by Europacus

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor

Carnegie-Illinois Union Demands $2.00-a-Day Pay Increase

Comparing the Sperry Contract

A Negro Writer Portrays the Life of His People, by V. Jensen

Of Special Interest to Women, by Susan Green

Free French Make New Promises to Lebanese People, by Stanley Grey

Randolph Promises a New ‘Demarche’, by W.F. Carlton

Canol, New Standard Oil Scandal, by V.J.

Next Week ―


The Minneapolis CaseA Statement by James T. Farrell

Palestine: The Fruits of Britain’s Middle East Policy

A Tempest at Notre Dame, by Julian Stern

New York Readers! You Can Buy L.A.

Vol. 7 No. 50, 13 December 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Big Business Profits Up 12%! by Charles M. Kelley

Power Politics Dominate Allied Confabs, by Harry Young

Wooing and Winning Turkey

Action of Congress Moguls May Bar Soldier Vote

Lynn Case Up Before US Court of Appeals

Post-War Planning a Farce Without – The Thirty-Hour Week, by Susan Green

Rubber Workers Local 101 Holds Union Elections

Editor’s Comments, by Albert Gates

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Fire Insurance Lobby Has Allies in Washington, by Hildy Johnson

Reuther “Plans” for Peace Production, by V. Jensen

Business Barons Give Themselves “Incentive Pay”, by Leon Gordon

Are You Dry? – Here’s Why, by Gertrude Shaw


Michigan CIO Learned Little from the Detroit Elections, by Martin Harvey

War Costs: Labor Will Bear the Main Burdens, by Julian Stern

Statement on the Poll Tax

Famous Last Words ―

New York Readers! You Can Buy L.A.

Textile Union Wage Meet, by Mike Stevens

Vol. 7 No. 51, 20 December 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Profiteers Boost Prices, by Walter Weiss

NAM Maps Post-War Plans Against Labor, by Dan Berger

Southern Roads Defy FEPC on Jim Crow, by Marjorie Wilson

Supreme Court Denies Petition to Rehear “Minneapolis Case”

“Incentive Pay” Boomerangs: WLB Cuts Rates, by Stanley Grey

British Reject Aid to Famine-Stricken Indian People, by Sam Adams

Mass Action, by David Coolidge

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

Next Week ―

World Politics: The Low Art of High Diplomacy, by Leon Gordon

Negroes Must Fight for a Labor Party, by W.F. Carlton

Hope of Veterans Lies with the Labor Movement, by Hildy Johnson

FDR and His “Warless” World, by Gertrude Shaw

State Department Dooms Refugees, by William Gorman

The Inter-Allied Oil Conflict, by Paul Ullman

Sparks in the News, by John Berne

Georgia Justice

NAACP Asks Hull’s Help for Randolph to Speak

Louis Fischer Writes on India, from Asia magazine

New York Readers! You Can Buy L.A.

Great Britain’s Policy Incites Arab-Jewish Warfare in Palestine, by Jessie Kaaren

Vol. 7 No. 52, 27 December 1943
Labor Action
A Paper in the Interests of Labor
Published weekly by the Labor Action Publishing Association in New York City

Albert Gates

Will the Soldiers Be Disfranchised in 1944 Elections?

Rail Labor Strike Vote Blasts the Wage Freeze

No Shortage of Profits for Big Meat Packing Firms

Mont’y Ward Union Fights for Free Press

Congress Eases Taxes on Rich: Who Will Pay Ten Billion? by Gertrude Shaw

Poor Edsel Ford Died Almost Penniless (satire)

Meeting Protests Jailing of “Minneapolis Case“ Defendants

Big Business Makes Plans for a “Free U.S.”, by Dan Berger

News and Views from the Labor Front

World Events, by Europacus

New York Readers! You Can Buy L.A.

Next Week ―

Labor Action Readers, Please Note

American Capitalists Embrace Fascism, by Susan Green

Lynn Case Decision by Court Due in Three Weeks

The Struggle for an Independent Labor Party in the U.S., Resolution of the Workers Party


Stalin Drops International

Why Unemployment Exists in the Capitalist System, by Everett Weston

Note on the OPA

Publications Index | Encyclopedia of Trotskyism | Marxists’ Internet Archive

Last updated on 11 July 2015